音乐 卡尔永远的神-Slow 的MP3下载


更新日期:2024-10-20 18:02:23




  1. 1、复制迅雷专用下载链接打开迅雷新建下载任务即可高速下载
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  3. 3、如果迅雷下载失败,电脑端请鼠标右键点击“HTTP下载地址”另存为下载MP3音乐
  4. 4、如果使用手机浏览器下载,请点击“HTTP下载地址”根据浏览器提示保存下载MP3文件
  5. 5、本站所有音乐MV均来自互联网搜集,版权为原作者所有,如有侵犯权益,请联系我们删除!



In the quiet of the morning light,
A melody that dances in the air so bright,
A jar of love, a heart that\'s full,
A story to tell, a love that\'s true.
You\'re the rhythm in the beat of my heart,
A melody that never falls apart,
In every note, a love so deep,
In every line, a love that\'s yours to keep.
Jar of love, filled with dreams and time,
A treasure trove of love that\'s all mine,
In every jar, a memory,
A love that\'s pure, a love that\'s free.
Underneath the stars, we dance and sway,
In the rhythm of the night, we find our way,
A jar of love, a promise made,
In every beat, our love is played.
As the moonlight casts its silver glow,
Our love is like a river, flowing slow,
In every jar, a tale untold,
A love that\'s strong, a love that\'s bold.
Jar of love, where hearts collide,
A symphony of love, where we abide,
In every jar, a future bright,
A love that\'s ours, a love that\'s right.
In the silence of the night,
Our love is like a guiding light,
A jar of love, a bond so tight,
A love that\'s true, a love that\'s right.
As the day breaks and the night fades,
Our love remains, it never wades,
In every jar, a love so grand,
A love that\'s ours, our Jar of Love.

爱好歌下载网分享 卡尔永远的神-Slow 的MP3音乐下载,好听的音乐播放下载。