音乐 Push Ups(Explicit)-Drake 的MP3下载


音乐名称:Push Ups(Explicit)-Drake
专辑名称:Push Ups (Explicit)
更新日期:2024-08-27 19:12:26



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好听的音乐:Push Ups(Explicit)-Drake

Push Ups (Explicit) - Drake
Lyrics by:Noel Cadastre/Aubrey Graham/Matthew Samuels

Composed by:Noel Cadastre/Aubrey Graham/Matthew Samuels

Produced by:Boi-1da/Fierce/Coleman/Noel Cadastre

Whoo Kid

I could never be nobody number-one fan
Your first number one I had to put it in your hand
You pussies can\'t get booked outside America for nan\'
你们这群家伙出了美国 掀不起任何波澜
I\'m out in Tokyo because I\'m big in Japan
而我已经在东京了 因为我在日本炙手可热
I\'m the hitmaker y\'all depend on
Backstage in my city it was friendzone
这个城市是我的地盘 我在这里朋友遍地
You won\'t ever take no chain off of us
How the **** you big steppin\' with a size-seven men\'s on
你本就不够强大 为何要打肿脸充胖子
This the bark with the bite nigga what\'s up
我不仅声势大 出手也毫不含糊 小子 不服吗
I know my picture on the wall when y\'all cook up
我知道你们在创作时 把我的照片钉墙上泄恨
Extortion baby whole career you been shook up
强取豪夺 你的职业生涯一直都不光彩
\'Cause Top told you
\"Drop and give me fifty\" like some push-ups huh
Your last one bricked you really not on ****
They make excuses for you \'cause they hate to see me lit
他们都给你找借口 因为他们不想看我爆火
Pull your contract \'cause we gotta see the split
把你的合同拿出来 我们得看看分成情况
The way you doin\' splits ***** your pants might rip
做这个夸张的动作 可能会出洋相
You better do that ************* show inside the bity
Maroon 5 need a verse you better make it witty
魔力红需要一段说唱 你最好写得精彩一点
Then we need a verse for the Swifties
Top say drop you better drop and give \'em fifty
大佬跟你讲过 最好放弃抵抗 接受惩罚
Pipsqueak pipe down
小子 安静点
You ain\'t in no big three SZA got you wiped down
你可不是三大说唱名将 SZA已经反超你了
Travis got you wiped down Savage got you wiped down
Like your label boy you in a scope right now
就像你签约的公司一样 你本人现在也身处风口浪尖
And you gon\' feel the aftermath of what I write down
I\'m at the top of the mountain so you tight now
现在我跻身第一梯队 你肯定紧张极了
Just to have this talk with your a*s I had to hike down
跟你交流 那算是我放下身段了
Big difference \'tween Mike then and Mike now
跟以前比起来 Mike现在简直脱胎换骨
What the **** is this a twenty-v-one nigga
What\'s a prince to a king
He a son nigga
他不过是国王的子嗣而已 小子
Get more love in the city that you from nigga
在你的故乡 我反而更受欢迎
Metro shut your ho a*s up and make some drums nigga
Metro 闭嘴吧 还是闷声做音乐为好
Yeah I\'m the 6ix God I\'m the frontrunner
我就是6ix God 我是说唱圈的领跑者
Y\'all nigga manager was Chubbs lil\' blunt runner
你们的领头人是Chubbs 不过他名不见经传
Claim the 6ix and you boys ain\'t even come from it
你们声称自己来自6ix God团队 其实都是骗人的
And when you boys got rich you had to run from it
等你们有钱了 以前的关系你们巴不得撇清呢
Cash blowin\' Abel bread out here trickin\'
你挥金如土 着实荒唐
Out here trickin\'
**** we do for ******* he doin\' for niggas
我们为自己打拼 他却为别人卖命
What the ****
Jets whips chains wicked wicked wicked
豪车 项链 尽显奢华
Wicked wicked
Spend it like you tryna **** boy you trippin\' boy you trippin\'
你挥霍无度 小子 真是疯了
Drizzy Chip \'n Dale probably got your ***** Chanel
Drizzy和Chip \'n Dale可能会用香奈儿包包搞定你女友
I just got \'em done boy don\'t make me have to chip a nail
而我刚做完指甲 别逼我动手
Rolling Loud stage y\'all were turnt that was slick as hell
你们都来支持Rolling Loud的演出了 真是热闹
****\'ll probably change if your BM start to kiss and tell
如果你的前任开始曝光你的私事 那就麻烦了
Hugs and kisses man don\'t tell me \'bout no switches
跟我亲热一下 亲爱的 别跟我说你变心了
I\'ll be rockin\' every ******* chain I own next visit ayy
下次见你时 我会把珠宝都戴上给你长长眼
I be with some bodyguards like Whitney
像Whitney一样 我身边也有保镖
Top say drop your little midget a*s better *******
大佬说你这种无名小卒 还是乖乖听话为好
Ayy better drop and give me fifty ayy
Drop and give me fifty drop and give me fifty ayy
Niggas really got me out here talkin\' like I\'m 50 ayy
在兄弟们的呼声中 我以前辈的身份传授经验
Niggas really got me out here rappin\' what I\'m livin\'
在兄弟们的呼声中 我用说唱诉说自己的生平
I might take your latest girl and cuff her like I\'m Ricky
我可能会俘获你的新女友 把她留在身边
Can\'t believe he jumpin\' in this nigga turnin\' fifty
不敢相信他也参与其中了 毕竟他都年近五十了
Every song that made it on the chart he got from Drizzy
Spend that lil\' check you got and stay up out my business
你那微薄的收入还是用在刀刃上吧 别掺和我的事情
Nigga shout out to the hooper that be bustin\' out the griddy
We know why you mad nigga I ain\'t even trippin\'
我们知道你为何气急败坏 小子 不过我根本不在意
All that lil\' heartbroken Twitter **** for *******
那些在网上发泄负面情绪的人 我根本不屑一顾
This for all the top dogs drop and give me fifty drop drop
这首歌送给那些说唱名将 尽情展现实力吧
And that ******* song y\'all got did not start the beef with us
This **** been brewin\' in a pot now I\'m heatin\' up
我积怨已久 现在终于可以爆发了
I don\'t care what Cole think that Dot **** was weak as ****
我不在乎J. Cole的看法 Dot的作品也十分差劲
Champagne trippin\' he is not ******* easin\' up
他一直灯红酒绿 却未减轻丝毫压力
Nigga callin\' Top to see if Top wanna peace it up
兄弟请来大佬 想看看能不能平息这场冲突
\"Top wanna peace it up
Top wanna peace it up\"
Nah p***y now you on your own when you speakin\' up
懦夫 你发声时孤立无援
You done rolled deep to this it\'s not ******* deep enough
你带了一大群人过来 不过阵势还不够强大
Beggin\' Kai Cenat boy you not ******* beatin\' us
只能求助Kai Cenat了 小子 你根本打不过我们
Numbers-wise I\'m out of here you not ******* creepin\' up
我已经远远甩开你了 你根本无法赶超
Money-wise I\'m out of here you not ******* sneakin\' up
我的资产你也比不了 赶超就更不可能了
Cornball your show money merch money fee to us
你太做作 你的收入对我来说微不足道
I\'ma let you niggas work it out because I seen enough
我会让你们自己解决问题 毕竟这种情况我见多了
This ain\'t even everything I know don\'t wake the demon up
我知道的可不止这么多 别激发我心底的邪念
This ain\'t even everything I know don\'t wake the demon up
我知道的可不止这么多 别激发我心底的邪念
Drop and give me fifty all you **** niggas teamin\' up
尽情展现实力吧 毕竟你们想联合起来对付我
What top five you smokin\' on Kendrick
Mmm mmm yeah

Drop drop drop drop
Drop a fifty bag for the mob in the spot
Drop a fifty bag twenty-nine for the thot
Uh I was really really tryna keep it PG
我真想努力控制局面 结果未能如愿

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