音乐 Skin Deep(Stripped)-郑亚当Anton 的MP3下载


音乐名称:Skin Deep(Stripped)-郑亚当Anton
专辑名称:New Retro 新城旧叙 (3周年纪念版)
更新日期:2024-02-13 01:08:23




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好听的音乐:Skin Deep(Stripped)-郑亚当Anton

作词:郑亚当Anton Zachary
作曲:郑亚当Anton Zachary
演唱:郑亚当Anton Zachary
编曲:郑亚当Anton Zachary
制作:郑亚当Anton Zachary
Have you ever thought about the magic,supernatural 在你评判我的外貌,身型前
Before you judged my body,my shape and my face 是否想过魔法与超自然可能存在
What if I cast a spell on you 如果我对你施咒
And next time the way you look at me would be so fascinated by me 下次再见我时 你的眼中便全是我的身影
You will renege because of me 你会因我而食言
I would like to cast a spell on myself 我要对自己施咒
I’m bewitching from head to toe 从头到脚 我将脱胎换骨
Don’t really care whatever it takes 无论付出任何代价
You can’t get me out of your head 你的大脑将始终全是我的身影
With this ominous goat 以不祥的山羊头啊
I summon another soul 吾召唤另一个灵魂
That’s unvanquishable 一个无法被消灭的灵魂
Be still until I recall 唯吾能撤销咒语
Beauty is only skin deep but one heart shows itself in true color 美貌肤浅 但一颗心会在它面前显露本色
Beauty is only skin deep 美貌肤浅
Beauty is only skin deep 美貌不过是肤浅的东西
Waves of flattery flow into my mind 太多阿谀奉承涌入我脑海
Under a calm exterior hiding a burning heart 淡定从容的外表下暗藏一颗欲火狂燃的心
I’ve been thinking ‘bout how stone cold you looked before 我在想你之前对我是多么地冷漠
I’m gonna cast a spell on you 我将对你施咒
And next time the way you look at me would be so captivated by me 下次再见我时 你的眼中便全是我的身影
Cuz you believe in what you see 因你只相信你所看到的
I’m gonna cast a spell on myself 我将对自己施咒
I’m bewitching from head to toe 从头到脚 我将脱胎换骨
Don’t really care whatever it takes 无论付出任何代价
You can’t deny that part of me 你无法再否认我曾经的痛处
With this ominous goat 以不祥的山羊头啊
I summon another soul 吾召唤另一个灵魂
That’s unvanquishable 一个无法被消灭的灵魂
Be still until I recall 唯吾能撤销咒语
Beauty is only skin deep but one heart shows itself in true color 美貌肤浅 但一颗心会在它面前显露本色
Beauty is only skin deep 美貌肤浅
Beauty is only skin deep 美貌不过是肤浅的东西
Waves of flattery flow into my mind 太多阿谀奉承涌入我脑海
I know that magic comes with a price 我知道魔法要付出代价
I’m doing that they don’t know why 他们不理解我为何这样做
Straight into the heart 想直击你内心最深处
Give up in the dark 看到那最阴暗的一面才肯死心
Wish I could see the onther side 也希望我能看到不同的结果
I wanna prove that I’m not right 想要证明不是每个人都以貌取人
Beauty is only skin deep 美貌肤浅
Drop the potions 丢入药剂
See what happens 见证结果
Beauty is only skin deep 美貌肤浅
Waves of flattery flow into my mind 太多阿谀奉承涌入我脑海

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