音乐 Painting Pictures(Explicit)-Polo G 的MP3下载


音乐名称:Painting Pictures(Explicit)-Polo G
歌手名称:Polo G
专辑名称:Hall of Fame (Explicit)
更新日期:2021-06-25 05:56:21




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好听的音乐:Painting Pictures(Explicit)-Polo G

Painting Pictures(Explicit) - Polo G
Lyrics by:Taurus Bartlett
Composed by:Taurus Bartlett
Holding back no
Go without you
I don't wanna be with you
Uh uh
Ayy 40 what that do
Lil Wooski ain't your average teen he see the opps gon' bang it out
Lil Wooski不是你那种普通少年 他看见敌人就会扣下扳机
He know exactly how to hit they block like that's his favorite route
他清楚地知道如何袭击他们的街区 好像这是他最喜欢的路线
Ayy lil' n***a if you send some shots you better make it count
小兄弟 如果你想开几枪 你必须精确计算
RPs touch his brain cells rearrange his scalp
击中他的脑细胞 把他打得头破血流
They killed Lamp he took three with him they all know what your name about
他们杀了Lamp 他带走了三个人 他们都知道你的名号
Ain't see you in so long it's like your voice is slowly fadin' out
很久没有见到你 就好像你的声音慢慢消逝
Love my n***as right or wrong no I would never trade 'em out
无论是非对错 我爱着我的兄弟 我永远不会把他们当做交换的筹码
Ain't thuggin' 'cause he mean it these lil' n***as in a race for clout
不会胡作非为 因为他是认真的 这些小兄弟为了名声竞相角逐
Block died we threw up X's TimTim died we threw up T's
Block离开人世 我们摆出X的手势 TimTim离开人世 我们摆出T的手势
Twin 'nem died we bangin' L's I wish that they ain't never leave
那对双胞胎朋友离开人世 我们亮出帮派手势 我希望他们永远不会离开
For Killer K's to the brain I'm scorin' if I catch the G's
对杀手来说 大杀四方的天职 如果我遇上死对头 我会进行复仇
Forever stuntin' like I'm Durb I keep a few tricks up my sleeve
永远耀武扬威 好像我就是Durb 我自有妙计
God I know I'm nothin' like them
上帝 我知道我一点也不像他们
I'm just different I'm built different
I我只是与众不同 我生来就与众不同
I feel as if we all got a purpose and we all special in some way
我感觉好像我们都拥有一个目标 在某种程度上 我们都会变得特别
But me my potential is unmatched
I'm the chosen one
But only time'll tell long live the guys
Say f**k the opposites but deep down we really all alike
说着去他的针锋相对 但是在内心深处 我们都是一样的
Since the elementary our elders gave us small advice
从读小学开始 我们的长辈给予我们小小的建议
This s**t could lead to death and jail it's crazy how they all was right
这一切会招致死亡和监禁的后果 他们竟然一语中的 真是不可思议
I was playin' AAU with Ed it was ball is life
我和Ed在业余体育联盟里打球 篮球就是人生
Wish I could've warned him in advance 'fore he lost his life
Game time call troopers for backup before we call for Christ
游戏时间 在我们呼唤基督之前请求骑警的支援
Was real to him whole time while he sharpened his knife
当他磨刀时 对他来说 所有时间都是真实的吗
He put it in my back for racks ain't know his heart had a price
他为了钞票对我委以重任 并不知道他的心是有价的
Everything done in the dark gon' come to light
Tryna choose your thoughts over your feelings that's the hardest fight
试着选择你的思想而不是你的感受 这是最艰难的抗争
Had to prove 'em wrong they said my dreams was out of sight
必须证明他们都大错特错 他们说我的梦想是虚无缥缈的
Now it's 50K up in my jeans on chartered flights
现在 我牛仔裤里装着五万块 全部花在包机航班上
And we rock the hardest ice
Holding back no
Go without you
I don't wanna be with you yeah

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