BabyJ2DamHard-Chinese NIGG的QQ空间背景音乐外链:
歌曲BabyJ2DamHard-Chinese NIGG的MP3下载地址来源于网络分享,复制链接或者右键链接另存为即可下载MP3音乐,同时网站提供BabyJ2DamHard-Chinese NIGG的QQ空间背景音乐歌曲链接,把这首歌曲的MP3链接地址推荐给你的朋友,可以让他们免费获得本歌曲音乐外链。
Chinese NIGG的文本歌词:
Wow wow I take ur ho I take A
Wow wow I fuk ur ho I won’t fake it
Wow Journey to the west Imma fking pace it
Been thru thousand kind of traps we aint fking waste it
Wow wow I take ur ho I take A
Wow wow I fuk ur ho I won’t fake it
Wow Journey to the west Imma fking pace it
Been thru thousand kind of traps we aint fking waste it
我的决定不是自己made it right or wrong
Im Chinese Nig
B1tch Im Chinese Nig
Don’t Fuk with Chinese Nig
Here are some Chinese Im Chinese Nig
Im Chinese Nig
B1tch Im Chinese Nig
Don’t Fuk with Chinese Nig
Here are some Chinese Nig
Wow wow I take ur ho I take A
Wow wow I fuk ur ho I won’t fake it
Wow Journey to the west Imma fking pace it
Been thru thousand kind of traps we aint fking waste it
Wow wow I take ur ho I take A
Wow wow I fuk ur ho I won’t fake it
Wow Journey to the west Imma fking pace it
Been thru thousand kind of traps we aint fking waste it
U know I got my mind所以有时候会想得天马行空
I got trapped in the bad b1tches on the top lz感觉就像被困在了盘丝洞
But I feel like唐僧steady grinding可能只有Dior动但是心不动
Im Chinese Nig
B1tch Im Chinese Nig
Don’t Fuk with Chinese Nig
Here are some Chinese Im Chinese Nig
Im Chinese Nig
B1tch Im Chinese Nig
Don’t Fuk with Chinese Nig
Here are some Chinese Nig
Wow wow I take ur ho I take A
Wow wow I fuk ur ho I won’t fake it
Wow Journey to the west Imma fking pace it
Been thru thousand kind of traps we aint fking waste it
Wow wow I take ur ho I take A
Wow wow I fuk ur ho I won’t fake it
Wow Journey to the west Imma fking pace it
Been thru thousand kind of traps we aint fking waste it
爱好歌音乐网提供BabyJ2DamHard-Chinese NIGG的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Chinese NIGG的QQ空间背景音乐外链。