[00:00:00] A Is For Apple - 少儿歌曲
[00:05:00] A is for apple a a apple
[00:08:00] B is for ball b b ball
[00:12:00] C is for cat c c cat
[00:16:00] D is for dog d d dog
[00:23:00] E is for elephant e e elephant
[00:26:00] F is for fish f f fish
[00:30:00] G is for gorilla g g gorilla
[00:34:00] H is for hat h h hat
[00:41:00] I is for igloo i i igloo
[00:45:00] J is for juice j j juice
[00:48:00] K is for kangaroo k k kangaroo
[00:52:00] L is for lion l l lion
[00:59:00] M is for monkey m m monkey
[01:03:00] N is for no n n no
[01:07:00] O is for octopus o o octopus
[01:10:00] P is for pig p p pig
[01:17:00] Q is for question q q question
[01:21:00] R is for ring r r ring
[01:25:00] S is for sun s s sun
[01:28:00] T is for train t t train
[01:35:00] U is for umbrella u u umbrella
[01:39:00] V is for van v v van
[01:43:00] W is for watch w w watch
[01:46:00] X is for box x x box
[01:53:00] Y is for yellow y y yellow
[01:57:00] Z is for zoo z z zoo
[02:04:00] So many things for you to learn about
[02:08:00] So many ways to sing a song
[02:11:00] So many things for you to learn about
[02:15:00] So many ways to sing a song

A Is For Apple - 少儿歌曲


少儿歌曲-A Is For Apple的QQ空间背景音乐外链:

歌曲少儿歌曲-A Is For Apple的MP3下载地址来源于网络分享,复制链接或者右键链接另存为即可下载MP3音乐,同时网站提供少儿歌曲-A Is For Apple的QQ空间背景音乐歌曲链接,把这首歌曲的MP3链接地址推荐给你的朋友,可以让他们免费获得本歌曲音乐外链。

A Is For Apple的文本歌词:

A Is For Apple - 少儿歌曲
A is for apple a a apple
B is for ball b b ball
C is for cat c c cat
D is for dog d d dog
E is for elephant e e elephant
F is for fish f f fish
G is for gorilla g g gorilla
H is for hat h h hat
I is for igloo i i igloo
J is for juice j j juice
K is for kangaroo k k kangaroo
L is for lion l l lion
M is for monkey m m monkey
N is for no n n no
O is for octopus o o octopus
P is for pig p p pig
Q is for question q q question
R is for ring r r ring
S is for sun s s sun
T is for train t t train
U is for umbrella u u umbrella
V is for van v v van
W is for watch w w watch
X is for box x x box
Y is for yellow y y yellow
Z is for zoo z z zoo
So many things for you to learn about
So many ways to sing a song
So many things for you to learn about
So many ways to sing a song

爱好歌音乐网提供少儿歌曲-A Is For Apple的MP3音乐在线试听下载,A Is For Apple的QQ空间背景音乐外链。