[00:00:00] Monotone - YOASOBI (ヨアソビ)
[00:00:00] TME享有本翻译作品的著作权
[00:00:00] Composed by:Ayase/Konnie Aoki
[00:00:00] Arranged by:Ayase
[00:00:00] To tow solitude deep in the heart
[00:04:00] 满心孤寂 挥之不去
[00:04:00] Always living in a world of loneliness nobody views
[00:07:00] 孤独凄凉 无人问津
[00:07:00] Every time these worlds are coming in contact
[00:10:00] 每次跟别人产生交集
[00:10:00] I feel it within
[00:12:00] 我心底都会掀起波澜
[00:12:00] Oh I\'m grasping it now
[00:14:00] 现在我终于了然于心
[00:14:00] Oh I\'m remembering now
[00:16:00] 现在我慢慢忆起往昔
[00:16:00] In our childhood memory lane way back in time
[00:20:00] 遥想从前 在美好的童年时光里
[00:20:00] When protected by pure innocence at its prime
[00:23:00] 纯真无邪就是我们最好的保护色
[00:23:00] The names we called each other or the promises of days to come
[00:27:00] 不管对彼此的称谓 还是对未来的承诺
[00:27:00] It was enough for us to think about the world as being as one
[00:32:00] 都足以让我们坚信世界大同
[00:32:00] The things we cannot understand
[00:33:00] 难以捉摸
[00:33:00] And the things we cannot overlook are now
[00:36:00] 无法摆脱的困惑
[00:36:00] Increasing one two still piling up
[00:38:00] 越积越多 
[00:38:00] Every single time it happened
[00:40:00] 每次出现这样的情况
[00:40:00] I even gave up on hoping we could ever reach mutual trust
[00:44:00] 对于彼此间的信任 我几乎都不再抱任何期望
[00:44:00] Just forgot about that
[00:46:00] 也再难想起从前的美好
[00:46:00] To tow solitude deep in the heart
[00:50:00] 满心孤寂 挥之不去
[00:50:00] Separated and each living in a world nobody views
[00:53:00] 我们都围困于自己的小天地 无人问津
[00:53:00] When I think we got so close to each other
[00:56:00] 每次我以为彼此足够亲近时
[00:56:00] But we\'re drifting apart
[00:58:00] 却发现我们其实在渐行渐远
[00:58:00] And every time as it restarts
[00:59:00] 每次重新来过时
[00:59:00] I realize it is so lonely in my heart
[01:03:00] 我才明白自己有多寂寥
[01:03:00] I cannot oh we cannot
[01:05:00] 我们都无法做到
[01:05:00] Ever stop looking for someone else again and again
[01:09:00] 不再为别人寻寻觅觅
[01:09:00] It\'s because inside we\'re still not mature enough
[01:12:00] 因为我们的心智都还不够成熟
[01:12:00] To deal with the fact that we could still be all alone
[01:15:00] 没勇气面对自己可能依旧孤独的事实
[01:15:00] With loneliness we\'d carry on
[01:33:00] 只能与孤独如影随形
[01:33:00] The pasted scenes set at the back of our class
[01:37:00] 贴在教室后边的风景画
[01:37:00] They show us the different hues in sight
[01:39:00] 在每个人眼里有不同的解读
[01:39:00] Looking at the same sceneries
[01:40:00] 面对同样的景象
[01:40:00] Each one of us drew something new
[01:42:00] 大家的感受也迥然相异
[01:42:00] And we all have a different view
[01:44:00] 我们都有各自的立场
[01:44:00] And they will never overlap
[01:46:00] 也永远无法产生共鸣
[01:46:00] Although they look alike they never will
[01:48:00] 即便想法大同小异 也无法完全达成一致
[01:48:00] Well if you judge everybody with the ideal image in your mind
[01:51:00] 你是否会用自己理想中的标准来评判别人
[01:51:00] Measuring the distance from it
[01:52:00] 以此来衡量与他人的亲疏远近
[01:52:00] Imitating love for your inner greed
[01:54:00] 用虚情假意来满足自己的贪欲
[01:54:00] And chasing fantasies of something unreal
[01:56:00] 进而追逐虚无缥缈的幻梦
[01:56:00] But every time I\'m checking it grows unpleasant
[01:58:00] 可惜每次审视自我 失落都会油然而生
[01:58:00] And every time I\'m longing it\'s selfish intent
[02:00:00] 每次渴望爱情 我都是出于私心
[02:00:00] And each time I lost it I became a coward
[02:04:00] 每次错失爱恋 都是因为我缺乏勇气
[02:04:00] I don\'t wish for more than now
[02:05:00] 我并不奢求比现在过得更好
[02:05:00] Everything is good as it is
[02:07:00] 毕竟现在的生活也很不错
[02:07:00] So please I want you to stay
[02:09:00] 所以 拜托了 希望你能留下来
[02:09:00] Don\'t want you to go away
[02:11:00] 我不想眼睁睁看你离开
[02:11:00] Maintaining our distances vague as everything remains undefined
[02:16:00] 一切都是未知数 我们的关系也模棱两可
[02:16:00] I believed it was how we grow and turn into a grown-up
[02:19:00] 我相信这也是我们长大成熟的必经之路
[02:19:00] Here I am here I am
[02:22:00] 我就在你面前
[02:22:00] Always running away because I\'m afraid of being hurt
[02:26:00] 可我总选择逃避 因为我害怕受伤
[02:26:00] The truth is deep inside within me hope abides
[02:30:00] 其实我内心深处还心存希冀
[02:30:00] Still want to believe now
[02:34:00] 我仍然想要坚定信念
[02:34:00] To tow solitude deep in the heart
[02:37:00] 满心孤寂 挥之不去
[02:37:00] Everyone lives all alone in separate worlds all outta view
[02:41:00] 每个人都围困于自己的一方天地 感受不到彼此的孤寂
[02:41:00] That is why we join up our hands
[02:43:00] 这也是我们团结一心 互相取暖的缘由
[02:43:00] And so we begin to communicate
[02:45:00] 于是 我们开始积极沟通
[02:45:00] We\'re saying that we\'re not alone
[02:46:00] 我们都说自己并不孤单
[02:46:00] And yet we\'re so misleading and so vague with each other
[02:50:00] 然而我们却互相误解 对彼此的了解也不清不楚
[02:50:00] Oh one day oh one day
[02:53:00] 总有一天
[02:53:00] All the loneliness I had to feel enwrapped in solitude
[02:57:00] 我会被无尽的孤独围困 难以挣脱
[02:57:00] And all the pain I\'m holding within
[02:59:00] 心底的痛苦
[02:59:00] Inside of my heart will accrue
[03:00:00] 会无止无休地积聚
[03:00:00] If only kindness could abound
[03:02:00] 如果善意可以传递就好了
[03:02:00] If I could put trust in those around
[03:04:00] 如果我能对身边人委以信任
[03:04:00] To tow lonely tones all alone
[03:09:00] 就能独自享受孤独
[03:09:00] And everyone is on their own
[03:11:00] 毕竟每个人都是独立的个体
[03:11:00] When they felt the need of understanding each other
[03:15:00] 当我们渴望理解彼此时
[03:15:00] My heart and yours
[03:16:00] 就能瞬间
[03:16:00] Right at the moment they touched
[03:18:00] 打动彼此
[03:18:00] Briefly I saw the world coming together as one
[03:23:00] 顷刻间 世界大同的图景赫然眼前

Monotone - YOASOBI





Monotone - YOASOBI (ヨアソビ)
Composed by:Ayase/Konnie Aoki

Arranged by:Ayase

To tow solitude deep in the heart
满心孤寂 挥之不去
Always living in a world of loneliness nobody views
孤独凄凉 无人问津
Every time these worlds are coming in contact
I feel it within
Oh I\'m grasping it now
Oh I\'m remembering now
In our childhood memory lane way back in time
遥想从前 在美好的童年时光里
When protected by pure innocence at its prime
The names we called each other or the promises of days to come
不管对彼此的称谓 还是对未来的承诺
It was enough for us to think about the world as being as one
The things we cannot understand
And the things we cannot overlook are now
Increasing one two still piling up
Every single time it happened
I even gave up on hoping we could ever reach mutual trust
对于彼此间的信任 我几乎都不再抱任何期望
Just forgot about that
To tow solitude deep in the heart
满心孤寂 挥之不去
Separated and each living in a world nobody views
我们都围困于自己的小天地 无人问津
When I think we got so close to each other
But we\'re drifting apart
And every time as it restarts
I realize it is so lonely in my heart
I cannot oh we cannot
Ever stop looking for someone else again and again
It\'s because inside we\'re still not mature enough
To deal with the fact that we could still be all alone
With loneliness we\'d carry on
The pasted scenes set at the back of our class
They show us the different hues in sight
Looking at the same sceneries
Each one of us drew something new
And we all have a different view
And they will never overlap
Although they look alike they never will
即便想法大同小异 也无法完全达成一致
Well if you judge everybody with the ideal image in your mind
Measuring the distance from it
Imitating love for your inner greed
And chasing fantasies of something unreal
But every time I\'m checking it grows unpleasant
可惜每次审视自我 失落都会油然而生
And every time I\'m longing it\'s selfish intent
每次渴望爱情 我都是出于私心
And each time I lost it I became a coward
每次错失爱恋 都是因为我缺乏勇气
I don\'t wish for more than now
Everything is good as it is
So please I want you to stay
所以 拜托了 希望你能留下来
Don\'t want you to go away
Maintaining our distances vague as everything remains undefined
一切都是未知数 我们的关系也模棱两可
I believed it was how we grow and turn into a grown-up
Here I am here I am
Always running away because I\'m afraid of being hurt
可我总选择逃避 因为我害怕受伤
The truth is deep inside within me hope abides
Still want to believe now
To tow solitude deep in the heart
满心孤寂 挥之不去
Everyone lives all alone in separate worlds all outta view
每个人都围困于自己的一方天地 感受不到彼此的孤寂
That is why we join up our hands
这也是我们团结一心 互相取暖的缘由
And so we begin to communicate
于是 我们开始积极沟通
We\'re saying that we\'re not alone
And yet we\'re so misleading and so vague with each other
然而我们却互相误解 对彼此的了解也不清不楚
Oh one day oh one day
All the loneliness I had to feel enwrapped in solitude
我会被无尽的孤独围困 难以挣脱
And all the pain I\'m holding within
Inside of my heart will accrue
If only kindness could abound
If I could put trust in those around
To tow lonely tones all alone
And everyone is on their own
When they felt the need of understanding each other
My heart and yours
Right at the moment they touched
Briefly I saw the world coming together as one
顷刻间 世界大同的图景赫然眼前

