[00:00:00] Rison
[00:00:00] 作词:  Kalem  Tarrant/Jordan  Michael  Houston/Anthony  Lorenzo  Holmes  Jr.
[00:03:00] 作曲:  Kalem  Tarrant/Jordan  Michael  Houston/Anthony  Lorenzo  Holmes  Jr.
[00:06:00] Aye,  man,  let\'s  get  it,
[00:07:00] 来吧,我们开始吧!
[00:07:00] I  can  pay  the  bail,  I  will  never  tell  on  my  dog,
[00:10:00] 我保释他出狱,绝不背叛自家兄弟
[00:10:00] I  was  mixin\'  in,  bakin\'  soda  blend  with  the  raw,
[00:13:00] 我曾掺和其中,用苏打粉与原料混合
[00:13:00] Niggas  fake  as  hell,  actin\'  like  you  him,  but  you  flawed,
[00:17:00] 虚伪如鬼魅,装得跟你一样,但你破绽百出。
[00:17:00] Why  the  real  dyin\'?  Why  the  ****  niggas  takin\'  off?
[00:20:00] 为何真诚之人消逝?为何该死的骗子却逍遥法外?
[00:20:00] This  for  real,  ain\'t  no  deals,  niggas  payin\'  what  it  cost,
[00:23:00] 这是动真格的,没有交易可谈,人们得付全款。
[00:23:00] Know  some  scammers  that  can  get  you  right,  just  pay  \'em  for  the  sauce,
[00:27:00] 认识几个骗子可以骗你,给他们点好东西就行了
[00:27:00] Say  you  broke,  ain\'t  got  no  money,  damn,  sorry  for  yo\'  loss,
[00:30:00] 哎呀,真倒霉,没钱了?
[00:30:00] I\'m  a  business  man,  I  can  buy  yo\'  b***h  and  write  her  off,
[00:33:00] 我是个生意人,能把你马子买下来再甩了她。
[00:33:00] B-B-B-B-b***h,  I  write  her  off,
[00:34:00] 哼,贱人,我把她甩了
[00:34:00] Creepin\'  up  outta  my  box,  rippin\'  \'em  up  with  a  saw,
[00:37:00] 如幽灵般潜出舒适区,挥舞锯子将一切撕裂。
[00:37:00] Move  with  the  wind  like  a  phantom,  I  stand  in  the  shadows,
[00:39:00] 如幽灵般随风潜行,我隐于暗影之中。
[00:39:00] And  pop  out  the  cut  with  the  bars,
[00:40:00] 我如幽灵般闪现,带着束缚的枷锁
[00:40:00] Dearly  departed,  I  mark  \'em,  I\'m  parkin\'  the  whip,
[00:42:00] 逝者已矣,标记他们,停车于此。
[00:42:00] And  I\'m  hoppin\'  out  under  the  stars,
[00:44:00] 我自信满满,星光下跃出车外
[00:44:00] They  don\'t  really  want  it,  but  they  really  gonna  get  it,
[00:45:00] 他们虽无意,但注定要承受
[00:45:00] \'Cause  I\'m  in  this  too  deep,  b***h,  l\'ve  come  just  too  far,
[00:47:00] 因为我陷得太深了碧池我已经走了太远
[00:47:00] Itty  bitty  mother****ers  really  be  the  ones,
[00:48:00] 这些微不足道的人真的是那些哎呀
[00:48:00] With  the  dreams  of  a  drop  top,  never  gonna  pop  off,
[00:50:00] 梦想着开敞篷跑车永远不会突然爆炸
[00:50:00] Off  top,  I  can  think  about  a  couple  of  mother****ers,
[00:52:00] 糟糕, 还有几个家伙
[00:52:00] That  wanna  put  a  bullet  in  my  lock-box,
[00:54:00] 想在我珍贵宝箱里,射入子弹的混蛋们
[00:54:00] Hop  off  of  my  cock,  b***h,
[00:55:00] 滚开,别烦我
[00:55:00] You  never  gonna  be  me,  see  me,  pussy-boy,  flee  me,
[00:57:00] 你永远成不了我,看看我,懦夫,快逃吧。
[00:57:00] Four  deep  in  the  G  to  the  O-D-Z-1  and  the  double-L-A,  baby,
[01:00:00] 深陷洛杉矶南部黑帮之地,宝贝。
[01:00:00] Uh,  and  I\'m  back  in  this  b***h,
[01:02:00] 哼,我回来了,这家伙(或小子)
[01:02:00] Flow  game  cold  like  a  MAC  in  this  b***h,
[01:03:00] 说唱技巧冷酷如MAC在这破地方,
[01:03:00] Ain\'t  nobody  really  wanna  dance  with  the  kid,
[01:05:00] 却无人愿与这小子共舞
[01:05:00] Got  the  game  ****ed  up,  when  I\'m  rappin\'  and  s**t,  like,
[01:07:00] 说唱得如此出色,把整个游戏都搞砸了,就像……
[01:07:00] How  this,  how  this  young  mother****er  from  the  \'86  really  make  these  hits?
[01:10:00] 这怎么回事,这个86年的小混蛋是怎么真正搞出这些热门歌曲的?去你的。
[01:10:00] b***h,  I\'m  doin\'  my  thing,  l\'m  makin\'  a  bag,
[01:11:00] 我正做我的事,赚得盆满钵满。
[01:11:00] A  mutha****a  really  gotta  think  about  his  own  damn  biz,  man,
[01:13:00] 真得好好考虑自己的事情了,伙计。
[01:13:00] For  the  bands,  we  gon\'  make  \'em  dance,
[01:16:00] 我们要让乐队舞动人心
[01:16:00] I  got  business  out  in  Cali,  \'bout  twelve  hours  till  I  land,
[01:19:00] 我在加州有生意要忙,大约还有十二小时就落地。
[01:19:00] b***h,  yo\'  music  just  ain\'t  sellin\',  well,  I  guess  that\'s  just  too  bad,
[01:22:00] 你这家伙的音乐就是卖不动啊,唉,那我猜这真是太糟糕了。
[01:22:00] Though  the  come  up  was  so  tellin\',  what  goes  up  must  always  land,
[01:25:00] 但崛起之后总会坠落,这是不变的真理
[01:25:00] You  a  fad,  b***h,
[01:29:00] 你这种人只是昙花一现
[01:29:00] I  can  pay  the  bail,  I  will  never  tell  on  my  dog,
[01:32:00] 我愿担责保释,也绝不会背叛兄弟。
[01:32:00] I  was  mixin\'  in,  bakin\'  soda  blend  with  the  raw,
[01:36:00] 我曾涉足,和着原料搅拌小苏打
[01:36:00] Niggas  fake  as  hell,  actin\'  like  you  him,  but  you  flawed,
[01:39:00] 那些人虚伪至极,却装作像你,可他们也有缺陷。
[01:39:00] Why  the  real  dyin\'?  Why  the  ****  niggas  takin\'  off?
[01:42:00] 为何真挚之人消逝?搞什么鬼,人们纷纷离去?
[01:42:00] This  for  real,  ain\'t  no  deals,  niggas  payin\'  what  it  cost,
[01:46:00] 这是动真格的,没有交易,人们全额支付。
[01:46:00] Know  some  scammers  that  can  get  you  right,  just  pay  \'em  for  the  sauce,
[01:49:00] 识些骗术高手,要满足需求,只需付钱买诡计
[01:49:00] Say  you  broke,  ain\'t  got  no  money,  damn,  sorry  for  yo\'  loss,
[01:52:00] 哎呀,真遗憾你亏了
[01:52:00] I\'m  a  business  man,  I  can  buy  yo\'  b***h  and  write  her  off,
[01:57:00] 我是个生意人我可以买下你的女人然后一笔勾销
[01:57:00] Thug,  thug,
[01:59:00] Thug  niggas,  nothin\'  but  drug  dealers  Hypnotized,  now  they  in  love  with  us,
[02:03:00] 暴徒,不过是个毒贩子被催眠了,现在他们爱上我们了
[02:03:00] ****in\'  up  clubs  with  us,  smokin\'  strong,
[02:06:00] 和我们搞砸夜店,吞云吐雾
[02:06:00] Got  some  bud  with  us,  cough  up  a  lung  with  us,
[02:08:00] 带着好货,和我们一起吞云吐雾
[02:08:00] Don\'t  get  sent  off  like  a  dove,  nigga,
[02:10:00] 别轻易就被击垮
[02:10:00] We  got  subs,  nigga,  sub  machines,  not  Jersey  Mike\'s,
[02:13:00] 我们有机枪,兄弟,自动火器,不是Jersey Mike\'s的
[02:13:00] I  chose  violence,  stand  and  fight,  foldin\'  chairs  and  throwin\'  them  hands,
[02:16:00] 我选择了暴力,站立和战斗,折叠椅子和挥舞双手
[02:16:00] Would\'ve  been  the  best  time  of  my  life,  how  many  hoes  you  gave  a  chance?
[02:20:00] 那曾是我生命中最好的时光,你给了多少风流女子机会?
[02:20:00] Then  found  out  they  wasn\'t  right,  how  many  niggas  gon\'  switch  up?
[02:23:00] 然后发现他们错了有多少人会叛变
[02:23:00] So  you  do  some\'  they  don\'t  like,  now  they  gotta  terminate  on  site,
[02:26:00] 所以你做了一些他们不喜欢的事,现在他们必须当场了结
[02:26:00] Used  to  dirty  up  my  Sprite,
[02:28:00] 我曾脏污过我的雪碧
[02:28:00] Aye,  drop  me  some  codeine,  aye,  pop  me  an  all-night  flight,
[02:32:00] 嘿,给我来点可待因,
[02:32:00] Aye,  big  bag  of  money  in  sight,  aye,  riots  we  incite,
[02:35:00] 眼前满是钞票,
[02:35:00] Aye,  fires  we  ignite,
[02:36:00] 我们点燃火焰
[02:36:00] Yeah,  try  us,  it  get  light,  lose  yo\'  life,
[02:39:00] 挑战我们?局面将变危险,你将可能丧命
[02:39:00] Cookin\'  up  in  a  lab  like  Dexter,
[02:40:00] 如德克斯特般秘炼炮制中
[02:40:00] Middle  fingers  up,  yeah,  that\'s  my  gesture,
[02:42:00] 竖起中指,对,这就是我的态度
[02:42:00] Cut  from  a  cloth,  this  not  yo\'  texture,
[02:44:00] 我独一无二,岂是你能比
[02:44:00] That\'s  yo\'  b***h,  then  why  did  I  text  her?
[02:45:00] 那家伙,那我为什么还要给她发信息?
[02:45:00] I  can  pay  the  bail,  I  will  never  tell  on  my  dog,
[02:49:00] 我可以支付保释金,我绝不会告发我的狗
[02:49:00] I  was  mixin\'  in,  bakin\'  soda  blend  with  the  raw,
[02:52:00] 我曾陷入其中,将苏打与原料暗中勾兑
[02:52:00] Niggas  fake  as  hell,  actin\'  like  you  him,  but  you  flawed,
[02:55:00] 这些人虚伪透顶
[02:55:00] Why  the  real  dyin\'?  Why  the  ****  niggas  takin\'  off?
[02:58:00] 为何真话消逝?为何混账离去?
[02:58:00] This  for  real,  ain\'t  no  deals,  niggas  payin\'  what  it  cost,
[03:02:00] 这是动真格的,没有退路,人们全额付出代价。
[03:02:00] Know  some  scammers  that  can  get  you  right,  just  pay  \'em  for  the  sauce,
[03:05:00] 识得几个骗子,或许能解你燃眉之急,只需付钱买他们的‘酱料’便可。
[03:05:00] Say  you  broke,  ain\'t  got  no  money,  damn,  sorry  for  yo\'  loss,
[03:08:00] 说你破产了,一分钱也没有,该死,真为你损失感到\'遗憾\'。
[03:08:00] I\'m  a  business  man,  I  can  buy  yo\'  b***h  and  write  her  off。
[03:16:00] 我是个生意人,连你的马子都能买下来然后一笔勾销。

BUSINESS MAN(Explicit) - Sxmpra&Juicy J


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BUSINESS MAN(Explicit)的文本歌词:


作词: Kalem Tarrant/Jordan Michael Houston/Anthony Lorenzo Holmes Jr.

作曲: Kalem Tarrant/Jordan Michael Houston/Anthony Lorenzo Holmes Jr.

Aye, man, let\'s get it,
I can pay the bail, I will never tell on my dog,
I was mixin\' in, bakin\' soda blend with the raw,
Niggas fake as hell, actin\' like you him, but you flawed,
Why the real dyin\'? Why the **** niggas takin\' off?
This for real, ain\'t no deals, niggas payin\' what it cost,
Know some scammers that can get you right, just pay \'em for the sauce,
Say you broke, ain\'t got no money, damn, sorry for yo\' loss,
I\'m a business man, I can buy yo\' b***h and write her off,
B-B-B-B-b***h, I write her off,
Creepin\' up outta my box, rippin\' \'em up with a saw,
Move with the wind like a phantom, I stand in the shadows,
And pop out the cut with the bars,
Dearly departed, I mark \'em, I\'m parkin\' the whip,
And I\'m hoppin\' out under the stars,
They don\'t really want it, but they really gonna get it,
\'Cause I\'m in this too deep, b***h, l\'ve come just too far,
Itty bitty mother****ers really be the ones,
With the dreams of a drop top, never gonna pop off,
Off top, I can think about a couple of mother****ers,
糟糕, 还有几个家伙
That wanna put a bullet in my lock-box,
Hop off of my cock, b***h,
You never gonna be me, see me, pussy-boy, flee me,
Four deep in the G to the O-D-Z-1 and the double-L-A, baby,
Uh, and I\'m back in this b***h,
Flow game cold like a MAC in this b***h,
Ain\'t nobody really wanna dance with the kid,
Got the game ****ed up, when I\'m rappin\' and s**t, like,
How this, how this young mother****er from the \'86 really make these hits?
b***h, I\'m doin\' my thing, l\'m makin\' a bag,
A mutha****a really gotta think about his own damn biz, man,
For the bands, we gon\' make \'em dance,
I got business out in Cali, \'bout twelve hours till I land,
b***h, yo\' music just ain\'t sellin\', well, I guess that\'s just too bad,
Though the come up was so tellin\', what goes up must always land,
You a fad, b***h,
I can pay the bail, I will never tell on my dog,
I was mixin\' in, bakin\' soda blend with the raw,
Niggas fake as hell, actin\' like you him, but you flawed,
Why the real dyin\'? Why the **** niggas takin\' off?
This for real, ain\'t no deals, niggas payin\' what it cost,
Know some scammers that can get you right, just pay \'em for the sauce,
Say you broke, ain\'t got no money, damn, sorry for yo\' loss,
I\'m a business man, I can buy yo\' b***h and write her off,
Thug, thug,

Thug niggas, nothin\' but drug dealers Hypnotized, now they in love with us,
****in\' up clubs with us, smokin\' strong,
Got some bud with us, cough up a lung with us,
Don\'t get sent off like a dove, nigga,
We got subs, nigga, sub machines, not Jersey Mike\'s,
我们有机枪,兄弟,自动火器,不是Jersey Mike\'s的
I chose violence, stand and fight, foldin\' chairs and throwin\' them hands,
Would\'ve been the best time of my life, how many hoes you gave a chance?
Then found out they wasn\'t right, how many niggas gon\' switch up?
So you do some\' they don\'t like, now they gotta terminate on site,
Used to dirty up my Sprite,
Aye, drop me some codeine, aye, pop me an all-night flight,
Aye, big bag of money in sight, aye, riots we incite,
Aye, fires we ignite,
Yeah, try us, it get light, lose yo\' life,
Cookin\' up in a lab like Dexter,
Middle fingers up, yeah, that\'s my gesture,
Cut from a cloth, this not yo\' texture,
That\'s yo\' b***h, then why did I text her?
I can pay the bail, I will never tell on my dog,
I was mixin\' in, bakin\' soda blend with the raw,
Niggas fake as hell, actin\' like you him, but you flawed,
Why the real dyin\'? Why the **** niggas takin\' off?
This for real, ain\'t no deals, niggas payin\' what it cost,
Know some scammers that can get you right, just pay \'em for the sauce,
Say you broke, ain\'t got no money, damn, sorry for yo\' loss,
I\'m a business man, I can buy yo\' b***h and write her off。

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