[00:00:00] Childish Gambino - Heartbeat (Slom Remix) - Slom
[00:00:00] 腾讯音乐享有本翻译作品的著作权
[00:00:00] I wanted you to know
[00:02:00] 我想让你知道
[00:02:00] That I am ready to go heartbeat
[00:06:00] 我已经准备好离开你 心怦怦跳动
[00:06:00] My heartbeat
[00:08:00] 我的心怦怦跳动
[00:08:00] I wanted you to know
[00:10:00] 我想让你知道
[00:10:00] Whenever you are around can\'t speak
[00:13:00] 每当你在我身边时 我就开不了口
[00:13:00] I can\'t speak
[00:16:00] 我难以言说
[00:16:00] I wanted you to know
[00:18:00] 我想让你知道
[00:18:00] That I am ready to go heartbeat
[00:21:00] 我已经准备好离开你 心怦怦跳动
[00:21:00] My heartbeat
[00:24:00] 我的心怦怦跳动
[00:24:00] I wanted you to know
[00:25:00] 我想让你知道
[00:25:00] Whenever you are around can\'t speak
[00:29:00] 每当你在我身边时 我就开不了口
[00:29:00] I can\'t speak
[00:32:00] 我难以言说
[00:32:00] I know what your boy like
[00:34:00] 我知道你的新欢是什么样子
[00:34:00] Skinny tie and a cuff type
[00:35:00] 喜欢系着窄领带 穿着紧袖衬衫的那种类型
[00:35:00] He go and make breakfast
[00:38:00] 他会亲自准备早餐
[00:38:00] You walk around naked
[00:39:00] 你不着寸缕 四处走动
[00:39:00] I might just text you
[00:41:00] 我也许会给你发短信
[00:41:00] Turn your phone over when it\'s all over
[00:43:00] 将你的手机翻转过来 一切都画上句点
[00:43:00] No settling down my text go to your screen
[00:46:00] 但我们并未一刀两断 我的信息出现在你的手机屏幕上
[00:46:00] You know better than that
[00:46:00] 你知道的一清二楚
[00:46:00] I come around when you least expect me
[00:48:00] 在你最意想不到的时候 我来到你身边
[00:48:00] I\'m sitting at the bar when your glass is empty
[00:50:00] 当你的杯子里滴酒不剩时 我正好坐在酒吧里
[00:50:00] You thinking that this song\'s coming on to tempt me
[00:52:00] 你觉得这首歌可以吸引我的目光
[00:52:00] I need to be alone like the way you left me
[00:54:00] 我需要一个人独处 就像当初你离开我时那样
[00:54:00] You start calling you start crying
[00:56:00] 你开始给我打电话 你开始失声痛哭
[00:56:00] I come over I\'m inside you
[00:58:00] 我来到你身边 我与你肌肤相亲
[00:58:00] I can\'t find you the girl that I once had
[01:01:00] 我无法在你身上找到我曾经深爱的那个女孩的半点影子
[01:01:00] But the sex that we have isn\'t half bad
[01:03:00] 但是我们纵享欢愉 这感觉还不错
[01:03:00] Text say that it\'s not fair
[01:04:00] 发来短信说这一点也不公平
[01:04:00] That\'s code for he\'s not here
[01:06:00] 这暗号实际上意味着他并不在家
[01:06:00] And I\'ma flirt with this new girl
[01:08:00] 我跟这个刚刚认识的女孩眉目传情
[01:08:00] And I\'ma call if it don\'t work
[01:10:00] 如果我没有成功 我会打来电话
[01:10:00] So we f**k \'til we come to conclusions
[01:12:00] 所以我们尽情缠绵 直到我们得出结论
[01:12:00] All the things that we thought we were losing
[01:14:00] 我们渐渐失去我们曾以为值得留恋的感情
[01:14:00] I\'m a ghost and you know this
[01:16:00] 你知道我像幽灵一样神出鬼没
[01:16:00] That\'s why we broke up in the first place
[01:18:00] 这就是我们当初分手的原因
[01:18:00] \'Cause
[01:18:00] 因为
[01:18:00] I wanted you to know
[01:20:00] 我想让你知道
[01:20:00] That I am ready to go heartbeat
[01:23:00] 我已经准备好离开你 心怦怦跳动
[01:23:00] My heartbeat
[01:26:00] 我的心怦怦跳动
[01:26:00] I wanted you to know
[01:28:00] 我想让你知道
[01:28:00] Whenever you are around can\'t speak
[01:31:00] 每当你在我身边时 我就开不了口
[01:31:00] I can\'t speak
[01:34:00] 我难以言说
[01:34:00] It\'s late night Thursday
[01:36:00] 现在是周四的深夜时分
[01:36:00] I know that you heard me
[01:38:00] 我知道你听到我的声音
[01:38:00] But you don\'t want the same thing
[01:40:00] 但你不想重蹈覆辙
[01:40:00] Well two can play that game
[01:42:00] 好吧 以眼还眼以牙还牙
[01:42:00] So I\'m chilling with my girlfriend
[01:44:00] 所以我与我的女友一起肆意狂欢
[01:44:00] But she not my real girlfriend
[01:46:00] 但她并不是我真正的女友
[01:46:00] She got a key to my place but
[01:48:00] 她有我家的钥匙
[01:48:00] She\'s not my real girlfriend
[01:50:00] 但她并不是我真正的女友
[01:50:00] Stupid so dummy
[01:51:00] 傻瓜 愚蠢至极
[01:51:00] Say the wrong thing and wrong girls come runnin\'
[01:53:00] 口不择言 不合适的女孩在我身边来去匆匆
[01:53:00] I\'m paranoid that these girls want something from me
[01:55:00] 我怀疑这些女孩想从我身上攫取利益
[01:55:00] And it\'s hard to make a dime go 100
[01:57:00] 让无可挑剔的女孩付出真心并非易事
[01:57:00] And my dude freakin\' out over a worse fate
[01:59:00] 我的兄弟因为糟糕的命运快要失去理智
[01:59:00] She on time but she late for they first date
[02:01:00] 她准时现身 但她在第一次约会的时候却迟到了
[02:01:00] \'Cause he went and tried out a new condom
[02:03:00] 因为他有正事要做 试用新的安全措施
[02:03:00] Slipped off in a threesome good problems
[02:05:00] 在纵享激情时出了意外 这算好事吗
[02:05:00] Right wrong
[02:06:00] 这样对吗 大错特错
[02:06:00] Askin\' him if she wanna play games
[02:08:00] 开口询问他 那个女孩是否愿意玩游戏
[02:08:00] With the super smash brothers but none of them you
[02:09:00] 与超级明星一起寻欢作乐 只可惜你们都不是
[02:09:00] I miss the sex when you kiss whenever you through
[02:11:00] 我想念你在心满意足的时候给我献上热吻
[02:11:00] 69 is the only dinner for two
[02:13:00] 纵享欢乐只是为两人准备的晚餐
[02:13:00] I was wrong but would you have listened to you
[02:15:00] 我大错特错 但你是否愿意对我言听计从
[02:15:00] Uh you were crazy
[02:17:00] 你失去理智
[02:17:00] I got a heart but the artichoke
[02:18:00] 我拥有一颗真心 当你功成名就时
[02:18:00] Is the only thing girls want when you in that smoke
[02:20:00] 女孩们只是贪图名利
[02:20:00] And light
[02:21:00] 渴望与你纵享欢愉
[02:21:00] I wanted you to know
[02:22:00] 我想让你知道
[02:22:00] That I am ready to go heartbeat
[02:26:00] 我已经准备好离开你 心怦怦跳动
[02:26:00] My heartbeat
[02:28:00] 我的心怦怦跳动
[02:28:00] I wanted you to know
[02:30:00] 我想让你知道
[02:30:00] Whenever you are around can\'t speak
[02:34:00] 每当你在我身边时 我就开不了口
[02:34:00] I can\'t speak
[02:36:00] 我难以言说
[02:36:00] I wanted you to know
[02:38:00] 我想让你知道
[02:38:00] That I am ready to go heartbeat
[02:41:00] 我已经准备好离开你 心怦怦跳动
[02:41:00] My heartbeat
[02:44:00] 我的心怦怦跳动
[02:44:00] I wanted you to know
[02:46:00] 我想让你知道
[02:46:00] Whenever you are around can\'t speak
[02:49:00] 每当你在我身边时 我就开不了口
[02:49:00] I can\'t speak
[02:52:00] 我难以言说
[02:52:00] I wanted you to know
[02:54:00] 我想让你知道
[02:54:00] That I am ready to go heartbeat
[02:57:00] 我已经准备好离开你 心怦怦跳动
[02:57:00] My heartbeat
[02:59:00] 我的心怦怦跳动
[02:59:00] I wanted you to know
[03:01:00] 我想让你知道
[03:01:00] Whenever you are around can\'t speak
[03:05:00] 每当你在我身边时 我就开不了口
[03:05:00] I can\'t speak
[03:10:00] 我难以言说

Childish Gambino - Heartbeat(Slom Remix) - Slom


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歌曲Slom-Childish Gambino - Heartbeat(Slom Remix)的MP3下载地址来源于网络分享,复制链接或者右键链接另存为即可下载MP3音乐,同时网站提供Slom-Childish Gambino - Heartbeat(Slom Remix)的QQ空间背景音乐歌曲链接,把这首歌曲的MP3链接地址推荐给你的朋友,可以让他们免费获得本歌曲音乐外链。

Childish Gambino - Heartbeat(Slom Remix)的文本歌词:

Childish Gambino - Heartbeat (Slom Remix) - Slom
I wanted you to know
That I am ready to go heartbeat
我已经准备好离开你 心怦怦跳动
My heartbeat
I wanted you to know
Whenever you are around can\'t speak
每当你在我身边时 我就开不了口
I can\'t speak
I wanted you to know
That I am ready to go heartbeat
我已经准备好离开你 心怦怦跳动
My heartbeat
I wanted you to know
Whenever you are around can\'t speak
每当你在我身边时 我就开不了口
I can\'t speak
I know what your boy like
Skinny tie and a cuff type
喜欢系着窄领带 穿着紧袖衬衫的那种类型
He go and make breakfast
You walk around naked
你不着寸缕 四处走动
I might just text you
Turn your phone over when it\'s all over
将你的手机翻转过来 一切都画上句点
No settling down my text go to your screen
但我们并未一刀两断 我的信息出现在你的手机屏幕上
You know better than that
I come around when you least expect me
在你最意想不到的时候 我来到你身边
I\'m sitting at the bar when your glass is empty
当你的杯子里滴酒不剩时 我正好坐在酒吧里
You thinking that this song\'s coming on to tempt me
I need to be alone like the way you left me
我需要一个人独处 就像当初你离开我时那样
You start calling you start crying
你开始给我打电话 你开始失声痛哭
I come over I\'m inside you
我来到你身边 我与你肌肤相亲
I can\'t find you the girl that I once had
But the sex that we have isn\'t half bad
但是我们纵享欢愉 这感觉还不错
Text say that it\'s not fair
That\'s code for he\'s not here
And I\'ma flirt with this new girl
And I\'ma call if it don\'t work
如果我没有成功 我会打来电话
So we f**k \'til we come to conclusions
所以我们尽情缠绵 直到我们得出结论
All the things that we thought we were losing
I\'m a ghost and you know this
That\'s why we broke up in the first place
I wanted you to know
That I am ready to go heartbeat
我已经准备好离开你 心怦怦跳动
My heartbeat
I wanted you to know
Whenever you are around can\'t speak
每当你在我身边时 我就开不了口
I can\'t speak
It\'s late night Thursday
I know that you heard me
But you don\'t want the same thing
Well two can play that game
好吧 以眼还眼以牙还牙
So I\'m chilling with my girlfriend
But she not my real girlfriend
She got a key to my place but
She\'s not my real girlfriend
Stupid so dummy
傻瓜 愚蠢至极
Say the wrong thing and wrong girls come runnin\'
口不择言 不合适的女孩在我身边来去匆匆
I\'m paranoid that these girls want something from me
And it\'s hard to make a dime go 100
And my dude freakin\' out over a worse fate
She on time but she late for they first date
她准时现身 但她在第一次约会的时候却迟到了
\'Cause he went and tried out a new condom
因为他有正事要做 试用新的安全措施
Slipped off in a threesome good problems
在纵享激情时出了意外 这算好事吗
Right wrong
这样对吗 大错特错
Askin\' him if she wanna play games
开口询问他 那个女孩是否愿意玩游戏
With the super smash brothers but none of them you
与超级明星一起寻欢作乐 只可惜你们都不是
I miss the sex when you kiss whenever you through
69 is the only dinner for two
I was wrong but would you have listened to you
我大错特错 但你是否愿意对我言听计从
Uh you were crazy
I got a heart but the artichoke
我拥有一颗真心 当你功成名就时
Is the only thing girls want when you in that smoke
And light
I wanted you to know
That I am ready to go heartbeat
我已经准备好离开你 心怦怦跳动
My heartbeat
I wanted you to know
Whenever you are around can\'t speak
每当你在我身边时 我就开不了口
I can\'t speak
I wanted you to know
That I am ready to go heartbeat
我已经准备好离开你 心怦怦跳动
My heartbeat
I wanted you to know
Whenever you are around can\'t speak
每当你在我身边时 我就开不了口
I can\'t speak
I wanted you to know
That I am ready to go heartbeat
我已经准备好离开你 心怦怦跳动
My heartbeat
I wanted you to know
Whenever you are around can\'t speak
每当你在我身边时 我就开不了口
I can\'t speak

爱好歌音乐网提供Slom-Childish Gambino - Heartbeat(Slom Remix)的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Childish Gambino - Heartbeat(Slom Remix)的QQ空间背景音乐外链。
