[00:00:00] indieedgycool - GAYLE
[00:02:00] Lyrics by:Delacey/GAYLE/Jonny Shorr
[00:05:00] I think I\'m original and everybody\'s copying me
[00:09:00] 我觉得我特立独行 所有人都在模仿我
[00:09:00] I\'ve been wearin\' chokers and I\'m not even born in the nineties
[00:14:00] 我戴着贴颈项链 我甚至没有出生在九十年代
[00:14:00] I love Tame Impala I don\'t know what that means
[00:17:00] 我喜欢Tame Impala乐队 但我却不知道这名字的真正含义
[00:17:00] All of my friends trip if you know what I mean
[00:19:00] 我所有的朋友都醉生梦死 希望你明白我的意思
[00:19:00] I think I\'m original and everybody\'s copying me
[00:24:00] 我觉得我特立独行 所有人都在模仿我
[00:24:00] \'Cause everybody loves a
[00:30:00] 因为每个人都喜欢
[00:30:00] Girl who does what she wants
[00:34:00] 随心而为的女孩
[00:34:00] I\'m too cool for the radio
[00:36:00] 我的歌酷炫十足 不适合老土的电台
[00:36:00] Got vintage kicks I\'ma let you know
[00:39:00] 穿着复古皮靴 我会让你明白
[00:39:00] Got champagne bottles in the bathtub
[00:41:00] 浴缸里放着香槟酒瓶
[00:41:00] That my best friend stole from the yacht club
[00:44:00] 那是我的好朋友从游艇俱乐部偷出来的
[00:44:00] Parents got money but they ain\'t rich
[00:46:00] 父母小有积蓄 但他们并非腰缠万贯
[00:46:00] I got Gucci but I prefer to thrift
[00:49:00] 我有昂贵奢华的古驰 但我更喜欢勤俭节约
[00:49:00] I\'m honest you know how it is
[00:51:00] 你知道我有多么诚实
[00:51:00] I\'m an indie edgy cool kid
[00:54:00] 我是个特立独行 前卫的酷小孩
[00:54:00] La-la-la-la la-la
[00:57:00] La-la-la-la la-la
[00:59:00] La-la-la-la la-la
[01:01:00] Indie edgy cool kid
[01:03:00] 特立独行 前卫的酷小孩
[01:03:00] I don\'t do yeah I like to eat
[01:06:00] 我不会沉迷于*** 我喜欢吃东西
[01:06:00] I can save the world with recycling
[01:08:00] 我可以依靠循环再利用拯救世界
[01:08:00] I\'m a lonely girl but I\'m sociable
[01:10:00] 我是个孤独的女孩 虽然我善于交际
[01:10:00] Sociable
[01:11:00] 善于交际
[01:11:00] Call me emo I\'m emotional
[01:13:00] 说我情绪化 我多愁善感
[01:13:00] Showin\' up late to the party
[01:15:00] 参加派对却姗姗来迟
[01:15:00] Party
[01:16:00] 姗姗来迟
[01:16:00] The ones that never play Top 40
[01:17:00] 那些歌从未出现在榜单前四十
[01:17:00] Top 40
[01:18:00] 榜单前四十
[01:18:00] I don\'t know the words but I\'ll hum along
[01:20:00] 我不知道歌词 但我跟着音乐哼唱
[01:20:00] Like you should know this is my favorite song
[01:23:00] 你该知道 这是我最爱的歌曲
[01:23:00] \'Cause everybody loves a
[01:28:00] 因为每个人都喜欢
[01:28:00] Girl who does what she wants
[01:33:00] 随心而为的女孩
[01:33:00] I\'m too cool for the radio
[01:35:00] 我的歌酷炫十足 不适合老土的电台
[01:35:00] Got vintage kicks I\'ma let you know
[01:37:00] 穿着复古皮靴 我会让你明白
[01:37:00] Got champagne bottles in the bathtub
[01:40:00] 浴缸里放着香槟酒瓶
[01:40:00] That my best friend stole from the yacht club
[01:43:00] 那是我的好朋友从游艇俱乐部偷出来的
[01:43:00] Parents got money but they ain\'t rich
[01:45:00] 父母小有积蓄 但他们并非腰缠万贯
[01:45:00] I got Gucci but I prefer to thrift
[01:47:00] 我有昂贵奢华的古驰 但我更喜欢勤俭节约
[01:47:00] I\'m honest you know how it is
[01:50:00] 你知道我有多么诚实
[01:50:00] I\'m an indie edgy cool kid
[01:53:00] 我是个特立独行 前卫的酷小孩
[01:53:00] La-la-la-la la-la
[01:55:00] La-la-la-la la-la
[01:58:00] La-la-la-la la-la
[02:00:00] Indie edgy cool kid
[02:02:00] 特立独行 前卫的酷小孩
[02:02:00] La-la-la-la la-la
[02:05:00] La-la-la-la la-la
[02:07:00] La-la-la-la la-la
[02:10:00] Indie edgy cool kid
[02:12:00] 特立独行 前卫的酷小孩
[02:12:00] You\'re literally so cool
[02:13:00] 你是如此酷炫潇洒
[02:13:00] No no no no no
[02:14:00] You\'re really edgy
[02:18:00] 你真的很前卫
[02:18:00] You\'re so edgy you\'re so
[02:20:00] 你是如此前卫
[02:20:00] But you\'re so indie cool and edgy
[02:21:00] 但你是如此特立独行又前卫
[02:21:00] Yeah you\'re right so we\'re not drinking
[02:23:00] 你说的没错 我们滴酒不沾
[02:23:00] We\'re not kidding but are we
[02:25:00] 我们不是在开玩笑 但谁知道呢
[02:25:00] Haha

indieedgycool - GAYLE





indieedgycool - GAYLE

Lyrics by:Delacey/GAYLE/Jonny Shorr

I think I\'m original and everybody\'s copying me
我觉得我特立独行 所有人都在模仿我
I\'ve been wearin\' chokers and I\'m not even born in the nineties
我戴着贴颈项链 我甚至没有出生在九十年代
I love Tame Impala I don\'t know what that means
我喜欢Tame Impala乐队 但我却不知道这名字的真正含义
All of my friends trip if you know what I mean
我所有的朋友都醉生梦死 希望你明白我的意思
I think I\'m original and everybody\'s copying me
我觉得我特立独行 所有人都在模仿我
\'Cause everybody loves a
Girl who does what she wants
I\'m too cool for the radio
我的歌酷炫十足 不适合老土的电台
Got vintage kicks I\'ma let you know
穿着复古皮靴 我会让你明白
Got champagne bottles in the bathtub
That my best friend stole from the yacht club
Parents got money but they ain\'t rich
父母小有积蓄 但他们并非腰缠万贯
I got Gucci but I prefer to thrift
我有昂贵奢华的古驰 但我更喜欢勤俭节约
I\'m honest you know how it is
I\'m an indie edgy cool kid
我是个特立独行 前卫的酷小孩
La-la-la-la la-la

La-la-la-la la-la

La-la-la-la la-la

Indie edgy cool kid
特立独行 前卫的酷小孩
I don\'t do yeah I like to eat
我不会沉迷于*** 我喜欢吃东西
I can save the world with recycling
I\'m a lonely girl but I\'m sociable
我是个孤独的女孩 虽然我善于交际
Call me emo I\'m emotional
说我情绪化 我多愁善感
Showin\' up late to the party
The ones that never play Top 40
Top 40
I don\'t know the words but I\'ll hum along
我不知道歌词 但我跟着音乐哼唱
Like you should know this is my favorite song
你该知道 这是我最爱的歌曲
\'Cause everybody loves a
Girl who does what she wants
I\'m too cool for the radio
我的歌酷炫十足 不适合老土的电台
Got vintage kicks I\'ma let you know
穿着复古皮靴 我会让你明白
Got champagne bottles in the bathtub
That my best friend stole from the yacht club
Parents got money but they ain\'t rich
父母小有积蓄 但他们并非腰缠万贯
I got Gucci but I prefer to thrift
我有昂贵奢华的古驰 但我更喜欢勤俭节约
I\'m honest you know how it is
I\'m an indie edgy cool kid
我是个特立独行 前卫的酷小孩
La-la-la-la la-la

La-la-la-la la-la

La-la-la-la la-la

Indie edgy cool kid
特立独行 前卫的酷小孩
La-la-la-la la-la

La-la-la-la la-la

La-la-la-la la-la

Indie edgy cool kid
特立独行 前卫的酷小孩
You\'re literally so cool
No no no no no

You\'re really edgy
You\'re so edgy you\'re so
But you\'re so indie cool and edgy
Yeah you\'re right so we\'re not drinking
你说的没错 我们滴酒不沾
We\'re not kidding but are we
我们不是在开玩笑 但谁知道呢
