[00:00:00] Tough - Quavo/Lana Del Rey (拉娜·德雷)
[00:00:00] TME享有本翻译作品的著作权
[00:00:00] Lyrics by:Andrew Watt/Lana Del Rey/Benny Negrin/Clayton Johnson/Elysse Jane Yulo/Henry Walter/Jack Antonoff/Jaxson Free/Josh Dorr/Maddox Batson/Nick Bailey/Quavious Marshall
[00:01:00] Composed by:Andrew Watt/Lana Del Rey/Benny Negrin/Clayton Johnson/Elysse Jane Yulo/Henry Walter/Jack Antonoff/Jaxson Free/Josh Dorr/Maddox Batson/Nick Bailey/Quavious Marshall
[00:01:00] Produced by:Andrew Watt/Cirkut
[00:02:00] Lana Del Rey:
[00:03:00] Tough like the scuff on a pair of old leather boots
[00:06:00] 坚韧 如一双旧皮靴扛住了经年累月留下的擦痕
[00:06:00] Like the blue-collar red-dirt attitude
[00:09:00] 像那生长于红色土地上艰辛劳作的人 敢于和生活拼搏
[00:09:00] Like a .38 made out of brass
[00:11:00] 像一把由黄铜制作的点38手枪 冷酷又强大
[00:11:00] Tough like the stuff in your grandpa\'s glass
[00:15:00] 如同你祖父手中玻璃杯里的烈酒一样 泼辣又辛厉
[00:15:00] Life\'s gonna do what it does
[00:17:00] 生活一向如此
[00:17:00] Sure as the good Lord\'s up above
[00:20:00] 正如我们举头之上 上帝永远相伴
[00:20:00] I\'m cut like a diamond shinin\' in the rough
[00:26:00] 我生来就是一颗钻石 在原始粗蛮的砂石中发出熠熠光辉
[00:26:00] Tough
[00:28:00] 强大如斯
[00:28:00] Tough
[00:29:00] 强大如斯
[00:29:00] Quavo:
[00:29:00] Come on take a ride with me
[00:31:00] 来吧 和我一起去兜风
[00:31:00] Like the 808s beatin\' in the trunk in Atlanta it was tough
[00:35:00] 驰骋在亚特兰大 车内的808s音响正乐声大作 这音乐真带感
[00:35:00] It was kinda hard for me
[00:37:00] 我的人生始于艰难
[00:37:00] Crawlin\' through the mud I couldn\'t find love then we came up
[00:40:00] 在泥淖里爬行 找不到渴求的爱 我们一点一点走到了现在
[00:40:00] Look at what we are baby
[00:42:00] 看看我们现在 已经功成名就 宝贝
[00:42:00] Standin\' through the storm still shinin\' like a diamond in the rough
[00:46:00] 在狂风暴雨里岿然不动 依旧像乱石尘壤中光芒夺目的钻石
[00:46:00] Still shinin\'
[00:48:00] 依然闪耀
[00:48:00] And that\'s hard if you ever lost someone that you love
[00:52:00] 失去所爱之人 心中万分痛苦
[00:52:00] Through the pain gotta show \'em give \'em light
[00:54:00] 蹚过悲伤之河 向世人展露自己坚强的一面 给他们以希望的光芒
[00:54:00] Still family if you\'re wrong or you\'re right
[00:57:00] 朋友们 不管你是对抑或错
[00:57:00] No matter we together
[00:59:00] 那都不重要 只要我们还在一起
[00:59:00] It\'s not something that you wanna do it\'s just somethin\' you goin\' through
[01:02:00] 那并非你心底所愿 而是你必须经历之事
[01:02:00] Quavo/Lana Del Rey:
[01:03:00] Tough like the scuff on a pair of old leather boots
[01:06:00] 坚韧 如一双旧皮靴扛住了经年累月留下的擦痕
[01:06:00] Like the blue-collar red-dirt attitude
[01:08:00] 像那生长于红色土地上艰辛劳作的人 敢于和生活拼搏
[01:08:00] Like a .38 made out of brass
[01:11:00] 像一把由黄铜制作的点38手枪 冷酷又强大
[01:11:00] Tough like the stuff in your grandpa\'s glass
[01:13:00] 如同你祖父手中玻璃杯里的烈酒一样 泼辣又辛厉
[01:13:00] Grandpa\'s glass
[01:14:00] 祖父手中玻璃杯里的烈酒
[01:14:00] Life\'s gonna do what it does
[01:16:00] 生活一向如此
[01:16:00] Ooh
[01:17:00] Sure as the good Lord\'s up above
[01:19:00] 正如我们举头之上 上帝永远相伴
[01:19:00] I\'m cut like a diamond shinin\' in the rough
[01:23:00] 我生来就是一颗钻石 在原始粗蛮的砂石中发出熠熠光辉
[01:23:00] Shine shine
[01:25:00] 闪耀
[01:25:00] Tough
[01:28:00] 依旧强大如斯
[01:28:00] Hard
[01:29:00] 纵使磨难接踵而来
[01:29:00] Tell me how it\'s hard for you
[01:30:00] 告诉我生活是如何为难你的
[01:30:00] Like a nickel on strings and your good old Gibson guitar
[01:34:00] 是否如同你那把上好的吉普森吉他上的琴弦 一点点被磨损殆尽
[01:34:00] Tell me what it feel like
[01:36:00] 告诉我 那感觉如何
[01:36:00] Like the smoke and the drawl every now in the way you talk slow
[01:40:00] 你喷吐而出的烟雾 拖得长长的声调 慢慢说话的方式后面压抑着什么
[01:40:00] Oh yeah yeah
[01:42:00] Like the songs that your mama sing to you
[01:44:00] 如同你母亲在你耳边哼唱歌谣那般
[01:44:00] And the way that it makes you tell the truth
[01:47:00] 让你倾吐心声
[01:47:00] If you come from where you come then you were born tough
[01:51:00] 如果你所属的那个地方名声不虚的话 那你生来就是个强大的战士
[01:51:00] Lana Del Rey/Quavo:
[01:54:00] Here say where you come from
[02:01:00] 说说你来自哪里
[02:01:00] It\'s not what you wanna do it\'s what you\'re gonna do
[02:05:00] 重要的不是你想做什么 而是你要做什么
[02:05:00] Now it\'s no place to run
[02:13:00] 现在已经无处可逃了
[02:13:00] If that\'s what you\'re gonna do what am I gonna do
[02:16:00] 如果那就是你要去做的 我该怎么办呢
[02:16:00] Tough
[02:16:00] 变得坚强
[02:16:00] Quavo/Lana Del Rey:
[02:16:00] Tough like the scuff on a pair of old leather boots
[02:19:00] 坚韧 如一双旧皮靴扛住了经年累月留下的擦痕
[02:19:00] Like the blue-collar red-dirt attitude
[02:21:00] 像那生长于红色土地上艰辛劳作的人 敢于和生活拼搏
[02:21:00] Yeah yeah
[02:22:00] Like a .38 made out of brass
[02:24:00] 像一把由黄铜制作的点38手枪 冷酷又强大
[02:24:00] Tough like the stuff in your grandpa\'s glass
[02:26:00] 如同你祖父手中玻璃杯里的烈酒一样 泼辣又辛厉
[02:26:00] Grandpa\'s glass
[02:27:00] 祖父手中玻璃杯里的烈酒
[02:27:00] Life\'s gonna do what it does
[02:30:00] 生活一向如此
[02:30:00] Ooh
[02:30:00] Sure as the good Lord\'s up above
[02:33:00] 正如我们举头之上 上帝永远相伴
[02:33:00] I\'m cut like a diamond shinin\' in the rough
[02:36:00] 我生来就是一颗钻石 在原始粗蛮的砂石中发出熠熠光辉
[02:36:00] Shine shine
[02:38:00] 闪耀
[02:38:00] Tough
[02:39:00] 依旧强大如斯
[02:39:00] Quavo/Lana Del Rey:
[02:39:00] You wanna come to the Nawf
[02:40:00] 你想来我的家乡?(Nawf 佐治亚北部的方言说法)
[02:40:00] Mm-hmm
[02:41:00] I\'ll show you around
[02:44:00] 我会带你到处转转
[02:44:00] That\'s why I said \"Come take a ride with me\"
[02:47:00] 所以我才对你说 “来吧 和我一起去兜风”
[02:47:00] When
[02:49:00] 什么时候
[02:49:00] Whenever
[02:51:00] 什么时候都可以
[02:51:00] Whenever you ready call on me
[02:53:00] 你要是想来 就打电话给我
[02:53:00] Brrr
[02:56:00] I\'ll give it back when I get there
[02:59:00] 等我到那里就给你回电
[02:59:00] Aight that\'s a bet
[03:04:00] 那就说定了

Tough - Quavo&Lana Del Rey


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Tough - Quavo/Lana Del Rey (拉娜·德雷)
Lyrics by:Andrew Watt/Lana Del Rey/Benny Negrin/Clayton Johnson/Elysse Jane Yulo/Henry Walter/Jack Antonoff/Jaxson Free/Josh Dorr/Maddox Batson/Nick Bailey/Quavious Marshall

Composed by:Andrew Watt/Lana Del Rey/Benny Negrin/Clayton Johnson/Elysse Jane Yulo/Henry Walter/Jack Antonoff/Jaxson Free/Josh Dorr/Maddox Batson/Nick Bailey/Quavious Marshall

Produced by:Andrew Watt/Cirkut

Lana Del Rey:

Tough like the scuff on a pair of old leather boots
坚韧 如一双旧皮靴扛住了经年累月留下的擦痕
Like the blue-collar red-dirt attitude
像那生长于红色土地上艰辛劳作的人 敢于和生活拼搏
Like a .38 made out of brass
像一把由黄铜制作的点38手枪 冷酷又强大
Tough like the stuff in your grandpa\'s glass
如同你祖父手中玻璃杯里的烈酒一样 泼辣又辛厉
Life\'s gonna do what it does
Sure as the good Lord\'s up above
正如我们举头之上 上帝永远相伴
I\'m cut like a diamond shinin\' in the rough
我生来就是一颗钻石 在原始粗蛮的砂石中发出熠熠光辉

Come on take a ride with me
来吧 和我一起去兜风
Like the 808s beatin\' in the trunk in Atlanta it was tough
驰骋在亚特兰大 车内的808s音响正乐声大作 这音乐真带感
It was kinda hard for me
Crawlin\' through the mud I couldn\'t find love then we came up
在泥淖里爬行 找不到渴求的爱 我们一点一点走到了现在
Look at what we are baby
看看我们现在 已经功成名就 宝贝
Standin\' through the storm still shinin\' like a diamond in the rough
在狂风暴雨里岿然不动 依旧像乱石尘壤中光芒夺目的钻石
Still shinin\'
And that\'s hard if you ever lost someone that you love
失去所爱之人 心中万分痛苦
Through the pain gotta show \'em give \'em light
蹚过悲伤之河 向世人展露自己坚强的一面 给他们以希望的光芒
Still family if you\'re wrong or you\'re right
朋友们 不管你是对抑或错
No matter we together
那都不重要 只要我们还在一起
It\'s not something that you wanna do it\'s just somethin\' you goin\' through
那并非你心底所愿 而是你必须经历之事
Quavo/Lana Del Rey:

Tough like the scuff on a pair of old leather boots
坚韧 如一双旧皮靴扛住了经年累月留下的擦痕
Like the blue-collar red-dirt attitude
像那生长于红色土地上艰辛劳作的人 敢于和生活拼搏
Like a .38 made out of brass
像一把由黄铜制作的点38手枪 冷酷又强大
Tough like the stuff in your grandpa\'s glass
如同你祖父手中玻璃杯里的烈酒一样 泼辣又辛厉
Grandpa\'s glass
Life\'s gonna do what it does

Sure as the good Lord\'s up above
正如我们举头之上 上帝永远相伴
I\'m cut like a diamond shinin\' in the rough
我生来就是一颗钻石 在原始粗蛮的砂石中发出熠熠光辉
Shine shine
Tell me how it\'s hard for you
Like a nickel on strings and your good old Gibson guitar
是否如同你那把上好的吉普森吉他上的琴弦 一点点被磨损殆尽
Tell me what it feel like
告诉我 那感觉如何
Like the smoke and the drawl every now in the way you talk slow
你喷吐而出的烟雾 拖得长长的声调 慢慢说话的方式后面压抑着什么
Oh yeah yeah

Like the songs that your mama sing to you
And the way that it makes you tell the truth
If you come from where you come then you were born tough
如果你所属的那个地方名声不虚的话 那你生来就是个强大的战士
Lana Del Rey/Quavo:

Here say where you come from
It\'s not what you wanna do it\'s what you\'re gonna do
重要的不是你想做什么 而是你要做什么
Now it\'s no place to run
If that\'s what you\'re gonna do what am I gonna do
如果那就是你要去做的 我该怎么办呢
Quavo/Lana Del Rey:

Tough like the scuff on a pair of old leather boots
坚韧 如一双旧皮靴扛住了经年累月留下的擦痕
Like the blue-collar red-dirt attitude
像那生长于红色土地上艰辛劳作的人 敢于和生活拼搏
Yeah yeah

Like a .38 made out of brass
像一把由黄铜制作的点38手枪 冷酷又强大
Tough like the stuff in your grandpa\'s glass
如同你祖父手中玻璃杯里的烈酒一样 泼辣又辛厉
Grandpa\'s glass
Life\'s gonna do what it does

Sure as the good Lord\'s up above
正如我们举头之上 上帝永远相伴
I\'m cut like a diamond shinin\' in the rough
我生来就是一颗钻石 在原始粗蛮的砂石中发出熠熠光辉
Shine shine
Quavo/Lana Del Rey:

You wanna come to the Nawf
你想来我的家乡?(Nawf 佐治亚北部的方言说法)

I\'ll show you around
That\'s why I said \"Come take a ride with me\"
所以我才对你说 “来吧 和我一起去兜风”
Whenever you ready call on me
你要是想来 就打电话给我

I\'ll give it back when I get there
Aight that\'s a bet

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