[00:00:00] Tobey (Explicit) - Eminem/Big Sean/BabyTron
[00:01:00] TME享有本翻译作品的著作权
[00:01:00] Lyrics by:Cole Bennett/John Nocito/Luis Resto/Marshall Mathers/Sean Anderson/James Johnson/Daniyel Weissmann/Carlton McDowell/Marvin Jordan
[00:04:00] Composed by:Cole Bennett/John Nocito/Luis Resto/Marshall Mathers/Sean Anderson/James Johnson/Daniyel Weissmann/Carlton McDowell/Marvin Jordan
[00:07:00] Produced by:Daniyel/Cole Bennett/John Nocito/Car!ton/marvy ayy/Eminem
[00:21:00] BabyTron/Big Sean:
[00:22:00] **** **** ****
[00:25:00] 糟糕透顶
[00:25:00] Boy ha
[00:26:00] 小子
[00:26:00] BabyTron:
[00:27:00] Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider but see me it was a goat
[00:30:00] 托比·马奎尔因为被蜘蛛咬才获得超能力 而我本身就实力超群
[00:30:00] If you want space
[00:31:00] 你要是渴望自由
[00:31:00] I hope you take your helmet off soon as you get up to Venus and choke
[00:34:00] 那我希望你离开以后 像在金星上摘掉头盔一样几欲窒息 无能为力
[00:34:00] Even while sleepin\' be thinkin\' so woke
[00:35:00] 即便在睡梦中 我也思维活跃 时刻警觉
[00:35:00] White Cartiers all I\'m seein\' is d**e
[00:37:00] 戴上白色卡地亚眼镜 眼前的世界变得如此美好
[00:37:00] My city Leia and I\'m Obi-Wan
[00:39:00] 这座城市好比莱娅公主 而我就是她的智慧导师欧比旺
[00:39:00] Got a mission to pass I just might be the hope
[00:40:00] 我有要务在身 我可能就是这座城市的希望
[00:40:00] Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider but see me it was a goat
[00:44:00] 托比·马奎尔因为被蜘蛛咬才获得超能力 而我本身就实力超群
[00:44:00] If you want space
[00:45:00] 你要是渴望自由
[00:45:00] I hope you take your helmet off soon as you get up to Venus and choke
[00:47:00] 那我希望你离开以后 像在金星上摘掉头盔一样几欲窒息 无能为力
[00:47:00] Even while sleepin\' be thinkin\' so woke
[00:49:00] 即便在睡梦中 我也思维活跃 时刻警觉
[00:49:00] White Cartiers all I\'m seein\' is d**e
[00:51:00] 戴上白色卡地亚眼镜 眼前的世界变得如此美好
[00:51:00] My city Leia and I\'m Obi-Wan
[00:52:00] 这座城市好比莱娅公主 而我就是她的智慧导师欧比旺
[00:52:00] Got a mission to pass I just might be the hope
[00:54:00] 我有要务在身 我可能就是这座城市的希望
[00:54:00] No español I\'m allergic to rojo
[00:56:00] 我不讲西班牙语 我极其讨厌红色
[00:56:00] And legally blind all I\'m seein\' is go
[00:58:00] 我视力欠佳 只能看到前进的方向
[00:58:00] D to the A there and back
[00:59:00] 我们常常往返底特律和亚特兰大 
[00:59:00] If we ride with the Drac\' can\'t smoke from the T to the O
[01:01:00] 从多伦多到奥兰多 只要带着火器 我们便时刻警惕 不敢懈怠
[01:01:00] Upped in the ***** you can keep what you owe
[01:03:00] 在这个女人面前 我十分硬气 这个人情你就先欠着吧
[01:03:00] Granny told me \"Boy you reap what you sow\"
[01:05:00] 奶奶曾教育我说 孩子 种瓜得瓜 种豆得豆
[01:05:00] Do the most we over even the score
[01:06:00] 竭尽全力 攻克难关 扭转不利局面
[01:06:00] Steady on the run glued his feet to the floor
[01:08:00] 行动时不慌不忙 泰然自若 坚定不移
[01:08:00] Up in my Tesla I\'m rollin\' up \'Ishers
[01:10:00] 在特斯拉里我吞云吐雾
[01:10:00] I stopped at Valero think I should quit smokin\'
[01:12:00] 可在加油站停车后 我又纠结要不要戒烟
[01:12:00] Life is a gamble and I\'m playin\' slots
[01:13:00] 生活就是一场豪赌 我一直在碰运气
[01:13:00] Pull it down close my eyes and I pray I win tokens
[01:15:00] 孤注一掷 希望自己能赢得嘉奖
[01:15:00] All Wock\' no pop how we drive
[01:16:00] 我们喝的都是Wock 没加碳酸饮料 我们悠然自得
[01:16:00] You can come and take a baby sip still tasted just potent
[01:18:00] 你也可以来尝一口 哪怕一小口也很上头
[01:18:00] One of one sittin\' \'round the stars double R finna race hit the Wraith
[01:21:00] 难得一见 仿佛置身星空下 我说的就是劳斯莱斯幻影 我要开着它参加比赛 
[01:21:00] Like a spaceship it\'s floatin\'
[01:22:00] 如开飞船般丝滑流畅
[01:22:00] All this drip think I am below sea level
[01:23:00] 有这身装扮加持 我觉得自己时尚品位无人能及
[01:23:00] Cut your own wrist off with that weak bezel
[01:25:00] 这表质量那么差 赶快摘了吧
[01:25:00] Ride around with the Iron Giant make \'em eat metal
[01:27:00] 有了金刚之身 我便可肆意驰骋 让他们望而生畏
[01:27:00] Watch unc\' break a rock down to three pebbles
[01:29:00] 看长辈们如何轻松化解棘手的状况
[01:29:00] Bam-bam down three hit the grand slam
[01:30:00] 持续付诸行动 取得重大成就
[01:30:00] Four pockets full fully switched go wham-wham
[01:32:00] 我腰缠万贯 风格大变 瞩目全场
[01:32:00] Pants cramp pull it out I\'m countin\' \'til my hands cramp
[01:34:00] 裤子太紧 还是脱了吧 我要忘我数钱 数到手抽筋
[01:34:00] Road DSM on the beach not a sand stand
[01:39:00] 在沙滩上肆意驰骋 我才不会傻傻发愣
[01:39:00] Big Sean:
[01:39:00] Boy
[01:43:00] 小子
[01:43:00] Ayy ayy
[01:44:00] They wanna bleed me and lead me to act like they need me
[01:47:00] 他们希望我受伤 希望我表现出需要他们的模样
[01:47:00] But **** it I do it alone
[01:48:00] 不过我才不屑一顾 我要独自美丽
[01:48:00] Woah
[01:48:00] She wanna touch me and rub me and go back to hubby
[01:50:00] 她爱抚我 取悦我 然后再回到她老公身旁
[01:50:00] He probably could smell my cologne
[01:51:00] 可她老公可能会在她身上闻到我的古龙香水
[01:51:00] Damn
[01:52:00] 该死
[01:52:00] I was immersed in the Merce
[01:53:00] 我开着奔驰尽享惬意
[01:53:00] I show \'em no mercy I really was watchin\' the throne
[01:55:00] 我绝不留情 我真的要冲顶巅峰
[01:55:00] For real
[01:55:00] 真的
[01:55:00] Niggas ain\'t turnin\' me down
[01:56:00] 面对别人 我绝不会压低声调
[01:56:00] When my baby asleep only time that I\'m watchin\' my tone
[01:58:00] 只有在孩子睡着时 我说话才会轻声细语
[01:58:00] Shh
[01:59:00] We don\'t want chips with a chip on our shoulder
[02:00:00] 我们不想因为过去的怨恨影响当下的生活
[02:00:00] If he Obi-Wan then I gotta be Yoda
[02:02:00] 如果他是欧比旺 那我就是尤达
[02:02:00] Don\'t need no promoter we pull up they know us
[02:04:00] 我们不需要提高知名度 等我们到场 大家肯定认识我们
[02:04:00] I\'m the Ayatollah snatching your controller
[02:05:00] 我就是主宰 我要夺走你的主导权
[02:05:00] I don\'t give a **** about you when I\'m focused
[02:07:00] 我专心搞事业时 根本不会理你
[02:07:00] **** all the drugs you take I\'m takin\' over
[02:09:00] 收起你所有的手段 这一切归我管了
[02:09:00] I paid attention don\'t need no payola
[02:10:00] 我靠自己的努力和专注收获了成功 我才不需要花钱来实现目标
[02:10:00] Can\'t take \'way from me you just need to take cover
[02:12:00] 我的一切你夺不走 你只要好好掩护自己就行
[02:12:00] Frr
[02:12:00] I can paint a picture like I made the stencil
[02:14:00] 我可以像设计模板一样塑造自己的形象
[02:14:00] **** your whole image I\'m with Cole Bennett
[02:16:00] 你的形象我根本不在乎 毕竟我可是Cole Bennett的合作对象
[02:16:00] I don\'t know what the **** they done told niggas
[02:17:00] 我不知道他们跟那群家伙说了什么
[02:17:00] I put all of my heart and my soul in it
[02:19:00] 反正这件事我已经尽全力了
[02:19:00] I met you in person you so different
[02:21:00] 跟你接触过后 我发现你跟我的预期完全不同
[02:21:00] I can\'t listen to you for a whole minute
[02:23:00] 你的声音我真的一刻都听不下去
[02:23:00] Took a blood test ain\'t no ho in it
[02:24:00] 我已经验过血了 我没有任何问题 也毫无隐瞒
[02:24:00] Watch your ************** mouth \'fore I go in it
[02:26:00] 在我进去之前 你说话最好注意点
[02:26:00] They like \"No he didn\'t\" got \'em more invested
[02:28:00] 大家好像都不相信他会那么做 这样一来他们就更好奇了
[02:28:00] If it\'s one thing I make I make no exceptions
[02:30:00] 在这一点上 我绝不会妥协让步
[02:30:00] I got new addresses I got no reception
[02:31:00] 我搬了新家 但那里信号却很不好
[02:31:00] I got love and hate comin\' from both directions
[02:33:00] 我既收获了爱意 又遭到了某些人的嫉恨
[02:33:00] ***** I come from the D where they BMFing
[02:35:00] 女人 我来自底特律 那里经常有BMFing组织出没
[02:35:00] Where they movin\' them keys like a chord progression
[02:36:00] 井然有序地转运大货 如演奏钢琴般节奏紧凑
[02:36:00] ***** I\'m omnipresent I got no reflection
[02:38:00] 女人 我无处不在 我不会受任何影响
[02:38:00] Made a livin\' off bars I need no correction
[02:40:00] 我在酒吧卖艺赚钱 我没什么需要改过自新
[02:40:00] No
[02:40:00] 根本没有
[02:40:00] Grindin\' **** out gotta stay patient
[02:41:00] 我坚持不懈 始终沉着
[02:41:00] While you outside we on staycation
[02:43:00] 你在外边奔波时 我们却在家里放松
[02:43:00] Locked the **** in ain\'t no playin\' for real \'less you playmakin\'
[02:46:00] 除非你真的做了贡献 不然就不算参与其中
[02:46:00] I take the chances you hate takin\'
[02:48:00] 我愿孤注一掷 承担大家不愿冒的风险
[02:48:00] **** it dog I\'ma go Wes Craven
[02:49:00] 算了 哥们儿 我要像Wes Craven一样另辟蹊径
[02:49:00] I\'m at the safe **** a safe haven
[02:51:00] 我身边是保险柜 可不是什么避难所
[02:51:00] They play with my name and I can\'t take it
[02:53:00] 他们总拿我的名字开玩笑 这一点我真的受不了
[02:53:00] Lil\' *****
[02:53:00] 可恶的小人
[02:53:00] BabyTron/Eminem:
[02:54:00] Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider but see me it was a goat
[02:57:00] 托比·马奎尔因为被蜘蛛咬才获得超能力 而我本身就实力超群
[02:57:00] If you want space
[02:57:00] 你要是渴望自由
[02:57:00] I hope you take your helmet off soon as you get up to Venus and choke
[03:00:00] 那我希望你离开以后 像在金星上摘掉头盔一样几欲窒息 无能为力
[03:00:00] Even while sleepin\' be thinkin\' so woke
[03:02:00] 即便在睡梦中 我也思维活跃 时刻警觉
[03:02:00] White Cartiers all I\'m seein\' is d**e
[03:04:00] 戴上白色卡地亚眼镜 眼前的世界变得如此美好
[03:04:00] Yeah
[03:04:00] My city Leia and I\'m Obi-Wan
[03:05:00] 这座城市好比莱娅公主 而我就是她的智慧导师欧比旺
[03:05:00] Got a mission to pass I just might be the hope
[03:07:00] 我有要务在身 我可能就是这座城市的希望
[03:07:00] Eminem:
[03:07:00] Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider me
[03:09:00] 托比·马奎尔因为被蜘蛛咬才获得超能力
[03:09:00] Must\'ve got bit by a goat
[03:11:00] 而我本身就实力超群
[03:11:00] Yeah
[03:11:00] I used to dream as a kid I would grow
[03:12:00] 小时候常常盼着自己快点长大
[03:12:00] Baa
[03:12:00] To be one I hope that I inspire hope
[03:14:00] 成为那个能激发大家内心希望的人
[03:14:00] For what
[03:14:00] 图什么呢
[03:14:00] For you to go get what you desire most
[03:16:00] 图你能不懈追求理想
[03:16:00] Yeah
[03:16:00] Spit fire ***** I was just flyin\' coach
[03:17:00] 女人 以前平平无奇 只能坐经济舱的我 如今语出不凡
[03:17:00] Yeah
[03:18:00] Y\'all thought you was sick you were misdiagnosed
[03:19:00] 你们都以为自己不得了 其实都是被高估了
[03:19:00] Nope
[03:19:00] 你们根本不行
[03:19:00] I\'m d**e and you\'ll never have this high a dose
[03:21:00] 我出类拔萃 但你们永远达不到我这个境界
[03:21:00] Nope yeah
[03:21:00] 你们根本不行
[03:21:00] Now my estates in the buildin\' and *****
[03:23:00] 如今我的资产不断增值 蠢货们
[03:23:00] I done slept on more floors than the Empire State \'Pire State Building
[03:25:00] 我也无数次风餐露宿 无家可归 受尽苦楚
[03:25:00] I got so many stories but I hate ceilings
[03:26:00] 我有许多经历可以分享 无奈时间有限
[03:26:00] Haha
[03:27:00] Ain\'t feelin\' your top five favorite rappers
[03:28:00] 你列出最爱的五位说唱歌手 但我对此并不认同
[03:28:00] Woo
[03:29:00] So I know they \'bout to be pissed at me
[03:30:00] 所以我知道他们会对我愤怒不满
[03:30:00] Why
[03:30:00] 为什么呢
[03:30:00] But this to me is a mystery
[03:32:00] 对此我还没有答案
[03:32:00] How rappers I\'ve already ripped could be
[03:33:00] 那些被我击败的说唱歌手怎么成了优秀的代名词
[03:33:00] What
[03:34:00] 什么情况
[03:34:00] Higher up on a list than me
[03:35:00] 他们在榜单上的位置比我还靠前
[03:35:00] Ha
[03:35:00] Yet here I sit on your list though at five
[03:37:00] 即便如此 在你的听歌排行里 依旧位列第五
[03:37:00] Hm
[03:37:00] Which still was fine
[03:38:00] 我觉得还好
[03:38:00] But just know inside to me that ****\'s hilarious so when I
[03:40:00] 所以你要明白 我打心底里觉得这一点荒唐可笑
[03:40:00] Haha
[03:40:00] Get dissed though and by a pioneer
[03:42:00] 虽然我被说唱元老羞辱
[03:42:00] Who was one of the reasons why I am here
[03:44:00] 但他是我出山的原因之一
[03:44:00] They tell me I should just let that **** go and slide
[03:45:00] 他们说我应该就此释怀 别再计较
[03:45:00] Why
[03:46:00] 为什么呢
[03:46:00] \"Melle Mel shouldn\'t get no reply\"
[03:47:00] 对于Melle Mel 我不该作出回应
[03:47:00] Why
[03:47:00] 为什么呢
[03:47:00] \"That man is a legend\" ***** so am I
[03:49:00] 那家伙可是个传奇人物 可我也是啊
[03:49:00] Haha yeah
[03:50:00] And anyone else who thinks it\'d be wise and easy as pie
[03:53:00] 任何觉得击垮我易如反掌 并且是明智之举的人
[03:53:00] To beat me and tries
[03:53:00] 他们都跃跃欲试
[03:53:00] Can treat me just like poison
[03:55:00] 会把我当毒瘤来对待
[03:55:00] What
[03:55:00] 什么
[03:55:00] They can eat me and die
[03:56:00] 他们可以击垮我 但只会是两败俱伤
[03:56:00] Hehe
[03:56:00] Middle finger stuck up but I never conceded
[03:58:00] 我对此嗤之以鼻 但我绝不会认输
[03:58:00] When have I ever retreated
[03:58:00] 我何时退缩过呢
[03:58:00] Never
[03:59:00] 绝不退缩 
[03:59:00] You never seen it
[04:00:00] 永远不会看到我退缩不签
[04:00:00] Every dream that I ever dreamt I exceeded
[04:01:00] 我立下的志向 都已实现
[04:01:00] Cement my legacy I definitely did controversy I always said all I needed
[04:05:00] 我不断积累财富 也确实备受争议 因为我总是口无遮拦
[04:05:00] Treat it like a truck hit it head-on I meet it
[04:07:00] 面对挑战 就要迎难而上
[04:07:00] Krrk
[04:07:00] I get on a beat and it\'s like that
[04:08:00] 我跟着节奏摇摆起来 
[04:08:00] \"Eye of the Tiger\" song is playin\' on my head on repeat
[04:10:00] 《Eye of the Tiger》在我脑海中不停回响
[04:10:00] I been knocked down so many times can\'t count
[04:11:00] 我被击垮过无数次 数都数不过来了
[04:11:00] Ugh
[04:12:00] Sometimes **** does not pan out
[04:13:00] 有时候努力不会有结果
[04:13:00] That\'s just the way that the card hand\'s dealt
[04:15:00] 可人生就是这么世事无常
[04:15:00] Jon Manzel odd man out
[04:17:00] 就像怪人乔恩·曼泽尔一样
[04:17:00] What
[04:17:00] 什么
[04:17:00] But heavyweight word to Scott Van Pelt
[04:18:00] 但对斯科特·范佩尔来说 这番话很有分量
[04:18:00] I can\'t help but feel like a victim of child abuse
[04:21:00] 我不由得觉得自己也是无辜的受害者
[04:21:00] \'Cause I am \'bout to get that goddamn belt
[04:24:00] 因为我马上就能如愿以偿了
[04:24:00] Now strap man
[04:24:00] 现在就准备迎接胜利吧
[04:24:00] Way beyond crazy Shady gone but hey maybe I am the GOAT
[04:27:00] 真是不可思议 姆爷离开后 或许我会成为下一个说唱大神
[04:27:00] With Big Sean and BabyTron
[04:28:00] 我一直跟Big Sean和BabyTron一起闯荡
[04:28:00] And that\'s why they be on the **** they be on \'cause
[04:30:00] 这也是他们对我尽心尽力的原因
[04:30:00] Ugh
[04:30:00] BabyTron:
[04:30:00] Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider but see me it was a goat
[04:33:00] 托比·马奎尔因为被蜘蛛咬才获得超能力 而我本身就实力超群
[04:33:00] If you want space
[04:34:00] 你要是渴望自由
[04:34:00] I hope you take your helmet off soon as you get up to Venus and choke
[04:37:00] 那我希望你离开以后 像在金星上摘掉头盔一样几欲窒息 无能为力
[04:37:00] Even while sleepin\' be thinkin\' so woke
[04:39:00] 即便在睡梦中 我也思维活跃 时刻警觉
[04:39:00] White Cartiers all I\'m seein\' is d**e
[04:40:00] 戴上白色卡地亚眼镜 眼前的世界变得如此美好
[04:40:00] My city Leia and I\'m Obi-Wan
[04:42:00] 这座城市好比莱娅公主 而我就是她的智慧导师欧比旺
[04:42:00] Got a mission to pass I just might be the hope
[04:47:00] 我有要务在身 我可能就是这座城市的希望

Tobey(Explicit) - Eminem&Big Sean&BabyTron


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Tobey (Explicit) - Eminem/Big Sean/BabyTron
Lyrics by:Cole Bennett/John Nocito/Luis Resto/Marshall Mathers/Sean Anderson/James Johnson/Daniyel Weissmann/Carlton McDowell/Marvin Jordan

Composed by:Cole Bennett/John Nocito/Luis Resto/Marshall Mathers/Sean Anderson/James Johnson/Daniyel Weissmann/Carlton McDowell/Marvin Jordan

Produced by:Daniyel/Cole Bennett/John Nocito/Car!ton/marvy ayy/Eminem

BabyTron/Big Sean:

**** **** ****
Boy ha

Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider but see me it was a goat
托比·马奎尔因为被蜘蛛咬才获得超能力 而我本身就实力超群
If you want space
I hope you take your helmet off soon as you get up to Venus and choke
那我希望你离开以后 像在金星上摘掉头盔一样几欲窒息 无能为力
Even while sleepin\' be thinkin\' so woke
即便在睡梦中 我也思维活跃 时刻警觉
White Cartiers all I\'m seein\' is d**e
戴上白色卡地亚眼镜 眼前的世界变得如此美好
My city Leia and I\'m Obi-Wan
这座城市好比莱娅公主 而我就是她的智慧导师欧比旺
Got a mission to pass I just might be the hope
我有要务在身 我可能就是这座城市的希望
Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider but see me it was a goat
托比·马奎尔因为被蜘蛛咬才获得超能力 而我本身就实力超群
If you want space
I hope you take your helmet off soon as you get up to Venus and choke
那我希望你离开以后 像在金星上摘掉头盔一样几欲窒息 无能为力
Even while sleepin\' be thinkin\' so woke
即便在睡梦中 我也思维活跃 时刻警觉
White Cartiers all I\'m seein\' is d**e
戴上白色卡地亚眼镜 眼前的世界变得如此美好
My city Leia and I\'m Obi-Wan
这座城市好比莱娅公主 而我就是她的智慧导师欧比旺
Got a mission to pass I just might be the hope
我有要务在身 我可能就是这座城市的希望
No español I\'m allergic to rojo
我不讲西班牙语 我极其讨厌红色
And legally blind all I\'m seein\' is go
我视力欠佳 只能看到前进的方向
D to the A there and back
If we ride with the Drac\' can\'t smoke from the T to the O
从多伦多到奥兰多 只要带着火器 我们便时刻警惕 不敢懈怠
Upped in the ***** you can keep what you owe
在这个女人面前 我十分硬气 这个人情你就先欠着吧
Granny told me \"Boy you reap what you sow\"
奶奶曾教育我说 孩子 种瓜得瓜 种豆得豆
Do the most we over even the score
竭尽全力 攻克难关 扭转不利局面
Steady on the run glued his feet to the floor
行动时不慌不忙 泰然自若 坚定不移
Up in my Tesla I\'m rollin\' up \'Ishers
I stopped at Valero think I should quit smokin\'
可在加油站停车后 我又纠结要不要戒烟
Life is a gamble and I\'m playin\' slots
生活就是一场豪赌 我一直在碰运气
Pull it down close my eyes and I pray I win tokens
孤注一掷 希望自己能赢得嘉奖
All Wock\' no pop how we drive
我们喝的都是Wock 没加碳酸饮料 我们悠然自得
You can come and take a baby sip still tasted just potent
你也可以来尝一口 哪怕一小口也很上头
One of one sittin\' \'round the stars double R finna race hit the Wraith
难得一见 仿佛置身星空下 我说的就是劳斯莱斯幻影 我要开着它参加比赛
Like a spaceship it\'s floatin\'
All this drip think I am below sea level
有这身装扮加持 我觉得自己时尚品位无人能及
Cut your own wrist off with that weak bezel
这表质量那么差 赶快摘了吧
Ride around with the Iron Giant make \'em eat metal
有了金刚之身 我便可肆意驰骋 让他们望而生畏
Watch unc\' break a rock down to three pebbles
Bam-bam down three hit the grand slam
持续付诸行动 取得重大成就
Four pockets full fully switched go wham-wham
我腰缠万贯 风格大变 瞩目全场
Pants cramp pull it out I\'m countin\' \'til my hands cramp
裤子太紧 还是脱了吧 我要忘我数钱 数到手抽筋
Road DSM on the beach not a sand stand
在沙滩上肆意驰骋 我才不会傻傻发愣
Big Sean:

Ayy ayy

They wanna bleed me and lead me to act like they need me
他们希望我受伤 希望我表现出需要他们的模样
But **** it I do it alone
不过我才不屑一顾 我要独自美丽

She wanna touch me and rub me and go back to hubby
她爱抚我 取悦我 然后再回到她老公身旁
He probably could smell my cologne
I was immersed in the Merce
I show \'em no mercy I really was watchin\' the throne
我绝不留情 我真的要冲顶巅峰
For real
Niggas ain\'t turnin\' me down
面对别人 我绝不会压低声调
When my baby asleep only time that I\'m watchin\' my tone
只有在孩子睡着时 我说话才会轻声细语

We don\'t want chips with a chip on our shoulder
If he Obi-Wan then I gotta be Yoda
如果他是欧比旺 那我就是尤达
Don\'t need no promoter we pull up they know us
我们不需要提高知名度 等我们到场 大家肯定认识我们
I\'m the Ayatollah snatching your controller
我就是主宰 我要夺走你的主导权
I don\'t give a **** about you when I\'m focused
我专心搞事业时 根本不会理你
**** all the drugs you take I\'m takin\' over
收起你所有的手段 这一切归我管了
I paid attention don\'t need no payola
我靠自己的努力和专注收获了成功 我才不需要花钱来实现目标
Can\'t take \'way from me you just need to take cover
我的一切你夺不走 你只要好好掩护自己就行

I can paint a picture like I made the stencil
**** your whole image I\'m with Cole Bennett
你的形象我根本不在乎 毕竟我可是Cole Bennett的合作对象
I don\'t know what the **** they done told niggas
I put all of my heart and my soul in it
I met you in person you so different
跟你接触过后 我发现你跟我的预期完全不同
I can\'t listen to you for a whole minute
Took a blood test ain\'t no ho in it
我已经验过血了 我没有任何问题 也毫无隐瞒
Watch your ************** mouth \'fore I go in it
在我进去之前 你说话最好注意点
They like \"No he didn\'t\" got \'em more invested
大家好像都不相信他会那么做 这样一来他们就更好奇了
If it\'s one thing I make I make no exceptions
在这一点上 我绝不会妥协让步
I got new addresses I got no reception
我搬了新家 但那里信号却很不好
I got love and hate comin\' from both directions
我既收获了爱意 又遭到了某些人的嫉恨
***** I come from the D where they BMFing
女人 我来自底特律 那里经常有BMFing组织出没
Where they movin\' them keys like a chord progression
井然有序地转运大货 如演奏钢琴般节奏紧凑
***** I\'m omnipresent I got no reflection
女人 我无处不在 我不会受任何影响
Made a livin\' off bars I need no correction
我在酒吧卖艺赚钱 我没什么需要改过自新
Grindin\' **** out gotta stay patient
我坚持不懈 始终沉着
While you outside we on staycation
你在外边奔波时 我们却在家里放松
Locked the **** in ain\'t no playin\' for real \'less you playmakin\'
除非你真的做了贡献 不然就不算参与其中
I take the chances you hate takin\'
我愿孤注一掷 承担大家不愿冒的风险
**** it dog I\'ma go Wes Craven
算了 哥们儿 我要像Wes Craven一样另辟蹊径
I\'m at the safe **** a safe haven
我身边是保险柜 可不是什么避难所
They play with my name and I can\'t take it
他们总拿我的名字开玩笑 这一点我真的受不了
Lil\' *****

Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider but see me it was a goat
托比·马奎尔因为被蜘蛛咬才获得超能力 而我本身就实力超群
If you want space
I hope you take your helmet off soon as you get up to Venus and choke
那我希望你离开以后 像在金星上摘掉头盔一样几欲窒息 无能为力
Even while sleepin\' be thinkin\' so woke
即便在睡梦中 我也思维活跃 时刻警觉
White Cartiers all I\'m seein\' is d**e
戴上白色卡地亚眼镜 眼前的世界变得如此美好

My city Leia and I\'m Obi-Wan
这座城市好比莱娅公主 而我就是她的智慧导师欧比旺
Got a mission to pass I just might be the hope
我有要务在身 我可能就是这座城市的希望

Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider me
Must\'ve got bit by a goat

I used to dream as a kid I would grow

To be one I hope that I inspire hope
For what
For you to go get what you desire most

Spit fire ***** I was just flyin\' coach
女人 以前平平无奇 只能坐经济舱的我 如今语出不凡

Y\'all thought you was sick you were misdiagnosed
你们都以为自己不得了 其实都是被高估了
I\'m d**e and you\'ll never have this high a dose
我出类拔萃 但你们永远达不到我这个境界
Nope yeah
Now my estates in the buildin\' and *****
如今我的资产不断增值 蠢货们
I done slept on more floors than the Empire State \'Pire State Building
我也无数次风餐露宿 无家可归 受尽苦楚
I got so many stories but I hate ceilings
我有许多经历可以分享 无奈时间有限

Ain\'t feelin\' your top five favorite rappers
你列出最爱的五位说唱歌手 但我对此并不认同

So I know they \'bout to be pissed at me
But this to me is a mystery
How rappers I\'ve already ripped could be
Higher up on a list than me

Yet here I sit on your list though at five
即便如此 在你的听歌排行里 依旧位列第五

Which still was fine
But just know inside to me that ****\'s hilarious so when I
所以你要明白 我打心底里觉得这一点荒唐可笑

Get dissed though and by a pioneer
Who was one of the reasons why I am here
They tell me I should just let that **** go and slide
他们说我应该就此释怀 别再计较
\"Melle Mel shouldn\'t get no reply\"
对于Melle Mel 我不该作出回应
\"That man is a legend\" ***** so am I
那家伙可是个传奇人物 可我也是啊
Haha yeah

And anyone else who thinks it\'d be wise and easy as pie
任何觉得击垮我易如反掌 并且是明智之举的人
To beat me and tries
Can treat me just like poison
They can eat me and die
他们可以击垮我 但只会是两败俱伤

Middle finger stuck up but I never conceded
我对此嗤之以鼻 但我绝不会认输
When have I ever retreated
You never seen it
Every dream that I ever dreamt I exceeded
我立下的志向 都已实现
Cement my legacy I definitely did controversy I always said all I needed
我不断积累财富 也确实备受争议 因为我总是口无遮拦
Treat it like a truck hit it head-on I meet it
面对挑战 就要迎难而上

I get on a beat and it\'s like that
\"Eye of the Tiger\" song is playin\' on my head on repeat
《Eye of the Tiger》在我脑海中不停回响
I been knocked down so many times can\'t count
我被击垮过无数次 数都数不过来了

Sometimes **** does not pan out
That\'s just the way that the card hand\'s dealt
Jon Manzel odd man out
But heavyweight word to Scott Van Pelt
但对斯科特·范佩尔来说 这番话很有分量
I can\'t help but feel like a victim of child abuse
\'Cause I am \'bout to get that goddamn belt
Now strap man
Way beyond crazy Shady gone but hey maybe I am the GOAT
真是不可思议 姆爷离开后 或许我会成为下一个说唱大神
With Big Sean and BabyTron
我一直跟Big Sean和BabyTron一起闯荡
And that\'s why they be on the **** they be on \'cause


Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider but see me it was a goat
托比·马奎尔因为被蜘蛛咬才获得超能力 而我本身就实力超群
If you want space
I hope you take your helmet off soon as you get up to Venus and choke
那我希望你离开以后 像在金星上摘掉头盔一样几欲窒息 无能为力
Even while sleepin\' be thinkin\' so woke
即便在睡梦中 我也思维活跃 时刻警觉
White Cartiers all I\'m seein\' is d**e
戴上白色卡地亚眼镜 眼前的世界变得如此美好
My city Leia and I\'m Obi-Wan
这座城市好比莱娅公主 而我就是她的智慧导师欧比旺
Got a mission to pass I just might be the hope
我有要务在身 我可能就是这座城市的希望

爱好歌音乐网提供Eminem&Big Sean&BabyTron-Tobey(Explicit)的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Tobey(Explicit)的QQ空间背景音乐外链。