[00:00:00] Pink Skies - Zach Bryan
[00:00:00] TME享有本翻译作品的著作权
[00:00:00] Lyrics by:Zach Bryan
[00:01:00] Produced by:Zach Bryan
[00:12:00] The kids are in town for a funeral
[00:17:00] 孩子们都回城参加葬礼了
[00:17:00] So pack the car and dry your eyes
[00:23:00] 那就收拾好行李 擦干眼泪吧
[00:23:00] I know they got plenty of young blood left in 'em
[00:28:00] 我知道他们依旧意气风发
[00:28:00] And plenty nights under pink skies
[00:31:00] 你无数次在粉色的夜幕下
[00:31:00] You taught 'em to enjoy
[00:39:00] 教他们享受人生
[00:39:00] So clean the house clear the drawers
[00:42:00] 那就把家里打扫一下 收拾一下抽屉
[00:42:00] Mop the floors stand tall
[00:45:00] 把地拖干净 然后挺直腰板
[00:45:00] Like no ones ever been here before or at all
[00:51:00] 就当这里从未有人来过
[00:51:00] And don't you mention all the inches
[00:54:00] 别再提门框上的
[00:54:00] That are scraped on the door frame
[00:56:00] 身高刻度线了
[00:56:00] We all know you tip toed up to 4'1 back in '08
[01:04:00] 我们都知道2008的时候 你踮起脚有四尺一那么高
[01:04:00] If you could see 'em now you'd be proud
[01:07:00] 要是你现在见到他们 肯定会很骄傲
[01:07:00] But you'd think they's yuppies
[01:10:00] 不过你会觉得他们太小资
[01:10:00] Your funeral was beautiful
[01:13:00] 你的葬礼办得很不错
[01:13:00] I bet God heard you coming
[01:27:00] 我敢说 上帝听到你走近的声音了
[01:27:00] The kids are in town for a funeral
[01:33:00] 孩子们都回城参加葬礼了
[01:33:00] And the grass all smells
[01:35:00] 这淡淡的青草香
[01:35:00] The same as the day you broke your arm swinging
[01:38:00] 跟你荡秋千把胳膊摔骨折那天一样
[01:38:00] I'm that kid out on the river
[01:44:00] 我就是在河边玩耍的那个孩子
[01:44:00] You bailed him out
[01:45:00] 你救过我的命
[01:45:00] Never said a thing about Jesus or the way he's living
[01:52:00] 却未曾对我说教或苛责
[01:52:00] If you could see 'em now you'd be proud
[01:55:00] 要是你现在见到他们 肯定会很骄傲
[01:55:00] But you'd think they's yuppies
[01:58:00] 不过你会觉得他们太小资
[01:58:00] Your funeral was beautiful
[02:00:00] 你的葬礼办得很不错
[02:00:00] I bet God heard you coming
[02:14:00] 我敢说 上帝听到你走近的声音了
[02:14:00] If you could see 'em now you'd be proud
[02:17:00] 要是你现在见到他们 肯定会很骄傲
[02:17:00] But you'd think they's yuppies
[02:20:00] 不过你会觉得他们太小资
[02:20:00] Your funeral was beautiful
[02:23:00] 你的葬礼办得很不错
[02:23:00] I bet God heard you coming
[02:37:00] 我敢说 上帝听到你走近的声音了
[02:37:00] The kids are in town for a funeral
[02:42:00] 孩子们都回城参加葬礼了
[02:42:00] So pack the car and dry your eyes
[02:48:00] 那就收拾好行李 擦干眼泪吧
[02:48:00] I know they got plenty young blood left in 'em
[02:54:00] 我知道他们依旧意气风发
[02:54:00] And plenty nights under pink skies
[02:58:00] 你无数次在粉色的夜幕下
[02:58:00] You taught 'em to enjoy
[03:03:00] 教他们享受人生

Pink Skies - Zach Bryan


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Pink Skies的文本歌词:

Pink Skies - Zach Bryan
Lyrics by:Zach Bryan

Produced by:Zach Bryan

The kids are in town for a funeral
So pack the car and dry your eyes
那就收拾好行李 擦干眼泪吧
I know they got plenty of young blood left in 'em
And plenty nights under pink skies
You taught 'em to enjoy
So clean the house clear the drawers
那就把家里打扫一下 收拾一下抽屉
Mop the floors stand tall
把地拖干净 然后挺直腰板
Like no ones ever been here before or at all
And don't you mention all the inches
That are scraped on the door frame
We all know you tip toed up to 4'1 back in '08
我们都知道2008的时候 你踮起脚有四尺一那么高
If you could see 'em now you'd be proud
要是你现在见到他们 肯定会很骄傲
But you'd think they's yuppies
Your funeral was beautiful
I bet God heard you coming
我敢说 上帝听到你走近的声音了
The kids are in town for a funeral
And the grass all smells
The same as the day you broke your arm swinging
I'm that kid out on the river
You bailed him out
Never said a thing about Jesus or the way he's living
If you could see 'em now you'd be proud
要是你现在见到他们 肯定会很骄傲
But you'd think they's yuppies
Your funeral was beautiful
I bet God heard you coming
我敢说 上帝听到你走近的声音了
If you could see 'em now you'd be proud
要是你现在见到他们 肯定会很骄傲
But you'd think they's yuppies
Your funeral was beautiful
I bet God heard you coming
我敢说 上帝听到你走近的声音了
The kids are in town for a funeral
So pack the car and dry your eyes
那就收拾好行李 擦干眼泪吧
I know they got plenty young blood left in 'em
And plenty nights under pink skies
You taught 'em to enjoy

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