[00:00:00] But Daddy I Love Him - Taylor Swift (泰勒·斯威夫特)
[00:01:00] TME享有本翻译作品的著作权
[00:01:00] Lyrics by:Aaron Dessner/Taylor Swift
[00:02:00] Composed by:Aaron Dessner/Taylor Swift
[00:04:00] Produced by:Jack Antonoff/Aaron Dessner/Taylor Swift
[00:05:00] I forget how the West was won
[00:08:00] 我已经忘了《西部战记》里的血雨腥风了
[00:08:00] I forget if this was ever fun
[00:12:00] 我忘了这一切是否曾乐趣无穷
[00:12:00] I just learned these people only raise you to cage you
[00:17:00] 我才明白这群人对我的帮扶只是为了把我困住
[00:17:00] Sarahs and Hannahs in their Sunday best
[00:20:00] 正如周日一身华服的莎拉和汉娜
[00:20:00] Clutching their pearls sighing what a mess
[00:23:00] 捧着珍珠项链 却假惺惺地感叹 真是一团糟
[00:23:00] I just learned these people try and save you
[00:27:00] 我才明白 这些人假模假式地拯救我
[00:27:00] \'Cause they hate you
[00:30:00] 只是因为他们恨透了我
[00:30:00] Too high a horse for a simple girl to rise above it
[00:42:00] 对于普通姑娘来说 她们的生活简直望尘莫及
[00:42:00] They slammed the door on my whole world
[00:49:00] 她们无情地拒绝我 让我彻底与世隔绝
[00:49:00] The one thing I wanted
[00:53:00] 而这却是我唯一的渴望
[00:53:00] Now I\'m running with my dress unbuttoned
[00:57:00] 现在我穿着还未系好扣子的裙子狂奔起来
[00:57:00] Screaming but daddy I love him
[00:59:00] 嘴里大喊着 可是爸爸 我爱他啊
[00:59:00] I\'m having his baby
[01:02:00] 我想跟他孕育爱的结晶
[01:02:00] No I\'m not but you should see your faces
[01:05:00] 开个玩笑而已 不过你们真该看看自己现在的脸色
[01:05:00] I\'m telling him to floor it through the fences
[01:09:00] 我嚷嚷着让他快点冲破围栏 疾驰而去
[01:09:00] No I\'m not coming to my senses
[01:11:00] 不 其实我尚未恢复理智
[01:11:00] I know he\'s crazy but he\'s the one I want
[01:17:00] 我知道他不可理喻 可我想嫁的那个人就是他
[01:17:00] Dutiful daughter all my plans were laid
[01:20:00] 作为父亲眼里的乖女儿 我的未来父亲早已为我打点好了
[01:20:00] Tendrils tucked into a woven braid
[01:23:00] 从我整整齐齐的发辫就能看出一二了
[01:23:00] Growing up precocious sometimes means not growing up at all
[01:29:00] 有时候 早熟意味根本就没长大
[01:29:00] He was chaos he was revelry
[01:32:00] 我的恋人他生活一团糟 整日就知道玩乐
[01:32:00] Bedroom eyes like a remedy
[01:35:00] 可他的深情总能带给我莫大的慰藉
[01:35:00] Soon enough the elders had convened down at the City Hall
[01:42:00] 长辈们很快就在大会堂会合了
[01:42:00] Stay away from her
[01:46:00] 大喊着离她远点
[01:46:00] The saboteurs protested too much
[01:54:00] 他们反对这段恋情时简直太强势了
[01:54:00] Lord knows the words we never heard
[02:01:00] 天知道 我们从未听他们说过这么伤人的话
[02:01:00] Just screeching tires and true love
[02:05:00] 耳边只有刺耳的刹车声 心里只有刻骨铭心的真爱
[02:05:00] And I\'m running with my dress unbuttoned
[02:09:00] 我穿着还未系好扣子的裙子狂奔起来
[02:09:00] Screaming but daddy I love him
[02:11:00] 嘴里大喊着 可是爸爸 我爱他啊
[02:11:00] I\'m having his baby
[02:14:00] 我想跟他孕育爱的结晶
[02:14:00] No I\'m not but you should see your faces
[02:17:00] 开个玩笑而已 不过你们真该看看自己现在的脸色
[02:17:00] I\'m telling him to floor it through the fences
[02:21:00] 我嚷嚷着让他快点冲破围栏 疾驰而去
[02:21:00] No I\'m not coming to my senses
[02:23:00] 不 其实我尚未恢复理智
[02:23:00] I know he\'s crazy but he\'s the one I want
[02:31:00] 我知道他不可理喻 可我想嫁的那个人就是他
[02:31:00] I\'ll tell you something right now
[02:34:00] 现在我就跟你实话实说了
[02:34:00] I\'d rather burn my whole life down
[02:37:00] 我宁愿自己的人生毁于一旦
[02:37:00] Than listen to one more second of all this griping and moaning
[02:41:00] 也不想再听你们废话连篇 牢骚不断
[02:41:00] I\'ll tell you something about my good name
[02:46:00] 至于我的名声 我想告诉你们
[02:46:00] It\'s mine alone to disgrace
[02:48:00] 只有我有玷污它的权利
[02:48:00] I don\'t cater to all these vipers dressed in empath\'s clothing
[02:54:00] 我才不会迎合那些表面善解人意 内心阴险毒辣的小人
[02:54:00] God save the most judgmental creeps
[02:58:00] 那些最喜欢指手画脚的马屁精 还是自求多福吧
[02:58:00] Who say they want what\'s best for me
[03:01:00] 他们嘴上说着希望我们一切安好
[03:01:00] Sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I\'ll never see
[03:07:00] 私下却道貌岸然 表里不一
[03:07:00] Thinking it can change the beat of my heart when he touches me
[03:13:00] 还自以为他们接触我时 我会怦然心动
[03:13:00] And counteract the chemistry and undo the destiny
[03:22:00] 并企图以此平息我的爱火 改写我的宿命
[03:22:00] You ain\'t gotta pray for me
[03:26:00] 你不必祈祷我和我的野蛮恋人一切安好
[03:26:00] Me and my wild boy and all this wild joy
[03:34:00] 也不必祈祷我们能心花怒放
[03:34:00] If all you want is gray for me
[03:38:00] 毕竟你或许只希望我郁郁寡欢
[03:38:00] Then it\'s just white noise and it\'s just my choice
[03:43:00] 你们的话我就当白噪音了 反正我心意已决
[03:43:00] There\'s a lot of people in town that I bestow upon my fakest smiles
[03:49:00] 镇上许多人都见过我虚伪的笑容
[03:49:00] Scandal does funny things to pride but brings lovers closer
[03:55:00] 因为这莫须有的流言虽然伤了自尊心 却也让我们的感情变得坚若磐石
[03:55:00] We came back when the heat died down
[03:58:00] 等风头一过 我们就会重归于好了
[03:58:00] Went to my parents and they came around
[04:01:00] 到时候再去见父母 他们就松口了
[04:01:00] All the wine moms are still holding out
[04:04:00] 嗜酒如命的妈妈们依旧冥顽不化
[04:04:00] But it\'s over
[04:07:00] 但管他呢 反正一切都过去了
[04:07:00] Now I\'m dancing in my dress in the sun and
[04:11:00] 如今我在阳光下扬起裙角 舞步翩翩
[04:11:00] Even my daddy just loves him
[04:13:00] 连我父亲也开始接受并喜欢他了
[04:13:00] I\'m his lady
[04:16:00] 我现在是他的爱人了
[04:16:00] And oh my God you should see your faces
[04:19:00] 天哪 你真该看看自己现在的脸色
[04:19:00] Time doesn\'t it give some perspective
[04:23:00] 过了这么久 你的看法难道还没有一点改变吗
[04:23:00] And no you can\'t come to the wedding
[04:25:00] 算了 那你别来参加我的婚礼了
[04:25:00] I know he\'s crazy but he\'s the one I want
[04:32:00] 我知道他不可理喻 可我想嫁的那个人就是他
[04:32:00] I\'ll tell you something right now
[04:36:00] 现在我就跟你实话实说了
[04:36:00] You ain\'t gotta pray for me
[04:39:00] 你不必祈祷我和我的野蛮恋人一切安好
[04:39:00] Me and my wild boy and all this wild joy
[04:43:00] 也不必祈祷我们能心花怒放
[04:43:00] He was chaos he was revelry
[04:48:00] 我的恋人他生活一团糟 整日就知道玩乐
[04:48:00] If all you want is gray for me
[04:51:00] 可他的深情总能带给我莫大的慰藉
[04:51:00] Then it\'s just white noise and it\'s my choice
[04:59:00] 你们的话我就当白噪音了 反正我心意已决
[04:59:00] Screaming but daddy I love him
[05:03:00] 嘴里大喊着 可是爸爸 我爱他啊
[05:03:00] I\'m having his baby
[05:06:00] 我想跟他孕育爱的结晶
[05:06:00] No I\'m not but you
[05:12:00] 开个玩笑而已
[05:12:00] Should see your faces
[05:16:00] 不过你们真该看看自己现在的脸色
[05:16:00] But oh my God you should see your faces
[05:23:00] 天哪 你们真该看看自己的脸色
[05:23:00] He was chaos he was revelry
[05:28:00] 我的恋人他生活一团糟 整日就知道玩乐

But Daddy I Love Him - Taylor Swift


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But Daddy I Love Him的文本歌词:

But Daddy I Love Him - Taylor Swift (泰勒·斯威夫特)
Lyrics by:Aaron Dessner/Taylor Swift

Composed by:Aaron Dessner/Taylor Swift

Produced by:Jack Antonoff/Aaron Dessner/Taylor Swift

I forget how the West was won
I forget if this was ever fun
I just learned these people only raise you to cage you
Sarahs and Hannahs in their Sunday best
Clutching their pearls sighing what a mess
捧着珍珠项链 却假惺惺地感叹 真是一团糟
I just learned these people try and save you
我才明白 这些人假模假式地拯救我
\'Cause they hate you
Too high a horse for a simple girl to rise above it
对于普通姑娘来说 她们的生活简直望尘莫及
They slammed the door on my whole world
她们无情地拒绝我 让我彻底与世隔绝
The one thing I wanted
Now I\'m running with my dress unbuttoned
Screaming but daddy I love him
嘴里大喊着 可是爸爸 我爱他啊
I\'m having his baby
No I\'m not but you should see your faces
开个玩笑而已 不过你们真该看看自己现在的脸色
I\'m telling him to floor it through the fences
我嚷嚷着让他快点冲破围栏 疾驰而去
No I\'m not coming to my senses
不 其实我尚未恢复理智
I know he\'s crazy but he\'s the one I want
我知道他不可理喻 可我想嫁的那个人就是他
Dutiful daughter all my plans were laid
作为父亲眼里的乖女儿 我的未来父亲早已为我打点好了
Tendrils tucked into a woven braid
Growing up precocious sometimes means not growing up at all
有时候 早熟意味根本就没长大
He was chaos he was revelry
我的恋人他生活一团糟 整日就知道玩乐
Bedroom eyes like a remedy
Soon enough the elders had convened down at the City Hall
Stay away from her
The saboteurs protested too much
Lord knows the words we never heard
天知道 我们从未听他们说过这么伤人的话
Just screeching tires and true love
耳边只有刺耳的刹车声 心里只有刻骨铭心的真爱
And I\'m running with my dress unbuttoned
Screaming but daddy I love him
嘴里大喊着 可是爸爸 我爱他啊
I\'m having his baby
No I\'m not but you should see your faces
开个玩笑而已 不过你们真该看看自己现在的脸色
I\'m telling him to floor it through the fences
我嚷嚷着让他快点冲破围栏 疾驰而去
No I\'m not coming to my senses
不 其实我尚未恢复理智
I know he\'s crazy but he\'s the one I want
我知道他不可理喻 可我想嫁的那个人就是他
I\'ll tell you something right now
I\'d rather burn my whole life down
Than listen to one more second of all this griping and moaning
也不想再听你们废话连篇 牢骚不断
I\'ll tell you something about my good name
至于我的名声 我想告诉你们
It\'s mine alone to disgrace
I don\'t cater to all these vipers dressed in empath\'s clothing
我才不会迎合那些表面善解人意 内心阴险毒辣的小人
God save the most judgmental creeps
那些最喜欢指手画脚的马屁精 还是自求多福吧
Who say they want what\'s best for me
Sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I\'ll never see
私下却道貌岸然 表里不一
Thinking it can change the beat of my heart when he touches me
还自以为他们接触我时 我会怦然心动
And counteract the chemistry and undo the destiny
并企图以此平息我的爱火 改写我的宿命
You ain\'t gotta pray for me
Me and my wild boy and all this wild joy
If all you want is gray for me
Then it\'s just white noise and it\'s just my choice
你们的话我就当白噪音了 反正我心意已决
There\'s a lot of people in town that I bestow upon my fakest smiles
Scandal does funny things to pride but brings lovers closer
因为这莫须有的流言虽然伤了自尊心 却也让我们的感情变得坚若磐石
We came back when the heat died down
等风头一过 我们就会重归于好了
Went to my parents and they came around
到时候再去见父母 他们就松口了
All the wine moms are still holding out
But it\'s over
但管他呢 反正一切都过去了
Now I\'m dancing in my dress in the sun and
如今我在阳光下扬起裙角 舞步翩翩
Even my daddy just loves him
I\'m his lady
And oh my God you should see your faces
天哪 你真该看看自己现在的脸色
Time doesn\'t it give some perspective
过了这么久 你的看法难道还没有一点改变吗
And no you can\'t come to the wedding
算了 那你别来参加我的婚礼了
I know he\'s crazy but he\'s the one I want
我知道他不可理喻 可我想嫁的那个人就是他
I\'ll tell you something right now
You ain\'t gotta pray for me
Me and my wild boy and all this wild joy
He was chaos he was revelry
我的恋人他生活一团糟 整日就知道玩乐
If all you want is gray for me
Then it\'s just white noise and it\'s my choice
你们的话我就当白噪音了 反正我心意已决
Screaming but daddy I love him
嘴里大喊着 可是爸爸 我爱他啊
I\'m having his baby
No I\'m not but you
Should see your faces
But oh my God you should see your faces
天哪 你们真该看看自己的脸色
He was chaos he was revelry
我的恋人他生活一团糟 整日就知道玩乐

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