[00:00:00] imgonnagetyouback - Taylor Swift
[00:01:00] TME享有本翻译作品的著作权
[00:01:00] Lyrics by:Jack Antonoff/Taylor Swift
[00:02:00] Composed by:Jack Antonoff/Taylor Swift
[00:03:00] Produced by:Jack Antonoff/Taylor Swift
[00:09:00] Lilac short skirt
[00:11:00] 淡紫色的短裙
[00:11:00] The one that fits me like skin
[00:17:00] 如肌肤一般与我完美契合
[00:17:00] Did your research
[00:20:00] 你已做过调查研究
[00:20:00] You knew the price goin\' in
[00:25:00] 你知道靠近我需要付出的代价
[00:25:00] And I\'ll tell you one thing honey
[00:28:00] 我会告诉你一件事情 亲爱的
[00:28:00] I can tell when somebody still wants me come clean
[00:33:00] 在别人依然渴望拥有我的时候 我可以察觉到 赶紧坦白交代吧
[00:33:00] Standing at the bar like something\'s funny bubbly
[00:37:00] 站在吧台旁边 好似发生什么有趣的事情 就像香槟酒一样
[00:37:00] Once you fix your face I\'m goin\' in
[00:44:00] 只要你调整好你的神情 我就会慢慢靠近
[00:44:00] Whether I\'m gonna be your wife or
[00:46:00] 我是否会成为你的妻子
[00:46:00] Gonna smash up your bike I
[00:48:00] 或者我会砸烂你的单车
[00:48:00] Haven\'t decided yet
[00:50:00] 我尚未做出选择
[00:50:00] But I\'m gonna get you back
[00:52:00] 但你如何待我 我便如何待你
[00:52:00] Whether I\'m gonna curse you out or
[00:55:00] 我是否会狠心诅咒你
[00:55:00] Take you back to my house I
[00:57:00] 或者带你回到我的家里
[00:57:00] Haven\'t decided yet
[00:59:00] 我尚未做出选择
[00:59:00] But I\'m gonna get you back
[01:02:00] 但你如何待我 我便如何待你
[01:02:00] I hear the whispers in your eyes
[01:08:00] 我注意到藏匿于你眼神里的蛛丝马迹
[01:08:00] I\'ll make you wanna think twice
[01:10:00] 我会让你想要再三考虑
[01:10:00] You\'ll find that you were never not mine
[01:16:00] 你会发现你从始至终就属于我
[01:16:00] You\'re mine
[01:18:00] 你非我莫属
[01:18:00] Small talk big love
[01:21:00] 闲聊几句 强烈的爱意
[01:21:00] Act like I don\'t care what you did
[01:27:00] 假装我不在乎你的所作所为
[01:27:00] I\'m an Aston Martin
[01:30:00] 我就像是一辆阿斯顿·马丁跑车
[01:30:00] That you steered straight into the ditch
[01:33:00] 你直接驾车冲进水渠里
[01:33:00] Then ran and hid
[01:35:00] 然后逃走躲起来
[01:35:00] And I\'ll tell you one thing honey
[01:38:00] 我会告诉你一件事情 亲爱的
[01:38:00] I can take the upper hand and touch your body
[01:42:00] 我可以占据上风 触碰你的身体
[01:42:00] Flip the script and leave you like a dumb house party
[01:47:00] 扭转局面 离你而去 就像离开愚蠢的家庭派对一样
[01:47:00] Or I might just love you \'til the end
[01:54:00] 或者我可以深爱着你 直到地老天荒
[01:54:00] Whether I\'m gonna be your wife or
[01:56:00] 我是否会成为你的妻子
[01:56:00] Gonna smash up your bike I
[01:58:00] 或者我会砸烂你的单车
[01:58:00] Haven\'t decided yet
[02:00:00] 我尚未做出选择
[02:00:00] But I\'m gonna get you back
[02:02:00] 但你如何待我 我便如何待你
[02:02:00] Whether I\'m gonna flip you off or
[02:05:00] 我是否会对你嗤之以鼻
[02:05:00] Pull you into the closet
[02:07:00] 或者把你拉进储藏室里
[02:07:00] I haven\'t decided yet
[02:09:00] 我尚未做出选择
[02:09:00] But I\'m gonna get you back
[02:12:00] 但你如何待我 我便如何待你
[02:12:00] I hear the whispers in your eyes
[02:18:00] 我注意到藏匿于你眼神里的蛛丝马迹
[02:18:00] I\'ll make you wanna think twice you\'ll find
[02:22:00] 我会让你想要再三考虑 你会发现
[02:22:00] That you were never not mine
[02:26:00] 你从始至终就属于我
[02:26:00] You\'re mine
[02:28:00] 你非我莫属
[02:28:00] I can feel it comin\' hummin\' in the way you move
[02:33:00] 我能感觉到你举手投足间释放的讯息
[02:33:00] Push the reset button we\'re becoming something new
[02:37:00] 按下重置按钮 我们会焕然一新
[02:37:00] Say you got somebody I\'ll say \"I got someone too\"
[02:41:00] 你说你遇到合适的人 我会说 我也找到心仪的对象
[02:41:00] Even if it\'s handcuffed I\'m leaving here with you
[02:46:00] 即使我会戴上镣铐 我也会和你一起离开
[02:46:00] Bygones will be bygone eras fadin\' into gray
[02:50:00] 往事犹如过眼云烟 从前的时代逐渐变得一片黯淡
[02:50:00] We broke all the pieces but still want to play the game
[02:54:00] 我们让一切支离破碎 但我们依然想玩这场游戏
[02:54:00] Told my friends \"I hate you but I love you just the same\"
[02:59:00] 告诉我的朋友 我讨厌你 然而我依然爱着你
[02:59:00] Pick your poison babe
[03:01:00] 做出选择吧 宝贝
[03:01:00] I\'m poison either way
[03:03:00] 无论如何 我是致命毒药
[03:03:00] Whether I\'m gonna be your wife or
[03:06:00] 我是否会成为你的妻子
[03:06:00] Gonna smash up your bike I
[03:08:00] 或者我会砸烂你的单车
[03:08:00] Haven\'t decided yet
[03:10:00] 我尚未做出选择
[03:10:00] But I\'m gonna get you back
[03:12:00] 但你如何待我 我便如何待你
[03:12:00] Whether I\'m gonna curse you out or
[03:15:00] 我是否会狠心诅咒你
[03:15:00] Take you back to my house I
[03:17:00] 或者带你回到我的家里
[03:17:00] Haven\'t decided yet
[03:19:00] 我尚未做出选择
[03:19:00] But I\'m gonna get you back
[03:22:00] 但你如何待我 我便如何待你
[03:22:00] I hear the whispers in your eyes
[03:27:00] 我注意到藏匿于你眼神里的蛛丝马迹
[03:27:00] I\'ll make you wanna think twice
[03:30:00] 我会让你想要再三考虑
[03:30:00] You\'ll find that you were never not mine
[03:36:00] 你会发现你从始至终就属于我
[03:36:00] I\'m gonna get you back
[03:41:00] 你如何待我 我便如何待你

imgonnagetyouback - Taylor Swift


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imgonnagetyouback - Taylor Swift
Lyrics by:Jack Antonoff/Taylor Swift

Composed by:Jack Antonoff/Taylor Swift

Produced by:Jack Antonoff/Taylor Swift

Lilac short skirt
The one that fits me like skin
Did your research
You knew the price goin\' in
And I\'ll tell you one thing honey
我会告诉你一件事情 亲爱的
I can tell when somebody still wants me come clean
在别人依然渴望拥有我的时候 我可以察觉到 赶紧坦白交代吧
Standing at the bar like something\'s funny bubbly
站在吧台旁边 好似发生什么有趣的事情 就像香槟酒一样
Once you fix your face I\'m goin\' in
只要你调整好你的神情 我就会慢慢靠近
Whether I\'m gonna be your wife or
Gonna smash up your bike I
Haven\'t decided yet
But I\'m gonna get you back
但你如何待我 我便如何待你
Whether I\'m gonna curse you out or
Take you back to my house I
Haven\'t decided yet
But I\'m gonna get you back
但你如何待我 我便如何待你
I hear the whispers in your eyes
I\'ll make you wanna think twice
You\'ll find that you were never not mine
You\'re mine
Small talk big love
闲聊几句 强烈的爱意
Act like I don\'t care what you did
I\'m an Aston Martin
That you steered straight into the ditch
Then ran and hid
And I\'ll tell you one thing honey
我会告诉你一件事情 亲爱的
I can take the upper hand and touch your body
我可以占据上风 触碰你的身体
Flip the script and leave you like a dumb house party
扭转局面 离你而去 就像离开愚蠢的家庭派对一样
Or I might just love you \'til the end
或者我可以深爱着你 直到地老天荒
Whether I\'m gonna be your wife or
Gonna smash up your bike I
Haven\'t decided yet
But I\'m gonna get you back
但你如何待我 我便如何待你
Whether I\'m gonna flip you off or
Pull you into the closet
I haven\'t decided yet
But I\'m gonna get you back
但你如何待我 我便如何待你
I hear the whispers in your eyes
I\'ll make you wanna think twice you\'ll find
我会让你想要再三考虑 你会发现
That you were never not mine
You\'re mine
I can feel it comin\' hummin\' in the way you move
Push the reset button we\'re becoming something new
按下重置按钮 我们会焕然一新
Say you got somebody I\'ll say \"I got someone too\"
你说你遇到合适的人 我会说 我也找到心仪的对象
Even if it\'s handcuffed I\'m leaving here with you
即使我会戴上镣铐 我也会和你一起离开
Bygones will be bygone eras fadin\' into gray
往事犹如过眼云烟 从前的时代逐渐变得一片黯淡
We broke all the pieces but still want to play the game
我们让一切支离破碎 但我们依然想玩这场游戏
Told my friends \"I hate you but I love you just the same\"
告诉我的朋友 我讨厌你 然而我依然爱着你
Pick your poison babe
做出选择吧 宝贝
I\'m poison either way
无论如何 我是致命毒药
Whether I\'m gonna be your wife or
Gonna smash up your bike I
Haven\'t decided yet
But I\'m gonna get you back
但你如何待我 我便如何待你
Whether I\'m gonna curse you out or
Take you back to my house I
Haven\'t decided yet
But I\'m gonna get you back
但你如何待我 我便如何待你
I hear the whispers in your eyes
I\'ll make you wanna think twice
You\'ll find that you were never not mine
I\'m gonna get you back
你如何待我 我便如何待你

爱好歌音乐网提供Taylor Swift-imgonnagetyouback的MP3音乐在线试听下载,imgonnagetyouback的QQ空间背景音乐外链。
