[00:00:00] Hanging Tough - Lenka
[00:03:00] You know the way it goes
[00:06:00] 你知道生活是什么模样
[00:06:00] It\'s a delicate dance
[00:09:00] 就像一支精妙的舞蹈
[00:09:00] We spin around the floor and sway to the beat
[00:13:00] 我们不停旋转 伴着节奏左右摇摆
[00:13:00] But
[00:14:00] 但
[00:14:00] There\'s always one of those who will take the chance
[00:20:00] 总有那么一人 甘愿铤而走险
[00:20:00] Trip you up and you fall down in a heap but
[00:25:00] 将你绊倒 让你重重摔倒在地
[00:25:00] How do you expect to rise above when you\'re stuck in the mud
[00:35:00] 你已经深陷泥潭 又如何重新站起
[00:35:00] And how do you suppose you\'ll lift off when you\'re hanging tough
[00:48:00] 你正在苦苦支撑 又如何展翅高飞
[00:48:00] You know the way goes
[00:51:00] 你知道生活是什么模样
[00:51:00] It\'s a game with rules
[00:53:00] 它是一场规则严苛的比赛
[00:53:00] But you don\'t know which rule book you\'re using
[00:59:00] 但你不知道依据的是哪一份规则手册
[00:59:00] You break one of those and you\'re off the team
[01:05:00] 犯规一次 你便被逐出队伍
[01:05:00] But which team you\'re on is always confusing
[01:09:00] 但就连身处哪一支队伍你都不清不楚
[01:09:00] How do you expect to rise above when you\'re stuck in the mud
[01:20:00] 你已经深陷泥潭 又如何重新站起
[01:20:00] And how do you suppose you\'ll lift off when you\'re hanging tough
[01:32:00] 你正在苦苦支撑 又如何展翅高飞
[01:32:00] Oh
[01:34:00] You\'re too busy hanging tough
[01:40:00] 你正苦苦支撑 无暇顾及其它
[01:40:00] Oh
[01:43:00] You\'re too busy hanging tough
[01:48:00] 你正苦苦支撑 无暇顾及其它
[01:48:00] Oh
[01:51:00] You\'re too busy hanging tough
[01:56:00] 你正苦苦支撑 无暇顾及其它
[01:56:00] You\'re too busy hanging tough
[02:06:00] 你正苦苦支撑 无暇顾及其它
[02:06:00] You know the way it goes
[02:09:00] 你知道生活是什么模样
[02:09:00] It\'s not all about you
[02:12:00] 它并非全绕你而运转
[02:12:00] But it\'s allowed to be a little about you
[02:17:00] 却又与你有些许关联
[02:17:00] So be one of those who find a way through
[02:23:00] 所以就做那个克服重重阻碍的人
[02:23:00] Get up and just keep dancing
[02:28:00] 站起身 继续跳舞

Hanging Tough - Lenka


Lenka-Hanging Tough的QQ空间背景音乐外链:

歌曲Lenka-Hanging Tough的MP3下载地址来源于网络分享,复制链接或者右键链接另存为即可下载MP3音乐,同时网站提供Lenka-Hanging Tough的QQ空间背景音乐歌曲链接,把这首歌曲的MP3链接地址推荐给你的朋友,可以让他们免费获得本歌曲音乐外链。

Hanging Tough的文本歌词:

Hanging Tough - Lenka

You know the way it goes
It\'s a delicate dance
We spin around the floor and sway to the beat
我们不停旋转 伴着节奏左右摇摆

There\'s always one of those who will take the chance
总有那么一人 甘愿铤而走险
Trip you up and you fall down in a heap but
将你绊倒 让你重重摔倒在地
How do you expect to rise above when you\'re stuck in the mud
你已经深陷泥潭 又如何重新站起
And how do you suppose you\'ll lift off when you\'re hanging tough
你正在苦苦支撑 又如何展翅高飞
You know the way goes
It\'s a game with rules
But you don\'t know which rule book you\'re using
You break one of those and you\'re off the team
犯规一次 你便被逐出队伍
But which team you\'re on is always confusing
How do you expect to rise above when you\'re stuck in the mud
你已经深陷泥潭 又如何重新站起
And how do you suppose you\'ll lift off when you\'re hanging tough
你正在苦苦支撑 又如何展翅高飞

You\'re too busy hanging tough
你正苦苦支撑 无暇顾及其它

You\'re too busy hanging tough
你正苦苦支撑 无暇顾及其它

You\'re too busy hanging tough
你正苦苦支撑 无暇顾及其它
You\'re too busy hanging tough
你正苦苦支撑 无暇顾及其它
You know the way it goes
It\'s not all about you
But it\'s allowed to be a little about you
So be one of those who find a way through
Get up and just keep dancing
站起身 继续跳舞

爱好歌音乐网提供Lenka-Hanging Tough的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Hanging Tough的QQ空间背景音乐外链。
