[00:00:00] Lighthouse - Calum Scott
[00:00:00] Lyrics by:Calum Scott/Charlie Martin/Joe Housley/Corey Sanders/Jon Maguire
[00:02:00] Composed by:Calum Scott/Charlie Martin/Joe Housley/Corey Sanders/Jon Maguire
[00:05:00] Produced by:The Nocturns/Jon \"MAGS\" Maguire
[00:06:00] In the dark of the night not a star in the sky
[00:09:00] 漆黑夜空 看不到一颗星星
[00:09:00] I can feel your love pull against the tide
[00:13:00] 我能感受到你汹涌的爱意 在逆流而上
[00:13:00] And I see you shining bright like a lighthouse
[00:19:00] 在我眼里 你如灯塔般明亮耀眼
[00:19:00] And the wind\'s got the water runnin\' wild
[00:23:00] 海风肆虐 掀起狂涌波澜
[00:23:00] But I\'ll swim to you swim for my life
[00:26:00] 但我仍在拼命向你游去 你就是我的生命之光
[00:26:00] And I pray I\'ll make it before the night\'s out
[00:31:00] 我默默祈祷 祈盼在黑夜结束之前到达
[00:31:00] I won\'t let you go I feel it in my bones
[00:38:00] 我绝不会让你离我而去 这种执念早已深入骨髓
[00:38:00] No matter where I go you\'re where my heart belongs
[00:46:00] 无论我去往何处 你始终是我的心灵归宿
[00:46:00] All I know I\'ll follow every road
[00:51:00] 我只知道 我将走遍每一条路
[00:51:00] Till I find my way back home
[00:55:00] 直至我找到那一条回家之路
[00:55:00] You\'re where my heart you\'re where my heart
[00:58:00] 你所在之处即是我心之所向
[00:58:00] You\'re where my heart belongs
[01:04:00] 你就是我的心灵归宿
[01:04:00] My heartbeat my heartbeat
[01:05:00] 我的心因你而跳
[01:05:00] You\'re where my heart belongs
[01:10:00] 你就是我的心灵归宿
[01:10:00] My heartbeat my heartbeat
[01:13:00] 我的心因你而跳
[01:13:00] I belong right there in your open arms
[01:16:00] 你的怀抱是我最眷恋的港湾
[01:16:00] The world can try to tear us apart
[01:19:00] 即便整个世界试图将你我拆散
[01:19:00] But our love will guide us home like a lighthouse
[01:26:00] 但我们的爱就像灯塔一样 指引你我相聚团圆
[01:26:00] Walk a thousand miles in the pouring rain
[01:29:00] 千里迢迢 冒雨前行
[01:29:00] And a million years couldn\'t change the way
[01:33:00] 即使海枯石烂 地老天荒 也无法改变
[01:33:00] The way I feel I feel \'bout you right now
[01:38:00] 无法改变我对你的爱 我对你情真意切 天地可鉴
[01:38:00] I won\'t let you go I feel it in my bones
[01:45:00] 我绝不会让你离我而去 这种执念早已深入骨髓
[01:45:00] No matter where I go you\'re where my heart belongs
[01:52:00] 无论我去往何处 你始终是我的心灵归宿
[01:52:00] All I know I\'ll follow every road
[01:58:00] 我只知道 我将走遍每一条路
[01:58:00] Till I find my way back home
[02:01:00] 直至我找到那一条回家之路
[02:01:00] You\'re where my heart you\'re where my heart
[02:05:00] 你所在之处即是我心之所向
[02:05:00] You\'re where my heart belongs
[02:10:00] 你就是我的心灵归宿
[02:10:00] My heartbeat my heartbeat
[02:12:00] 我的心因你而跳
[02:12:00] You\'re where my heart belongs
[02:17:00] 你就是我的心灵归宿
[02:17:00] My heartbeat
[02:18:00] 我的心因你而跳
[02:18:00] I won\'t let you go I feel it in my bones
[02:25:00] 我绝不会让你离我而去 这种执念早已深入骨髓
[02:25:00] No matter where I go you\'re where my heart belongs
[02:32:00] 无论我去往何处 你始终是我的心灵归宿
[02:32:00] All I know I\'ll follow every road
[02:37:00] 我只知道 我将走遍每一条路
[02:37:00] Every road
[02:38:00] 每一条路
[02:38:00] Till I find my way back home
[02:40:00] 直至我找到那一条回家之路
[02:40:00] My way back home
[02:41:00] 回家之路
[02:41:00] You\'re where my heart you\'re where my heart
[02:45:00] 你所在之处即是我心之所向
[02:45:00] You\'re where my heart belongs
[02:50:00] 你就是我的心灵归宿
[02:50:00] My heartbeat my heartbeat
[02:52:00] 我的心因你而跳
[02:52:00] You\'re where my heart belongs
[02:57:00] 你就是我的心灵归宿
[02:57:00] My heartbeat
[02:58:00] 我的心因你而跳
[02:58:00] You\'re where my heart belongs
[03:03:00] 你就是我的心灵归宿

Lighthouse - Calum Scott


Calum Scott-Lighthouse的QQ空间背景音乐外链:

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Lighthouse - Calum Scott

Lyrics by:Calum Scott/Charlie Martin/Joe Housley/Corey Sanders/Jon Maguire

Composed by:Calum Scott/Charlie Martin/Joe Housley/Corey Sanders/Jon Maguire

Produced by:The Nocturns/Jon \"MAGS\" Maguire

In the dark of the night not a star in the sky
漆黑夜空 看不到一颗星星
I can feel your love pull against the tide
我能感受到你汹涌的爱意 在逆流而上
And I see you shining bright like a lighthouse
在我眼里 你如灯塔般明亮耀眼
And the wind\'s got the water runnin\' wild
海风肆虐 掀起狂涌波澜
But I\'ll swim to you swim for my life
但我仍在拼命向你游去 你就是我的生命之光
And I pray I\'ll make it before the night\'s out
我默默祈祷 祈盼在黑夜结束之前到达
I won\'t let you go I feel it in my bones
我绝不会让你离我而去 这种执念早已深入骨髓
No matter where I go you\'re where my heart belongs
无论我去往何处 你始终是我的心灵归宿
All I know I\'ll follow every road
我只知道 我将走遍每一条路
Till I find my way back home
You\'re where my heart you\'re where my heart
You\'re where my heart belongs
My heartbeat my heartbeat
You\'re where my heart belongs
My heartbeat my heartbeat
I belong right there in your open arms
The world can try to tear us apart
But our love will guide us home like a lighthouse
但我们的爱就像灯塔一样 指引你我相聚团圆
Walk a thousand miles in the pouring rain
千里迢迢 冒雨前行
And a million years couldn\'t change the way
即使海枯石烂 地老天荒 也无法改变
The way I feel I feel \'bout you right now
无法改变我对你的爱 我对你情真意切 天地可鉴
I won\'t let you go I feel it in my bones
我绝不会让你离我而去 这种执念早已深入骨髓
No matter where I go you\'re where my heart belongs
无论我去往何处 你始终是我的心灵归宿
All I know I\'ll follow every road
我只知道 我将走遍每一条路
Till I find my way back home
You\'re where my heart you\'re where my heart
You\'re where my heart belongs
My heartbeat my heartbeat
You\'re where my heart belongs
My heartbeat
I won\'t let you go I feel it in my bones
我绝不会让你离我而去 这种执念早已深入骨髓
No matter where I go you\'re where my heart belongs
无论我去往何处 你始终是我的心灵归宿
All I know I\'ll follow every road
我只知道 我将走遍每一条路
Every road
Till I find my way back home
My way back home
You\'re where my heart you\'re where my heart
You\'re where my heart belongs
My heartbeat my heartbeat
You\'re where my heart belongs
My heartbeat
You\'re where my heart belongs

爱好歌音乐网提供Calum Scott-Lighthouse的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Lighthouse的QQ空间背景音乐外链。