[00:00:00] all of me (Explicit) - 21 Savage
[00:00:00] Lyrics by:Shéyaa Bin Abraham-Joseph/Yakki Davis/Sterling White Jr./Jalen Jackson/Khaya Gilika/Jared Brown/Raphael Ramos
[00:00:00] Composed by:Shéyaa Bin Abraham-Joseph/Yakki Davis/Sterling White Jr./Jalen Jackson/Khaya Gilika/Jared Brown/Raphael Ramos
[00:01:00] Arranged by:Sterling \"Spiff Sinatra\" White, Jr.
[00:01:00] Produced by:Spiff Sinatra
[00:01:00] And I wish on all the rainbows that I see
[00:07:00] 向着眼前的七彩虹桥许下愿望
[00:07:00] I wish on all the people who really dream
[00:11:00] 愿那些拼搏奋斗的人可以梦想成真
[00:11:00] See my shooter pescatarian but he eat up all the beef 21
[00:14:00] 看吧 我这些手下都是素食主义者 但狠起来可不是吃素的
[00:14:00] You gave me your a*s to kiss but want the all of me goddamn
[00:17:00] 你对我不屑一顾 却想要得到我的一切
[00:17:00] I stand on business dot my I\'s and cross my T\'s
[00:19:00] 我立场坚定 做事认真 一丝不苟
[00:19:00] All I got is these lil\' pictures when I think \'bout all the G\'s 21
[00:23:00] 每当我回想帮派的往事时 所能记起的不过是些回忆片段
[00:23:00] Memories in my head the devil talkin\' to me on God
[00:26:00] 回忆在脑海里打转 恍如恶魔在我心头低语 上帝啊
[00:26:00] I know Satan down that path but God walkin\' with me
[00:28:00] 明知前路有恶魔挡道 我也毫不退缩 因为上帝与我同行
[00:28:00] Put your phone light in the air if you done lost a nigga 21
[00:31:00] 如果你痛失好友 请打开手机的灯光 举在半空
[00:31:00] Kept it solid ran up a bag and didn\'t have to cross a nigga 21 21 21
[00:36:00] 我坚守初心 奔向成功 未曾背叛过同伴
[00:36:00] Woah bulletproof my cars yeah
[00:38:00] 保持警惕 给我的车加装防弹装置
[00:38:00] He a homebody **** it kill him in his yard yeah
[00:42:00] 他就是个宅男 哪怕死也想死在家里
[00:42:00] Niggas go to clubs and let down they guard 21
[00:44:00] 他们常去夜店放松自己 慢慢放下了戒备
[00:44:00] We got choppers out until we find somewhere to park on God
[00:48:00] 我们全副武装 随时待命 直到确认安全才解除戒备
[00:48:00] P***y hit the cup and nod 21
[00:50:00] 那个女人敲着酒杯 点头示意
[00:50:00] Trench h*es used to curve me now they treat me like I\'m God facts
[00:53:00] 那些女人以前都不待见我的 如今对我视若神明
[00:53:00] I know you want my spot but you don\'t wanna play your part p***y
[00:56:00] 我知道你想取代我的位置 却不想承担这个位置上的责任
[00:56:00] If it was up to you you probably let these niggas starve 21
[01:00:00] 假如真让你得偿所愿 你大概不会在乎这些人的死活
[01:00:00] I got rich and opened more doors than a doorman on God
[01:03:00] 我飞黄腾达了 成功的大门纷纷向我敞开
[01:03:00] All the Glocks came with extensions like a sew-in straight up
[01:06:00] 格洛克手枪都配上了扩容器 就像接发一样 我说真的
[01:06:00] And all these cars came with BBL\'s and body kits 21
[01:09:00] 爱车都开去改装了 改装了排气管跟车身外观 这太酷了
[01:09:00] Claim you a killer but you still ain\'t got a body yet 21
[01:12:00] 你说你不是个好人 却从始至终都没伤害过一个人
[01:12:00] How you that nigga when you can\'t go where you grew up at p***y
[01:15:00] 你怎么混成这样 连自己的家乡都回不去
[01:15:00] How that\'s your nigga when he cap to h*es behind your back
[01:17:00] 那个人怎么可以是你的朋友 他常常背叛你
[01:17:00] The ****
[01:18:00] 太可恶了
[01:18:00] Family picture you can kill me if you spot a rat on God
[01:21:00] 对着家庭合照发誓 一旦我有任何不忠之心 你可以随意处罚我
[01:21:00] Real rap this ain\'t no cap
[01:22:00] 我真实不虚伪 我没有在开玩笑
[01:22:00] See my shooter pescatarian but he eat up all the beef 21
[01:26:00] 看吧 我这些手下都是素食主义者 但狠起来可不是吃素的
[01:26:00] You gave me your a*s to kiss but want the all of me goddamn
[01:29:00] 你对我不屑一顾 却想要得到我的一切
[01:29:00] I stand on business dot my I\'s and cross my T\'s
[01:31:00] 我立场坚定 做事认真 一丝不苟
[01:31:00] All I got is these lil\' pictures when I think \'bout all the G\'s 21
[01:35:00] 每当我回想帮派的往事时 所能记起的不过是些回忆片段 
[01:35:00] Memories in my head the devil talkin\' to me on God
[01:38:00] 回忆在脑海里打转 恍如恶魔在我心头低语 上帝啊
[01:38:00] I know Satan down that path but God walkin\' with me
[01:40:00] 明知前路恶魔挡道 无比艰险 我也毫不退缩 因为上帝与我同行
[01:40:00] Put your phone light in the air if you done lost a nigga 21
[01:44:00] 如果你痛失好友 请打开手机的灯光 举在半空
[01:44:00] Kept it solid ran up a bag and didn\'t have to cross a nigga
[01:46:00] 我坚守初心 奔向成功 未曾背叛过同伴
[01:46:00] 21 21 21
[01:47:00] 我是21 Savage
[01:47:00] Came from rats and roaches yeah
[01:49:00] 我来自贫民窟 那里老鼠串街 蟑螂成群
[01:49:00] I seen plenty homicides and still kept my focus 21
[01:52:00] 我见过太多的血腥和暴力事件了 但依然专注自己的奋斗目标
[01:52:00] Kill you for some clout and they\'ll do anything for motion on God
[01:55:00] 为了名声置你于死地 他们为了引起社会轰动而不择手段
[01:55:00] We can\'t let no ***** say that she the one who broke us facts
[01:58:00] 我们不允许任何女人声称是她让我们万劫不复
[01:58:00] All familiar faces at the table when we toastin\' 21
[02:01:00] 大家举杯欢庆 满桌熟悉的面孔 热情洋溢
[02:01:00] Every story got a twist
[02:03:00] 每个故事都有意想不到的转折情节
[02:03:00] I can put on watches from my shoulder way down to my wrist
[02:06:00] 我家财万贯 手表多到可以从肩膀一直戴到手腕
[02:06:00] I can\'t wait on no one I\'m a hustler I won\'t ask for ****
[02:09:00] 我从不坐等依靠别人 我是个拼命三郎 从不伸手乞讨
[02:09:00] She gon\' look at you less than a man if you ask your ***** 21
[02:13:00] 如果你伸手向你的女人索要 她会觉得你不够强大 不够男人
[02:13:00] Even if you helped her on her feet on God
[02:15:00] 即使你帮她解决了麻烦 站稳了脚跟
[02:15:00] They take you for granted better charge your fee 21
[02:18:00] 他们也会觉得这是了理所当然 所以你最好收取一点报酬
[02:18:00] You \'posed to be a woman that\'s the better me
[02:21:00] 你本应是一个积极向上 助我成功的女人
[02:21:00] How we both pushin\' P
[02:22:00] 我们怎么会堕落至此
[02:22:00] See my shooter pescatarian but he eat up all the beef 21
[02:26:00] 看吧 我这些手下都是素食主义者 但狠起来可不是吃素的
[02:26:00] You gave me your a*s to kiss but want the all of me Goddamn
[02:28:00] 你对我不屑一顾 却想要得到我的一切
[02:28:00] I stand on business dot my I\'s and cross my T\'s
[02:31:00] 我立场坚定 做事认真 一丝不苟
[02:31:00] All I got is these lil\' pictures when I think \'bout all the G\'s 21
[02:35:00] 每当我回想帮派的往事时 所能记起的不过是些回忆片段 
[02:35:00] Memories in my head the devil talkin\' to me on God
[02:38:00] 回忆在脑海里打转 恍如恶魔在我心头低语 上帝啊
[02:38:00] I know Satan down that path but God walkin\' with me
[02:40:00] 明知前路恶魔挡道 无比艰险 我也毫不退缩 因为上帝与我同行
[02:40:00] Put your phone light in the air if you done lost a nigga 21
[02:43:00] 如果你痛失好友 请打开手机的灯光 举在半空
[02:43:00] Kept it solid ran up a bag and didn\'t have to cross a nigga 21 21 21
[02:48:00] 我坚守初心 奔向成功 未曾背叛过同伴

all of me(Explicit) - 21 Savage


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all of me(Explicit)的文本歌词:

all of me (Explicit) - 21 Savage

Lyrics by:Shéyaa Bin Abraham-Joseph/Yakki Davis/Sterling White Jr./Jalen Jackson/Khaya Gilika/Jared Brown/Raphael Ramos

Composed by:Shéyaa Bin Abraham-Joseph/Yakki Davis/Sterling White Jr./Jalen Jackson/Khaya Gilika/Jared Brown/Raphael Ramos

Arranged by:Sterling \"Spiff Sinatra\" White, Jr.

Produced by:Spiff Sinatra

And I wish on all the rainbows that I see
I wish on all the people who really dream
See my shooter pescatarian but he eat up all the beef 21
看吧 我这些手下都是素食主义者 但狠起来可不是吃素的
You gave me your a*s to kiss but want the all of me goddamn
你对我不屑一顾 却想要得到我的一切
I stand on business dot my I\'s and cross my T\'s
我立场坚定 做事认真 一丝不苟
All I got is these lil\' pictures when I think \'bout all the G\'s 21
每当我回想帮派的往事时 所能记起的不过是些回忆片段
Memories in my head the devil talkin\' to me on God
回忆在脑海里打转 恍如恶魔在我心头低语 上帝啊
I know Satan down that path but God walkin\' with me
明知前路有恶魔挡道 我也毫不退缩 因为上帝与我同行
Put your phone light in the air if you done lost a nigga 21
如果你痛失好友 请打开手机的灯光 举在半空
Kept it solid ran up a bag and didn\'t have to cross a nigga 21 21 21
我坚守初心 奔向成功 未曾背叛过同伴
Woah bulletproof my cars yeah
保持警惕 给我的车加装防弹装置
He a homebody **** it kill him in his yard yeah
他就是个宅男 哪怕死也想死在家里
Niggas go to clubs and let down they guard 21
他们常去夜店放松自己 慢慢放下了戒备
We got choppers out until we find somewhere to park on God
我们全副武装 随时待命 直到确认安全才解除戒备
P***y hit the cup and nod 21
那个女人敲着酒杯 点头示意
Trench h*es used to curve me now they treat me like I\'m God facts
那些女人以前都不待见我的 如今对我视若神明
I know you want my spot but you don\'t wanna play your part p***y
我知道你想取代我的位置 却不想承担这个位置上的责任
If it was up to you you probably let these niggas starve 21
假如真让你得偿所愿 你大概不会在乎这些人的死活
I got rich and opened more doors than a doorman on God
我飞黄腾达了 成功的大门纷纷向我敞开
All the Glocks came with extensions like a sew-in straight up
格洛克手枪都配上了扩容器 就像接发一样 我说真的
And all these cars came with BBL\'s and body kits 21
爱车都开去改装了 改装了排气管跟车身外观 这太酷了
Claim you a killer but you still ain\'t got a body yet 21
你说你不是个好人 却从始至终都没伤害过一个人
How you that nigga when you can\'t go where you grew up at p***y
你怎么混成这样 连自己的家乡都回不去
How that\'s your nigga when he cap to h*es behind your back
那个人怎么可以是你的朋友 他常常背叛你
The ****
Family picture you can kill me if you spot a rat on God
对着家庭合照发誓 一旦我有任何不忠之心 你可以随意处罚我
Real rap this ain\'t no cap
我真实不虚伪 我没有在开玩笑
See my shooter pescatarian but he eat up all the beef 21
看吧 我这些手下都是素食主义者 但狠起来可不是吃素的
You gave me your a*s to kiss but want the all of me goddamn
你对我不屑一顾 却想要得到我的一切
I stand on business dot my I\'s and cross my T\'s
我立场坚定 做事认真 一丝不苟
All I got is these lil\' pictures when I think \'bout all the G\'s 21
每当我回想帮派的往事时 所能记起的不过是些回忆片段
Memories in my head the devil talkin\' to me on God
回忆在脑海里打转 恍如恶魔在我心头低语 上帝啊
I know Satan down that path but God walkin\' with me
明知前路恶魔挡道 无比艰险 我也毫不退缩 因为上帝与我同行
Put your phone light in the air if you done lost a nigga 21
如果你痛失好友 请打开手机的灯光 举在半空
Kept it solid ran up a bag and didn\'t have to cross a nigga
我坚守初心 奔向成功 未曾背叛过同伴
21 21 21
我是21 Savage
Came from rats and roaches yeah
我来自贫民窟 那里老鼠串街 蟑螂成群
I seen plenty homicides and still kept my focus 21
我见过太多的血腥和暴力事件了 但依然专注自己的奋斗目标
Kill you for some clout and they\'ll do anything for motion on God
为了名声置你于死地 他们为了引起社会轰动而不择手段
We can\'t let no ***** say that she the one who broke us facts
All familiar faces at the table when we toastin\' 21
大家举杯欢庆 满桌熟悉的面孔 热情洋溢
Every story got a twist
I can put on watches from my shoulder way down to my wrist
我家财万贯 手表多到可以从肩膀一直戴到手腕
I can\'t wait on no one I\'m a hustler I won\'t ask for ****
我从不坐等依靠别人 我是个拼命三郎 从不伸手乞讨
She gon\' look at you less than a man if you ask your ***** 21
如果你伸手向你的女人索要 她会觉得你不够强大 不够男人
Even if you helped her on her feet on God
即使你帮她解决了麻烦 站稳了脚跟
They take you for granted better charge your fee 21
他们也会觉得这是了理所当然 所以你最好收取一点报酬
You \'posed to be a woman that\'s the better me
你本应是一个积极向上 助我成功的女人
How we both pushin\' P
See my shooter pescatarian but he eat up all the beef 21
看吧 我这些手下都是素食主义者 但狠起来可不是吃素的
You gave me your a*s to kiss but want the all of me Goddamn
你对我不屑一顾 却想要得到我的一切
I stand on business dot my I\'s and cross my T\'s
我立场坚定 做事认真 一丝不苟
All I got is these lil\' pictures when I think \'bout all the G\'s 21
每当我回想帮派的往事时 所能记起的不过是些回忆片段
Memories in my head the devil talkin\' to me on God
回忆在脑海里打转 恍如恶魔在我心头低语 上帝啊
I know Satan down that path but God walkin\' with me
明知前路恶魔挡道 无比艰险 我也毫不退缩 因为上帝与我同行
Put your phone light in the air if you done lost a nigga 21
如果你痛失好友 请打开手机的灯光 举在半空
Kept it solid ran up a bag and didn\'t have to cross a nigga 21 21 21
我坚守初心 奔向成功 未曾背叛过同伴

爱好歌音乐网提供21 Savage-all of me(Explicit)的MP3音乐在线试听下载,all of me(Explicit)的QQ空间背景音乐外链。
