[00:00:00] Bloodsucker - CIL
[00:01:00] Produced by:Andrew Wells
[00:08:00] I like the way that you make promises
[00:10:00] 我喜欢你许下
[00:10:00] That you can\'t keep
[00:12:00] 你无法兑现的承诺的样子
[00:12:00] How you tell a girl to rock your world
[00:14:00] 你用花言巧语欺骗女孩 只为撼动你的世界
[00:14:00] And to shy into the sheets
[00:16:00] 装出一副腼腆的样子 蜷缩在被子里
[00:16:00] You\'re calling me the girl of your dreams
[00:18:00] 你说我是你的梦中情人
[00:18:00] Oh really
[00:20:00] 这是真的吗
[00:20:00] Honestly
[00:21:00] 实话实说
[00:21:00] Yeah I think you\'re just a tease you tell me that you\'re sweet
[00:25:00] 我觉得你只是在开玩笑 你告诉我你温柔体贴
[00:25:00] But I just see your bitter ridden insecurities
[00:28:00] 但我只看到你痛苦又挥之不去的不安全感
[00:28:00] You say you serve to please is that what you believe
[00:32:00] 你说你可以讨人欢心 这就是你的信仰吗
[00:32:00] \'Cause all I ever hear about is me me me
[00:36:00] 因为我听到的是我只在乎我自己
[00:36:00] God you\'re just a bloodsucker
[00:40:00] 天啊 你就像是个吸血鬼
[00:40:00] Yeah you draining all the hope out of me
[00:43:00] 你让我万念俱灰
[00:43:00] I ain\'t your mother
[00:47:00] 我又不是你的母亲
[00:47:00] Don\'t think you boutta feed off of me
[00:50:00] 不要以为你可以从我身上汲取力量
[00:50:00] \'Cause I\'ma find real man who ain\'t gotta pretend
[00:54:00] 因为我会遇到真正的男人 他不会假装
[00:54:00] That he knows the ways around a woman like me
[00:57:00] 他对像我这样的女人了如指掌
[00:57:00] I don\'t need a bloodsucker
[01:02:00] 我不需要像吸血鬼一样的伴侣
[01:02:00] Just draining all life out of me
[01:06:00] 只会慢慢耗尽我所有的活力
[01:06:00] I think you\'re special don\'t get me wrong
[01:09:00] 我觉得你与众不同 不要误会我
[01:09:00] It take a special kinda man to piss me off
[01:13:00] 能够惹怒我的人寥寥可数
[01:13:00] Read the room boy writing\'s on the wall
[01:17:00] 学会察言观色吧 灾难即将来临
[01:17:00] Did you really think that I was gonna call
[01:19:00] 你是否真的以为我会打来电话
[01:19:00] Oh please you tell me that you\'re sweet
[01:23:00] 拜托 你告诉我你温柔体贴
[01:23:00] But I just see your bitter ridden insecurities
[01:26:00] 但我只看到你痛苦又挥之不去的不安全感
[01:26:00] You say you serve to please is that what you believe
[01:30:00] 你说你可以讨人欢心 这就是你的信仰吗
[01:30:00] \'Cause all I ever hear about is me me me
[01:34:00] 因为我听到的是我只在乎我自己
[01:34:00] God you\'re just a bloodsucker
[01:38:00] 天啊 你就像是个吸血鬼
[01:38:00] Yeah you draining all the hope out of me
[01:41:00] 你让我万念俱灰
[01:41:00] I ain\'t your mother
[01:45:00] 我又不是你的母亲
[01:45:00] Don\'t think you boutta feed off of me
[01:48:00] 不要以为你可以从我身上汲取力量
[01:48:00] \'Cause I\'ma find real man who ain\'t gotta pretend
[01:52:00] 因为我会遇到真正的男人 他不会假装
[01:52:00] That he knows the ways around a woman like me
[01:55:00] 他对像我这样的女人了如指掌
[01:55:00] I don\'t need a bloodsucker
[01:59:00] 我不需要像吸血鬼一样的伴侣
[01:59:00] Just draining all life out of me
[02:03:00] 只会慢慢耗尽我所有的活力
[02:03:00] I don\'t need a bloodsucker
[02:17:00] 我不需要像吸血鬼一样的伴侣
[02:17:00] Time to find real man who ain\'t gotta pretend
[02:20:00] 现在该寻找真正的男人 他不会假装
[02:20:00] That he knows the ways around a woman like me
[02:24:00] 他对像我这样的女人了如指掌
[02:24:00] I don\'t need a bloodsucker
[02:28:00] 我不需要像吸血鬼一样的伴侣
[02:28:00] Just draining all life out of me
[02:33:00] 只会慢慢耗尽我所有的活力

Bloodsucker - CIL





Bloodsucker - CIL

Produced by:Andrew Wells

I like the way that you make promises
That you can\'t keep
How you tell a girl to rock your world
你用花言巧语欺骗女孩 只为撼动你的世界
And to shy into the sheets
装出一副腼腆的样子 蜷缩在被子里
You\'re calling me the girl of your dreams
Oh really
Yeah I think you\'re just a tease you tell me that you\'re sweet
我觉得你只是在开玩笑 你告诉我你温柔体贴
But I just see your bitter ridden insecurities
You say you serve to please is that what you believe
你说你可以讨人欢心 这就是你的信仰吗
\'Cause all I ever hear about is me me me
God you\'re just a bloodsucker
天啊 你就像是个吸血鬼
Yeah you draining all the hope out of me
I ain\'t your mother
Don\'t think you boutta feed off of me
\'Cause I\'ma find real man who ain\'t gotta pretend
因为我会遇到真正的男人 他不会假装
That he knows the ways around a woman like me
I don\'t need a bloodsucker
Just draining all life out of me
I think you\'re special don\'t get me wrong
我觉得你与众不同 不要误会我
It take a special kinda man to piss me off
Read the room boy writing\'s on the wall
学会察言观色吧 灾难即将来临
Did you really think that I was gonna call
Oh please you tell me that you\'re sweet
拜托 你告诉我你温柔体贴
But I just see your bitter ridden insecurities
You say you serve to please is that what you believe
你说你可以讨人欢心 这就是你的信仰吗
\'Cause all I ever hear about is me me me
God you\'re just a bloodsucker
天啊 你就像是个吸血鬼
Yeah you draining all the hope out of me
I ain\'t your mother
Don\'t think you boutta feed off of me
\'Cause I\'ma find real man who ain\'t gotta pretend
因为我会遇到真正的男人 他不会假装
That he knows the ways around a woman like me
I don\'t need a bloodsucker
Just draining all life out of me
I don\'t need a bloodsucker
Time to find real man who ain\'t gotta pretend
现在该寻找真正的男人 他不会假装
That he knows the ways around a woman like me
I don\'t need a bloodsucker
Just draining all life out of me
