[00:00:00] Ice Ice Baby (Re-Recorded) - Vanilla Ice
[00:05:00] Yo  VIP  let\'s kick it 
[00:11:00] VIP 让我们震撼全场
[00:11:00] Ice ice baby
[00:15:00] Ice 亲爱的Ice
[00:15:00] Ice ice baby
[00:17:00] Ice 亲爱的Ice
[00:17:00] All right stop
[00:17:00] 好的 停下来
[00:17:00] Collaborate and listen
[00:19:00] 全都看过来 听着
[00:19:00] Ice is back with a brand new invention
[00:21:00] Ice回来了 带着全新的专辑
[00:21:00] Something grabs a hold of me tightly
[00:23:00] 有股神奇的力量
[00:23:00] Flow like a harpoon daily and nightly
[00:25:00] 就像鱼叉一样日日夜夜控制着我 
[00:25:00] Will it ever stop 
[00:26:00] 那会停止吗
[00:26:00] Yo  I don\'t know
[00:27:00] 我不知道
[00:27:00] Turn off the lights and I\'ll glow
[00:29:00] 关上灯吧 我会闪耀的
[00:29:00] To the extreme I rock a mic like a vandal
[00:31:00] 我会像Vandal一样尽最大努力搞点破坏
[00:31:00] Light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle
[00:33:00] 像蜡炬一样点燃舞台 让这里的气氛嗨起来
[00:33:00] Dance
[00:33:00] 跳起来
[00:33:00] Bum rush the speaker that booms
[00:35:00] 跟着说唱者尽情摇摆吧
[00:35:00] I\'m killin\' your brain like a poisonous mushroom
[00:37:00] 我要像毒蘑菇迷晕你
[00:37:00] Deadly  when I play a d**e melody
[00:39:00] 当我演奏我那令人沉醉的音乐 那是致命的
[00:39:00] Anything less that the best is a felony
[00:41:00] 我做的任何事情最好都是重罪
[00:41:00] Love it or leave it
[00:42:00] 不管你很喜欢还是想要远离
[00:42:00] You better gain way
[00:43:00] 你最好找到一个方法
[00:43:00] You better hit bull\'s eye
[00:44:00] 你最好正中靶心
[00:44:00] The kid don\'t play
[00:46:00] 那些傻瓜不会玩
[00:46:00] If there was a problem
[00:47:00] 当这里有麻烦
[00:47:00] Yo  I\'ll solve it
[00:48:00] 我会解决的
[00:48:00] Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it
[00:50:00] 融进这氛围吧 当我的DJ奏起我的音乐
[00:50:00] Ice ice baby Vanilla
[00:54:00] 你是我的冰山宝贝 Vanilla
[00:54:00] Ice ice baby Vanilla
[00:58:00] 你是我的冰山宝贝 Vanilla
[00:58:00] Ice ice baby Vanilla
[01:02:00] 你是我的冰山宝贝 Vanilla
[01:02:00] Ice ice baby Vanilla
[01:07:00] 你是我的冰山宝贝 Vanilla
[01:07:00] Now that the party is jumping
[01:08:00] 现在 这个派对很嗨
[01:08:00] With the bass kicked in and the Vega\'s are pumpin\'
[01:10:00] Vega的重低音还在回荡
[01:10:00] Quick to the point  to the point no faking
[01:12:00] 抓住要害 不要跑偏
[01:12:00] I\'m cooking MC\'s like a pound of bacon
[01:15:00] 我就要烹饪一顿音乐大餐 就像培根一样
[01:15:00] Burning them if they\'re not quick and nimble
[01:16:00] 如果他们过去愚笨迟钝 我会毁掉他们的
[01:16:00] I go crazy when I hear a cymbal
[01:18:00] 当我听到铙钹的声音 我很疯狂
[01:18:00] And a hi hat with a souped up tempo
[01:21:00] 我要戴着我的帽子踩着节奏
[01:21:00] I\'m on a roll and it\'s time to go solo
[01:23:00] 我做得很好 是时候单独表演了
[01:23:00] Rollin in my 5 0
[01:24:00] 我要尽情摇摆
[01:24:00] With my ragtop down so my hair can blow
[01:27:00] 乘坐着敞篷汽车的我头发翻飞
[01:27:00] The girlies on standby
[01:28:00] 女孩们正严阵以待
[01:28:00] Waving just to say hi
[01:29:00] 她们等着跟我打招呼
[01:29:00] Did you stop 
[01:30:00] 你可以停下来吗
[01:30:00] No  I just drove by
[01:31:00] 不 我只是扬长而去
[01:31:00] Kept on pursuing to the next stop
[01:33:00] 我不断在追逐我的下一站
[01:33:00] I busted a left and I\'m heading to the next block
[01:35:00] 我将一切抛在脑后 前往我的新天地
[01:35:00] That block was dead
[01:36:00] 那片街区死气沉沉的
[01:36:00] Yo so I continued to a1a Beachfront Ave
[01:39:00] 所以我去了靠着海滨的街区
[01:39:00] Girls were hot wearing less than bikinis
[01:41:00] 女孩们都很热辣 她们穿着比基尼
[01:41:00] Rock man lovers driving Lamborghinis
[01:43:00] 摇滚明星们开着Lamborghinis
[01:43:00] Jealous \'cause I\'m out getting mine
[01:45:00] 说不羡慕是假的 因为我没有这派头
[01:45:00] Shay with a gauge and Vanilla with a nine
[01:48:00] 我乘坐着标准的马车 抽着我的香烟
[01:48:00] Ready for the chumps on the wall
[01:50:00] 那些笨蛋准备好去流浪
[01:50:00] The chumps are acting ill because they\'re full of eight balls
[01:52:00] 那些笨蛋举止滑稽 因为他们连逛了八个舞会
[01:52:00] Gunshots ranged out like a bell
[01:54:00] 枪声就像铃声一般响起
[01:54:00] I grabbed my nine
[01:55:00] 我抓住了我的枪
[01:55:00] All I heard were shells
[01:56:00] 我只听见了炮弹的声音
[01:56:00] Fallin\' on the concrete real fast
[01:58:00] 很快坠入混凝土中
[01:58:00] Jumped in my car  slammed on the gas
[02:00:00] 我跳入我的车里 油门踩到底
[02:00:00] Bumper to bumper the avenue\'s packed
[02:02:00] 我在整个街区逍遥自在
[02:02:00] I\'m tryin\' to get away before the jackers jack
[02:04:00] 我赶忙在警察来之前离开
[02:04:00] Police on the scene
[02:05:00] 但是警察已经出现
[02:05:00] You know what I mean
[02:06:00] 你明白我在说什么
[02:06:00] They passed me up  confronted all the d**e fiends
[02:09:00] 他们经过我身边 为的是去抓***
[02:09:00] If there was a problem
[02:10:00] 如果这里有麻烦
[02:10:00] Yo  I\'ll solve it
[02:11:00] 我将会解决的
[02:11:00] Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it
[02:13:00] 融进这氛围吧 当我的DJ奏起我的音乐
[02:13:00] Ice ice baby Vanilla
[02:17:00] 你是我的冰山宝贝 Vanilla
[02:17:00] Ice ice baby Vanilla
[02:21:00] 你是我的冰山宝贝 Vanilla
[02:21:00] Ice ice baby Vanilla
[02:25:00] 你是我的冰山宝贝 Vanilla
[02:25:00] Ice ice baby Vanilla
[02:29:00] 你是我的冰山宝贝 Vanilla
[02:29:00] Take heed  \'cause I\'m a lyrical poet
[02:31:00] 注意了 因为我是个诗人
[02:31:00] Miami\'s on the scene just in case you didn\'t know it
[02:33:00] 我在向Miami致敬 以防你们不知道
[02:33:00] My town  that created all the bass sound
[02:35:00] 我出生的城镇就像一个音乐之城
[02:35:00] Enough to shake and kick holes in the ground
[02:37:00] 不要再在街上游荡了
[02:37:00] \'Cause my style\'s like a chemical spill
[02:39:00] 因为我的风格就像化学反应
[02:39:00] Feasible rhymes that you can vision and feel
[02:41:00] 你们可以感觉出也想像出我那优美的旋律
[02:41:00] Conducted and formed
[02:42:00] 那是我精心打造的
[02:42:00] This is a hell of a concept
[02:44:00] 意念的地狱
[02:44:00] We make it hype and you want to step with this
[02:46:00] 我们很嗨 可是你却想要一切结束
[02:46:00] Shay plays on the fade  slice it like a ninja
[02:49:00] 继续一切吧 就像日本武士一样狂暴吧
[02:49:00] Cut like a razor blade so fast
[02:50:00] 要像剃须刀片一样锋利
[02:50:00] Other DJ\'s say  \"damn\"
[02:51:00] 别的DJ说 真该死
[02:51:00] If my rhyme was a drug
[02:53:00] 如果我的旋律是种**
[02:53:00] I\'d sell it by the gram
[02:54:00] 我会以克为单位将它卖掉
[02:54:00] Keep my composure when it\'s time to get loose
[02:56:00] 是时候放松 我要保持冷静
[02:56:00] Magnetized by the mic while I kick my juice
[02:58:00] 被麦克风吸引 我不小心洒了我的饮料
[02:58:00] If there was a problem
[02:59:00] 如果这里有麻烦 
[02:59:00] Yo  I\'ll solve it 
[03:00:00] 我将会解决一切
[03:00:00] Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it
[03:02:00] 融进这氛围吧 当我的DJ奏起我的音乐
[03:02:00] Ice ice baby Vanilla
[03:06:00] 你是我的冰山宝贝 Vanilla
[03:06:00] Ice ice baby Vanilla
[03:10:00] 你是我的冰山宝贝 Vanilla
[03:10:00] Ice ice baby Vanilla
[03:15:00] 你是我的冰山宝贝 Vanilla
[03:15:00] Ice ice baby Vanilla
[03:20:00] 你是我的冰山宝贝 Vanilla
[03:20:00] Yo man  let\'s get out of here
[03:22:00] 伙计 大家都散了吧
[03:22:00] Word to your mother
[03:23:00] 告诉你的妈妈
[03:23:00] Ice ice baby
[03:25:00] Ice 我是你的冰山宝贝
[03:25:00] Too cold
[03:27:00] 你很冷淡
[03:27:00] Ice ice baby
[03:29:00] Ice 你是我的冰山宝贝
[03:29:00] Too cold too cold
[03:31:00] 你很冷淡
[03:31:00] Ice ice baby
[03:33:00] Ice 你是我的冰山宝贝
[03:33:00] Too cold too cold
[03:35:00] 你很冷淡
[03:35:00] Ice ice baby
[03:37:00] Ice 你是我的冰山宝贝
[03:37:00] Too cold too cold
[03:42:00] 你很冷淡

Ice Ice Baby (Re-Recorded) - Vanilla Ice


Vanilla Ice-Ice Ice Baby (Re-Recorded)的QQ空间背景音乐外链:

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Ice Ice Baby (Re-Recorded)的文本歌词:

Ice Ice Baby (Re-Recorded) - Vanilla Ice

Yo VIP let\'s kick it
VIP 让我们震撼全场
Ice ice baby
Ice 亲爱的Ice
Ice ice baby
Ice 亲爱的Ice
All right stop
好的 停下来
Collaborate and listen
全都看过来 听着
Ice is back with a brand new invention
Ice回来了 带着全新的专辑
Something grabs a hold of me tightly
Flow like a harpoon daily and nightly
Will it ever stop
Yo I don\'t know
Turn off the lights and I\'ll glow
关上灯吧 我会闪耀的
To the extreme I rock a mic like a vandal
Light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle
像蜡炬一样点燃舞台 让这里的气氛嗨起来
Bum rush the speaker that booms
I\'m killin\' your brain like a poisonous mushroom
Deadly when I play a d**e melody
当我演奏我那令人沉醉的音乐 那是致命的
Anything less that the best is a felony
Love it or leave it
You better gain way
You better hit bull\'s eye
The kid don\'t play
If there was a problem
Yo I\'ll solve it
Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it
融进这氛围吧 当我的DJ奏起我的音乐
Ice ice baby Vanilla
你是我的冰山宝贝 Vanilla
Ice ice baby Vanilla
你是我的冰山宝贝 Vanilla
Ice ice baby Vanilla
你是我的冰山宝贝 Vanilla
Ice ice baby Vanilla
你是我的冰山宝贝 Vanilla
Now that the party is jumping
现在 这个派对很嗨
With the bass kicked in and the Vega\'s are pumpin\'
Quick to the point to the point no faking
抓住要害 不要跑偏
I\'m cooking MC\'s like a pound of bacon
我就要烹饪一顿音乐大餐 就像培根一样
Burning them if they\'re not quick and nimble
如果他们过去愚笨迟钝 我会毁掉他们的
I go crazy when I hear a cymbal
当我听到铙钹的声音 我很疯狂
And a hi hat with a souped up tempo
I\'m on a roll and it\'s time to go solo
我做得很好 是时候单独表演了
Rollin in my 5 0
With my ragtop down so my hair can blow
The girlies on standby
Waving just to say hi
Did you stop
No I just drove by
不 我只是扬长而去
Kept on pursuing to the next stop
I busted a left and I\'m heading to the next block
我将一切抛在脑后 前往我的新天地
That block was dead
Yo so I continued to a1a Beachfront Ave
Girls were hot wearing less than bikinis
女孩们都很热辣 她们穿着比基尼
Rock man lovers driving Lamborghinis
Jealous \'cause I\'m out getting mine
说不羡慕是假的 因为我没有这派头
Shay with a gauge and Vanilla with a nine
我乘坐着标准的马车 抽着我的香烟
Ready for the chumps on the wall
The chumps are acting ill because they\'re full of eight balls
那些笨蛋举止滑稽 因为他们连逛了八个舞会
Gunshots ranged out like a bell
I grabbed my nine
All I heard were shells
Fallin\' on the concrete real fast
Jumped in my car slammed on the gas
我跳入我的车里 油门踩到底
Bumper to bumper the avenue\'s packed
I\'m tryin\' to get away before the jackers jack
Police on the scene
You know what I mean
They passed me up confronted all the d**e fiends
他们经过我身边 为的是去抓***
If there was a problem
Yo I\'ll solve it
Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it
融进这氛围吧 当我的DJ奏起我的音乐
Ice ice baby Vanilla
你是我的冰山宝贝 Vanilla
Ice ice baby Vanilla
你是我的冰山宝贝 Vanilla
Ice ice baby Vanilla
你是我的冰山宝贝 Vanilla
Ice ice baby Vanilla
你是我的冰山宝贝 Vanilla
Take heed \'cause I\'m a lyrical poet
注意了 因为我是个诗人
Miami\'s on the scene just in case you didn\'t know it
我在向Miami致敬 以防你们不知道
My town that created all the bass sound
Enough to shake and kick holes in the ground
\'Cause my style\'s like a chemical spill
Feasible rhymes that you can vision and feel
Conducted and formed
This is a hell of a concept
We make it hype and you want to step with this
我们很嗨 可是你却想要一切结束
Shay plays on the fade slice it like a ninja
继续一切吧 就像日本武士一样狂暴吧
Cut like a razor blade so fast
Other DJ\'s say \"damn\"
别的DJ说 真该死
If my rhyme was a drug
I\'d sell it by the gram
Keep my composure when it\'s time to get loose
是时候放松 我要保持冷静
Magnetized by the mic while I kick my juice
被麦克风吸引 我不小心洒了我的饮料
If there was a problem
Yo I\'ll solve it
Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it
融进这氛围吧 当我的DJ奏起我的音乐
Ice ice baby Vanilla
你是我的冰山宝贝 Vanilla
Ice ice baby Vanilla
你是我的冰山宝贝 Vanilla
Ice ice baby Vanilla
你是我的冰山宝贝 Vanilla
Ice ice baby Vanilla
你是我的冰山宝贝 Vanilla
Yo man let\'s get out of here
伙计 大家都散了吧
Word to your mother
Ice ice baby
Ice 我是你的冰山宝贝
Too cold
Ice ice baby
Ice 你是我的冰山宝贝
Too cold too cold
Ice ice baby
Ice 你是我的冰山宝贝
Too cold too cold
Ice ice baby
Ice 你是我的冰山宝贝
Too cold too cold

爱好歌音乐网提供Vanilla Ice-Ice Ice Baby (Re-Recorded)的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Ice Ice Baby (Re-Recorded)的QQ空间背景音乐外链。
