[00:00:00] Rare (Explicit) - NEFFEX
[00:01:00] Lyrics by:Bryce Savage
[00:02:00] Composed by:Bryce Savage
[00:03:00] Produced by:Bryce Savage
[00:20:00] I was born to be a fighter had these dreams and desires
[00:23:00] 我天生就是斗士 怀揣着这些梦想和渴望
[00:23:00] I will be something better energy got a fire
[00:25:00] 我会让自己越变越好 充满活力 热情洋溢
[00:25:00] In my soul it keep burning a pain that keep hurting
[00:28:00] 在我的灵魂里肆意燃烧 痛苦挥之不去
[00:28:00] A curse is emerging feel the thirst keep on working
[00:30:00] 魔咒应验 感觉自己充满渴望 继续努力工作
[00:30:00] I won\'t stop I won\'t quit to the top of this ****
[00:33:00] 我不会停止 我不会放弃 只为站上巅峰
[00:33:00] I get lost in the work sweat dripping not a *****
[00:36:00] 我醉心于工作 挥汗如雨 并不是卑鄙小人
[00:36:00] I get mad I get pissed I get after this ****
[00:38:00] 我疯狂不已 我怒火中烧 我开始行动
[00:38:00] Hit the gas feel the grip adrenaline never miss
[00:41:00] 猛踩油门 感觉自己肾上腺素飙升 绝不失手
[00:41:00] I\'m not patient but I\'ve learned to embrace it
[00:44:00] 我没有耐心 但我学会欣然接受一切
[00:44:00] \'Cause I\'ve been working I\'ve been waiting
[00:46:00] 因为我在努力工作 我在静心等待
[00:46:00] Never complacent \'cause I\'m so close I can taste it
[00:49:00] 永不自满 因为我近在咫尺 我可以品尝到滋味
[00:49:00] One hit away from everything I\'ve been chasing
[00:51:00] 一首大热单曲就能得到我追求的一切
[00:51:00] I\'m honest and I promise that I got this
[00:54:00] 我为人坦诚 我保证我会取得成功
[00:54:00] I\'m launching all I\'ve wanted it\'s been exhausting
[00:57:00] 我投身于我梦寐以求的事业 令人疲惫不堪
[00:57:00] I\'ll teach you how to harness control the conscious
[00:59:00] 我会教你如何驾驭 控制自我意识
[00:59:00] You got this yeah you got this you gotta want it
[01:02:00] 你取得成功 你取得成功 你志在必得
[01:02:00] You got one shot life ain\'t fair
[01:04:00] 你拥有一次机会 生活并不公平
[01:04:00] Are you gonna win or will you play scared
[01:07:00] 你是否会大获全胜 或者你会假装心生恐惧
[01:07:00] I will not stop I am prepared
[01:09:00] 我不会停止 我已整装待发
[01:09:00] To get to the top yeah you must be rare
[01:12:00] 勇攀高峰 你一定会举世无双
[01:12:00] Got \'em like \"Hey-ey hey-ey\"
[01:17:00] 赢得大家的热情欢呼
[01:17:00] I will not stop I am prepared
[01:20:00] 我不会停止 我已整装待发
[01:20:00] To get to the top yeah you must be rare
[01:22:00] 勇攀高峰 你一定会举世无双
[01:22:00] You got one shot life ain\'t fair
[01:25:00] 你拥有一次机会 生活并不公平
[01:25:00] Are you gonna win or will you play scared
[01:28:00] 你是否会大获全胜 或者你会假装心生恐惧
[01:28:00] I will not stop I am prepared
[01:30:00] 我不会停止 我已整装待发
[01:30:00] To get to the top yeah you must be rare
[01:33:00] 勇攀高峰 你一定会举世无双
[01:33:00] Got \'em like \"Hey-ey hey-ey\"
[01:38:00] 赢得大家的热情欢呼
[01:38:00] I will not stop I am prepared
[01:41:00] 我不会停止 我已整装待发
[01:41:00] To get to the top yeah you must be rare
[01:44:00] 勇攀高峰 你一定会举世无双
[01:44:00] Yeah watch out I\'m fighting hard for the crown
[01:47:00] 当心一点 我在拼命战斗 只为摘取王冠
[01:47:00] Yeah no doubts I\'ll be the best pound for pound
[01:49:00] 毫无疑问 我会做到最好 感到骄傲不已
[01:49:00] I\'m obsessed with winning this is my house
[01:51:00] 我痴迷于赢取胜利 这就是我的地盘
[01:51:00] So watch out I\'m coming to the top I vow
[01:54:00] 当心一点 我发誓我会抵达巅峰
[01:54:00] Yeah I\'m addicted to winning if that\'s a sin I be sinning
[01:56:00] 我对胜利欲罢不能 如果这是罪过 我会罪孽深重
[01:56:00] I\'m disciplined when I\'m in it and this is just the beginning
[01:59:00] 当我进入这个圈子 我遵守规矩 这只是开始而已
[01:59:00] The money yeah I\'ll be printing
[02:00:00] 我会赚到盆满钵满
[02:00:00] While helping others make millions
[02:02:00] 还要帮助别人赚到数百万的钞票
[02:02:00] See I\'m not selfish no villain but still love making a killing
[02:04:00] 你瞧 我并不自私 也不是恶棍 但我依然喜欢大赚一笔
[02:04:00] I\'m here for greatness you can\'t lock me into cages
[02:08:00] 我会变成伟大的人物 你无法把我关进牢笼里
[02:08:00] Deserve to be on stages I will be the greatest
[02:11:00] 我有资格站上耀眼夺目的舞台 我会成为伟大的人物
[02:11:00] Do it yourself I made it DIY from the basement
[02:15:00] 自力更生 我在地下室里亲手制作音乐
[02:15:00] I\'ll take my life into my own hands my own plan
[02:18:00] 我会把我的人生掌握在自己手中 我有自己的计划
[02:18:00] Yeah I got a backbone designing my own program
[02:21:00] 我毅力十足 精心安排一切
[02:21:00] I\'ll mentor the next wave of the bravest
[02:23:00] 我会指导下一代最勇敢的人
[02:23:00] So don\'t be late I\'m about to make changes
[02:25:00] 千万不要迟到 我准备做出改变
[02:25:00] You got one shot life ain\'t fair
[02:28:00] 你拥有一次机会 生活并不公平
[02:28:00] Are you gonna win or will you play scared
[02:30:00] 你是否会大获全胜 或者你会假装心生恐惧
[02:30:00] I will not stop I am prepared
[02:33:00] 我不会停止 我已整装待发
[02:33:00] To get to the top yeah you must be rare
[02:35:00] 勇攀高峰 你一定会举世无双
[02:35:00] Got \'em like \"Hey-ey hey-ey\"
[02:41:00] 赢得大家的热情欢呼
[02:41:00] I will not stop I am prepared
[02:43:00] 我不会停止 我已整装待发
[02:43:00] To get to the top yeah you must be rare
[02:46:00] 勇攀高峰 你一定会举世无双
[02:46:00] You got one shot life ain\'t fair
[02:48:00] 你拥有一次机会 生活并不公平
[02:48:00] Are you gonna win or will you play scared
[02:51:00] 你是否会大获全胜 或者你会假装心生恐惧
[02:51:00] I will not stop I am prepared
[02:54:00] 我不会停止 我已整装待发
[02:54:00] To get to the top yeah you must be rare
[02:56:00] 勇攀高峰 你一定会举世无双
[02:56:00] Got \'em like \"Hey-ey hey-ey\"
[03:01:00] 赢得大家的热情欢呼
[03:01:00] I will not stop I am prepared
[03:04:00] 我不会停止 我已整装待发
[03:04:00] To get to the top yeah you must be rare
[03:07:00] 勇攀高峰 你一定会举世无双
[03:07:00] Yeah I\'m all in it\'s my calling
[03:09:00] 我全力以赴 这是我的使命
[03:09:00] To be the best I can be I\'m evolving
[03:12:00] 竭尽全力 力求完美 我会不断进步
[03:12:00] I\'ll see you on the other side gonna live my best life
[03:15:00] 我会在彼岸的世界与你相见 我要享受我美好的生活
[03:15:00] Pushin\' hard through the pain never stalling
[03:17:00] 竭尽全力驱散痛苦 绝对不会裹足不前
[03:17:00] Yeah I\'m all in it\'s my calling
[03:20:00] 我全力以赴 这是我的使命
[03:20:00] To be the best I can be I\'m evolving
[03:23:00] 竭尽全力 力求完美 我会不断进步
[03:23:00] I\'ll see you on the other side gonna live my best life
[03:25:00] 我会在彼岸的世界与你相见 我要享受我美好的生活
[03:25:00] Pushin\' hard through the pain never stalling
[03:30:00] 竭尽全力驱散痛苦 绝对不会裹足不前

Rare(Explicit) - NEFFEX





Rare (Explicit) - NEFFEX

Lyrics by:Bryce Savage

Composed by:Bryce Savage

Produced by:Bryce Savage

I was born to be a fighter had these dreams and desires
我天生就是斗士 怀揣着这些梦想和渴望
I will be something better energy got a fire
我会让自己越变越好 充满活力 热情洋溢
In my soul it keep burning a pain that keep hurting
在我的灵魂里肆意燃烧 痛苦挥之不去
A curse is emerging feel the thirst keep on working
魔咒应验 感觉自己充满渴望 继续努力工作
I won\'t stop I won\'t quit to the top of this ****
我不会停止 我不会放弃 只为站上巅峰
I get lost in the work sweat dripping not a *****
我醉心于工作 挥汗如雨 并不是卑鄙小人
I get mad I get pissed I get after this ****
我疯狂不已 我怒火中烧 我开始行动
Hit the gas feel the grip adrenaline never miss
猛踩油门 感觉自己肾上腺素飙升 绝不失手
I\'m not patient but I\'ve learned to embrace it
我没有耐心 但我学会欣然接受一切
\'Cause I\'ve been working I\'ve been waiting
因为我在努力工作 我在静心等待
Never complacent \'cause I\'m so close I can taste it
永不自满 因为我近在咫尺 我可以品尝到滋味
One hit away from everything I\'ve been chasing
I\'m honest and I promise that I got this
我为人坦诚 我保证我会取得成功
I\'m launching all I\'ve wanted it\'s been exhausting
我投身于我梦寐以求的事业 令人疲惫不堪
I\'ll teach you how to harness control the conscious
我会教你如何驾驭 控制自我意识
You got this yeah you got this you gotta want it
你取得成功 你取得成功 你志在必得
You got one shot life ain\'t fair
你拥有一次机会 生活并不公平
Are you gonna win or will you play scared
你是否会大获全胜 或者你会假装心生恐惧
I will not stop I am prepared
我不会停止 我已整装待发
To get to the top yeah you must be rare
勇攀高峰 你一定会举世无双
Got \'em like \"Hey-ey hey-ey\"
I will not stop I am prepared
我不会停止 我已整装待发
To get to the top yeah you must be rare
勇攀高峰 你一定会举世无双
You got one shot life ain\'t fair
你拥有一次机会 生活并不公平
Are you gonna win or will you play scared
你是否会大获全胜 或者你会假装心生恐惧
I will not stop I am prepared
我不会停止 我已整装待发
To get to the top yeah you must be rare
勇攀高峰 你一定会举世无双
Got \'em like \"Hey-ey hey-ey\"
I will not stop I am prepared
我不会停止 我已整装待发
To get to the top yeah you must be rare
勇攀高峰 你一定会举世无双
Yeah watch out I\'m fighting hard for the crown
当心一点 我在拼命战斗 只为摘取王冠
Yeah no doubts I\'ll be the best pound for pound
毫无疑问 我会做到最好 感到骄傲不已
I\'m obsessed with winning this is my house
我痴迷于赢取胜利 这就是我的地盘
So watch out I\'m coming to the top I vow
当心一点 我发誓我会抵达巅峰
Yeah I\'m addicted to winning if that\'s a sin I be sinning
我对胜利欲罢不能 如果这是罪过 我会罪孽深重
I\'m disciplined when I\'m in it and this is just the beginning
当我进入这个圈子 我遵守规矩 这只是开始而已
The money yeah I\'ll be printing
While helping others make millions
See I\'m not selfish no villain but still love making a killing
你瞧 我并不自私 也不是恶棍 但我依然喜欢大赚一笔
I\'m here for greatness you can\'t lock me into cages
我会变成伟大的人物 你无法把我关进牢笼里
Deserve to be on stages I will be the greatest
我有资格站上耀眼夺目的舞台 我会成为伟大的人物
Do it yourself I made it DIY from the basement
自力更生 我在地下室里亲手制作音乐
I\'ll take my life into my own hands my own plan
我会把我的人生掌握在自己手中 我有自己的计划
Yeah I got a backbone designing my own program
我毅力十足 精心安排一切
I\'ll mentor the next wave of the bravest
So don\'t be late I\'m about to make changes
千万不要迟到 我准备做出改变
You got one shot life ain\'t fair
你拥有一次机会 生活并不公平
Are you gonna win or will you play scared
你是否会大获全胜 或者你会假装心生恐惧
I will not stop I am prepared
我不会停止 我已整装待发
To get to the top yeah you must be rare
勇攀高峰 你一定会举世无双
Got \'em like \"Hey-ey hey-ey\"
I will not stop I am prepared
我不会停止 我已整装待发
To get to the top yeah you must be rare
勇攀高峰 你一定会举世无双
You got one shot life ain\'t fair
你拥有一次机会 生活并不公平
Are you gonna win or will you play scared
你是否会大获全胜 或者你会假装心生恐惧
I will not stop I am prepared
我不会停止 我已整装待发
To get to the top yeah you must be rare
勇攀高峰 你一定会举世无双
Got \'em like \"Hey-ey hey-ey\"
I will not stop I am prepared
我不会停止 我已整装待发
To get to the top yeah you must be rare
勇攀高峰 你一定会举世无双
Yeah I\'m all in it\'s my calling
我全力以赴 这是我的使命
To be the best I can be I\'m evolving
竭尽全力 力求完美 我会不断进步
I\'ll see you on the other side gonna live my best life
我会在彼岸的世界与你相见 我要享受我美好的生活
Pushin\' hard through the pain never stalling
竭尽全力驱散痛苦 绝对不会裹足不前
Yeah I\'m all in it\'s my calling
我全力以赴 这是我的使命
To be the best I can be I\'m evolving
竭尽全力 力求完美 我会不断进步
I\'ll see you on the other side gonna live my best life
我会在彼岸的世界与你相见 我要享受我美好的生活
Pushin\' hard through the pain never stalling
竭尽全力驱散痛苦 绝对不会裹足不前
