Foster The People-SHC的QQ空间背景音乐外链:
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SHC - Foster The People
Written by:Mark Foster&Isom Innis&Mark Pontius
You"re our secret
It"s worth keeping
And now I"m keeping my mouth shut
On the weekends
I won"t hang out with anybody else
The pavement
Always baking
What"s it want from me
And I keep falling backwards
Looking for relief
Want to be free
I"ve been counting all the minutes
And the days have been counting me
I want to live my life again
But you won"t
I"ll never understand the winds
But you do
I didn"t know I was afraid
But you did
I want to do it again
Well I"ve been sleeping
Waiting for something
But to feel nothing
At all avoid the call
Sometimes I"m reckless
Sometimes misdirected
Sometimes when I"m tested
I tend to do nothing at all
When I"m alone
There"s a ghost that keeps talking
And I know there"s gotta be more
For sure
I want to live my life again
But you won"t
I"ll never understand the winds
But you do
I didn"t know I was afraid
But you did
I want to do it again
I"ve been numbing my thoughts for hours
I know you wanted to save me from myself
And we"ve been wilting and young for seeds
And I can"t compete
Until I"m strung to the field
What"s real
I want to live my life again
But you won"t
I"ll never understand the winds
But you do
I didn"t know I was afraid
But you did
I want to do it again
Do you want to live forever
爱好歌音乐网提供Foster The People-SHC的MP3音乐在线试听下载,SHC的QQ空间背景音乐外链。