[00:00:00] Tears In Rain (For Granny) - Bruno Major/Raelee Nikole
[00:03:00] Composed by:Bruno Major/Raelee Nikole
[00:07:00] Produced by:Bruno Major/Phairo
[00:10:00] We\'ll remember your smile from
[00:13:00] All the family photographs
[00:17:00] But after a while we\'ll lose the
[00:20:00] Timbre of your laugh
[00:23:00] Sitting down in your chair smells
[00:26:00] Like your perfume
[00:27:00] But you\'re not there
[00:28:00] So much I don\'t know but it\'s gonna
[00:36:00] Be a little while before
[00:39:00] I hear your voice again
[00:41:00] \'Til I can ask you all of the questions
[00:45:00] That I should have asked you then
[00:48:00] Like how\'d you take your coffee
[00:51:00] What\'s your favorite author\'s name
[00:56:00] \'Cause it\'s all the little things
[00:59:00] That will be lost like tears in rain
[01:10:00] How\'s it feel to die
[01:13:00] Does it hurt and are you all alone
[01:16:00] Or did the great gig in the sky
[01:19:00] Make it feel like coming home
[01:23:00] What\'s your biggest regret
[01:25:00] Is there something you wish you had said
[01:29:00] So much I don\'t know but it\'s gonna
[01:36:00] Be a little while before
[01:38:00] I hear your voice again
[01:41:00] \'Til I can ask you all of the questions
[01:45:00] That I should have asked you then
[01:48:00] When did you learn to tie your shoes up
[01:51:00] Or first sing a sweet refrain
[01:56:00] \'Cause it\'s all the little things
[01:59:00] That will be lost like tears in rain
[02:18:00] I know it\'s gonna be a little
[02:21:00] While before I hear your voice again
[02:25:00] \'Til I can ask you all of the questions
[02:28:00] That I should have asked you then
[02:32:00] Is it all a simulation
[02:35:00] Can you win the human race
[02:39:00] Do you even hear me
[02:41:00] Are you stardust lost in space
[02:45:00] And if I see you on the other
[02:47:00] Side will you look the same
[02:53:00] \'Cause it\'s all the little
[02:55:00] Things that will be lost
[03:00:00] It\'s all the little things
[03:02:00] That will be lost like tears in rain

Tears In Rain (For Granny) - Bruno Major&Raelee Nikole


Bruno Major&Raelee Nikole-Tears In Rain (For Granny)的QQ空间背景音乐外链:

歌曲Bruno Major&Raelee Nikole-Tears In Rain (For Granny)的MP3下载地址来源于网络分享,复制链接或者右键链接另存为即可下载MP3音乐,同时网站提供Bruno Major&Raelee Nikole-Tears In Rain (For Granny)的QQ空间背景音乐歌曲链接,把这首歌曲的MP3链接地址推荐给你的朋友,可以让他们免费获得本歌曲音乐外链。

Tears In Rain (For Granny)的文本歌词:

Tears In Rain (For Granny) - Bruno Major/Raelee Nikole
Composed by:Bruno Major/Raelee Nikole
Produced by:Bruno Major/Phairo
We\'ll remember your smile from
All the family photographs
But after a while we\'ll lose the
Timbre of your laugh
Sitting down in your chair smells
Like your perfume
But you\'re not there
So much I don\'t know but it\'s gonna
Be a little while before
I hear your voice again
\'Til I can ask you all of the questions
That I should have asked you then
Like how\'d you take your coffee
What\'s your favorite author\'s name
\'Cause it\'s all the little things
That will be lost like tears in rain
How\'s it feel to die
Does it hurt and are you all alone
Or did the great gig in the sky
Make it feel like coming home
What\'s your biggest regret
Is there something you wish you had said
So much I don\'t know but it\'s gonna
Be a little while before
I hear your voice again
\'Til I can ask you all of the questions
That I should have asked you then
When did you learn to tie your shoes up
Or first sing a sweet refrain
\'Cause it\'s all the little things
That will be lost like tears in rain
I know it\'s gonna be a little
While before I hear your voice again
\'Til I can ask you all of the questions
That I should have asked you then
Is it all a simulation
Can you win the human race
Do you even hear me
Are you stardust lost in space
And if I see you on the other
Side will you look the same
\'Cause it\'s all the little
Things that will be lost
It\'s all the little things
That will be lost like tears in rain

爱好歌音乐网提供Bruno Major&Raelee Nikole-Tears In Rain (For Granny)的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Tears In Rain (For Granny)的QQ空间背景音乐外链。
