[00:00:00] The End Of The Line - Dan Bull/The Stupendium
[00:00:00] QQ音乐享有本翻译作品的著作权
[00:00:00] Lyrics by:Dan Bull/Gregory Holgate
[00:00:00] Composed by:Dan Bull/Gregory Holgate
[00:00:00] Sleeping deep beneath the sleepers of the isle
[00:03:00] 沉睡于这座小岛上的枕木之下
[00:03:00] There\'s a demon creature dreaming heathen and reviled
[00:05:00] 恶魔般的生物梦见异教徒和无端谩骂
[00:05:00] Sees no rhyme or reason but for feasting when he\'s riled
[00:08:00] 看不到任何韵律和理由 在他气急败坏的时候 就让他饱餐一顿
[00:08:00] Better let him be lest you are sure to see the smile
[00:11:00] 一定要乖乖听话 以免看到他的那张笑脸
[00:11:00] Of sixteen tons of scurrying death
[00:13:00] 他是重达十六吨的死神
[00:13:00] Smoldering souls through funnel of red
[00:16:00] 燃烧的灵魂从血红的烟囱里喷薄而出
[00:16:00] With a pick-like grin on the front of his head
[00:19:00] 他的脑袋上浮现咧着嘴的笑容
[00:19:00] Sat atop a most illogical number of legs
[00:22:00] 身下是数量不符合逻辑的蜘蛛腿
[00:22:00] Tickets please Let me tell you the tale
[00:25:00] 请出示车票 让我跟你讲个故事
[00:25:00] Of a wicked beast that\'ll follow your trail
[00:27:00] 主人公是一头邪恶的野兽 他会对你紧追不舍
[00:27:00] Through the valleys and vales on your tail day and night
[00:30:00] 穿越山谷和溪流 夜以继日地追随着你
[00:30:00] There\'ll be chaos on the rails when the railway strikes
[00:33:00] 一旦铁路发生故障 铁轨上将陷入一片混乱
[00:33:00] Stop take stock try to gauge the situation
[00:36:00] 停车 仔细斟酌 试图搞清情况
[00:36:00] \'Fraid your train has been derailed
[00:37:00] 恐怕你的火车已经脱轨
[00:37:00] There\'s no use waiting in the station
[00:39:00] 在车站等待也无济于事
[00:39:00] Every engine\'s been dismantled
[00:40:00] 每台引擎都被拆解
[00:40:00] There\'s no other service coming
[00:41:00] 再也无法提供其他的服务
[00:41:00] Charles is leading by example
[00:43:00] Charles以身作则
[00:43:00] He\'s the only train that\'s running
[00:44:00] 他是唯一还在运行的列车
[00:44:00] All in all we\'re in a doozy of a mess
[00:47:00] 总而言之 我们变得一团糟
[00:47:00] So all aboard the WTF express
[00:50:00] 所以大家赶紧登上WTF特快列车
[00:50:00] Should you want to stay safe
[00:51:00] 如果你想保持安全
[00:51:00] Then I wouldn\'t play games
[00:52:00] 那我不会玩弄把戏
[00:52:00] Or you\'ll learn another way of saying
[00:54:00] 否则你会了解到另一种意思的
[00:54:00] Run away Train
[00:56:00] 失控列车
[00:56:00] Every life has a light in the tunnel ahead
[00:59:00] 每一条生命在隧道尽头都有属于自己的光芒
[00:59:00] But you might just find that behind it instead
[01:01:00] 但你也许会发现在那之后
[01:01:00] Of a heaven is an engine and the devil inbred
[01:04:00] 并非是天堂 而是引擎和恶魔孕育的产物
[01:04:00] And we\'re next on the menu if we\'ve left him unfed
[01:07:00] 如果我们没有及时给他喂食 那我们就是菜单上的下一个目标
[01:07:00] Charlie
[01:08:00] Your timetable says it\'s almost time for tea
[01:13:00] 你的时间表上写着 快要到喝茶休息的时间了
[01:13:00] Charlie
[01:14:00] And we\'ve laid on quite a spread as you can see
[01:18:00] 如你所见 我们已经将影响力不断扩大
[01:18:00] There\'s a choo-choo train
[01:20:00] 火车匆匆驶来
[01:20:00] Coming after you
[01:21:00] 追逐着你
[01:21:00] Food chain\'s
[01:23:00] 食物链
[01:23:00] Gone a bit askew
[01:24:00] 发生一点错误
[01:24:00] Won\'t catch that train
[01:28:00] 如果它追赶上你
[01:28:00] If it\'s gonna catch you
[01:29:00] 那你再也无法赶上别的火车
[01:29:00] For certain worse than what they say to mind the gap for
[01:31:00] 比起他们说注意列车与站台之间的缝隙 情况变得更糟糕
[01:31:00] The train\'s not just cancelled it\'s d**n well deplatformed
[01:34:00] 这趟火车不仅被取消 它甚至没有资格进入站台
[01:34:00] Since it scampered off the tracks to find
[01:36:00] 因为它迅速离开铁轨
[01:36:00] A snack from off your back lawn
[01:37:00] 只为在你后院的草坪上寻找食物
[01:37:00] Couple jackdaws and your cat
[01:38:00] 先干掉几只寒鸦和你的猫咪
[01:38:00] And then your dad from off the back porch
[01:40:00] 然后是从后门廊路过的你的爸爸
[01:40:00] He\'s hungry and he\'s hunting down the islanders
[01:43:00] 他饥肠辘辘 他在四处猎杀岛民
[01:43:00] With a side of any siding-hiding bystanders
[01:45:00] 亦或是任何躲在铁路岔道的旁观者
[01:45:00] Quite queer what his dietary requirements are
[01:48:00] 他的饮食需求非常奇怪
[01:48:00] But it\'s pretty clear regardless he\'s a dining car
[01:51:00] 但这一切显而易见 不管怎样他是一辆大餐车
[01:51:00] Coke Coal Petroleum Alone they\'ll never do
[01:54:00] 焦炭 煤块 石油 他们都缺一不可
[01:54:00] No this engine sends the scent of rendered flesh
[01:56:00] 这台引擎让烤焦血肉的味道
[01:56:00] Out from the flue
[01:57:00] 从烟囱里飘出去
[01:57:00] On this service we\'ll be serving something rather more unnerving
[01:59:00] 在本次服务里 我们将会提供一些令人局促不安的服务
[01:59:00] Chugga-chugging on blood as he chew-chews you
[02:02:00] 鲜血伴着轰鸣声 一边大口地咀嚼你
[02:02:00] It\'s all true choo-choos consume fuel too
[02:05:00] 千真万确 火车也需要消耗燃料
[02:05:00] Humans are a whole new consumable and whole food
[02:08:00] 人类是一种全新的消耗品和食物
[02:08:00] Gluten free range and more renewable than coal too
[02:11:00] 不含麦麸质 比煤炭更加可再生
[02:11:00] So who to choose to chew to this tune Ooh you\'ll do
[02:14:00] 所以该选择谁来跟着这个曲子大快朵颐呢 你会被选中
[02:14:00] Every life has a light in the tunnel ahead
[02:17:00] 每一条生命在隧道尽头都有属于自己的光芒
[02:17:00] But you might just find that behind it instead
[02:19:00] 但你也许会发现在那之后
[02:19:00] Of a heaven is an engine and the devil inbred
[02:22:00] 并非是天堂 而是引擎和恶魔孕育的产物
[02:22:00] And we\'re next on the menu if we\'ve left him unfed
[02:26:00] 如果我们没有及时给他喂食 那我们就是菜单上的下一个目标
[02:26:00] Charlie
[02:27:00] Your timetable says it\'s almost time for tea
[02:31:00] 你的时间表上写着 快要到喝茶休息的时间了
[02:31:00] Charlie
[02:32:00] And we\'ve laid on quite a spread as you can see
[02:37:00] 已经将影响力不断扩大
[02:37:00] Charlie
[02:38:00] If we sate your lust for flesh on which to feed
[02:42:00] 如果我们给你喂食 满足你对血肉的欲望
[02:42:00] Charlie
[02:43:00] Will you promise to eat them instead of me
[02:47:00] 你能否保证放我一马 去吃别人
[02:47:00] There\'s a choo-choo train
[02:49:00] 火车匆匆驶来
[02:49:00] Coming after you
[02:50:00] 追逐着你
[02:50:00] Food chain\'s
[02:52:00] 食物链
[02:52:00] Gone a bit askew
[02:53:00] 发生一点错误
[02:53:00] Won\'t catch that train
[02:57:00] 如果它追赶上你
[02:57:00] If it\'s gonna catch you
[02:59:00] 那你再也无法赶上别的火车
[02:59:00] Engine engine number nine
[03:01:00] 引擎 第九号引擎
[03:01:00] On the Aranearum mining line
[03:04:00] 行驶在Aranearum上的采矿线上
[03:04:00] If your train comes off the track
[03:06:00] 如果你的火车离开铁轨
[03:06:00] Better run better run or you won\'t come back
[03:09:00] 那就赶紧逃走 否则你会一去不复返
[03:09:00] Hey guess who This is déjà vu
[03:12:00] 嘿 猜猜是谁 这一切似曾相识
[03:12:00] Like HS2 you\'ll be railed right through
[03:15:00] 犹如高铁2号线 轨道从你这里径直穿过
[03:15:00] Penetrated in the vein of a mainline route
[03:17:00] 渗透进每一条干线的脉络里
[03:17:00] When we come well then we\'re gonna run a train on you
[03:21:00] 在我们到来的那一刻 我们会开着火车从你身上碾过
[03:21:00] You might say we\'ve got a loco motive
[03:23:00] 你也许会说我们的动机很疯狂
[03:23:00] To provide the train with a load of groceries
[03:26:00] 把火车上装满杂货
[03:26:00] Locally sourced from the local folk dear
[03:29:00] 货源从当地的人们手中采购 亲爱的
[03:29:00] Granny\'s s\'posed to host although she\'s toast
[03:31:00] 奶奶准备主持宴会 等烟雾散去之后
[03:31:00] When the smoke clears
[03:31:00] 她举杯庆祝
[03:31:00] The el choo-choopacabara the beast come to dine
[03:34:00] 残酷无情的野兽准备饱餐一顿的野兽
[03:34:00] And it\'s far worse than leaves that he leaves on the line
[03:37:00] 但他留在铁轨上的东西比树叶更糟糕
[03:37:00] You\'ll see when he feasts in the deep of the night
[03:40:00] 在夜深人静的时候 你会看到他大快朵颐的样子
[03:40:00] By the pieces of people-y debris left behind
[03:43:00] 因为留下的那些人类碎屑告诉你真相
[03:43:00] Riding off-peak Don\'t be ridiculous
[03:44:00] 想要淡季票价 不要胡闹
[03:44:00] The worth of your season ticket is
[03:46:00] 你的季票价值
[03:46:00] Quickly diminishing with every pillock
[03:47:00] 随着每一个被我们投喂进
[03:47:00] We\'re feeding into his gleaming scissorous teeth
[03:49:00] 他锋利牙齿之间的傻瓜而迅速贬值
[03:49:00] But if we seem insidious
[03:50:00] 即使我们看上去阴险狡诈
[03:50:00] We\'re just uneasy villagers
[03:51:00] 我们只是令人担忧的村民而已
[03:51:00] Seeking to keep the most hideous beast
[03:52:00] 想要挽留这头可怕的野兽
[03:52:00] We unleashed from committing the deed of killing us
[03:54:00] 同时拯救自己 摆脱杀戮的侵扰
[03:54:00] If killing a priest a vicar a grocer or postman
[03:56:00] 如果杀掉一个祭司 一个牧师 一个杂货商或者邮递员
[03:56:00] Or three is villainous
[03:57:00] 还是对三个恶棍下手
[03:57:00] Well what\'s it to me You probably see the feast is imminent
[03:59:00] 这给我又有何干系 也许你已意识到盛宴即将来临
[03:59:00] Keep on screaming pump the bellows he\'ll be drawn to your duress
[04:02:00] 继续尖叫吧 尽情怒吼吧 他会被你威胁的样子所吸引
[04:02:00] Charlie loves a little murder on the goriest express
[04:05:00] Charlie喜欢在这血腥的快车上策划一些小小的谋杀案
[04:05:00] You can ruminate on whether there\'s a certain train near
[04:08:00] 你可以反复思量 是否有火车在慢慢靠近
[04:08:00] Or pray that it\'s a rumour made to circulate fear
[04:11:00] 或者祈祷这不过是个谣言 编造出来的目的就是为了吓唬人
[04:11:00] But in case you didn\'t hear then I better make clear
[04:14:00] 但如果你没有听清 那我最好讲清楚
[04:14:00] This train terminates here
[04:17:00] 这辆火车将在这地抵达终点
[04:17:00] Every life has a light in the tunnel ahead
[04:19:00] 每一条生命在隧道尽头都有属于自己的光芒
[04:19:00] But you might just find that behind it instead
[04:22:00] 但你也许会发现在那之后
[04:22:00] Of a heaven is an engine and the devil inbred
[04:25:00] 并非是天堂 而是引擎和恶魔孕育的产物
[04:25:00] And we\'re next on the menu if we\'ve left him unfed
[04:28:00] 如果我们没有及时给他喂食 那我们就是菜单上的下一个目标
[04:28:00] Charlie
[04:29:00] Your timetable says it\'s almost time for tea
[04:34:00] 你的时间表上写着 快要到喝茶休息的时间了
[04:34:00] Charlie
[04:35:00] And we\'ve laid on quite a spread as you can see
[04:39:00] 如你所见 我们已经将影响力不断扩大
[04:39:00] Charlie
[04:41:00] If we sate your lust for flesh on which to feed
[04:45:00] 如果我们给你喂食 满足你对血肉的欲望
[04:45:00] Charlie
[04:46:00] Will you promise to eat them instead of me
[04:49:00] 你能否保证放我一马 去吃别人
[04:49:00] There\'s a choo-choo train
[04:52:00] 火车匆匆驶来
[04:52:00] Coming after you
[04:53:00] 追逐着你
[04:53:00] Food chain\'s
[04:55:00] 食物链
[04:55:00] Gone a bit askew
[04:56:00] 发生一点错误
[04:56:00] Won\'t catch that train
[05:00:00] 如果它追赶上你
[05:00:00] If it\'s gonna catch you
[05:05:00] 那你再也无法赶上别的火车
[05:05:00] 那

The End Of The Line - Dan Bull&The Stupendium


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The End Of The Line的文本歌词:

The End Of The Line - Dan Bull/The Stupendium
Lyrics by:Dan Bull/Gregory Holgate

Composed by:Dan Bull/Gregory Holgate

Sleeping deep beneath the sleepers of the isle
There\'s a demon creature dreaming heathen and reviled
Sees no rhyme or reason but for feasting when he\'s riled
看不到任何韵律和理由 在他气急败坏的时候 就让他饱餐一顿
Better let him be lest you are sure to see the smile
一定要乖乖听话 以免看到他的那张笑脸
Of sixteen tons of scurrying death
Smoldering souls through funnel of red
With a pick-like grin on the front of his head
Sat atop a most illogical number of legs
Tickets please Let me tell you the tale
请出示车票 让我跟你讲个故事
Of a wicked beast that\'ll follow your trail
主人公是一头邪恶的野兽 他会对你紧追不舍
Through the valleys and vales on your tail day and night
穿越山谷和溪流 夜以继日地追随着你
There\'ll be chaos on the rails when the railway strikes
一旦铁路发生故障 铁轨上将陷入一片混乱
Stop take stock try to gauge the situation
停车 仔细斟酌 试图搞清情况
\'Fraid your train has been derailed
There\'s no use waiting in the station
Every engine\'s been dismantled
There\'s no other service coming
Charles is leading by example
He\'s the only train that\'s running
All in all we\'re in a doozy of a mess
总而言之 我们变得一团糟
So all aboard the WTF express
Should you want to stay safe
Then I wouldn\'t play games
Or you\'ll learn another way of saying
Run away Train
Every life has a light in the tunnel ahead
But you might just find that behind it instead
Of a heaven is an engine and the devil inbred
并非是天堂 而是引擎和恶魔孕育的产物
And we\'re next on the menu if we\'ve left him unfed
如果我们没有及时给他喂食 那我们就是菜单上的下一个目标

Your timetable says it\'s almost time for tea
你的时间表上写着 快要到喝茶休息的时间了

And we\'ve laid on quite a spread as you can see
如你所见 我们已经将影响力不断扩大
There\'s a choo-choo train
Coming after you
Food chain\'s
Gone a bit askew
Won\'t catch that train
If it\'s gonna catch you
For certain worse than what they say to mind the gap for
比起他们说注意列车与站台之间的缝隙 情况变得更糟糕
The train\'s not just cancelled it\'s d**n well deplatformed
这趟火车不仅被取消 它甚至没有资格进入站台
Since it scampered off the tracks to find
A snack from off your back lawn
Couple jackdaws and your cat
And then your dad from off the back porch
He\'s hungry and he\'s hunting down the islanders
他饥肠辘辘 他在四处猎杀岛民
With a side of any siding-hiding bystanders
Quite queer what his dietary requirements are
But it\'s pretty clear regardless he\'s a dining car
但这一切显而易见 不管怎样他是一辆大餐车
Coke Coal Petroleum Alone they\'ll never do
焦炭 煤块 石油 他们都缺一不可
No this engine sends the scent of rendered flesh
Out from the flue
On this service we\'ll be serving something rather more unnerving
在本次服务里 我们将会提供一些令人局促不安的服务
Chugga-chugging on blood as he chew-chews you
鲜血伴着轰鸣声 一边大口地咀嚼你
It\'s all true choo-choos consume fuel too
千真万确 火车也需要消耗燃料
Humans are a whole new consumable and whole food
Gluten free range and more renewable than coal too
不含麦麸质 比煤炭更加可再生
So who to choose to chew to this tune Ooh you\'ll do
所以该选择谁来跟着这个曲子大快朵颐呢 你会被选中
Every life has a light in the tunnel ahead
But you might just find that behind it instead
Of a heaven is an engine and the devil inbred
并非是天堂 而是引擎和恶魔孕育的产物
And we\'re next on the menu if we\'ve left him unfed
如果我们没有及时给他喂食 那我们就是菜单上的下一个目标

Your timetable says it\'s almost time for tea
你的时间表上写着 快要到喝茶休息的时间了

And we\'ve laid on quite a spread as you can see

If we sate your lust for flesh on which to feed
如果我们给你喂食 满足你对血肉的欲望

Will you promise to eat them instead of me
你能否保证放我一马 去吃别人
There\'s a choo-choo train
Coming after you
Food chain\'s
Gone a bit askew
Won\'t catch that train
If it\'s gonna catch you
Engine engine number nine
引擎 第九号引擎
On the Aranearum mining line
If your train comes off the track
Better run better run or you won\'t come back
那就赶紧逃走 否则你会一去不复返
Hey guess who This is déjà vu
嘿 猜猜是谁 这一切似曾相识
Like HS2 you\'ll be railed right through
犹如高铁2号线 轨道从你这里径直穿过
Penetrated in the vein of a mainline route
When we come well then we\'re gonna run a train on you
在我们到来的那一刻 我们会开着火车从你身上碾过
You might say we\'ve got a loco motive
To provide the train with a load of groceries
Locally sourced from the local folk dear
货源从当地的人们手中采购 亲爱的
Granny\'s s\'posed to host although she\'s toast
奶奶准备主持宴会 等烟雾散去之后
When the smoke clears
The el choo-choopacabara the beast come to dine
And it\'s far worse than leaves that he leaves on the line
You\'ll see when he feasts in the deep of the night
在夜深人静的时候 你会看到他大快朵颐的样子
By the pieces of people-y debris left behind
Riding off-peak Don\'t be ridiculous
想要淡季票价 不要胡闹
The worth of your season ticket is
Quickly diminishing with every pillock
We\'re feeding into his gleaming scissorous teeth
But if we seem insidious
We\'re just uneasy villagers
Seeking to keep the most hideous beast
We unleashed from committing the deed of killing us
同时拯救自己 摆脱杀戮的侵扰
If killing a priest a vicar a grocer or postman
如果杀掉一个祭司 一个牧师 一个杂货商或者邮递员
Or three is villainous
Well what\'s it to me You probably see the feast is imminent
这给我又有何干系 也许你已意识到盛宴即将来临
Keep on screaming pump the bellows he\'ll be drawn to your duress
继续尖叫吧 尽情怒吼吧 他会被你威胁的样子所吸引
Charlie loves a little murder on the goriest express
You can ruminate on whether there\'s a certain train near
你可以反复思量 是否有火车在慢慢靠近
Or pray that it\'s a rumour made to circulate fear
或者祈祷这不过是个谣言 编造出来的目的就是为了吓唬人
But in case you didn\'t hear then I better make clear
但如果你没有听清 那我最好讲清楚
This train terminates here
Every life has a light in the tunnel ahead
But you might just find that behind it instead
Of a heaven is an engine and the devil inbred
并非是天堂 而是引擎和恶魔孕育的产物
And we\'re next on the menu if we\'ve left him unfed
如果我们没有及时给他喂食 那我们就是菜单上的下一个目标

Your timetable says it\'s almost time for tea
你的时间表上写着 快要到喝茶休息的时间了

And we\'ve laid on quite a spread as you can see
如你所见 我们已经将影响力不断扩大

If we sate your lust for flesh on which to feed
如果我们给你喂食 满足你对血肉的欲望

Will you promise to eat them instead of me
你能否保证放我一马 去吃别人
There\'s a choo-choo train
Coming after you
Food chain\'s
Gone a bit askew
Won\'t catch that train
If it\'s gonna catch you

爱好歌音乐网提供Dan Bull&The Stupendium-The End Of The Line的MP3音乐在线试听下载,The End Of The Line的QQ空间背景音乐外链。