[00:00:00] Meltdown - Johnny Stimson
[00:01:00] QQ音乐享有本翻译作品的著作权
[00:01:00] Lyrics by:Hero Perry Nathan DeLano/Jonathan Graham Stimson
[00:03:00] Composed by:Hero Perry Nathan DeLano/Jonathan Graham Stimson
[00:12:00] Dipping my toe into the quicksand
[00:15:00] 我的脚趾陷进危险的流沙之中
[00:15:00] Stuck here like Indiana Jones
[00:18:00] 像Indiana Jones一样被困在这里
[00:18:00] Sink to the bottom I can die in slow mo
[00:24:00] 沉入底部 我会慢慢地死去
[00:24:00] All the way down I hit the deep end
[00:27:00] 无论怎样 我注定坠入危险的深渊
[00:27:00] I\'m on a journey to the core
[00:30:00] 我踏上旅途 走向地核
[00:30:00] Take me to depths nobody\'s ever been before
[00:36:00] 带领我走向以前从未有人抵达过的深度
[00:36:00] I\'m Walter White pulling up in my eighty-eight Winnebago
[00:39:00] 我就像Walter White一样 开着我的露营车一路驰骋
[00:39:00] Gonna sunset cruise the coast to San Diego
[00:42:00] 日落时分 沿着海岸公路驰骋 前往圣迭戈
[00:42:00] Gonna drive over the edge of a volcano tonight
[00:47:00] 今晚我要在火山的边缘驾车兜风
[00:47:00] I think I\'m headed for a meltdown a meltdown for a meltdown
[00:53:00] 我觉得我即将熔毁崩溃
[00:53:00] Can\'t think about nobody else now else now nobody else now
[00:59:00] 现在无法为别人考虑
[00:59:00] I\'ll continue sipping on this java swimming in your lava
[01:02:00] 我会继续喝着这杯咖啡 在你的熔岩里遨游
[01:02:00] Swallow me up until my whole body\'s on fire
[01:06:00] 将我吞噬 直到我的身体燃起烈焰
[01:06:00] Headed for a meltdown a meltdown for a meltdown
[01:13:00] 即将熔毁崩溃
[01:13:00] I was here you were there
[01:14:00] 你与我天各一方
[01:14:00] Universe doesn\'t care
[01:15:00] 这世界并不在乎
[01:15:00] Maybe we\'re not meant to be together
[01:18:00] 也许我们注定无法厮守在一起
[01:18:00] Atom bombs angry moms
[01:20:00] 母亲愤怒不已 就像原子弹爆炸一样
[01:20:00] Nothing\'s right nothing\'s wrong
[01:21:00] 这世上没有对错之分
[01:21:00] Maybe we should countdown to forever
[01:24:00] 也许我们应该倒时读秒 直到永远
[01:24:00] If you could give me just a minute I can be a quick learner
[01:28:00] 若你可以给我一点时间 我可以变成刻苦好学的人
[01:28:00] Take it to the limit then take it a little further
[01:30:00] 挑战极限 更进一步
[01:30:00] Nuclear reactor I\'m a bunsen burner
[01:34:00] 像核反应堆一样 我就像是一盏煤气灯
[01:34:00] And I\'m about to explode
[01:35:00] 我快要爆炸
[01:35:00] I think I\'m headed for a meltdown a meltdown for a meltdown
[01:41:00] 我觉得我即将熔毁崩溃
[01:41:00] Can\'t think about nobody else now else now nobody else now
[01:47:00] 现在无法为别人考虑
[01:47:00] I\'ll continue sipping on this java swimming in your lava
[01:51:00] 我会继续喝着这杯咖啡 在你的熔岩里遨游
[01:51:00] Swallow me up until my whole body\'s on fire
[01:54:00] 将我吞噬 直到我的身体燃起烈焰
[01:54:00] Headed for a meltdown a meltdown for a meltdown
[01:59:00] 即将熔毁崩溃

Meltdown - Johnny Stimson


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Meltdown - Johnny Stimson
Lyrics by:Hero Perry Nathan DeLano/Jonathan Graham Stimson

Composed by:Hero Perry Nathan DeLano/Jonathan Graham Stimson

Dipping my toe into the quicksand
Stuck here like Indiana Jones
像Indiana Jones一样被困在这里
Sink to the bottom I can die in slow mo
沉入底部 我会慢慢地死去
All the way down I hit the deep end
无论怎样 我注定坠入危险的深渊
I\'m on a journey to the core
我踏上旅途 走向地核
Take me to depths nobody\'s ever been before
I\'m Walter White pulling up in my eighty-eight Winnebago
我就像Walter White一样 开着我的露营车一路驰骋
Gonna sunset cruise the coast to San Diego
日落时分 沿着海岸公路驰骋 前往圣迭戈
Gonna drive over the edge of a volcano tonight
I think I\'m headed for a meltdown a meltdown for a meltdown
Can\'t think about nobody else now else now nobody else now
I\'ll continue sipping on this java swimming in your lava
我会继续喝着这杯咖啡 在你的熔岩里遨游
Swallow me up until my whole body\'s on fire
将我吞噬 直到我的身体燃起烈焰
Headed for a meltdown a meltdown for a meltdown
I was here you were there
Universe doesn\'t care
Maybe we\'re not meant to be together
Atom bombs angry moms
母亲愤怒不已 就像原子弹爆炸一样
Nothing\'s right nothing\'s wrong
Maybe we should countdown to forever
也许我们应该倒时读秒 直到永远
If you could give me just a minute I can be a quick learner
若你可以给我一点时间 我可以变成刻苦好学的人
Take it to the limit then take it a little further
挑战极限 更进一步
Nuclear reactor I\'m a bunsen burner
像核反应堆一样 我就像是一盏煤气灯
And I\'m about to explode
I think I\'m headed for a meltdown a meltdown for a meltdown
Can\'t think about nobody else now else now nobody else now
I\'ll continue sipping on this java swimming in your lava
我会继续喝着这杯咖啡 在你的熔岩里遨游
Swallow me up until my whole body\'s on fire
将我吞噬 直到我的身体燃起烈焰
Headed for a meltdown a meltdown for a meltdown

爱好歌音乐网提供Johnny Stimson-Meltdown的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Meltdown的QQ空间背景音乐外链。
