[00:00:00] JEALOUSY (Explicit) - Offset/Cardi B
[00:00:00] Lyrics by:Kiari Kendrell Cephus/Belcalis Almanzar/Ozan Yildirim/Matthew Jehu Samuels/Jahaan Akil Sweet/Paul Beauregard/Jordan Houston/Arthur Herzog, Jr./Billie Holiday
[00:00:00] Composed by:Kiari Kendrell Cephus/Belcalis Almanzar/Ozan Yildirim/Matthew Jehu Samuels/Jahaan Akil Sweet/Paul Beauregard/Jordan Houston/Arthur Herzog, Jr./Billie Holiday
[00:00:00] Produced by:OZ/Boi-1da/Jahaan Sweet
[00:00:00] There\'s a lot of drama between you and your beautiful wife Cardi B
[00:06:00] 你和你美丽的妻子Cardi B之间发生许多戏剧性的事情
[00:06:00] Let\'s talk about some music
[00:06:00] 让我们一起聊聊音乐吧
[00:06:00] Mafia mafia
[00:08:00] 就像是黑手党
[00:08:00] Mafia mafia
[00:09:00] 就像是黑手党
[00:09:00] Jealou jealous jealou
[00:10:00] 羡慕嫉妒
[00:10:00] Jealous a*s *****
[00:12:00] 妒火中烧的妹子
[00:12:00] Jealous a*s *****
[00:14:00] 妒火中烧的妹子
[00:14:00] Mafia mafia
[00:15:00] 就像是黑手党
[00:15:00] Mafia mafia
[00:16:00] 就像是黑手党
[00:16:00] Jealou jealous
[00:17:00] 羡慕嫉妒
[00:17:00] Jealous a*s *****
[00:19:00] 妒火中烧的妹子
[00:19:00] Jealous a*s *****
[00:21:00] 妒火中烧的妹子
[00:21:00] Hatin\' a*s nigga \'cause I got it out the mud
[00:23:00] 讨厌一无是处的家伙 因为我从泥潭里摸爬滚打起来
[00:23:00] Hatin\' in the family nigga be your own blood
[00:24:00] 家人之间心生怨恨 你只有靠自己
[00:24:00] Screamin\' \"**** 12\" to the D.A. and judge
[00:26:00] 在警察和法官面前呐喊着 去他的**
[00:26:00] Never been a dub never been a scrub
[00:28:00] 我从来不会鲁莽行事 也从来不会不知轻重
[00:28:00] .45 Glock now oh you want the judge
[00:30:00] 拿着0.45口径的格洛克枪 现在你想找法官?
[00:30:00] Better than who must be high on them d**gs
[00:31:00] 比得上谁呢 一定是嗨到不省人事
[00:31:00] Coolin\' in the mansion with the bubbles in the tub
[00:33:00] 惬意地待在豪宅里 在浴缸里泡着泡泡浴
[00:33:00] Heard you undercover you a ***** you was a stud
[00:35:00] 听说你是密探 你是个怂货 可你以前也魅力十足
[00:35:00] \'Set yes nigga don\'t try me
[00:37:00] 整装待发 哥们 不要挑衅我
[00:37:00] In a Lamb\' I be damned if a nigga try me
[00:38:00] 我坐在兰博基尼车里 如果有人敢来挑衅我 那我会大发雷霆
[00:38:00] Gettin\' ham with the fam man a nigga gotta eat
[00:40:00] 与家人一起享用美味 我要大快朵颐
[00:40:00] Shawty nuttin\' I\'ma bust I\'ma trick for a treat
[00:42:00] 妹子意乱情迷 我热血沸腾 我要耍一点花招
[00:42:00] \'Fore I bought the Lamb\' I was ridin\' in the Jeep
[00:44:00] 在我买兰博基尼之前 我开着吉普车狂飙
[00:44:00] Five-hundred horses with a stick on a seat
[00:46:00] 车子动力强劲 座位上放着一把枪
[00:46:00] **** that nigga he\'ll fold when there\'s heat
[00:47:00] 对这种人嗤之以鼻 遇上麻烦的时候 他会屈服认输
[00:47:00] Go against the code for the dough boy you weak
[00:49:00] 为了金钱违反规矩 小子 你软弱无能
[00:49:00] Go against the grain man you know a nigga lame
[00:51:00] 违反本性 你知道我很差劲
[00:51:00] Cartier frames I can see a nigga brain
[00:53:00] 戴着卡地亚眼镜 我能看见别人的脑袋
[00:53:00] Cartier bracelet they matchin\' with the chain
[00:55:00] 卡地亚手镯跟这条项链是绝配
[00:55:00] Dirt up on my name man you nigga should be shamed
[00:56:00] 恶意诋毁我的名声 你应该感到羞愧
[00:56:00] Knock off her boot when I\'m throwin\' up gang
[00:58:00] 在我准备大打出手的时候 我脱掉她的靴子
[00:58:00] Diamond fruit loops in this watch and it\'s plain
[01:00:00] 这块手表上镶着像水果谷物圈一样的钻石 这真的平平无奇
[01:00:00] My dawg got the juice and I\'m smokin\' propane
[01:02:00] 我的兄弟名声在外 我尽情地吞云吐雾
[01:02:00] I\'m gunnin\' I run to the money Usain
[01:04:00] 我全副武装 我朝着金钱跑去 就像Usain一样
[01:04:00] Who talkin\'
[01:04:00] 谁在议论
[01:04:00] Who tellin\'
[01:05:00] 谁在讲话
[01:05:00] Who sang
[01:06:00] 谁在唱歌
[01:06:00] I\'m sellin\' prescription c*****e
[01:07:00] 我在卖从正规渠道弄到的***
[01:07:00] She **** with my pimpin\' my cane
[01:09:00] 她和我一起享受欢乐
[01:09:00] I\'m Michael I\'m not no Jermaine
[01:11:00] 我是Michael 我不是Jermaine
[01:11:00] Jealousy that **** gon\' eat your heart out
[01:12:00] 嫉妒会让你伤心透顶
[01:12:00] This a AR sawed off we\'ll slay your squad out
[01:14:00] 这是一把AR步枪 把枪的尺寸改短 我们会杀个片甲不留
[01:14:00] This the beast you brought out this a feast we ball out
[01:16:00] 这是你召唤出来的野兽 盛宴拉开序幕 我们全力以赴
[01:16:00] I\'ll eat your heart out I\'ll pull your card out
[01:18:00] 我会一口吃掉你的心 我会把你的银行卡拿出来
[01:18:00] It\'s simple put holes in his face like it\'s dimples
[01:20:00] 其实这很简单 朝着他的脸开枪 留下的弹孔就像酒窝一样
[01:20:00] New Kimber new bop bop bop bop make it limp him
[01:21:00] 全新的Kimber手枪 试试威力 把他的脚打瘸
[01:21:00] He play with me blowin\' me rise in my temper
[01:23:00] 他在我面前班门弄斧 让我变得怒气冲天
[01:23:00] I got millions of racks in my mansion my temple
[01:25:00] 在我富丽堂皇的豪宅里 放着数不清的钞票
[01:25:00] I\'m gangsta but with your ***** I get gentle
[01:27:00] 我是暴徒 但是和你的妹子在一起 我变得性情温柔
[01:27:00] Wanksta take out your teeth like it\'s dentures
[01:28:00] 身为匪徒 拔掉你的牙齿 就像假牙一样
[01:28:00] I\'m blankin\' you eat this Glock I\'m Miss Winners
[01:30:00] 我面无表情 你吃掉这把格洛克枪 我就像是Miss Winners炸鸡店
[01:30:00] Jealous a*s *****
[01:32:00] 妒火中烧的妹子
[01:32:00] Mafia mafia
[01:34:00] 就像是黑手党
[01:34:00] Mafia mafia
[01:35:00] 就像是黑手党
[01:35:00] Jealous jealous jealous
[01:36:00] 羡慕嫉妒
[01:36:00] Jealous a*s *****
[01:37:00] 妒火中烧的妹子
[01:37:00] What the **** these ******* talkin\' \'bout man
[01:38:00] 这些人究竟在说什么 哥们
[01:38:00] Jealous a*s *****
[01:39:00] 妒火中烧的妹子
[01:39:00] Mafia mafia
[01:40:00] 就像是黑手党
[01:40:00] I mean who\'s tellin\' us what
[01:45:00] 我的意思是 谁跟我们说了什么
[01:45:00] Jealous jea-
[01:45:00] 羡慕嫉妒
[01:45:00] Bardi
[01:46:00] Bardi闪亮登场
[01:46:00] Look ain\'t no ***** finna front on me
[01:48:00] 听着 没有人敢在我面前装腔作势
[01:48:00] No
[01:48:00] Bad body ***** with the jumbo teeth
[01:50:00] 身材火辣迷人 长着一口巨齿
[01:50:00] Yellow Lamborghini like a bumblebee
[01:52:00] 黄色兰博基尼 就像大黄蜂一样
[01:52:00] Girl nobody listen to you \'less you talking \'bout me
[01:53:00] 女孩 没有人听你说的话 除非你把我挂在嘴边
[01:53:00] Woo
[01:54:00] It\'s always a bird tryna tweet ****
[01:55:00] 总是有人像鸟一样叽叽喳喳地叫个不停
[01:55:00] Yeah
[01:55:00] You offended when I be on defense
[01:57:00] 在我防守的时候 你惹我生气
[01:57:00] **** you
[01:57:00] 去你的
[01:57:00] They\'re too worried \'bout me and my nigga
[01:59:00] 他们总是担心我和我的男人
[01:59:00] Huh
[01:59:00] You should worry \'bout the nigga yours sleep with hmm
[02:01:00] 你应该担心跟你同床共眠的男人
[02:01:00] Ah
[02:01:00] Face is given and never not gave
[02:03:00] 面子是与生俱来的 从来不是别人给的
[02:03:00] Been to Atlanta but ******* ain\'t brave
[02:04:00] 我去过亚特兰大 但那些妹子不够勇敢
[02:04:00] How ******* mad
[02:05:00] 这些人怎么会气急败坏
[02:05:00] I\'m the number one pick
[02:06:00] 我可是头号选秀
[02:06:00] It\'s funny your nigga the one that\'s a trade
[02:08:00] 真是可笑 你的男人沦为交易的对象
[02:08:00] ******* is mad stupid
[02:09:00] 这些娘们儿又疯又蠢
[02:09:00] Stupid
[02:10:00] 傻瓜
[02:10:00] They get to the bag and lose it
[02:11:00] 他们赚到一笔钱 却不小心把钱弄丢了
[02:11:00] Lose it
[02:11:00] 丢失钞票
[02:11:00] I\'m still in the bed I live in her head
[02:13:00] 我依然躺在床上 我萦绕在她的脑海里
[02:13:00] Water and gas included brrt
[02:15:00] 里面还包括水和好货
[02:15:00] ******* don\'t wanna go Birkin for Birkin
[02:17:00] 这些人不想用铂金包换铂金包
[02:17:00] ******* ain\'t got enough hits for a Verzuz
[02:19:00] 这些人没有足够多的热门单曲 所以没资格登上Verzuz节目
[02:19:00] ******* be actin\' so different in person
[02:20:00] 这些人假装自己与众不同
[02:20:00] Cartier frames I can see why she nervous
[02:22:00] 戴着卡地亚眼镜 我明白她紧张不安的原因
[02:22:00] Woo
[02:22:00] This **** a circus I\'m dripped in detergent
[02:24:00] 这就像是马戏团 我浑身沾满洗涤剂
[02:24:00] I\'m sick get the nurses my whip got the curtains
[02:26:00] 我浑身不适 赶紧去找护士帮忙 我的豪车自带窗帘
[02:26:00] I\'m dripped out in Hermes
[02:27:00] 我穿着爱马仕的衣服 派头十足
[02:27:00] A ***** say my name then she number one trendin\'
[02:28:00] 有人呼唤着我的名字 她会登上热门趋势的第一位
[02:28:00] I did you a service
[02:29:00] 我助你一臂之力
[02:29:00] Jealous a*s *****
[02:31:00] 妒火中烧的妹子
[02:31:00] Jealous a*s *****
[02:33:00] 妒火中烧的妹子
[02:33:00] Like huh
[02:33:00] 呢喃着 怎么了
[02:33:00] Jealous a*s *****
[02:34:00] 妒火中烧的妹子
[02:34:00] Man what the **** these h*es talking \'bout
[02:36:00] 天啊 这些人究竟在说什么
[02:36:00] Hold on hold on hold on
[02:37:00] 等一下
[02:37:00] Look let\'s keep it a bean let\'s keep it a buck
[02:38:00] 听着 让我们忠于本心 让我们保持真实
[02:38:00] If I had a d**k it need to be sucked
[02:40:00] 如果我像男人一样 那我需要别人服侍我
[02:40:00] All of my opps is runnin\' they jibs
[02:42:00] 我所有的敌人都仓皇逃跑
[02:42:00] Stomach too big it need to be tucked
[02:43:00] 肚子凸出来 我需要收腹
[02:43:00] Ah-ah-ah
[02:44:00] All of that cryin\' be keepin\' me up
[02:45:00] 哭喊的声音让我辗转反侧 难以入睡
[02:45:00] When Bardi\'s around they see me and duck
[02:47:00] 在我现身的时候 他们只要看见我就会躲起来
[02:47:00] When I make a post I\'m leavin\' it up
[02:49:00] 在我发布动态的时候 我会置顶消息
[02:49:00] They came from the hood but they leave in the truck *****
[02:54:00] 他们来自街头 但他们坐着车子离开

JEALOUSY(Explicit) - Offset&Cardi B


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JEALOUSY (Explicit) - Offset/Cardi B

Lyrics by:Kiari Kendrell Cephus/Belcalis Almanzar/Ozan Yildirim/Matthew Jehu Samuels/Jahaan Akil Sweet/Paul Beauregard/Jordan Houston/Arthur Herzog, Jr./Billie Holiday

Composed by:Kiari Kendrell Cephus/Belcalis Almanzar/Ozan Yildirim/Matthew Jehu Samuels/Jahaan Akil Sweet/Paul Beauregard/Jordan Houston/Arthur Herzog, Jr./Billie Holiday

Produced by:OZ/Boi-1da/Jahaan Sweet

There\'s a lot of drama between you and your beautiful wife Cardi B
你和你美丽的妻子Cardi B之间发生许多戏剧性的事情
Let\'s talk about some music
Mafia mafia
Mafia mafia
Jealou jealous jealou
Jealous a*s *****
Jealous a*s *****
Mafia mafia
Mafia mafia
Jealou jealous
Jealous a*s *****
Jealous a*s *****
Hatin\' a*s nigga \'cause I got it out the mud
讨厌一无是处的家伙 因为我从泥潭里摸爬滚打起来
Hatin\' in the family nigga be your own blood
家人之间心生怨恨 你只有靠自己
Screamin\' \"**** 12\" to the D.A. and judge
在警察和法官面前呐喊着 去他的**
Never been a dub never been a scrub
我从来不会鲁莽行事 也从来不会不知轻重
.45 Glock now oh you want the judge
拿着0.45口径的格洛克枪 现在你想找法官?
Better than who must be high on them d**gs
比得上谁呢 一定是嗨到不省人事
Coolin\' in the mansion with the bubbles in the tub
惬意地待在豪宅里 在浴缸里泡着泡泡浴
Heard you undercover you a ***** you was a stud
听说你是密探 你是个怂货 可你以前也魅力十足
\'Set yes nigga don\'t try me
整装待发 哥们 不要挑衅我
In a Lamb\' I be damned if a nigga try me
我坐在兰博基尼车里 如果有人敢来挑衅我 那我会大发雷霆
Gettin\' ham with the fam man a nigga gotta eat
与家人一起享用美味 我要大快朵颐
Shawty nuttin\' I\'ma bust I\'ma trick for a treat
妹子意乱情迷 我热血沸腾 我要耍一点花招
\'Fore I bought the Lamb\' I was ridin\' in the Jeep
在我买兰博基尼之前 我开着吉普车狂飙
Five-hundred horses with a stick on a seat
车子动力强劲 座位上放着一把枪
**** that nigga he\'ll fold when there\'s heat
对这种人嗤之以鼻 遇上麻烦的时候 他会屈服认输
Go against the code for the dough boy you weak
为了金钱违反规矩 小子 你软弱无能
Go against the grain man you know a nigga lame
违反本性 你知道我很差劲
Cartier frames I can see a nigga brain
戴着卡地亚眼镜 我能看见别人的脑袋
Cartier bracelet they matchin\' with the chain
Dirt up on my name man you nigga should be shamed
恶意诋毁我的名声 你应该感到羞愧
Knock off her boot when I\'m throwin\' up gang
在我准备大打出手的时候 我脱掉她的靴子
Diamond fruit loops in this watch and it\'s plain
这块手表上镶着像水果谷物圈一样的钻石 这真的平平无奇
My dawg got the juice and I\'m smokin\' propane
我的兄弟名声在外 我尽情地吞云吐雾
I\'m gunnin\' I run to the money Usain
我全副武装 我朝着金钱跑去 就像Usain一样
Who talkin\'
Who tellin\'
Who sang
I\'m sellin\' prescription c*****e
She **** with my pimpin\' my cane
I\'m Michael I\'m not no Jermaine
我是Michael 我不是Jermaine
Jealousy that **** gon\' eat your heart out
This a AR sawed off we\'ll slay your squad out
这是一把AR步枪 把枪的尺寸改短 我们会杀个片甲不留
This the beast you brought out this a feast we ball out
这是你召唤出来的野兽 盛宴拉开序幕 我们全力以赴
I\'ll eat your heart out I\'ll pull your card out
我会一口吃掉你的心 我会把你的银行卡拿出来
It\'s simple put holes in his face like it\'s dimples
其实这很简单 朝着他的脸开枪 留下的弹孔就像酒窝一样
New Kimber new bop bop bop bop make it limp him
全新的Kimber手枪 试试威力 把他的脚打瘸
He play with me blowin\' me rise in my temper
他在我面前班门弄斧 让我变得怒气冲天
I got millions of racks in my mansion my temple
在我富丽堂皇的豪宅里 放着数不清的钞票
I\'m gangsta but with your ***** I get gentle
我是暴徒 但是和你的妹子在一起 我变得性情温柔
Wanksta take out your teeth like it\'s dentures
身为匪徒 拔掉你的牙齿 就像假牙一样
I\'m blankin\' you eat this Glock I\'m Miss Winners
我面无表情 你吃掉这把格洛克枪 我就像是Miss Winners炸鸡店
Jealous a*s *****
Mafia mafia
Mafia mafia
Jealous jealous jealous
Jealous a*s *****
What the **** these ******* talkin\' \'bout man
这些人究竟在说什么 哥们
Jealous a*s *****
Mafia mafia
I mean who\'s tellin\' us what
我的意思是 谁跟我们说了什么
Jealous jea-
Look ain\'t no ***** finna front on me
听着 没有人敢在我面前装腔作势

Bad body ***** with the jumbo teeth
身材火辣迷人 长着一口巨齿
Yellow Lamborghini like a bumblebee
黄色兰博基尼 就像大黄蜂一样
Girl nobody listen to you \'less you talking \'bout me
女孩 没有人听你说的话 除非你把我挂在嘴边

It\'s always a bird tryna tweet ****

You offended when I be on defense
在我防守的时候 你惹我生气
**** you
They\'re too worried \'bout me and my nigga

You should worry \'bout the nigga yours sleep with hmm

Face is given and never not gave
面子是与生俱来的 从来不是别人给的
Been to Atlanta but ******* ain\'t brave
我去过亚特兰大 但那些妹子不够勇敢
How ******* mad
I\'m the number one pick
It\'s funny your nigga the one that\'s a trade
真是可笑 你的男人沦为交易的对象
******* is mad stupid
They get to the bag and lose it
他们赚到一笔钱 却不小心把钱弄丢了
Lose it
I\'m still in the bed I live in her head
我依然躺在床上 我萦绕在她的脑海里
Water and gas included brrt
******* don\'t wanna go Birkin for Birkin
******* ain\'t got enough hits for a Verzuz
这些人没有足够多的热门单曲 所以没资格登上Verzuz节目
******* be actin\' so different in person
Cartier frames I can see why she nervous
戴着卡地亚眼镜 我明白她紧张不安的原因

This **** a circus I\'m dripped in detergent
这就像是马戏团 我浑身沾满洗涤剂
I\'m sick get the nurses my whip got the curtains
我浑身不适 赶紧去找护士帮忙 我的豪车自带窗帘
I\'m dripped out in Hermes
我穿着爱马仕的衣服 派头十足
A ***** say my name then she number one trendin\'
有人呼唤着我的名字 她会登上热门趋势的第一位
I did you a service
Jealous a*s *****
Jealous a*s *****
Like huh
呢喃着 怎么了
Jealous a*s *****
Man what the **** these h*es talking \'bout
天啊 这些人究竟在说什么
Hold on hold on hold on
Look let\'s keep it a bean let\'s keep it a buck
听着 让我们忠于本心 让我们保持真实
If I had a d**k it need to be sucked
如果我像男人一样 那我需要别人服侍我
All of my opps is runnin\' they jibs
Stomach too big it need to be tucked
肚子凸出来 我需要收腹

All of that cryin\' be keepin\' me up
哭喊的声音让我辗转反侧 难以入睡
When Bardi\'s around they see me and duck
在我现身的时候 他们只要看见我就会躲起来
When I make a post I\'m leavin\' it up
在我发布动态的时候 我会置顶消息
They came from the hood but they leave in the truck *****
他们来自街头 但他们坐着车子离开

爱好歌音乐网提供Offset&Cardi B-JEALOUSY(Explicit)的MP3音乐在线试听下载,JEALOUSY(Explicit)的QQ空间背景音乐外链。
