[00:00:00] Realest (Explicit) - Ez Mil/Eminem (埃米纳姆)
[00:00:00] Lyrics by:Luis Resto/Ezekiel \"Slashmouth\" Miller/Marshall Mathers
[00:00:00] Composed by:Luis Resto/Ezekiel \"Slashmouth\" Miller/Marshall Mathers
[00:00:00] Produced by:Ezekiel \"Slashmouth\" Miller/Eminem
[00:00:00] If I was in the Philippines
[00:02:00] 假如现在我身处菲律宾
[00:02:00] He\'ll be like my ********** Malcolm X to my Martin Luther King
[00:05:00] 他就如同马尔科姆·艾克斯和马丁·路德·金
[00:05:00] Because he ain\'t a fightin\' to go unnoticed
[00:08:00] 因为他努力拼搏 名字早已家喻户晓
[00:08:00] There\'s no way I was gonna cross \'em off
[00:10:00] 我绝不可能无视他的存在 不可能
[00:10:00] Like he\'s just some any rapper
[00:12:00] 当他只是个平平无奇的rapper
[00:12:00] Like a one-hit wonder
[00:13:00] 当他的爆红只是昙花一现而已
[00:13:00] Yeah
[00:13:00] I\'m on whatever you on I ain\'t gon\' talk on the phone
[00:16:00] 不管你做什么 我都跟随你的脚步 我不只是在电话里说说而已
[00:16:00] Haha
[00:16:00] Keep that same energy ******* with enemies
[00:17:00] 保持这股热情 用来与敌人血拼
[00:17:00] It\'s gettin\' temptin\' to run in your home
[00:19:00] 我已经迫不及待要夺取他们的领地
[00:19:00] Who did that
[00:19:00] 是谁干的
[00:19:00] Huh buddy I do it alone Cudi said word to my homes
[00:22:00] 嘿兄弟 我单枪匹马取得了瞩目成绩 连卡迪小子也认可我
[00:22:00] Don\'t just go hit \'em \'cause I gotta drive
[00:24:00] 不要沉迷于击败对手 我还要疾驰向前
[00:24:00] You focus on aimin\' that blick at his dome no cap
[00:27:00] 你应该盯着那个家伙 瞄准他的脑袋 不要犹豫
[00:27:00] You ************* be lucky as ****
[00:28:00] 你们这些混蛋实在幸运
[00:28:00] That ain\'t nobody envious of you enough
[00:30:00] 没有人嫉恨你们的成绩
[00:30:00] Take it from me like a brother who dug off the mud on his head
[00:32:00] 那些人夺走了我的一切 仿佛这是再自然不过的事
[00:32:00] But done ended up cuffed
[00:33:00] 结果最后锒铛入狱
[00:33:00] Then he just gets back
[00:34:00] 之后又重回舞台
[00:34:00] Backed out again into a world where you double what he did
[00:37:00] 回到这个人人努力拼搏的世界
[00:37:00] \'Cause you learn you give it up
[00:38:00] 因为你要么吸取教训 要么直接放弃
[00:38:00] Or get ****** in turn homie
[00:40:00] 要么就准备受难 兄弟
[00:40:00] I\'m the realest in the business
[00:41:00] 我是圈内最真实的rapper
[00:41:00] And everybody gon\' be envious of my beginnings
[00:43:00] 所有人都会羡慕我的出身
[00:43:00] Got a circus for the sinners with bodies
[00:45:00] 我收拾过的罪人足够凑齐一个马戏团
[00:45:00] So stop tryna be another addition
[00:46:00] 所以你就别再过来送人头
[00:46:00] \'Cause I\'m the realest in the business
[00:48:00] 我是圈内最真实的rapper
[00:48:00] And everybody gon\' be envious of my beginnings
[00:50:00] 所有人都会羡慕我的出身
[00:50:00] Got a circus for the sinners with bodies
[00:51:00] 我收拾过的罪人足够凑齐一个马戏团
[00:51:00] So stop tryna be another addition
[00:53:00] 所以你就别再过来送人头
[00:53:00] I done got hit on the head barely survived that ****
[00:55:00] 我不小心撞到脑袋 勉强保住性命
[00:55:00] Okay
[00:56:00] Minus a nine from ten Eminem\'s spot still sits
[00:58:00] 把十减去九 Eminem的位置依然不可撼动
[00:58:00] But **** a position I\'m tunin\' him in
[01:00:00] 但是去他的地位 我正在聆听他的教诲
[01:00:00] Let all you rock out with it
[01:01:00] 让你们跟着音乐一起摇摆
[01:01:00] I ain\'t ever gonna be an opt-out mission
[01:02:00] 我可不会被“自愿退出”
[01:02:00] Get the Glock out with it
[01:03:00] 带着格洛克枪招摇过市
[01:03:00] Get to poppin\' dip out and smoke
[01:04:00] 准备发动攻击 偷偷溜出去 大开杀戒
[01:04:00] With the homies we mobbin\'
[01:05:00] 我和朋友待在一起 我们并肩战斗
[01:05:00] While I\'m cleanin\' the stash of my calibers
[01:08:00] 当我清理我藏起来的武器时
[01:08:00] Some of them might got ya\' name on \'em
[01:09:00] 有些枪上面可能会写着你的名字
[01:09:00] Wanna brag about **** that could happen
[01:10:00] 想要吹嘘可能会发生的事情
[01:10:00] I am the reason that they got a chain on \'em
[01:12:00] 我就是原因 所以他们身上才会戴着项链
[01:12:00] When I rap they consider me a Gatling
[01:14:00] 在我开口的时候 他们以为我是加特林机枪
[01:14:00] Fillin\' up mags I\'m finna go clapping
[01:15:00] 弹匣里装满子弹 我准备大干一场
[01:15:00] Get in that bag with a gold B rabbit
[01:17:00] 和金牌得主B rabbit(《八英里》的主人公)携手合作 我们稳操胜券
[01:17:00] I know they hate this flow
[01:18:00] 我知道他们讨厌这样的flow
[01:18:00] I\'m in the mode to get to killin\' again
[01:20:00] 我渐入佳境 准备再次秒杀全场
[01:20:00] With the best stick in your dome
[01:21:00] 拿着火力最猛的枪 瞄准你的脑袋
[01:21:00] You\'re never gettin\' a penny or less stealin\' the flows
[01:22:00] 你永远赚不到一分钱 只能到处剽窃flow
[01:22:00] And I\'ma spread it again as a test sick of these h*es
[01:24:00] 我会再说一遍作为试探 我讨厌那些女人
[01:24:00] They get to ******** the bigger the breasts nevertheless
[01:25:00] 她们身材越惹火 她们的行为就越放荡
[01:25:00] I\'ma get it enter with that trigger never better
[01:27:00] 我随身带着把枪以防万一 最好不过了
[01:27:00] Instead of settin\' the bet up I let up with the Beretta
[01:28:00] 与其费劲的下注 我选择直接拿着贝雷塔手枪硬刚
[01:28:00] Make it \"Duka-duka-doo\" on you ******* in front of PETA
[01:30:00] 直接在“善待动物组织”面前开枪
[01:30:00] \'Cause I\'m kinda gettin\' fed up of leavin\' y\'all wet up like
[01:33:00] 因为早早就受够了你们这些娘儿们贱兮兮
[01:33:00] I\'m the realest in the business
[01:34:00] 我是圈内最真实的rapper
[01:34:00] And everybody gon\' be envious of my beginnings
[01:36:00] 所有人都会羡慕我的出身
[01:36:00] Got a circus for the sinners with bodies
[01:38:00] 我收拾过的罪人足够凑齐一个马戏团
[01:38:00] So stop tryna be another addition
[01:39:00] 所以你就别再过来送人头
[01:39:00] \'Cause I\'m the realest in the business
[01:41:00] 因为我是圈内最真实的rapper
[01:41:00] And everybody gon\' be envious of my beginnings
[01:43:00] 所有人都会羡慕我的出身
[01:43:00] Got a circus for the sinners with bodies
[01:44:00] 我收拾过的罪人足够凑齐一个马戏团
[01:44:00] So stop tryna be another addition
[01:46:00] 所以你就别再过来送人头
[01:46:00] Guess I\'ve really no right to complain much
[01:47:00] 我想我没有什么权利怨天尤人
[01:47:00] Nah
[01:48:00] Hip-hop has been good to me huh
[01:49:00] 因为嘻哈音乐对我非常厚道
[01:49:00] Well
[01:49:00] But when they say that I\'m only top five
[01:51:00] 但是当人们说我只能排到业内前五
[01:51:00] \'Cause I\'m white why would I be stunned
[01:52:00] 因为我是白人 我为什么会大吃一惊呢
[01:52:00] Huh
[01:52:00] My skin color still workin\' against me
[01:54:00] 我的肤色依然对我造成不利影响
[01:54:00] What
[01:54:00] \'Cause second I should be to none
[01:55:00] 另外我应该是独一无二的存在
[01:55:00] Ha
[01:55:00] Being white ain\'t why they put me at five
[01:57:00] 我身为白人并不是他们把我排在第五名的原因
[01:57:00] Nope
[01:58:00] It\'s why they can\'t put me at one
[01:59:00] 而这是他们无法把我排到第一名的原因
[01:59:00] Woo
[01:59:00] They come in with more venom
[02:00:00] 他们胡说八道 到处散播负面言论
[02:00:00] So the haters I\'m aimin\' it toward them
[02:02:00] 所以那些怀恨在心的家伙 我把枪口对准他们
[02:02:00] Brr
[02:02:00] And all the envious rappers
[02:03:00] 所有心生羡慕的rapper们
[02:03:00] I torch if I\'m on a joint with \'em
[02:04:00] 如果我和他们一起合作 那我会凭实力碾压众人
[02:04:00] Yeah
[02:05:00] And that is the only retort
[02:06:00] 唯一的反击方式
[02:06:00] Is I\'m not played in the clubs
[02:07:00] 就是没有夜店会放我的歌
[02:07:00] What
[02:07:00] ************ put a cork in it
[02:09:00] 混蛋 赶紧住口
[02:09:00] Only reason they still play your **** in the club
[02:10:00] 唯一的原因就是他们还在夜店里播放你的歌
[02:10:00] Why
[02:11:00] Is \'cause you still perform in \'em
[02:12:00] 就是因为你还在夜店里演出
[02:12:00] Ha-ha
[02:13:00] I am the guest in this house
[02:14:00] 在这个行业里 我就像是客人
[02:14:00] But I turn this ***** to a mansion
[02:15:00] 但是我让说唱圈蓬勃发展
[02:15:00] What
[02:15:00] Yeah
[02:15:00] That\'s an expansion made it gargantuan
[02:16:00] 我让嘻哈音乐向外扩张 直至风靡全球
[02:16:00] Huh what
[02:17:00] England Germany France and Japan\'s in this *****
[02:18:00] 英格兰 德国 法国和日本都掀起狂潮
[02:18:00] Huh yeah
[02:19:00] Even Dubai because my music they do buy
[02:20:00] 就连迪拜也风靡一时 因为他们愿意为我的音乐掏钱
[02:20:00] What
[02:20:00] You died tryin\' the scientist
[02:21:00] 你丢掉性命 因为你挑衅科学家
[02:21:00] Two psychiatrists could not unscrew my head off
[02:23:00] 两位精神科医生合力也无法拧下我的脑袋
[02:23:00] The blue-eyed devil I never quit do I
[02:25:00] 就像是金发碧眼的恶魔 我永远不会放弃 对吧
[02:25:00] Nah
[02:25:00] Nah \'cause you know you\'d get washed like a bar of soap
[02:27:00] 因为你知道你会像肥皂那样被搓洗得一干二净
[02:27:00] Yeah
[02:27:00] You p***y you wouldn\'t give a cigar to smoke
[02:29:00] 你个怂货 你根本不会抽雪茄
[02:29:00] Ha-ha
[02:29:00] And I know that it eats at your heart like an artichoke
[02:30:00] 我知道这像剥洋蓟一样慢慢蚕食你的心
[02:30:00] Yeah
[02:30:00] Because you know that\'s how likely you are to choke
[02:32:00] 因为你知道你很有可能会喘不过气来
[02:32:00] Yeah
[02:32:00] Your heart is broke as I rip you apart
[02:33:00] 在我把你撕碎的时候 你会心碎一地
[02:33:00] I go bananas proceed to spit every bar bro
[02:35:00] 我快要丧失理智 继续火力全开 妙语连珠 哥们
[02:35:00] Damn
[02:35:00] I was speaking before my mother\'s water broke
[02:37:00] 在我妈妈的羊水破了之前 我就滔滔不绝的说个不停
[02:37:00] It\'s not even close you *****
[02:38:00] 你的实力还差得远呢
[02:38:00] I\'m by far the G.O.A.T
[02:39:00] 到目前为止 我就是史上最强
[02:39:00] Gen Z is actin\' like rap experts
[02:41:00] Z世代的小孩假装自己是说唱专家
[02:41:00] Zip up your gaps and close your mouths
[02:42:00] 补己之短 乖乖闭嘴
[02:42:00] Yeah
[02:42:00] ***** you ain\'t been on this planet long enough
[02:44:00] 碧池 你小小年纪
[02:44:00] To tell me how rap\'s supposed to sound
[02:45:00] 还轮不到你教我该怎么rap
[02:45:00] Nah
[02:46:00] Y\'all need to stick to what you do best
[02:47:00] 你们只需坚持自己所长
[02:47:00] What
[02:47:00] Shootin\' schools up gat\' go load up rounds
[02:49:00] 勇敢向教条陈规开枪 伙计赶紧为枪上膛
[02:49:00] In your parents\' gats and go to class
[02:50:00] 揣上你父母的枪 去学校吧
[02:50:00] And let off with the strap and go to town
[02:52:00] 露出你的武器 上街吧
[02:52:00] Uh-huh
[02:53:00] Shout to the Furious Five and Grandmaster Flash but boy
[02:55:00] 喊话闪耀大师和狂暴五人(美国嘻哈组合)的Melle Mel
[02:55:00] Whaddup though
[02:55:00] This someone who really is furious
[02:57:00] 他真的很容易炸毛
[02:57:00] Stay out his path his wrath avoid
[02:59:00] 离他远点 别招惹他
[02:59:00] And I\'ll be the last to toy with this juice-head
[03:00:00] 我会是这个酒鬼最后一个嘲弄对象
[03:00:00] His brain is like half destroyed
[03:01:00] 他脑子都不灵光了
[03:01:00] Like a meteor hit it
[03:02:00] 就像被流星击中一样
[03:02:00] Well there went Melle Mel we lost his a*s to \'roids
[03:05:00] Melle Mel在滥用药物中迷失自己
[03:05:00] Damn
[03:05:00] And God was like \"I got \'em
[03:06:00] 上帝好像在说“我逮住他们了”
[03:06:00] But I\'m gonna start \'em at the bottom of the barrel
[03:08:00] 而我别无选择只能从最底层做起
[03:08:00] Brought him in the world where the mother was on valium him
[03:09:00] 给他带到一个母亲会喂他吃安定的世界
[03:09:00] And his father was a coward
[03:10:00] 他的父亲是个怂包
[03:10:00] Taught him as a child when the ******* body was around
[03:11:00] 他自小在尸体堆里长大
[03:11:00] Had to get himself up and out of poverty and now
[03:13:00] 他必须靠自己 摆脱贫困 如今
[03:13:00] Not even a growl in his stomach gotta be a hound\"
[03:15:00] 肚子咕咕叫的不一定是猎犬
[03:15:00] \'Til they put your body in the ground
[03:16:00] 直到你的尸体被扔去乱葬岗
[03:16:00] Prolly gonna sound like a cliche
[03:17:00] 这听起来像是陈词滥调
[03:17:00] But when haters try to beat you down say \"**** \'em\"
[03:19:00] 但当那些黑子们试图干掉你时 说一句“去死吧”
[03:19:00] \'Cause I\'m the realest in the business
[03:20:00] 因为我是圈内最真实的rapper
[03:20:00] And everybody gon\' be envious of my beginnings
[03:22:00] 所有人都会羡慕我的出身
[03:22:00] Got a circus for the sinners with bodies
[03:23:00] 我收拾过的罪人足够凑齐一个马戏团
[03:23:00] So stop tryna be another addition
[03:25:00] 所以你就别再过来送人头
[03:25:00] \'Cause I\'m the realest in the business
[03:26:00] 因为我是圈内最真实的rapper
[03:26:00] And everybody gon\' be envious of my beginnings
[03:28:00] 所有人都会羡慕我的出身
[03:28:00] Got a circus for the sinners with bodies
[03:30:00] 我收拾过的罪人足够凑齐一个马戏团
[03:30:00] So stop tryna be another addition
[03:32:00] 所以你就别再过来送人头
[03:32:00] I\'m just playin\' Gen Z
[03:33:00] 我玩转这个Z世代
[03:33:00] You know I love you
[03:38:00] 你们知道的 我爱你们

Realest(Explicit) - Ez Mil&Eminem


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Realest (Explicit) - Ez Mil/Eminem (埃米纳姆)

Lyrics by:Luis Resto/Ezekiel \"Slashmouth\" Miller/Marshall Mathers

Composed by:Luis Resto/Ezekiel \"Slashmouth\" Miller/Marshall Mathers

Produced by:Ezekiel \"Slashmouth\" Miller/Eminem

If I was in the Philippines
He\'ll be like my ********** Malcolm X to my Martin Luther King
Because he ain\'t a fightin\' to go unnoticed
因为他努力拼搏 名字早已家喻户晓
There\'s no way I was gonna cross \'em off
我绝不可能无视他的存在 不可能
Like he\'s just some any rapper
Like a one-hit wonder

I\'m on whatever you on I ain\'t gon\' talk on the phone
不管你做什么 我都跟随你的脚步 我不只是在电话里说说而已

Keep that same energy ******* with enemies
保持这股热情 用来与敌人血拼
It\'s gettin\' temptin\' to run in your home
Who did that
Huh buddy I do it alone Cudi said word to my homes
嘿兄弟 我单枪匹马取得了瞩目成绩 连卡迪小子也认可我
Don\'t just go hit \'em \'cause I gotta drive
不要沉迷于击败对手 我还要疾驰向前
You focus on aimin\' that blick at his dome no cap
你应该盯着那个家伙 瞄准他的脑袋 不要犹豫
You ************* be lucky as ****
That ain\'t nobody envious of you enough
Take it from me like a brother who dug off the mud on his head
那些人夺走了我的一切 仿佛这是再自然不过的事
But done ended up cuffed
Then he just gets back
Backed out again into a world where you double what he did
\'Cause you learn you give it up
因为你要么吸取教训 要么直接放弃
Or get ****** in turn homie
要么就准备受难 兄弟
I\'m the realest in the business
And everybody gon\' be envious of my beginnings
Got a circus for the sinners with bodies
So stop tryna be another addition
\'Cause I\'m the realest in the business
And everybody gon\' be envious of my beginnings
Got a circus for the sinners with bodies
So stop tryna be another addition
I done got hit on the head barely survived that ****
我不小心撞到脑袋 勉强保住性命

Minus a nine from ten Eminem\'s spot still sits
把十减去九 Eminem的位置依然不可撼动
But **** a position I\'m tunin\' him in
但是去他的地位 我正在聆听他的教诲
Let all you rock out with it
I ain\'t ever gonna be an opt-out mission
Get the Glock out with it
Get to poppin\' dip out and smoke
准备发动攻击 偷偷溜出去 大开杀戒
With the homies we mobbin\'
我和朋友待在一起 我们并肩战斗
While I\'m cleanin\' the stash of my calibers
Some of them might got ya\' name on \'em
Wanna brag about **** that could happen
I am the reason that they got a chain on \'em
我就是原因 所以他们身上才会戴着项链
When I rap they consider me a Gatling
在我开口的时候 他们以为我是加特林机枪
Fillin\' up mags I\'m finna go clapping
弹匣里装满子弹 我准备大干一场
Get in that bag with a gold B rabbit
和金牌得主B rabbit(《八英里》的主人公)携手合作 我们稳操胜券
I know they hate this flow
I\'m in the mode to get to killin\' again
我渐入佳境 准备再次秒杀全场
With the best stick in your dome
拿着火力最猛的枪 瞄准你的脑袋
You\'re never gettin\' a penny or less stealin\' the flows
你永远赚不到一分钱 只能到处剽窃flow
And I\'ma spread it again as a test sick of these h*es
我会再说一遍作为试探 我讨厌那些女人
They get to ******** the bigger the breasts nevertheless
她们身材越惹火 她们的行为就越放荡
I\'ma get it enter with that trigger never better
我随身带着把枪以防万一 最好不过了
Instead of settin\' the bet up I let up with the Beretta
与其费劲的下注 我选择直接拿着贝雷塔手枪硬刚
Make it \"Duka-duka-doo\" on you ******* in front of PETA
\'Cause I\'m kinda gettin\' fed up of leavin\' y\'all wet up like
I\'m the realest in the business
And everybody gon\' be envious of my beginnings
Got a circus for the sinners with bodies
So stop tryna be another addition
\'Cause I\'m the realest in the business
And everybody gon\' be envious of my beginnings
Got a circus for the sinners with bodies
So stop tryna be another addition
Guess I\'ve really no right to complain much

Hip-hop has been good to me huh

But when they say that I\'m only top five
\'Cause I\'m white why would I be stunned
因为我是白人 我为什么会大吃一惊呢

My skin color still workin\' against me

\'Cause second I should be to none

Being white ain\'t why they put me at five

It\'s why they can\'t put me at one

They come in with more venom
他们胡说八道 到处散播负面言论
So the haters I\'m aimin\' it toward them
所以那些怀恨在心的家伙 我把枪口对准他们

And all the envious rappers
I torch if I\'m on a joint with \'em
如果我和他们一起合作 那我会凭实力碾压众人

And that is the only retort
Is I\'m not played in the clubs

************ put a cork in it
混蛋 赶紧住口
Only reason they still play your **** in the club

Is \'cause you still perform in \'em

I am the guest in this house
在这个行业里 我就像是客人
But I turn this ***** to a mansion


That\'s an expansion made it gargantuan
我让嘻哈音乐向外扩张 直至风靡全球
Huh what

England Germany France and Japan\'s in this *****
英格兰 德国 法国和日本都掀起狂潮
Huh yeah

Even Dubai because my music they do buy
就连迪拜也风靡一时 因为他们愿意为我的音乐掏钱

You died tryin\' the scientist
你丢掉性命 因为你挑衅科学家
Two psychiatrists could not unscrew my head off
The blue-eyed devil I never quit do I
就像是金发碧眼的恶魔 我永远不会放弃 对吧

Nah \'cause you know you\'d get washed like a bar of soap

You p***y you wouldn\'t give a cigar to smoke
你个怂货 你根本不会抽雪茄

And I know that it eats at your heart like an artichoke

Because you know that\'s how likely you are to choke

Your heart is broke as I rip you apart
在我把你撕碎的时候 你会心碎一地
I go bananas proceed to spit every bar bro
我快要丧失理智 继续火力全开 妙语连珠 哥们

I was speaking before my mother\'s water broke
在我妈妈的羊水破了之前 我就滔滔不绝的说个不停
It\'s not even close you *****
I\'m by far the G.O.A.T
到目前为止 我就是史上最强
Gen Z is actin\' like rap experts
Zip up your gaps and close your mouths
补己之短 乖乖闭嘴

***** you ain\'t been on this planet long enough
碧池 你小小年纪
To tell me how rap\'s supposed to sound

Y\'all need to stick to what you do best

Shootin\' schools up gat\' go load up rounds
勇敢向教条陈规开枪 伙计赶紧为枪上膛
In your parents\' gats and go to class
揣上你父母的枪 去学校吧
And let off with the strap and go to town
露出你的武器 上街吧

Shout to the Furious Five and Grandmaster Flash but boy
喊话闪耀大师和狂暴五人(美国嘻哈组合)的Melle Mel
Whaddup though

This someone who really is furious
Stay out his path his wrath avoid
离他远点 别招惹他
And I\'ll be the last to toy with this juice-head
His brain is like half destroyed
Like a meteor hit it
Well there went Melle Mel we lost his a*s to \'roids
Melle Mel在滥用药物中迷失自己

And God was like \"I got \'em
But I\'m gonna start \'em at the bottom of the barrel
Brought him in the world where the mother was on valium him
And his father was a coward
Taught him as a child when the ******* body was around
Had to get himself up and out of poverty and now
他必须靠自己 摆脱贫困 如今
Not even a growl in his stomach gotta be a hound\"
\'Til they put your body in the ground
Prolly gonna sound like a cliche
But when haters try to beat you down say \"**** \'em\"
但当那些黑子们试图干掉你时 说一句“去死吧”
\'Cause I\'m the realest in the business
And everybody gon\' be envious of my beginnings
Got a circus for the sinners with bodies
So stop tryna be another addition
\'Cause I\'m the realest in the business
And everybody gon\' be envious of my beginnings
Got a circus for the sinners with bodies
So stop tryna be another addition
I\'m just playin\' Gen Z
You know I love you
你们知道的 我爱你们

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