[00:00:00] VOID - Melanie Martinez
[00:05:00] QQ音乐享有本翻译作品的著作权
[00:05:00] Lyrics by:Melanie Martinez
[00:11:00] In the void in the void
[00:14:00] 沉浸于空虚的生活中
[00:14:00] In the void in the void
[00:15:00] 沉浸于空虚的生活中
[00:15:00] In the void in the void
[00:16:00] 沉浸于空虚的生活中
[00:16:00] In the void in the void
[00:19:00] 沉浸于空虚的生活中
[00:19:00] Baby I\'m spinning \'round the corner
[00:27:00] 亲爱的 我在角落里徘徊不前
[00:27:00] It\'s tasting kind of lonely and my mind wants to control me
[00:37:00] 品尝到寂寞的滋味 而我的思绪试图控制我
[00:37:00] Ah-ah-ah-empty there\'s rotten things left in me
[00:46:00] 空虚不已 令人愧疚的回忆萦绕我的脑海里
[00:46:00] Injected by society no one here but me to judge me
[00:58:00] 在社会的影响下 除了我之外 没有人可以对我评头论足
[00:58:00] Pipe down with the noise I cannot bear my sorrow
[01:02:00] 让这些嘈杂声消失不见 我无法承受心中的痛苦
[01:02:00] I hate who I was before
[01:07:00] 我讨厌从前的自己
[01:07:00] I fear I won\'t live to see the day tomorrow
[01:11:00] 我担心我无法迎接明天的到来
[01:11:00] Someone tell me if this is Hell
[01:16:00] 有没有人告诉我 这是不是炼狱般的生活
[01:16:00] I got to escape that void
[01:20:00] 我必须逃离这空虚的生活
[01:20:00] There is no other choice yeah
[01:22:00] 我已别无选择
[01:22:00] Tryna turn down the voices
[01:24:00] 试图屏蔽这些声音
[01:24:00] The void ate me
[01:27:00] 然而空虚的生活逐渐将我吞噬
[01:27:00] Look at the mess I\'ve done
[01:29:00] 注视着我造成的混乱
[01:29:00] There is nowhere to run yeah
[01:32:00] 我已无处可逃
[01:32:00] Holding a loading gun the void
[01:36:00] 手中拿着上膛的枪 瞄准空虚的生活
[01:36:00] Like a priest behind confession walls I judge myself
[01:40:00] 就像伫立在忏悔墙后面的牧师一样 我评判自己
[01:40:00] Kneeling on a metal grater
[01:45:00] 双膝跪在金属擦板上
[01:45:00] Bloody like a body that has died and it\'s myself
[01:50:00] 鲜血淋漓 就像是了无生气的躯体 而这是我的真实写照
[01:50:00] Tangled in my own intestines
[01:54:00] 我心底感觉纠结不已
[01:54:00] I got to escape the void
[01:58:00] 我必须逃离这空虚的生活
[01:58:00] There is no other choice yeah
[02:01:00] 我已别无选择
[02:01:00] Got to escape the void
[02:04:00] 必须逃离这空虚的生活
[02:04:00] So strange I\'m trying to find a doorway
[02:12:00] 奇怪不已 我在努力寻找出路
[02:12:00] My eyes are staring at me and they seem so d**n unhappy
[02:23:00] 我的眼睛凝视着自己 投来如此不开心的目光
[02:23:00] C-c-c-c-collect my fickle insecurities
[02:32:00] 收集我变幻莫测的不安全感
[02:32:00] And turn them into beauty
[02:36:00] 将其变成美好
[02:36:00] Alchemize the dark within me-ee
[02:43:00] 彻底改变我内心深处的黑暗
[02:43:00] Pipe down with the noise I cannot bear my sorrow
[02:48:00] 让这些嘈杂声消失不见 我无法承受心中的忧愁
[02:48:00] I hate who I was before
[02:53:00] 我讨厌从前的自己
[02:53:00] I fear I won\'t live to see the day tomorrow
[02:57:00] 我担心我无法迎接明天的到来
[02:57:00] Someone tell me if this is Hell
[03:01:00] 有没有人告诉我 这是不是炼狱般的生活
[03:01:00] I got to escape that void
[03:05:00] 我必须逃离这空虚的生活
[03:05:00] There is no other choice yeah
[03:08:00] 我已别无选择
[03:08:00] Tryna turn down the voices
[03:10:00] 试图屏蔽这些声音
[03:10:00] The void ate me
[03:13:00] 然而空虚的生活逐渐将我吞噬
[03:13:00] Look at the mess I\'ve done
[03:15:00] 注视着我造成的混乱
[03:15:00] There is nowhere to run yeah
[03:17:00] 我已无处可逃
[03:17:00] Holding a loading gun the void
[03:21:00] 手中拿着上膛的枪 瞄准空虚的生活
[03:21:00] Like a priest behind confession walls I judge myself
[03:26:00] 就像伫立在忏悔墙后面的牧师一样 我评判自己
[03:26:00] Kneeling on a metal grater
[03:31:00] 双膝跪在金属擦板上
[03:31:00] Bloody like a body that has died and it\'s myself
[03:35:00] 鲜血淋漓 我就像是了无生气的躯体 而这是我的真实写照
[03:35:00] Tangled in my own intestines
[03:40:00] 我心底感觉纠结不已
[03:40:00] I got to escape that void
[03:44:00] 我必须逃离这空虚的生活
[03:44:00] There is no other choice yeah
[03:46:00] 我已别无选择
[03:46:00] Tryna turn down the voices
[03:48:00] 试图屏蔽这些声音
[03:48:00] The void ate me
[03:51:00] 然而空虚的生活逐渐将我吞噬
[03:51:00] Look at the mess I\'ve done
[03:53:00] 注视着我造成的混乱
[03:53:00] There is nowhere to run yeah
[03:56:00] 我已无处可逃
[03:56:00] Holding a loading gun the void
[04:01:00] 手中拿着上膛的枪 瞄准空虚的生活

VOID - Melanie Martinez


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VOID - Melanie Martinez
Lyrics by:Melanie Martinez

In the void in the void
In the void in the void
In the void in the void
In the void in the void
Baby I\'m spinning \'round the corner
亲爱的 我在角落里徘徊不前
It\'s tasting kind of lonely and my mind wants to control me
品尝到寂寞的滋味 而我的思绪试图控制我
Ah-ah-ah-empty there\'s rotten things left in me
空虚不已 令人愧疚的回忆萦绕我的脑海里
Injected by society no one here but me to judge me
在社会的影响下 除了我之外 没有人可以对我评头论足
Pipe down with the noise I cannot bear my sorrow
让这些嘈杂声消失不见 我无法承受心中的痛苦
I hate who I was before
I fear I won\'t live to see the day tomorrow
Someone tell me if this is Hell
有没有人告诉我 这是不是炼狱般的生活
I got to escape that void
There is no other choice yeah
Tryna turn down the voices
The void ate me
Look at the mess I\'ve done
There is nowhere to run yeah
Holding a loading gun the void
手中拿着上膛的枪 瞄准空虚的生活
Like a priest behind confession walls I judge myself
就像伫立在忏悔墙后面的牧师一样 我评判自己
Kneeling on a metal grater
Bloody like a body that has died and it\'s myself
鲜血淋漓 就像是了无生气的躯体 而这是我的真实写照
Tangled in my own intestines
I got to escape the void
There is no other choice yeah
Got to escape the void
So strange I\'m trying to find a doorway
奇怪不已 我在努力寻找出路
My eyes are staring at me and they seem so d**n unhappy
我的眼睛凝视着自己 投来如此不开心的目光
C-c-c-c-collect my fickle insecurities
And turn them into beauty
Alchemize the dark within me-ee
Pipe down with the noise I cannot bear my sorrow
让这些嘈杂声消失不见 我无法承受心中的忧愁
I hate who I was before
I fear I won\'t live to see the day tomorrow
Someone tell me if this is Hell
有没有人告诉我 这是不是炼狱般的生活
I got to escape that void
There is no other choice yeah
Tryna turn down the voices
The void ate me
Look at the mess I\'ve done
There is nowhere to run yeah
Holding a loading gun the void
手中拿着上膛的枪 瞄准空虚的生活
Like a priest behind confession walls I judge myself
就像伫立在忏悔墙后面的牧师一样 我评判自己
Kneeling on a metal grater
Bloody like a body that has died and it\'s myself
鲜血淋漓 我就像是了无生气的躯体 而这是我的真实写照
Tangled in my own intestines
I got to escape that void
There is no other choice yeah
Tryna turn down the voices
The void ate me
Look at the mess I\'ve done
There is nowhere to run yeah
Holding a loading gun the void
手中拿着上膛的枪 瞄准空虚的生活

爱好歌音乐网提供Melanie Martinez-VOID的MP3音乐在线试听下载,VOID的QQ空间背景音乐外链。
