[00:00:00] SAY MY GRACE (Explicit) - Offset/Travis Scott
[00:00:00] Lyrics by:Anderson Hernandez/Douglas Ford/Isaac De Boni/Jacques Webster/Kiari Kendrell Cephus/Maneesh Bidaye/Michael John Mulé
[00:00:00] Composed by:Anderson Hernandez/Douglas Ford/Isaac De Boni/Jacques Webster/Kiari Kendrell Cephus/Maneesh Bidaye/Michael John Mulé
[00:01:00] Produced by:FNZ/Maneesh/Offset/Vinylz
[00:01:00] Woah
[00:02:00] Shh whew whew whew whew
[00:07:00] Hey
[00:08:00] Make room on my plate
[00:09:00] 给我的盘子腾点地方
[00:09:00] I just said my grace and then I ate
[00:12:00] 我刚做完祷告 然后我大快朵颐
[00:12:00] Ate
[00:12:00] Got a particular taste
[00:13:00] 口味非常挑剔
[00:13:00] I just stuffed my pockets and my face
[00:16:00] 我把口袋里塞满钞票 往嘴里塞满食物
[00:16:00] Okay
[00:16:00] Okay let\'s have a debate
[00:17:00] 好吧 让我们好好辩论一番
[00:17:00] Woo
[00:17:00] We talking \'bout popping I promise I\'m feeling a way
[00:19:00] 我们谈论着如何惊艳全场 我保证我胸有成竹
[00:19:00] Who
[00:20:00] I took the bodies up out of my closet
[00:22:00] 我把这些尸首从我的储藏室里搬出来
[00:22:00] I buried \'em deep and they still in the way
[00:23:00] 我把他们深埋在地下 可他们依然在阻挡我的去路
[00:23:00] Still in the way
[00:24:00] I know some lil\' niggas got baptized trap guys
[00:26:00] 我知道有些人已接受洗礼 混迹街头的家伙
[00:26:00] Trap guys
[00:26:00] They can\'t put the drillin\' away
[00:27:00] 他们依然无法痛改前非
[00:27:00] Way
[00:28:00] Had to part ways with the sad vibes bad guy
[00:30:00] 必须摆脱这悲伤的气氛 离开心怀不轨的人
[00:30:00] You might be a villain today
[00:31:00] 今天你可能变成恶棍
[00:31:00] Villain today hey
[00:32:00] Ask God why I didn\'t get a answer
[00:33:00] 开口询问上帝 为什么我没有得到回应
[00:33:00] Why
[00:34:00] Why lose my brother to bullets
[00:36:00] 为什么我的兄弟会被子弹夺走性命
[00:36:00] Why
[00:36:00] Why lose my grandma to cancer
[00:38:00] 为什么我的奶奶会被癌症夺走性命
[00:38:00] Why
[00:38:00] Why me God
[00:39:00] 为什么是我呢 上帝啊
[00:39:00] I need answers
[00:39:00] 我需要答案
[00:39:00] Why
[00:40:00] Why young niggas straight out Atlanta
[00:41:00] 为什么年轻人会冲出亚特兰大
[00:41:00] Why
[00:42:00] Why the judge and the cops tryna jam us
[00:43:00] 为什么法官和警察对我们围追堵截
[00:43:00] Why
[00:44:00] Why I keep getting all of these chances
[00:45:00] 为什么我锲而不舍地争取这些机会
[00:45:00] Why
[00:46:00] Why me God
[00:46:00] 为什么是我呢 上帝啊
[00:46:00] I need answers
[00:47:00] 我需要答案
[00:47:00] Hey
[00:47:00] Speak your mind and it might get you canceled
[00:49:00] 说出你的想法 也许会让你惨遭抵制
[00:49:00] Canceled
[00:50:00] Pinky ring and it cost me a phantom
[00:51:00] 戴在小拇指上的戒指 可以买下一辆幻影
[00:51:00] Phantom
[00:52:00] Wack the witness the evidence tampered
[00:53:00] 收买目击证人 证据惨遭篡改
[00:53:00] Wack
[00:53:00] Dirty money the safe is the hamper
[00:55:00] 把来路不明的钱装进保险箱里
[00:55:00] Dirty money
[00:55:00] Yeah my ***** she a star and I stamped her
[00:57:00] 我的伴侣是个明星 我让她成为我的专属
[00:57:00] Stamped her
[00:58:00] P.E. Jordan three that\'s a sampler
[00:59:00] 我穿着还没有发售的Air Jordan 3系球鞋
[00:59:00] P.E.
[00:59:00] I don\'t wanna do it but I gotta do it
[01:01:00] 我不想做这样的事 但我不得已而为之
[01:01:00] Gotta kill you nigga if it\'s me or you
[01:03:00] 无论是你还是我 我都要干掉你
[01:03:00] Hey
[01:03:00] He got fire I got fire nigga lighter fluid
[01:05:00] 我们针锋相对 犹如火上浇油
[01:05:00] Fire
[01:05:00] Got away from the haters say Hallelujah
[01:07:00] 远离那些嫉妒我的人 说一声哈利路亚
[01:07:00] Bye
[01:07:00] **** be crazy this **** be the closest to you
[01:09:00] 一切陷入疯狂之中 你变得岌岌可危
[01:09:00] Crazy
[01:09:00] It\'s okay \'cause they know that I come to do it
[01:11:00] 没关系 因为他们知道我会主动出击
[01:11:00] Hey
[01:11:00] Hold your V up for Virgil exclusive Louis
[01:13:00] 举起你的限量款路易威登行头 向Virgil Abloh致敬
[01:13:00] V
[01:13:00] ******* geeking and tweaking I hit a U
[01:15:00] 妹子们热情洋溢 纵情摇摆 我不由自主地转身靠近
[01:15:00] Geek
[01:15:00] Wrist is hitting and glistening this **** a movie
[01:17:00] 手腕上戴着闪闪发光的首饰 这就像电影一样
[01:17:00] Glistenin\'
[01:17:00] If it\'s smoke at the door then I\'m tending to it
[01:19:00] 如果门口烟雾缭绕 我会立刻去处理
[01:19:00] Smoke
[01:19:00] Watch when I step Murikami my belt
[01:21:00] 注意着我的脚步 我系着村上隆联名款皮带
[01:21:00] Hey
[01:21:00] Angel on my shoulder but the devil on the left
[01:23:00] 天使落在我的肩上 但恶魔趴在我的左肩上
[01:23:00] Devils
[01:23:00] I got a mill\' not a mill\' for my shelf
[01:25:00] 我赚到一大笔钱 我才不会把钱束之高阁
[01:25:00] Million
[01:25:00] I do it alone I own myself
[01:27:00] 我单枪匹马 独自闯荡
[01:27:00] Alone
[01:27:00] Nigga stay home before your dome get left
[01:29:00] 在你小命不保之前 乖乖待在家里
[01:29:00] Bow
[01:29:00] Niggas playing dirty hit below my belt
[01:31:00] 玩弄卑鄙手段 暗箭伤人
[01:31:00] Dirty
[01:31:00] I\'ma get the bag do the show myself
[01:33:00] 我要努力赚钱 呈现精彩演出
[01:33:00] Show
[01:33:00] Do that **** again had to show myself
[01:35:00] 从头再做一遍 我必须展现自我风采
[01:35:00] Make room on my plate
[01:36:00] 给我的盘子腾点地方
[01:36:00] I just said my grace and then I ate
[01:38:00] 我刚做完祷告 然后我大快朵颐
[01:38:00] Ate
[01:38:00] Got a particular taste
[01:40:00] 口味非常挑剔
[01:40:00] \'Ticular taste
[01:40:00] I just stuffed my pockets and my face
[01:42:00] 我把口袋里塞满钞票 往嘴里塞满食物
[01:42:00] Okay
[01:42:00] Okay let\'s have a debate
[01:44:00] 好吧 让我们好好辩论一番
[01:44:00] Woo
[01:44:00] We talking \'bout popping I promise I\'m feeling a way
[01:46:00] 我们谈论着如何惊艳全场 我保证我胸有成竹
[01:46:00] Who
[01:46:00] I took the bodies up out of my closet
[01:48:00] 我把这些尸首从我的储藏室里搬出来
[01:48:00] I buried \'em deep and they still in the way
[01:50:00] 我把他们深埋在地下 可他们依然在阻挡我的去路
[01:50:00] Still in the way
[01:50:00] I filled up the crib with cars the halls
[01:52:00] 我把豪宅里停满汽车
[01:52:00] With all and all I\'m still having space
[01:54:00] 大厅里摆满金银财宝 我依然还有充裕的空间
[01:54:00] Yeah space
[01:54:00] Got a particular taste picky eater
[01:56:00] 口味非常挑剔 我很挑食
[01:56:00] I guess but I\'m still stuffing my face
[01:58:00] 但我依然往嘴里塞满食物
[01:58:00] Yeah yeah
[01:58:00] She got a natural wrap like a natural do
[02:00:00] 她的卷发非常自然 就像天生的一样
[02:00:00] It\'s lit
[02:01:00] Like the blunt she don\'t like that **** laced
[02:02:00] 她不喜欢碰那种玩意
[02:02:00] Woo
[02:02:00] I was outside of the building I\'m owning the spot
[02:04:00] 我出现在高楼大厦外面 这个地方归我所有
[02:04:00] Want a B then you gotta have faith
[02:06:00] 想要赚上十亿美元 那你必须充满信心
[02:06:00] Ooh
[02:06:00] I\'m in a meditate state
[02:07:00] 我陷入沉思
[02:07:00] Ever since we lost bro ain\'t really much more I can Take
[02:10:00] 自从我们痛失手足兄弟 我再也无法承受任何打击
[02:10:00] I pop a ten when it\'s late momma told me to pray
[02:12:00] 我掏出武器 然而为时已晚 妈妈告诉我要虔诚祈祷
[02:12:00] I do that \'cause you know I can\'t play
[02:14:00] 我从善如流 因为你知道我无法肆意妄为
[02:14:00] Let\'s-
[02:14:00] We flood the field up for real
[02:15:00] 我们要大杀四方
[02:15:00] We got the rides in the back
[02:16:00] 我们身后跟着一堆豪车
[02:16:00] But you know we ain\'t come here to play
[02:18:00] 但你知道我们不是来这里闹着玩的
[02:18:00] You be up playing the stakes
[02:19:00] 你在以身犯险
[02:19:00] I been up playin\' abroad with broads and mates
[02:21:00] 我带着妹子和兄弟在国外四处游玩
[02:21:00] Yeah
[02:22:00] Make room on my plate
[02:23:00] 给我的盘子腾点地方
[02:23:00] I just said my grace and then I ate
[02:25:00] 我刚做完祷告 然后我大快朵颐
[02:25:00] Ate
[02:26:00] Got a particular taste
[02:27:00] 口味非常挑剔
[02:27:00] \'Ticular taste
[02:27:00] I just stuffed my pockets and my face
[02:29:00] 我把口袋里塞满钞票 往嘴里塞满食物
[02:29:00] Okay
[02:30:00] Okay let\'s have a debate
[02:31:00] 好吧 让我们好好辩论一番
[02:31:00] Woo
[02:31:00] We talking \'bout popping I promise I\'m feeling a way
[02:33:00] 我们谈论着如何惊艳全场 我保证我胸有成竹
[02:33:00] Who
[02:34:00] I took the bodies up out of my closet
[02:35:00] 我把这些尸首从我的储藏室里搬出来
[02:35:00] I buried \'em deep and they still in the way
[02:37:00] 我把他们深埋在地下 可他们依然在阻挡我的去路
[02:37:00] Still in the way

SAY MY GRACE(Explicit) - Offset&Travis Scott


Offset&Travis Scott-SAY MY GRACE(Explicit)的QQ空间背景音乐外链:

歌曲Offset&Travis Scott-SAY MY GRACE(Explicit)的MP3下载地址来源于网络分享,复制链接或者右键链接另存为即可下载MP3音乐,同时网站提供Offset&Travis Scott-SAY MY GRACE(Explicit)的QQ空间背景音乐歌曲链接,把这首歌曲的MP3链接地址推荐给你的朋友,可以让他们免费获得本歌曲音乐外链。

SAY MY GRACE(Explicit)的文本歌词:

SAY MY GRACE (Explicit) - Offset/Travis Scott

Lyrics by:Anderson Hernandez/Douglas Ford/Isaac De Boni/Jacques Webster/Kiari Kendrell Cephus/Maneesh Bidaye/Michael John Mulé

Composed by:Anderson Hernandez/Douglas Ford/Isaac De Boni/Jacques Webster/Kiari Kendrell Cephus/Maneesh Bidaye/Michael John Mulé

Produced by:FNZ/Maneesh/Offset/Vinylz


Shh whew whew whew whew


Make room on my plate
I just said my grace and then I ate
我刚做完祷告 然后我大快朵颐

Got a particular taste
I just stuffed my pockets and my face
我把口袋里塞满钞票 往嘴里塞满食物

Okay let\'s have a debate
好吧 让我们好好辩论一番

We talking \'bout popping I promise I\'m feeling a way
我们谈论着如何惊艳全场 我保证我胸有成竹

I took the bodies up out of my closet
I buried \'em deep and they still in the way
我把他们深埋在地下 可他们依然在阻挡我的去路
Still in the way

I know some lil\' niggas got baptized trap guys
我知道有些人已接受洗礼 混迹街头的家伙
Trap guys

They can\'t put the drillin\' away

Had to part ways with the sad vibes bad guy
必须摆脱这悲伤的气氛 离开心怀不轨的人
You might be a villain today
Villain today hey

Ask God why I didn\'t get a answer
开口询问上帝 为什么我没有得到回应

Why lose my brother to bullets

Why lose my grandma to cancer

Why me God
为什么是我呢 上帝啊
I need answers

Why young niggas straight out Atlanta

Why the judge and the cops tryna jam us

Why I keep getting all of these chances

Why me God
为什么是我呢 上帝啊
I need answers

Speak your mind and it might get you canceled
说出你的想法 也许会让你惨遭抵制

Pinky ring and it cost me a phantom
戴在小拇指上的戒指 可以买下一辆幻影

Wack the witness the evidence tampered
收买目击证人 证据惨遭篡改

Dirty money the safe is the hamper
Dirty money

Yeah my ***** she a star and I stamped her
我的伴侣是个明星 我让她成为我的专属
Stamped her

P.E. Jordan three that\'s a sampler
我穿着还没有发售的Air Jordan 3系球鞋

I don\'t wanna do it but I gotta do it
我不想做这样的事 但我不得已而为之
Gotta kill you nigga if it\'s me or you
无论是你还是我 我都要干掉你

He got fire I got fire nigga lighter fluid
我们针锋相对 犹如火上浇油

Got away from the haters say Hallelujah
远离那些嫉妒我的人 说一声哈利路亚

**** be crazy this **** be the closest to you
一切陷入疯狂之中 你变得岌岌可危

It\'s okay \'cause they know that I come to do it
没关系 因为他们知道我会主动出击

Hold your V up for Virgil exclusive Louis
举起你的限量款路易威登行头 向Virgil Abloh致敬

******* geeking and tweaking I hit a U
妹子们热情洋溢 纵情摇摆 我不由自主地转身靠近

Wrist is hitting and glistening this **** a movie
手腕上戴着闪闪发光的首饰 这就像电影一样

If it\'s smoke at the door then I\'m tending to it
如果门口烟雾缭绕 我会立刻去处理

Watch when I step Murikami my belt
注意着我的脚步 我系着村上隆联名款皮带

Angel on my shoulder but the devil on the left
天使落在我的肩上 但恶魔趴在我的左肩上

I got a mill\' not a mill\' for my shelf
我赚到一大笔钱 我才不会把钱束之高阁

I do it alone I own myself
我单枪匹马 独自闯荡

Nigga stay home before your dome get left
在你小命不保之前 乖乖待在家里

Niggas playing dirty hit below my belt
玩弄卑鄙手段 暗箭伤人

I\'ma get the bag do the show myself
我要努力赚钱 呈现精彩演出

Do that **** again had to show myself
从头再做一遍 我必须展现自我风采
Make room on my plate
I just said my grace and then I ate
我刚做完祷告 然后我大快朵颐

Got a particular taste
\'Ticular taste

I just stuffed my pockets and my face
我把口袋里塞满钞票 往嘴里塞满食物

Okay let\'s have a debate
好吧 让我们好好辩论一番

We talking \'bout popping I promise I\'m feeling a way
我们谈论着如何惊艳全场 我保证我胸有成竹

I took the bodies up out of my closet
I buried \'em deep and they still in the way
我把他们深埋在地下 可他们依然在阻挡我的去路
Still in the way

I filled up the crib with cars the halls
With all and all I\'m still having space
大厅里摆满金银财宝 我依然还有充裕的空间
Yeah space

Got a particular taste picky eater
口味非常挑剔 我很挑食
I guess but I\'m still stuffing my face
Yeah yeah

She got a natural wrap like a natural do
她的卷发非常自然 就像天生的一样
It\'s lit

Like the blunt she don\'t like that **** laced

I was outside of the building I\'m owning the spot
我出现在高楼大厦外面 这个地方归我所有
Want a B then you gotta have faith
想要赚上十亿美元 那你必须充满信心

I\'m in a meditate state
Ever since we lost bro ain\'t really much more I can Take
自从我们痛失手足兄弟 我再也无法承受任何打击
I pop a ten when it\'s late momma told me to pray
我掏出武器 然而为时已晚 妈妈告诉我要虔诚祈祷
I do that \'cause you know I can\'t play
我从善如流 因为你知道我无法肆意妄为

We flood the field up for real
We got the rides in the back
But you know we ain\'t come here to play
You be up playing the stakes
I been up playin\' abroad with broads and mates

Make room on my plate
I just said my grace and then I ate
我刚做完祷告 然后我大快朵颐

Got a particular taste
\'Ticular taste

I just stuffed my pockets and my face
我把口袋里塞满钞票 往嘴里塞满食物

Okay let\'s have a debate
好吧 让我们好好辩论一番

We talking \'bout popping I promise I\'m feeling a way
我们谈论着如何惊艳全场 我保证我胸有成竹

I took the bodies up out of my closet
I buried \'em deep and they still in the way
我把他们深埋在地下 可他们依然在阻挡我的去路
Still in the way

爱好歌音乐网提供Offset&Travis Scott-SAY MY GRACE(Explicit)的MP3音乐在线试听下载,SAY MY GRACE(Explicit)的QQ空间背景音乐外链。