[00:01:00] Dixie Chicks
[00:01:00] Goodbye Earl
[00:16:00] Mary Anne and Wanda were the best of friends
[00:20:00] All through their high school days
[00:25:00] Both members of the 4H Club
[00:28:00] Both active in the FFA
[00:32:00] After graduation Mary Anne went out
[00:36:00] Lookin\' for a bright new world
[00:40:00] Wanda looked all around this town
[00:43:00] And all she found was Earl
[00:49:00] Well it wasn\'t two weeks  after she got married
[00:53:00] That Wanda started gettin\' abused
[00:57:00] She put on dark glasses and long sleeved blouses
[01:01:00] And make-up to cover a bruise
[01:05:00] Well she finally got the nerve to file for divorce
[01:09:00] She let the law take it from there
[01:13:00] But Earl walked right through that restraining order
[01:16:00] And put her in intensive care
[01:22:00] Right away Mary Anne flew in from Atalnta
[01:26:00] On a red eye midnight flight
[01:30:00] She held Wanda\'s hand
[01:32:00] As they worked out a plan  And it didn\'t take long to decided
[01:37:00] That Earl had to die
[01:42:00] Goodbye Earl
[01:46:00] Those black-eyed peas
[01:49:00] They tasted all right to me
[01:57:00] Why don\'t you lay down and sleep Earl
[02:01:00] Ain\'t it dark
[02:04:00] Wrapped up in that tarp Earl
[02:14:00] The cops came to bring Earl in
[02:17:00] They searched the house high and low
[02:21:00] Then they tipped their hats
[02:23:00] And said Thank You ladies if you hear from him let us know
[02:29:00] Well the weeks went by
[02:30:00] And Spring turned to Summer
[02:33:00] And Summer faded into Fall
[02:36:00] And it turns out he was a missing person
[02:40:00] Who nobody missed at all
[02:46:00] So the girls bouth some land
[02:49:00] And a roadside stand
[02:51:00] Out on Highway 109
[02:54:00] They sell Tennessee ham and strawberry jame
[02:58:00] And they don\'t lose any sleep at night
[03:01:00] \'Cause Earl had to die
[03:06:00] Goodbye Earl
[03:10:00] We need a break
[03:13:00] Let\'s go out to the lake Earl
[03:17:00] We\'ll pack a lunch
[03:21:00] And stuff you in the trunk Earl
[03:25:00] Well is that all right
[03:28:00] Good Let\'s go for a ride
[03:32:00] Earl hey
[03:41:00] Hey

Goodbye Earl - Dixie Chicks


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Goodbye Earl的文本歌词:

Dixie Chicks
Goodbye Earl
Mary Anne and Wanda were the best of friends
All through their high school days
Both members of the 4H Club
Both active in the FFA
After graduation Mary Anne went out
Lookin\' for a bright new world
Wanda looked all around this town
And all she found was Earl
Well it wasn\'t two weeks after she got married
That Wanda started gettin\' abused
She put on dark glasses and long sleeved blouses
And make-up to cover a bruise
Well she finally got the nerve to file for divorce
She let the law take it from there
But Earl walked right through that restraining order
And put her in intensive care
Right away Mary Anne flew in from Atalnta
On a red eye midnight flight
She held Wanda\'s hand
As they worked out a plan And it didn\'t take long to decided
That Earl had to die
Goodbye Earl
Those black-eyed peas
They tasted all right to me
Why don\'t you lay down and sleep Earl
Ain\'t it dark
Wrapped up in that tarp Earl
The cops came to bring Earl in
They searched the house high and low
Then they tipped their hats
And said Thank You ladies if you hear from him let us know
Well the weeks went by
And Spring turned to Summer
And Summer faded into Fall
And it turns out he was a missing person
Who nobody missed at all
So the girls bouth some land
And a roadside stand
Out on Highway 109
They sell Tennessee ham and strawberry jame
And they don\'t lose any sleep at night
\'Cause Earl had to die
Goodbye Earl
We need a break
Let\'s go out to the lake Earl
We\'ll pack a lunch
And stuff you in the trunk Earl
Well is that all right
Good Let\'s go for a ride
Earl hey

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