[00:00:00] SUNBURNKID - 지올팍 (Zior Park)
[00:00:00] QQ音乐享有本翻译作品的著作权
[00:00:00] Lyrics by:Zior Park
[00:00:00] Composed by:Hanbin Kim/Rockitman/Zior Park
[00:00:00] The sun is rising around you
[00:05:00] 太阳在你身旁缓缓升起
[00:05:00] The sun is burning around you
[00:10:00] 阳光在你周围灼烧着
[00:10:00] I thought that I\'m going well and I\'m alright
[00:14:00] 我以为我会诸事顺遂 我会一切安好
[00:14:00] But that was a mistake can you save me
[00:20:00] 但这却大错特错 你能否拯救我
[00:20:00] Maybe I need something chemical
[00:23:00] 也许我需要接受药物治疗
[00:23:00] Everynight I see the wrecking ball
[00:26:00] 每天晚上 我看见落锤摧毁一切
[00:26:00] I don\'t wanna do this anymore
[00:28:00] 我不愿再这样继续下去
[00:28:00] People only say let it go
[00:30:00] 人们只会安慰我说放下一切
[00:30:00] Oh s**t
[00:31:00] 该死
[00:31:00] It\'s been a while since I felt my heart beating
[00:33:00] 这么久以来 我没有感受到我的心跳
[00:33:00] I looked back at myself when I met you bro
[00:36:00] 当我遇见你时 我回顾自己的过往 哥们
[00:36:00] You make me feel the shame
[00:39:00] 你让我感到惭愧
[00:39:00] Same looks but it ain\'t the same
[00:41:00] 即使外表一模一样 但这已不似从前
[00:41:00] Fun fact i can meet you
[00:42:00] 有趣的是 在人们埋怨我
[00:42:00] When I do something that people say is wrong
[00:44:00] 犯下弥天大错之际 我能够遇见你
[00:44:00] Sunset makes my silhouette
[00:46:00] 落日余晖勾勒出我的身影
[00:46:00] I can easily hide my misbehavior so weird
[00:49:00] 我轻而易举就能掩饰我的不当行为 感觉如此奇怪
[00:49:00] I can be the Sunburnkid when I be the animal
[00:52:00] 当我成为野兽时 我可以化身为烈日灼烧的孩子
[00:52:00] All the animals go to heaven when they die
[00:54:00] 在所有动物离世以后 它们会进入天堂
[00:54:00] All the kids go to heaven when they die
[00:56:00] 在所有孩子离世以后 他们会进入天堂
[00:56:00] Is it a lie
[00:57:00] 这是不是谎言
[00:57:00] Yeah I\'m like a mathematician
[00:59:00] 我就像数学家一样
[00:59:00] I calculate the way how to get inside
[01:01:00] 我精心计算着如何步入其中
[01:01:00] How to get inside there
[01:02:00] 如何步入其中
[01:02:00] The sun is rising around you
[01:07:00] 太阳在你身旁缓缓升起
[01:07:00] The sun is burning around you
[01:13:00] 阳光在你周围灼烧着
[01:13:00] I thought that I\'m going well and I\'m alright
[01:16:00] 我以为我会诸事顺遂 我会一切安好
[01:16:00] But that was a mistake can you save me
[01:23:00] 但这却大错特错 你能否拯救我
[01:23:00] The Sun is rising around you
[01:28:00] 太阳在你身旁缓缓升起
[01:28:00] The Sun is burning around you
[01:31:00] 阳光在你周围灼烧着
[01:31:00] Yeah yeah
[01:33:00] I\'m looking at you though there\'s a big problem
[01:40:00] 我注视着你 尽管我们面临着巨大的难题
[01:40:00] But I\'m okay you always motivate me
[01:43:00] 但我安然无恙 你总是鼓励着我
[01:43:00] Let\'s go
[02:03:00] 让我们出发吧
[02:03:00] Around around take a look around
[02:06:00] 四处徘徊 环顾四周
[02:06:00] What are you missing
[02:09:00] 你在想念什么
[02:09:00] Found found I found old me
[02:11:00] 四处寻觅 我发现从前的我
[02:11:00] He had the devil\'s teeth
[02:14:00] 长着恶魔的利齿
[02:14:00] Ground ground
[02:15:00] 碾成碎屑
[02:15:00] My fangs are ground by the system and people
[02:19:00] 社会体制和人们将我的尖牙磨碎
[02:19:00] Lies lies all the lies of the grownups
[02:22:00] 谎话连篇 成年人口中的所有谎言
[02:22:00] Now I talk like them
[02:25:00] 如今我也会挂在嘴边
[02:25:00] Hey kid I\'m your last version
[02:27:00] 嘿 孩子 我是你最终的模样
[02:27:00] You might be the new model of this world
[02:30:00] 也许你会成为这个世界的新榜样
[02:30:00] We\'re not much different from the machine
[02:32:00] 我们和机器没有什么区别
[02:32:00] New toy is better than the old version
[02:35:00] 新玩具总是破旧的玩具更好
[02:35:00] Hey kid just ignore the cautions
[02:37:00] 嘿 孩子 忽略这些警告吧
[02:37:00] Don\'t stop daydreaming jump off the sun
[02:40:00] 继续放飞你不切实际的梦想 从太阳上纵身跃下
[02:40:00] I\'m flopped but you\'re not
[02:42:00] 我会一败涂地 但你不会
[02:42:00] You can do what I can\'t
[02:44:00] 你可以做到我无法企及的事情
[02:44:00] Oh Sunburn
[02:45:00] 烈日灼烧
[02:45:00] The sun is rising around you
[02:50:00] 太阳在你身旁缓缓升起
[02:50:00] The sun is burning around you
[02:56:00] 阳光在你周围灼烧着
[02:56:00] I thought that I\'m going well and I\'m alright
[02:59:00] 我以为我会诸事顺遂 我会一切安好
[02:59:00] But that was a mistake can you save me
[03:06:00] 但这却大错特错 你能否拯救我
[03:06:00] The Sun is rising around you
[03:11:00] 太阳在你身旁缓缓升起
[03:11:00] The Sun is burning around you
[03:14:00] 阳光在你周围灼烧着
[03:14:00] Yeah yeah
[03:16:00] I\'m looking at you though there\'s a big problem
[03:21:00] 我注视着你 尽管我们面临着巨大的难题
[03:21:00] But I\'m okay you always motivate me
[03:26:00] 但我安然无恙 你总是鼓励着我



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SUNBURNKID - 지올팍 (Zior Park)
Lyrics by:Zior Park

Composed by:Hanbin Kim/Rockitman/Zior Park

The sun is rising around you
The sun is burning around you
I thought that I\'m going well and I\'m alright
我以为我会诸事顺遂 我会一切安好
But that was a mistake can you save me
但这却大错特错 你能否拯救我
Maybe I need something chemical
Everynight I see the wrecking ball
每天晚上 我看见落锤摧毁一切
I don\'t wanna do this anymore
People only say let it go
Oh s**t
It\'s been a while since I felt my heart beating
这么久以来 我没有感受到我的心跳
I looked back at myself when I met you bro
当我遇见你时 我回顾自己的过往 哥们
You make me feel the shame
Same looks but it ain\'t the same
即使外表一模一样 但这已不似从前
Fun fact i can meet you
有趣的是 在人们埋怨我
When I do something that people say is wrong
犯下弥天大错之际 我能够遇见你
Sunset makes my silhouette
I can easily hide my misbehavior so weird
我轻而易举就能掩饰我的不当行为 感觉如此奇怪
I can be the Sunburnkid when I be the animal
当我成为野兽时 我可以化身为烈日灼烧的孩子
All the animals go to heaven when they die
在所有动物离世以后 它们会进入天堂
All the kids go to heaven when they die
在所有孩子离世以后 他们会进入天堂
Is it a lie
Yeah I\'m like a mathematician
I calculate the way how to get inside
How to get inside there
The sun is rising around you
The sun is burning around you
I thought that I\'m going well and I\'m alright
我以为我会诸事顺遂 我会一切安好
But that was a mistake can you save me
但这却大错特错 你能否拯救我
The Sun is rising around you
The Sun is burning around you
Yeah yeah

I\'m looking at you though there\'s a big problem
我注视着你 尽管我们面临着巨大的难题
But I\'m okay you always motivate me
但我安然无恙 你总是鼓励着我
Let\'s go
Around around take a look around
四处徘徊 环顾四周
What are you missing
Found found I found old me
四处寻觅 我发现从前的我
He had the devil\'s teeth
Ground ground
My fangs are ground by the system and people
Lies lies all the lies of the grownups
谎话连篇 成年人口中的所有谎言
Now I talk like them
Hey kid I\'m your last version
嘿 孩子 我是你最终的模样
You might be the new model of this world
We\'re not much different from the machine
New toy is better than the old version
Hey kid just ignore the cautions
嘿 孩子 忽略这些警告吧
Don\'t stop daydreaming jump off the sun
继续放飞你不切实际的梦想 从太阳上纵身跃下
I\'m flopped but you\'re not
我会一败涂地 但你不会
You can do what I can\'t
Oh Sunburn
The sun is rising around you
The sun is burning around you
I thought that I\'m going well and I\'m alright
我以为我会诸事顺遂 我会一切安好
But that was a mistake can you save me
但这却大错特错 你能否拯救我
The Sun is rising around you
The Sun is burning around you
Yeah yeah

I\'m looking at you though there\'s a big problem
我注视着你 尽管我们面临着巨大的难题
But I\'m okay you always motivate me
但我安然无恙 你总是鼓励着我

爱好歌音乐网提供Zior Park-SUNBURNKID的MP3音乐在线试听下载,SUNBURNKID的QQ空间背景音乐外链。