[00:00:00] EVIL (Explicit) - Melanie Martinez
[00:01:00] Lyrics by:Melanie Martinez/Christopher J Baran
[00:08:00] You called the other day I stayed away
[00:13:00] 几天前你打来电话 而我选择回避
[00:13:00] I left your **** on read four times today
[00:18:00] 今天我第四次对你发来的消息置若罔闻
[00:18:00] And it felt like bliss used to miss your kiss
[00:23:00] 以前时常想念你的吻 我感觉幸福不已
[00:23:00] Now I\'m hop-skip jumpin\' over narcissists
[00:26:00] 现在我刻意避开那些狂妄自恋的家伙
[00:26:00] Throwing all your stuff into the abyss
[00:28:00] 把你的一切扔进深渊里
[00:28:00] Now the role is reversed and told you I\'ma switch
[00:31:00] 现在角色互换 我告诉你我要改变自己
[00:31:00] How you like my spit
[00:32:00] 你觉得我唾弃你的感觉如何
[00:32:00] That\'s for all the pits that you left me in
[00:34:00] 这是因为当初你让我陷入困境
[00:34:00] See the horns on my head they\'re from goddesses
[00:37:00] 看见我头顶上的那对角了吗 这是女神给予我的恩赐
[00:37:00] Goddesses on god
[00:40:00] 女神的馈赠 千真万确
[00:40:00] No I never knew what it meant
[00:42:00] 我从来不知道
[00:42:00] What it meant to be content with you
[00:45:00] 对你感到满足有什么意义
[00:45:00] Everything I expressed I professed
[00:48:00] 我所表达的一切 我承认
[00:48:00] It never quite made it through
[00:50:00] 其实从来没有打动你的心
[00:50:00] Said it\'s all in my head all in my head
[00:53:00] 每当我吐露肺腑之言
[00:53:00] Whenever I spoke my truth
[00:55:00] 你却说这一切都是我脑海中的幻想
[00:55:00] No I won\'t defend you to all my friends
[00:58:00] 我不会在我所有朋友的面前为你辩解
[00:58:00] This time I refuse
[01:00:00] 这一次我选择拒绝
[01:00:00] If you bite my hand again
[01:05:00] 倘若你再次恩将仇报
[01:05:00] I will never feed you you can call me evil
[01:10:00] 那我永远不会对你忍气吞声 你可以说心肠恶毒
[01:10:00] Take it to the grave if you wanna play pretend
[01:15:00] 倘若你想虚与委蛇 那就带着你的把戏躺进坟墓里
[01:15:00] I won\'t be mistreated please call me conceited
[01:20:00] 我不会任人欺负 请说我骄傲自负
[01:20:00] Took me way too long to put this to bed
[01:24:00] 我花了很长的时间才解决这一切
[01:24:00] Lovin\' you was lethal guess that makes me evil evil
[01:31:00] 爱上你让我的生命受到威胁 我想这是让我变成恶魔的原因
[01:31:00] Evil evil evil
[01:35:00] 邪恶无比
[01:35:00] Remember when you smiled right to my face
[01:39:00] 还记得你在我面前粲然一笑的时候吗
[01:39:00] As all my little tears of oxalate
[01:44:00] 因为我如草酸般的泪水夺眶而出
[01:44:00] They made a shape revealed a snake
[01:49:00] 它们汇聚在一起 变成毒蛇的样子
[01:49:00] Now I\'m stop-drop rollin\' over all your jokes
[01:52:00] 现在面对你所有的笑话 我可以泰然处之
[01:52:00] Every time you tell a lie I\'m prayin\' that you choke
[01:54:00] 每当你说谎时 我祈祷你会喘不过气来
[01:54:00] Should\'ve listened to the signs and the horoscopes
[01:57:00] 我早该听从那些预兆和星象发出的警告
[01:57:00] Hope you never cope hope you slip on soap
[01:59:00] 希望你无力招架 希望你踩到肥皂滑倒在地
[01:59:00] Crack your head like an egg wanna see the yolk
[02:02:00] 敲开你的脑袋 就像敲鸡蛋一样 想要一探究竟
[02:02:00] You were such a hoax
[02:06:00] 你是个不折不扣的大骗子
[02:06:00] No I never knew what it meant
[02:08:00] 我从来不知道
[02:08:00] What it meant to be content with you
[02:11:00] 对你感到满足有什么意义
[02:11:00] Everything I expressed I professed
[02:14:00] 我所表达的一切 我承认
[02:14:00] It never quite made it through
[02:16:00] 其实从来没有打动你的心
[02:16:00] Said it\'s all in my head all in my head
[02:19:00] 每当我吐露肺腑之言
[02:19:00] Whenever I spoke my truth
[02:22:00] 你却说这一切都是我脑海中的幻想
[02:22:00] No I won\'t defend you to all my friends
[02:25:00] 我不会在我所有朋友的面前为你辩解
[02:25:00] This time I refuse
[02:27:00] 这一次我选择拒绝
[02:27:00] If you bite my hand again
[02:31:00] 倘若你再次恩将仇报
[02:31:00] I will never feed you you can call me evil
[02:36:00] 那我永远不会对你忍气吞声 你可以说心肠恶毒
[02:36:00] Take it to the grave if you wanna play pretend
[02:41:00] 倘若你想虚与委蛇 那就带着你的把戏躺进坟墓里
[02:41:00] I won\'t be mistreated please call me conceited
[02:46:00] 我不会任人欺负 请说我骄傲自负
[02:46:00] Took me way too long to put this to bed
[02:51:00] 我花了很长的时间才解决这一切
[02:51:00] Lovin\' you was lethal guess that makes me evil evil
[03:16:00] 爱上你让我的生命受到威胁 我想这是让我变成恶魔的原因
[03:16:00] If you bite my hand again
[03:21:00] 倘若你再次恩将仇报
[03:21:00] I will never feed you you can call me evil
[03:26:00] 那我永远不会对你忍气吞声 你可以说心肠恶毒
[03:26:00] Take it to the grave if you wanna play pretend
[03:31:00] 倘若你想虚与委蛇 那就带着你的把戏躺进坟墓里
[03:31:00] I won\'t be mistreated please call me conceited
[03:36:00] 我不会任人欺负 请说我骄傲自负
[03:36:00] Took me way too long to put this to bed
[03:41:00] 我花了很长的时间才解决这一切
[03:41:00] Lovin\' you was lethal guess that makes me evil evil
[03:47:00] 爱上你让我的生命受到威胁 我想这是让我变成恶魔的原因
[03:47:00] Evil evil evil evil
[03:52:00] 邪恶无比
[03:52:00] Evil evil evil evil
[04:01:00] 邪恶无比
[04:01:00] Lovin\' you was lethal guess that makes me evil
[04:06:00] 爱上你让我的生命受到威胁 我想这是让我变成恶魔的原因
[04:06:00] 爱

EVIL(Explicit) - Melanie Martinez


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EVIL (Explicit) - Melanie Martinez

Lyrics by:Melanie Martinez/Christopher J Baran

You called the other day I stayed away
几天前你打来电话 而我选择回避
I left your **** on read four times today
And it felt like bliss used to miss your kiss
以前时常想念你的吻 我感觉幸福不已
Now I\'m hop-skip jumpin\' over narcissists
Throwing all your stuff into the abyss
Now the role is reversed and told you I\'ma switch
现在角色互换 我告诉你我要改变自己
How you like my spit
That\'s for all the pits that you left me in
See the horns on my head they\'re from goddesses
看见我头顶上的那对角了吗 这是女神给予我的恩赐
Goddesses on god
女神的馈赠 千真万确
No I never knew what it meant
What it meant to be content with you
Everything I expressed I professed
我所表达的一切 我承认
It never quite made it through
Said it\'s all in my head all in my head
Whenever I spoke my truth
No I won\'t defend you to all my friends
This time I refuse
If you bite my hand again
I will never feed you you can call me evil
那我永远不会对你忍气吞声 你可以说心肠恶毒
Take it to the grave if you wanna play pretend
倘若你想虚与委蛇 那就带着你的把戏躺进坟墓里
I won\'t be mistreated please call me conceited
我不会任人欺负 请说我骄傲自负
Took me way too long to put this to bed
Lovin\' you was lethal guess that makes me evil evil
爱上你让我的生命受到威胁 我想这是让我变成恶魔的原因
Evil evil evil
Remember when you smiled right to my face
As all my little tears of oxalate
They made a shape revealed a snake
它们汇聚在一起 变成毒蛇的样子
Now I\'m stop-drop rollin\' over all your jokes
现在面对你所有的笑话 我可以泰然处之
Every time you tell a lie I\'m prayin\' that you choke
每当你说谎时 我祈祷你会喘不过气来
Should\'ve listened to the signs and the horoscopes
Hope you never cope hope you slip on soap
希望你无力招架 希望你踩到肥皂滑倒在地
Crack your head like an egg wanna see the yolk
敲开你的脑袋 就像敲鸡蛋一样 想要一探究竟
You were such a hoax
No I never knew what it meant
What it meant to be content with you
Everything I expressed I professed
我所表达的一切 我承认
It never quite made it through
Said it\'s all in my head all in my head
Whenever I spoke my truth
No I won\'t defend you to all my friends
This time I refuse
If you bite my hand again
I will never feed you you can call me evil
那我永远不会对你忍气吞声 你可以说心肠恶毒
Take it to the grave if you wanna play pretend
倘若你想虚与委蛇 那就带着你的把戏躺进坟墓里
I won\'t be mistreated please call me conceited
我不会任人欺负 请说我骄傲自负
Took me way too long to put this to bed
Lovin\' you was lethal guess that makes me evil evil
爱上你让我的生命受到威胁 我想这是让我变成恶魔的原因
If you bite my hand again
I will never feed you you can call me evil
那我永远不会对你忍气吞声 你可以说心肠恶毒
Take it to the grave if you wanna play pretend
倘若你想虚与委蛇 那就带着你的把戏躺进坟墓里
I won\'t be mistreated please call me conceited
我不会任人欺负 请说我骄傲自负
Took me way too long to put this to bed
Lovin\' you was lethal guess that makes me evil evil
爱上你让我的生命受到威胁 我想这是让我变成恶魔的原因
Evil evil evil evil
Evil evil evil evil
Lovin\' you was lethal guess that makes me evil
爱上你让我的生命受到威胁 我想这是让我变成恶魔的原因

爱好歌音乐网提供Melanie Martinez-EVIL(Explicit)的MP3音乐在线试听下载,EVIL(Explicit)的QQ空间背景音乐外链。