[00:00:00] Ice Cream Man. (Explicit) - RAYE
[00:12:00] QQ音乐享有本翻译作品的著作权
[00:12:00] Composed by:Bloodpop/Mike Sabath/Rachel Keen
[00:24:00] So this producer hit me up on the DM
[00:27:00] 有位制作人给我发来私信
[00:27:00] He told me \"Hey I really like what you are doing\"
[00:30:00] 他告诉我 嘿 我真的很喜欢你创作的音乐
[00:30:00] He told me \"Come to the studio let\'s cook it\"
[00:33:00] 他告诉我 到工作室来吧 让我们一起写歌
[00:33:00] He told me \"Come and catch a vibe and make some music\"
[00:36:00] 他告诉我 汲取灵感 制作音乐
[00:36:00] But when I got there shoulda heard what he was saying
[00:40:00] 但当我跟他见面时 我应该认真聆听他说的话
[00:40:00] Trying to touch me trying to **** me I\'m not playing
[00:43:00] 试图对我动手动脚 我不是闹着玩
[00:43:00] I should have left that place as soon as I walked in it
[00:46:00] 在我走进工作室的那一刻 我本该赶紧离开
[00:46:00] How God d**n dare you do that to me really
[00:50:00] 你怎么敢这样对待我
[00:50:00] Come in like the ice cream man
[00:53:00] 像卖冰淇淋的先生那样靠近我
[00:53:00] Till I felt his ice-cold hands
[00:56:00] 直到我碰到他冰冷的双手
[00:56:00] And how I paid the price not fair
[00:59:00] 我付出沉重的代价 而这并不公平
[00:59:00] God d**n no god d**n
[01:01:00] 该死
[01:01:00] Everything you did it left me in a ruin
[01:04:00] 你的所做所为让我陷入痛苦的深渊
[01:04:00] And no I didn\'t say a word I guess that proves it
[01:08:00] 我一言不发 我想我的沉默会证明
[01:08:00] I\'m a woman
[01:10:00] 我是个成熟的女性
[01:10:00] Oh yes
[01:14:00] 没错
[01:14:00] \'Cause I\'m a woman
[01:16:00] 因为我是个成熟的女性
[01:16:00] I\'m a very ******* brave strong woman
[01:18:00] 我是一位非常勇敢坚强的女性
[01:18:00] And I\'ll be d**ned if I let men ruin
[01:22:00] 若我让男人身败名裂 我会万劫不复
[01:22:00] How I walk how I talk how I do it
[01:25:00] 我走路的样子 我说话的态度 我做事的方式
[01:25:00] Man I\'ve been broken for a moment
[01:26:00] 天啊 一时间我痛苦不堪
[01:26:00] I\'ve been through it all
[01:28:00] 我经历过辛酸坎坷
[01:28:00] It\'s even harder to be brave at all
[01:31:00] 鼓起勇气变得愈发困难
[01:31:00] I was a girl now I\'m grown
[01:33:00] 我曾是个懵懂的女孩 可现在我已长大
[01:33:00] I\'m a woman
[01:35:00] 我是个成熟的女性
[01:35:00] A very ******* strong woman
[01:39:00] 非常坚强的女性
[01:39:00] When I was seven just twenty-one I was seventeen I was eleven
[01:43:00] 我觉得自己像7岁的孩子 我只有21岁 那时我年满17岁 可我却少不更事
[01:43:00] It took a while to understand to where my consent leads
[01:46:00] 我花了一段时间才明白我的同意造成不可挽回的后果
[01:46:00] If I was ruthless they\'d be in a penitentiary
[01:50:00] 倘若我赶尽杀绝 那他们会沦为阶下囚
[01:50:00] All this stress of being honest wouldn\'t help me
[01:53:00] 坦诚相待的压力对我没有丝毫帮助
[01:53:00] I pushed it down but it was livin\' in me rent free
[01:56:00] 我遏制自己 但这一切在我内心深处肆意滋长
[01:56:00] And then I fell to some things that weren\'t healthy
[01:59:00] 我开始自暴自弃 故意伤害自己
[01:59:00] A place where no one hurt me has to go to help me oh
[02:05:00] 我要去一个没有人伤害我的世界 这样才能拯救我
[02:05:00] Come in like the ice cream man
[02:08:00] 像卖冰淇淋的先生那样靠近我
[02:08:00] Till I felt his ice-cold hands
[02:11:00] 直到我碰到他冰冷的双手
[02:11:00] And how I paid the price not fair
[02:14:00] 我付出沉重的代价 而这并不公平
[02:14:00] God d**n
[02:16:00] 该死
[02:16:00] Everything you did it left me in a ruin
[02:19:00] 你的所做所为让我陷入痛苦的深渊
[02:19:00] And no I didn\'t say a word I guess that proves it
[02:23:00] 我一言不发 我想我的沉默会证明
[02:23:00] I\'m a woman
[02:29:00] 我是个成熟的女性
[02:29:00] \'Cause I\'m a woman
[02:30:00] 因为我是个成熟的女性
[02:30:00] I\'m a very ******* brave strong woman
[02:33:00] 我是一位非常勇敢坚强的女性
[02:33:00] And I\'ll be d**ned if I let men ruin
[02:37:00] 若我让男人身败名裂 我会万劫不复
[02:37:00] How I walk how I talk how I do it
[02:40:00] 我走路的样子 我说话的态度 我做事的方式
[02:40:00] Man I\'ve been broken for a moment
[02:41:00] 天啊 一时间我痛苦不堪
[02:41:00] I\'ve been through it all
[02:43:00] 我经历过辛酸坎坷
[02:43:00] It\'s even harder to be brave at all
[02:46:00] 鼓起勇气变得愈发困难
[02:46:00] I was a girl now I\'m grown
[02:48:00] 我曾是个懵懂的女孩 可现在我已长大
[02:48:00] I\'m a woman
[02:50:00] 我是个成熟的女性
[02:50:00] Very ******* strong woman
[02:54:00] 非常坚强的女性
[02:54:00] I wish I could say how I feel how I felt
[02:57:00] 我希望我能诉说我的真实感受
[02:57:00] And explain why I\'m silently blaming myself
[03:00:00] 解释清楚我为什么默默责怪自己
[03:00:00] And I put on these faces pretending I\'m fine
[03:03:00] 我故作坚强 装出一副若无其事的样子
[03:03:00] And then I go to the bathroom and I press rewind in my head
[03:07:00] 然后我走进浴室 我回想起那段可怕的往事
[03:07:00] Always going round and round in my head
[03:10:00] 总是萦绕在我的脑海里 挥之不去
[03:10:00] Your fingerprints stuck a stain on my skin
[03:14:00] 你的指印好似留在我肌肤上的污点
[03:14:00] You made me frame myself for your sin
[03:16:00] 因为你犯下的罪孽 竟然让我把罪责揽在自己身上
[03:16:00] You pathetic dead excuse of a man
[03:31:00] 你是个可悲 拼命为自己开脱的男人
[03:31:00] Brave strong woman
[03:54:00] 勇敢坚强的女性
[03:54:00] And I\'ll be d**ned if I let men ruin
[04:01:00] 若我让男人身败名裂 我会万劫不复
[04:01:00] I\'m a very ******* brave strong woman
[04:06:00] 我是一位非常勇敢坚强的女性
[04:06:00] 我

Ice Cream Man.(Explicit) - Raye


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Ice Cream Man.(Explicit)的文本歌词:

Ice Cream Man. (Explicit) - RAYE
Composed by:Bloodpop/Mike Sabath/Rachel Keen

So this producer hit me up on the DM
He told me \"Hey I really like what you are doing\"
他告诉我 嘿 我真的很喜欢你创作的音乐
He told me \"Come to the studio let\'s cook it\"
他告诉我 到工作室来吧 让我们一起写歌
He told me \"Come and catch a vibe and make some music\"
他告诉我 汲取灵感 制作音乐
But when I got there shoulda heard what he was saying
但当我跟他见面时 我应该认真聆听他说的话
Trying to touch me trying to **** me I\'m not playing
试图对我动手动脚 我不是闹着玩
I should have left that place as soon as I walked in it
在我走进工作室的那一刻 我本该赶紧离开
How God d**n dare you do that to me really
Come in like the ice cream man
Till I felt his ice-cold hands
And how I paid the price not fair
我付出沉重的代价 而这并不公平
God d**n no god d**n
Everything you did it left me in a ruin
And no I didn\'t say a word I guess that proves it
我一言不发 我想我的沉默会证明
I\'m a woman
Oh yes
\'Cause I\'m a woman
I\'m a very ******* brave strong woman
And I\'ll be d**ned if I let men ruin
若我让男人身败名裂 我会万劫不复
How I walk how I talk how I do it
我走路的样子 我说话的态度 我做事的方式
Man I\'ve been broken for a moment
天啊 一时间我痛苦不堪
I\'ve been through it all
It\'s even harder to be brave at all
I was a girl now I\'m grown
我曾是个懵懂的女孩 可现在我已长大
I\'m a woman
A very ******* strong woman
When I was seven just twenty-one I was seventeen I was eleven
我觉得自己像7岁的孩子 我只有21岁 那时我年满17岁 可我却少不更事
It took a while to understand to where my consent leads
If I was ruthless they\'d be in a penitentiary
倘若我赶尽杀绝 那他们会沦为阶下囚
All this stress of being honest wouldn\'t help me
I pushed it down but it was livin\' in me rent free
我遏制自己 但这一切在我内心深处肆意滋长
And then I fell to some things that weren\'t healthy
我开始自暴自弃 故意伤害自己
A place where no one hurt me has to go to help me oh
我要去一个没有人伤害我的世界 这样才能拯救我
Come in like the ice cream man
Till I felt his ice-cold hands
And how I paid the price not fair
我付出沉重的代价 而这并不公平
God d**n
Everything you did it left me in a ruin
And no I didn\'t say a word I guess that proves it
我一言不发 我想我的沉默会证明
I\'m a woman
\'Cause I\'m a woman
I\'m a very ******* brave strong woman
And I\'ll be d**ned if I let men ruin
若我让男人身败名裂 我会万劫不复
How I walk how I talk how I do it
我走路的样子 我说话的态度 我做事的方式
Man I\'ve been broken for a moment
天啊 一时间我痛苦不堪
I\'ve been through it all
It\'s even harder to be brave at all
I was a girl now I\'m grown
我曾是个懵懂的女孩 可现在我已长大
I\'m a woman
Very ******* strong woman
I wish I could say how I feel how I felt
And explain why I\'m silently blaming myself
And I put on these faces pretending I\'m fine
我故作坚强 装出一副若无其事的样子
And then I go to the bathroom and I press rewind in my head
然后我走进浴室 我回想起那段可怕的往事
Always going round and round in my head
总是萦绕在我的脑海里 挥之不去
Your fingerprints stuck a stain on my skin
You made me frame myself for your sin
因为你犯下的罪孽 竟然让我把罪责揽在自己身上
You pathetic dead excuse of a man
你是个可悲 拼命为自己开脱的男人
Brave strong woman
And I\'ll be d**ned if I let men ruin
若我让男人身败名裂 我会万劫不复
I\'m a very ******* brave strong woman

爱好歌音乐网提供Raye-Ice Cream Man.(Explicit)的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Ice Cream Man.(Explicit)的QQ空间背景音乐外链。
