[00:00:00] Cherry (Explicit) - Lana Del Rey (拉娜·德雷)
[00:00:00] Written by:Lana Del Rey/Tim Larcombe
[00:01:00] Love I said real love is like feeling no fear
[00:15:00] 爱情 我说过真爱无所畏惧
[00:15:00] When you\'re standing in the face of danger
[00:19:00] 即使当你面临危险的时候
[00:19:00] \'Cause you just want it so much
[00:24:00] 因为你只是太过渴望爱情
[00:24:00] A touch from your real love
[00:36:00] 用心感受你的真情实意
[00:36:00] Is like heaven taking the place of something evil
[00:41:00] 仿佛置身天堂之中 一切烦恼都烟消云散
[00:41:00] And lettin\' it burn off from the rush yeah yeah f**k
[00:47:00] 顷刻间 让激情肆意燃烧
[00:47:00] Darlin\' darlin\' darlin\'
[00:51:00] 亲爱的 亲爱的 亲爱的
[00:51:00] I fall to pieces when I\'m with you I fall to pieces
[01:02:00] 当我和你在一起 我几乎快要崩溃 我几乎快要崩溃
[01:02:00] My cherries and wine rosemary and thyme
[01:09:00] 我的樱桃与美酒 幸福安逸的生活
[01:09:00] And all of my peaches are ruined
[01:14:00] 我所有的一切都分崩离析
[01:14:00] Love is it real love
[01:22:00] 爱情 那是真爱吗
[01:22:00] It\'s like smiling when the firing squad\'s against you
[01:27:00] 当死神降临你身边 你也会露出微笑
[01:27:00] And you just stay lined up yeah f**k
[01:34:00] 你只是一切都准备好了
[01:34:00] Darlin\' darlin\' darlin\'
[01:37:00] 亲爱的 亲爱的 亲爱的
[01:37:00] I fall to pieces when I\'m with you I fall to pieces b**ch
[01:49:00] 当我和你在一起 我几乎快要崩溃 我几乎快要崩溃
[01:49:00] My cherries and wine rosemary and thyme
[01:55:00] 我的樱桃与美酒 幸福安逸的生活
[01:55:00] And all of my peaches are ruined b**ch
[02:00:00] 我所有的一切都分崩离析
[02:00:00] My rose garden dreams set on fire by fiends
[02:06:00] 梦想中的玫瑰园逐渐变成噩梦
[02:06:00] And all my black beaches are ruined
[02:12:00] 所有阳光海滩都不复存在
[02:12:00] My celluloid scenes are torn at the seams
[02:18:00] 我过去的一切都随风而逝
[02:18:00] And I fall to pieces b**ch
[02:24:00] 我几乎快要崩溃
[02:24:00] I fall to pieces when I\'m with you
[02:31:00] 当我和你在一起 我几乎快要崩溃
[02:31:00] Why
[02:32:00] 为什么
[02:32:00] \'Cause I love you so much I fall to pieces
[02:40:00] 因为我深爱着你 我几乎快要崩溃
[02:40:00] My cherries and wine rosemary and thyme
[02:46:00] 我的樱桃与美酒 幸福安逸的生活
[02:46:00] And all of my peaches are ruined b**ch
[02:53:00] 我所有的一切都分崩离析
[02:53:00] Are ruined b**ch are ruined f**k
[02:58:00] 分崩离析 分崩离析

Cherry(Explicit) - Lana Del Rey


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Cherry (Explicit) - Lana Del Rey (拉娜·德雷)

Written by:Lana Del Rey/Tim Larcombe

Love I said real love is like feeling no fear
爱情 我说过真爱无所畏惧
When you\'re standing in the face of danger
\'Cause you just want it so much
A touch from your real love
Is like heaven taking the place of something evil
仿佛置身天堂之中 一切烦恼都烟消云散
And lettin\' it burn off from the rush yeah yeah f**k
顷刻间 让激情肆意燃烧
Darlin\' darlin\' darlin\'
亲爱的 亲爱的 亲爱的
I fall to pieces when I\'m with you I fall to pieces
当我和你在一起 我几乎快要崩溃 我几乎快要崩溃
My cherries and wine rosemary and thyme
我的樱桃与美酒 幸福安逸的生活
And all of my peaches are ruined
Love is it real love
爱情 那是真爱吗
It\'s like smiling when the firing squad\'s against you
当死神降临你身边 你也会露出微笑
And you just stay lined up yeah f**k
Darlin\' darlin\' darlin\'
亲爱的 亲爱的 亲爱的
I fall to pieces when I\'m with you I fall to pieces b**ch
当我和你在一起 我几乎快要崩溃 我几乎快要崩溃
My cherries and wine rosemary and thyme
我的樱桃与美酒 幸福安逸的生活
And all of my peaches are ruined b**ch
My rose garden dreams set on fire by fiends
And all my black beaches are ruined
My celluloid scenes are torn at the seams
And I fall to pieces b**ch
I fall to pieces when I\'m with you
当我和你在一起 我几乎快要崩溃
\'Cause I love you so much I fall to pieces
因为我深爱着你 我几乎快要崩溃
My cherries and wine rosemary and thyme
我的樱桃与美酒 幸福安逸的生活
And all of my peaches are ruined b**ch
Are ruined b**ch are ruined f**k
分崩离析 分崩离析

爱好歌音乐网提供Lana Del Rey-Cherry(Explicit)的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Cherry(Explicit)的QQ空间背景音乐外链。
