[00:00:00] On The Radar Freestyle - Drake/Central Cee
[00:00:00] QQ音乐享有本翻译作品的著作权
[00:00:00] Lyrics by:A. Graham/O. Caesar-Su/H. Arsenault/K. Barua/D. Degrate
[00:02:00] Produced by:Harley Arsenault/Kid Masterpiece
[00:03:00] Yeah
[00:05:00] On The Radar 2023
[00:09:00] 2023年 登上On The Radar电台
[00:09:00] 6 G-O-D and my broski 2C
[00:13:00] 多伦多之神和我的兄弟Central Cee
[00:13:00] You know what it is
[00:17:00] 你知道原因
[00:17:00] It\'s a madness and badness combination
[00:23:00] 疯子与恶人强强联手
[00:23:00] Yeah
[00:26:00] Ayy grr
[00:29:00] On Morningside got no stick in the ride
[00:32:00] 在Morningside街区 车里没有放任何武器
[00:32:00] If I take flicks with the guys
[00:33:00] 如果我和我的朋友一起拍摄影片
[00:33:00] I gotta put emojis over like three faces
[00:35:00] 我要用表情符号遮住三张脸
[00:35:00] \'Cause the feds can\'t see those eyes
[00:36:00] 因为警察无法看清这些眼睛
[00:36:00] People I shouldn\'t be beside
[00:38:00] 这些人我不该接近
[00:38:00] When I was an actor
[00:38:00] 当我是个演员的时候
[00:38:00] They would go Stratford just to sell food on Bieber\'s side
[00:41:00] 他们会去斯特拉特福德 只为在Justin Bieber的家乡卖货
[00:41:00] Plenty reasons why I\'m this way
[00:42:00] 有很多原因让我变成这副模样
[00:42:00] My girl that\'s just one reason why
[00:44:00] 我身边的女孩 只是原因之一
[00:44:00] Seen you around at Sotto enough man baby
[00:46:00] 在Sotto餐厅附近见到你 你历经风霜 宝贝
[00:46:00] You love on some eediat guys
[00:48:00] 然而你喜欢那些愚蠢的家伙
[00:48:00] Obedient guys jokers and comedian guys
[00:50:00] 温顺听话的男孩 小丑还有滑稽幽默的家伙
[00:50:00] You know I\'m like 6\'2\" in the right shoe love
[00:52:00] 你知道我穿上合适的鞋子 身高就有6英尺2英寸 亲爱的
[00:52:00] But you love on some medium guys
[00:54:00] 但你喜欢中等个头的男孩
[00:54:00] I wanna keep you on the beach \'til 6 A.M.
[00:56:00] 我想和你一起待在海滩上 直到清晨六点
[00:56:00] So you see sunrise
[00:57:00] 这样那你就能看到绚烂的日出
[00:57:00] Seen you from the stage in the one hundreds seats
[00:59:00] 我从舞台上看到坐在最远处的你
[00:59:00] Must be eagle eyes
[01:00:00] 我的目光如鹰一般锐利
[01:00:00] Pressin\' against me thinkin\' \'bout entry
[01:01:00] 紧贴着我的身体 浮想联翩
[01:01:00] Know you could tell it\'s a decent size
[01:04:00] 要知道你可以看出来这一切完美契合
[01:04:00] You wanna know the real me girl
[01:05:00] 你想了解真实的我 女孩
[01:05:00] Say you wanna see deep inside
[01:06:00] 你说你想探索我的内心深处
[01:06:00] If Chubbs has on a Chanel side bag
[01:08:00] 如果Chubbs背着香奈儿的挎包
[01:08:00] You don\'t wanna see him reach inside
[01:10:00] 你肯定不想看到他把手伸进包里
[01:10:00] \'Cah we know some demon guys with jealous and evil eyes
[01:13:00] 因为我们知道一些恶毒的家伙心生嫉妒又目露凶光
[01:13:00] You know that\'s how Jesus died
[01:14:00] 你知道**因此丧命
[01:14:00] You know that\'s how Julius Caesar died
[01:16:00] 你知道Julius Caesar也因此丧命
[01:16:00] I bet they were decent guys
[01:17:00] 我敢打赌他们是正直的人
[01:17:00] I swear they remind me of me sometimes
[01:19:00] 我发誓有时候他们会让我想起自己
[01:19:00] I\'m tryna be under your breasts like peas and rice
[01:21:00] 我想依偎在你的胸口 就像豌豆配米饭一样
[01:21:00] You never get treated nice
[01:22:00] 你从来没有被好好对待过
[01:22:00] Fool you once that\'s fine
[01:23:00] 欺骗你一次 没有关系
[01:23:00] But you look dumb if you let them repeat it twice
[01:25:00] 但如果你让她们欺骗你两次 那你就愚蠢至极
[01:25:00] Two hundred mill\' on the table
[01:27:00] 桌子上摆着两个亿
[01:27:00] I hope I\'m able to get this agreement signed
[01:29:00] 我希望我可以签署这份协议
[01:29:00] Told you I needed time
[01:30:00] 我告诉过你 我需要时间
[01:30:00] But really the truth is I don\'t believe in time
[01:32:00] 但真相却是我并不相信时间
[01:32:00] Feel like I been here over a thousand years
[01:34:00] 我觉得我已在这里待了上千年时间
[01:34:00] Like since the medieval times
[01:36:00] 仿佛从中世纪开始算起
[01:36:00] And I\'m still just a cutthroat king even though this is recent times
[01:38:00] 我依然是心狠手辣的国王 尽管已进入近现代
[01:38:00] A man might dead that we\'re beefing with
[01:40:00] 跟我们针锋相对的家伙 可能会难逃一死
[01:40:00] But we don\'t do grieving time
[01:42:00] 但我们不会感到一丝悲伤
[01:42:00] **** teasing time
[01:43:00] 去他的撩拨心弦的时间
[01:43:00] If I cum inside you it\'s breeding time
[01:45:00] 如果我和你激情缠绵 那就是繁衍生息的时刻
[01:45:00] So much for idols KMT with the eye roll
[01:48:00] 偶像也不过如此 一边发出轻蔑的声音 一边翻白眼
[01:48:00] Knew that I made it when I had drivers
[01:49:00] 要知道我已功成名就 因为我让司机
[01:49:00] Holding my last name up in arrivals
[01:51:00] 举着我的姓名牌在进站处等候
[01:51:00] Cench might need vaccine
[01:52:00] Cench也许需要疫苗
[01:52:00] When he see how this vid\' start going viral
[01:55:00] 因为他知道他这段视频开始火爆全球
[01:55:00] If Lita\'s there
[01:55:00] 如果Lita在这里
[01:55:00] Then the mash is there with grains in there like silos
[01:58:00] 那么手枪里会装满子弹 就像粮仓一样
[01:58:00] The morning rain clouds up my window
[01:59:00] 清晨的雨遮住了我的窗
[01:59:00] I swear I feel like Dido
[02:01:00] 我发誓我感觉像Dido一样
[02:01:00] J-A-U-M
[02:02:00] How it looks when man put you in a jam like typos
[02:04:00] 有人让你陷入困境的时候 看起来就像印刷错误一样
[02:04:00] Negotiation ask her for twenty percent of the company
[02:06:00] 进行谈判 向她索要公司的百分之二十股份
[02:06:00] That\'s my final
[02:07:00] 这是我最后的报价
[02:07:00] Realistic the **** might N15 like I\'m going through Tottenham High Road
[02:10:00] 我讲求实际 就像是伦敦北部 而我正穿梭于托特纳姆大道
[02:10:00] If it\'s beef I\'ll get that shaved for bread
[02:12:00] 如果产生冲突 我会用金钱摆平一切
[02:12:00] And grease like I\'m making giros or I\'m making gyros
[02:15:00] 反正我实力雄厚 赚到盆满钵满
[02:15:00] So much for all these heroes
[02:17:00] 这些英雄也不过如此
[02:17:00] The numbers are good with me as long as it\'s comma
[02:19:00] 无论什么数字我都欣然接受 只要逗号后面
[02:19:00] Then zero zero zero zero zero zero zero
[02:22:00] 跟着一长串数字零就好
[02:22:00] Pass me a glass of the vino
[02:23:00] 递给我一杯葡萄酒
[02:23:00] If a girl try take my Rolex to buy some Valentino
[02:26:00] 如果有妹子试图拿走我的劳力士手表去买华伦天奴
[02:26:00] I tell Baby M what she did to the kid
[02:28:00] 我会告诉孩子妈妈 她对孩子的所做所为
[02:28:00] Then I line her like emo
[02:30:00] 然后我让她落入圈套 就像郁闷的人一样
[02:30:00] She didn\'t rock my clothing line
[02:31:00] 当我只有一件衬衫搭配牛仔裤的时候
[02:31:00] When we had one shirt to go with the jeans though
[02:33:00] 她不会穿我推出的衣服
[02:33:00] Now man like me and Clint can afford those whips like Gran Torino
[02:37:00] 现在像我和Clint这样的人可以买得起豪车 就像《Gran Torino》里那样
[02:37:00] Grr
[02:38:00] Crocodile tears she ain\'t even crying
[02:40:00] 她甚至不会流下假装同情的泪水
[02:40:00] Why you swearing to God
[02:41:00] 你为什么要对着上帝发誓
[02:41:00] You don\'t even believe in Christ
[02:42:00] 你根本就没有宗教信仰
[02:42:00] What you sayin\' wallahi for
[02:44:00] 你为什么要对着真主发誓
[02:44:00] You ain\'t been on your din
[02:45:00] 你没有遵守戒律
[02:45:00] You\'ve been eating swine nah
[02:46:00] 你一直大鱼大肉
[02:46:00] I ain\'t the man of your dreams
[02:47:00] 我不是你的梦中情人
[02:47:00] Now you wish that you stayed with your previous guy
[02:49:00] 现在你希望你和你的前任重修旧好
[02:49:00] It used to be 3.5s
[02:50:00] 以前我靠卖货赚钱
[02:50:00] Now I can sell out the O2 arena twice
[02:52:00] 现在我连续两次把体育场的演出门票销售一空
[02:52:00] Don\'t ask what the fee looks like
[02:54:00] 不要询问费用究竟是多少
[02:54:00] Don\'t believe all the media hype
[02:55:00] 不要相信所有的媒体炒作手段
[02:55:00] Like eighty percent of these people lyin\'
[02:57:00] 因为百分之八十的人都在说谎
[02:57:00] Who can I ask when I need advice
[02:58:00] 当我需要建议的时候 我还可以问谁
[02:58:00] I gotta work hard it\'s me who provides
[03:00:00] 我要努力工作 因为我自力更生
[03:00:00] Email YBeeez for the feature look
[03:01:00] 给YBeeez发邮件 询问合作事宜 听着
[03:01:00] What goes up must come down
[03:03:00] 常言道 人无千日好 花无百日红
[03:03:00] So when you\'re in the air prepare for the landin\'
[03:05:00] 所以当你在空中的时候 就要提前为着陆做好准备
[03:05:00] I did everything that I could for my hood
[03:06:00] 我可以为我的街区赴汤蹈火
[03:06:00] So how do they say I don\'t care for the mandem
[03:08:00] 所以他们怎么能说我不关心兄弟呢
[03:08:00] Crib so big I might get out of breath
[03:09:00] 房子宽敞无比 如果我在豪宅的楼梯上走太快
[03:09:00] If I walk too quick up the stairs in the mansion
[03:11:00] 我可能会喘不过气来
[03:11:00] They weren\'t there for the action
[03:13:00] 他们没有见过世面
[03:13:00] Tryna round up three hundred Spartans
[03:14:00] 试着召集三百名斯巴达勇士
[03:14:00] We going to war but we ain\'t in Athens
[03:16:00] 我们要冲锋陷阵 然而我们不是在雅典
[03:16:00] Everything won\'t go to plan that\'s not how it goes
[03:18:00] 世事无常 瞬息万变 一切总是事与愿违
[03:18:00] I\'m afraid **** happens
[03:19:00] 我害怕发生变故
[03:19:00] Rap boy on a footballer\'s wage
[03:21:00] 玩说唱的小子赚到的钱可以媲美足球运动员的工资
[03:21:00] I\'m on the same pay as the players at Dallas
[03:22:00] 我像达拉斯球队的球员一样拿到同样多的报酬
[03:22:00] What\'s making the haters jealous
[03:24:00] 究竟是什么让这些黑子们心生嫉妒
[03:24:00] I\'m thinking the AP\'s eighteen karats
[03:25:00] 我想是镶在爱彼手表上重达十八克拉的钻石
[03:25:00] They call me my government name in Harrods
[03:27:00] 在哈洛德百货公司 人们喊我出生证明上的名字
[03:27:00] Uh
[03:28:00] This one ratchet don\'t even know who her baby dad is
[03:30:00] 这个妹子放荡不羁 根本不知道她孩子的爸爸是谁
[03:30:00] Nah
[03:31:00] If I cum inside
[03:32:00] 如果我放飞自我
[03:32:00] Then I won\'t leave \'til I see her take the tablet
[03:33:00] 在我看到她吞下药片之前 我不会离开
[03:33:00] Nah
[03:34:00] He mention my name
[03:35:00] 他把我的名字挂在嘴边
[03:35:00] \'Cause he wanted some fame and he ain\'t established
[03:37:00] 因为他想名声大噪 其实他一事无成
[03:37:00] Huh
[03:37:00] Alright you know the verse gon\' hit when you hear that adlib
[03:40:00] 当你听到这即兴编凑的词 你就知道这段歌词会风靡一时
[03:40:00] Come a long way I was sellin\' them opium on my lonely
[03:42:00] 我已取得很大的成就 以前我独自卖着**
[03:42:00] But I\'m not Ken Carson
[03:44:00] 但我不是Ken Carson
[03:44:00] I\'m a hood red hot red dot on my head
[03:45:00] 我生活在水深火热的街区里 红点瞄准我的脑袋
[03:45:00] In my hood I\'m a target
[03:47:00] 在我的街区里 我就是攻击目标
[03:47:00] So driver stay in the whip while I jump out quick
[03:49:00] 所以司机待在车里 而我迅速从车上跳出来
[03:49:00] Don\'t park it
[03:50:00] 不要停车
[03:50:00] I can lean out the window and horn it
[03:51:00] 我可以从把身体探出窗外 按喇叭炫耀自己
[03:51:00] I\'m on the same pay as the players at Charlotte
[03:53:00] 我和夏洛特球队里的球员一样拿到同样多的收入
[03:53:00] Big fish in this thing
[03:54:00] 大人物闪亮登场
[03:54:00] No armbands like a back stroke how I swim in that shark tank
[03:56:00] 即使没有像仰泳运动员一样佩戴臂圈 我也可以在鲨鱼池中遨游
[03:56:00] Drop me in the jungle tree-to-tree
[03:58:00] 把我扔进丛林里 穿梭于大树之间
[03:58:00] Start swingin\' like Tarzan
[03:59:00] 开始像泰山一样荡臂跳跃
[03:59:00] Twenty-four inch on the rims on the Benz
[04:01:00] 奔驰车上装着二十四英寸的轮毂
[04:01:00] I\'m doing donuts and skidding on tarmac
[04:02:00] 我开着车子 在柏油路上玩着绕圈炫技和漂移
[04:02:00] Huh
[04:03:00] Sick of these high-rise buildings
[04:04:00] 我厌倦了这些高楼大厦
[04:04:00] Flip the script now I\'m living on farmland
[04:05:00] 改变计划 现在我住在农场里
[04:05:00] Huh
[04:08:00] Hmm grr
[04:15:00] Alright
[04:18:00] 好吧
[04:18:00] Alright
[04:19:00] 好吧
[04:19:00] Hahaha

On The Radar Freestyle - Drake&Central Cee


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On The Radar Freestyle的文本歌词:

On The Radar Freestyle - Drake/Central Cee
Lyrics by:A. Graham/O. Caesar-Su/H. Arsenault/K. Barua/D. Degrate

Produced by:Harley Arsenault/Kid Masterpiece


On The Radar 2023
2023年 登上On The Radar电台
6 G-O-D and my broski 2C
多伦多之神和我的兄弟Central Cee
You know what it is
It\'s a madness and badness combination

Ayy grr

On Morningside got no stick in the ride
在Morningside街区 车里没有放任何武器
If I take flicks with the guys
I gotta put emojis over like three faces
\'Cause the feds can\'t see those eyes
People I shouldn\'t be beside
When I was an actor
They would go Stratford just to sell food on Bieber\'s side
他们会去斯特拉特福德 只为在Justin Bieber的家乡卖货
Plenty reasons why I\'m this way
My girl that\'s just one reason why
我身边的女孩 只是原因之一
Seen you around at Sotto enough man baby
在Sotto餐厅附近见到你 你历经风霜 宝贝
You love on some eediat guys
Obedient guys jokers and comedian guys
温顺听话的男孩 小丑还有滑稽幽默的家伙
You know I\'m like 6\'2\" in the right shoe love
你知道我穿上合适的鞋子 身高就有6英尺2英寸 亲爱的
But you love on some medium guys
I wanna keep you on the beach \'til 6 A.M.
我想和你一起待在海滩上 直到清晨六点
So you see sunrise
Seen you from the stage in the one hundreds seats
Must be eagle eyes
Pressin\' against me thinkin\' \'bout entry
紧贴着我的身体 浮想联翩
Know you could tell it\'s a decent size
You wanna know the real me girl
你想了解真实的我 女孩
Say you wanna see deep inside
If Chubbs has on a Chanel side bag
You don\'t wanna see him reach inside
\'Cah we know some demon guys with jealous and evil eyes
You know that\'s how Jesus died
You know that\'s how Julius Caesar died
你知道Julius Caesar也因此丧命
I bet they were decent guys
I swear they remind me of me sometimes
I\'m tryna be under your breasts like peas and rice
我想依偎在你的胸口 就像豌豆配米饭一样
You never get treated nice
Fool you once that\'s fine
欺骗你一次 没有关系
But you look dumb if you let them repeat it twice
但如果你让她们欺骗你两次 那你就愚蠢至极
Two hundred mill\' on the table
I hope I\'m able to get this agreement signed
Told you I needed time
我告诉过你 我需要时间
But really the truth is I don\'t believe in time
Feel like I been here over a thousand years
Like since the medieval times
And I\'m still just a cutthroat king even though this is recent times
我依然是心狠手辣的国王 尽管已进入近现代
A man might dead that we\'re beefing with
跟我们针锋相对的家伙 可能会难逃一死
But we don\'t do grieving time
**** teasing time
If I cum inside you it\'s breeding time
如果我和你激情缠绵 那就是繁衍生息的时刻
So much for idols KMT with the eye roll
偶像也不过如此 一边发出轻蔑的声音 一边翻白眼
Knew that I made it when I had drivers
要知道我已功成名就 因为我让司机
Holding my last name up in arrivals
Cench might need vaccine
When he see how this vid\' start going viral
If Lita\'s there
Then the mash is there with grains in there like silos
那么手枪里会装满子弹 就像粮仓一样
The morning rain clouds up my window
I swear I feel like Dido

How it looks when man put you in a jam like typos
有人让你陷入困境的时候 看起来就像印刷错误一样
Negotiation ask her for twenty percent of the company
进行谈判 向她索要公司的百分之二十股份
That\'s my final
Realistic the **** might N15 like I\'m going through Tottenham High Road
我讲求实际 就像是伦敦北部 而我正穿梭于托特纳姆大道
If it\'s beef I\'ll get that shaved for bread
如果产生冲突 我会用金钱摆平一切
And grease like I\'m making giros or I\'m making gyros
反正我实力雄厚 赚到盆满钵满
So much for all these heroes
The numbers are good with me as long as it\'s comma
无论什么数字我都欣然接受 只要逗号后面
Then zero zero zero zero zero zero zero
Pass me a glass of the vino
If a girl try take my Rolex to buy some Valentino
I tell Baby M what she did to the kid
我会告诉孩子妈妈 她对孩子的所做所为
Then I line her like emo
然后我让她落入圈套 就像郁闷的人一样
She didn\'t rock my clothing line
When we had one shirt to go with the jeans though
Now man like me and Clint can afford those whips like Gran Torino
现在像我和Clint这样的人可以买得起豪车 就像《Gran Torino》里那样

Crocodile tears she ain\'t even crying
Why you swearing to God
You don\'t even believe in Christ
What you sayin\' wallahi for
You ain\'t been on your din
You\'ve been eating swine nah
I ain\'t the man of your dreams
Now you wish that you stayed with your previous guy
It used to be 3.5s
Now I can sell out the O2 arena twice
Don\'t ask what the fee looks like
Don\'t believe all the media hype
Like eighty percent of these people lyin\'
Who can I ask when I need advice
当我需要建议的时候 我还可以问谁
I gotta work hard it\'s me who provides
我要努力工作 因为我自力更生
Email YBeeez for the feature look
给YBeeez发邮件 询问合作事宜 听着
What goes up must come down
常言道 人无千日好 花无百日红
So when you\'re in the air prepare for the landin\'
所以当你在空中的时候 就要提前为着陆做好准备
I did everything that I could for my hood
So how do they say I don\'t care for the mandem
Crib so big I might get out of breath
房子宽敞无比 如果我在豪宅的楼梯上走太快
If I walk too quick up the stairs in the mansion
They weren\'t there for the action
Tryna round up three hundred Spartans
We going to war but we ain\'t in Athens
我们要冲锋陷阵 然而我们不是在雅典
Everything won\'t go to plan that\'s not how it goes
世事无常 瞬息万变 一切总是事与愿违
I\'m afraid **** happens
Rap boy on a footballer\'s wage
I\'m on the same pay as the players at Dallas
What\'s making the haters jealous
I\'m thinking the AP\'s eighteen karats
They call me my government name in Harrods
在哈洛德百货公司 人们喊我出生证明上的名字

This one ratchet don\'t even know who her baby dad is
这个妹子放荡不羁 根本不知道她孩子的爸爸是谁

If I cum inside
Then I won\'t leave \'til I see her take the tablet
在我看到她吞下药片之前 我不会离开

He mention my name
\'Cause he wanted some fame and he ain\'t established
因为他想名声大噪 其实他一事无成

Alright you know the verse gon\' hit when you hear that adlib
当你听到这即兴编凑的词 你就知道这段歌词会风靡一时
Come a long way I was sellin\' them opium on my lonely
我已取得很大的成就 以前我独自卖着**
But I\'m not Ken Carson
但我不是Ken Carson
I\'m a hood red hot red dot on my head
我生活在水深火热的街区里 红点瞄准我的脑袋
In my hood I\'m a target
在我的街区里 我就是攻击目标
So driver stay in the whip while I jump out quick
所以司机待在车里 而我迅速从车上跳出来
Don\'t park it
I can lean out the window and horn it
我可以从把身体探出窗外 按喇叭炫耀自己
I\'m on the same pay as the players at Charlotte
Big fish in this thing
No armbands like a back stroke how I swim in that shark tank
即使没有像仰泳运动员一样佩戴臂圈 我也可以在鲨鱼池中遨游
Drop me in the jungle tree-to-tree
把我扔进丛林里 穿梭于大树之间
Start swingin\' like Tarzan
Twenty-four inch on the rims on the Benz
I\'m doing donuts and skidding on tarmac
我开着车子 在柏油路上玩着绕圈炫技和漂移

Sick of these high-rise buildings
Flip the script now I\'m living on farmland
改变计划 现在我住在农场里

Hmm grr


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