[00:00:00] Hard Out Here. (Explicit) - RAYE/Brandon Colbein/Justin Tranter/Mike Sabath/Rachel Keen
[00:00:00] QQ音乐享有本翻译作品的著作权
[00:00:00] Composed by:Brandon Colbein/Justin Tranter/Mike Sabath/Rachel Keen
[00:00:00] After years and fears and smiling through my tears
[00:03:00] 在经历过数年与恐惧为伴 欢笑中夹杂着泪水之后
[00:03:00] All I ask of you is open your ears
[00:06:00] 我只求你能洗耳恭听
[00:06:00] \'Cause the truth ain\'t pretty my dear
[00:09:00] 因为真相并不美好 亲爱的
[00:09:00] It\'s been dark been hard out-
[00:11:00] 一切黑暗无比 充满艰辛
[00:11:00] Uh
[00:12:00] On my way figured a way figured a way out
[00:14:00] 我坚持自我 找到一条出路
[00:14:00] My pen is a gun pen is a gun I\'m finna spray now
[00:17:00] 我手中的笔就是武器 我要倾泻火力
[00:17:00] He said I was out said I was done look at his face now
[00:20:00] 他说我前途渺茫 现在看着他被狠狠打脸
[00:20:00] Hm hm ah uh ah uh
[00:23:00] Tell them boys feeling them boys meet at the stake house
[00:25:00] 周围的人总是议论纷纷 看看我是否值得投资
[00:25:00] I been a mess so I\'m in a dress and I got my cakes out
[00:28:00] 我的处境一团糟 所以我穿上礼裙 展现婀娜的身材
[00:28:00] Sleeping on her sleeping on me I\'m in your face now
[00:31:00] 对她视而不见 对我不理不睬 但现在我就站在你面前
[00:31:00] Hm no no no no no
[00:34:00] What you know about hustling
[00:36:00] 你们对奋力拼搏了解多少
[00:36:00] As a young girl
[00:37:00] 作为一名年轻女孩
[00:37:00] Young girl
[00:37:00] 年轻女孩
[00:37:00] In the dungeons
[00:38:00] 仿佛被禁锢在地牢之中
[00:38:00] Dungeons
[00:39:00] 地牢
[00:39:00] What you know about making amends
[00:41:00] 你们对弥补过错了解多少
[00:41:00] With the devils in your face you must pretend
[00:43:00] 面对着恶魔 你必须佯装无事
[00:43:00] Uh ah
[00:45:00] CR0 I\'m from the ends but I\'m a actor
[00:47:00] 我出生于混乱的街区 但我是个好演员
[00:47:00] Smile in your face all of the pricks all of the wankers
[00:50:00] 面对着那些嘴角洋溢着虚伪笑容的卑鄙小人
[00:50:00] I had to chill smoke it away manage my anger
[00:54:00] 我必须冷静下来 放下一切顾虑 控制我的脾气
[00:54:00] Ooh what you know about systems
[00:57:00] 你对整个社会体系了解多少
[00:57:00] About drugged drinks ******* nearly dying from addictions
[01:01:00] 喝下掺着麻醉药的饮料 差点因为沉迷药物而失去性命
[01:01:00] You start to wonder why I\'m Christian
[01:03:00] 你开始好奇我为什么是基督徒
[01:03:00] Without the Lord I\'d take my life for all the times I\'ve been a victim
[01:06:00] 没上帝的眷顾 我会了结自己 因为我一直都是受害者
[01:06:00] Oh no weapon formed against me shall ever prosper
[01:09:00] 我所向披靡 没有什么能伤害到我
[01:09:00] Baby I bounce baby I bounce baby I bounce back
[01:12:00] 亲爱的 我找回自信 重振旗鼓
[01:12:00] Baby I bounce back
[01:13:00] 亲爱的 我重振旗鼓
[01:13:00] Bounce bounce bounce back
[01:15:00] 重新振作起来
[01:15:00] Baby I bounce baby I bounce baby I bounce back
[01:17:00] 亲爱的 我找回自信 重振旗鼓
[01:17:00] Hm no weapon formed against me shall ever prosper
[01:20:00] 我所向披靡 没有什么能伤害到我
[01:20:00] Baby I bounce baby I bounce baby I bounce back
[01:23:00] 亲爱的 我找回自信 重振旗鼓
[01:23:00] Baby I bounce back
[01:24:00] 亲爱的 我重振旗鼓
[01:24:00] Bounce bounce bounce back
[01:25:00] 重新振作起来
[01:25:00] Baby I bounce baby I bounce baby I bounce back
[01:28:00] 亲爱的 我找回自信 重振旗鼓
[01:28:00] No weapon formed against me shall ever
[01:30:00] 我所向披靡 没有什么能伤害到我
[01:30:00] All the white men CEOs **** your privilege
[01:33:00] 所有手握重权的白人总裁 对你的特权不屑一顾
[01:33:00] Get your pink chubby hands of my mouth **** you think this is
[01:36:00] 把你粉色的胖手抚摸着我的嘴巴 你究竟以为这是什么
[01:36:00] I told my lawyer stand by
[01:38:00] 我让律师随时待命
[01:38:00] War
[01:38:00] 准备开战
[01:38:00] There is no wrath like a woman scorned
[01:40:00] 没有什么比遭到女性的嘲讽更令人愤怒了
[01:40:00] Uh now I bet you wish
[01:42:00] 现在我笃定你追悔莫及
[01:42:00] Baby I bounce baby I bounce baby I bounce back
[01:44:00] 亲爱的 我找回自信 重振旗鼓
[01:44:00] Devil\'s a liar I am the guy call me the Conrad
[01:47:00] 恶魔就是谎话连篇的骗子 我就是那个人 把我叫做Conrad
[01:47:00] I been too nice triple the price pay me the whole bag
[01:50:00] 我一直都心地善良 起码要让价格翻三倍 把所有钱收入囊中
[01:50:00] These ************* cheatin\' on me am I a wag
[01:52:00] 这些家伙故意欺骗我 难道我只能任人摆布吗
[01:52:00] Never again
[01:53:00] 再也不会重蹈覆辙
[01:53:00] Top of the day top of the day top of the day to you
[01:55:00] 祝你度过一个美好的早晨
[01:55:00] This LP\'s full of the **** I\'m gonna say to you ooh
[01:58:00] 这张专辑里都是我想对你说的话
[01:58:00] See how I flow when I\'m in pain I\'m gonna pray for you
[02:01:00] 看我如何用歌声讲述我承受的痛苦 我会为你祈祷
[02:01:00] Then I\'ma aim for you and it\'s a shame for you shame for you
[02:04:00] 我将你当成攻击的目标 而你最终会颜面扫地
[02:04:00] Oh yeah
[02:04:00] What you know about violence
[02:06:00] 你对暴力了解多少
[02:06:00] I\'m on smoke now
[02:07:00] 现在我怒火中烧
[02:07:00] Babe I think it\'s time to cut the violins
[02:09:00] 宝贝 我觉得现在是割断小提琴琴弦的时候了
[02:09:00] Can\'t see you I\'m looking at the inside of my eyelids
[02:11:00] 我根本就看不到你 如今我眼中只有我自己
[02:11:00] I\'ll never stop fighting all in God\'s timing
[02:15:00] 我永远不会停止战斗 一切自有上帝安排
[02:15:00] Timing
[02:17:00] 时间会证明一切
[02:17:00] And I\'m about to have these grown men crying
[02:20:00] 我准备让这些成熟的男人痛哭流涕
[02:20:00] Cry-hm-ing
[02:22:00] 痛哭流涕
[02:22:00] You wasn\'t trying you was sitting on diamonds
[02:26:00] 你不思进取 你只在乎名利财富
[02:26:00] Hm
[02:28:00] You gon\' have to see me now I\'m shining hyped up blinding
[02:32:00] 现在你必须好好看看我 我熠熠生辉 炙手可热 无与伦比
[02:32:00] Very ******* frightening all these lies now I see it so clear
[02:36:00] 令人心惊胆战 如今我将这些谎言看得一清二楚
[02:36:00] See for girls like me from the bottom of the tier
[02:39:00] 看着像我这样来自底层社会的女孩
[02:39:00] Believe that it\'s always been hard out here
[02:48:00] 我相信努力生存下去总是分外艰难
[02:48:00] Baby I bounce baby I bounce baby I bounce back
[02:51:00] 亲爱的 我找回自信 重振旗鼓
[02:51:00] Baby I bounce back
[02:52:00] 亲爱的 我重振旗鼓
[02:52:00] Bounce bounce bounce back
[02:54:00] 重新振作起来
[02:54:00] Baby I bounce baby I bounce baby I bounce back
[02:56:00] 亲爱的 我找回自信 重振旗鼓
[02:56:00] Hm
[02:57:00] No weapon formed against me shall ever prosper
[02:59:00] 我所向披靡 没有什么能伤害到我
[02:59:00] Baby I bounce baby I bounce baby I bounce back
[03:02:00] 亲爱的 我找回自信 重振旗鼓
[03:02:00] Baby I bounce back
[03:03:00] 亲爱的 我重振旗鼓
[03:03:00] Bounce bounce bounce back
[03:04:00] 重新振作起来
[03:04:00] Baby I bounce baby I bounce baby I bounce back
[03:07:00] 亲爱的 我找回自信 重振旗鼓
[03:07:00] No weapon formed against me shall ever prosper
[03:12:00] 我所向披靡 没有什么能伤害到我

Hard Out Here.(Explicit) - Raye


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Hard Out Here.(Explicit)的文本歌词:

Hard Out Here. (Explicit) - RAYE/Brandon Colbein/Justin Tranter/Mike Sabath/Rachel Keen
Composed by:Brandon Colbein/Justin Tranter/Mike Sabath/Rachel Keen

After years and fears and smiling through my tears
在经历过数年与恐惧为伴 欢笑中夹杂着泪水之后
All I ask of you is open your ears
\'Cause the truth ain\'t pretty my dear
因为真相并不美好 亲爱的
It\'s been dark been hard out-
一切黑暗无比 充满艰辛

On my way figured a way figured a way out
我坚持自我 找到一条出路
My pen is a gun pen is a gun I\'m finna spray now
我手中的笔就是武器 我要倾泻火力
He said I was out said I was done look at his face now
他说我前途渺茫 现在看着他被狠狠打脸
Hm hm ah uh ah uh

Tell them boys feeling them boys meet at the stake house
周围的人总是议论纷纷 看看我是否值得投资
I been a mess so I\'m in a dress and I got my cakes out
我的处境一团糟 所以我穿上礼裙 展现婀娜的身材
Sleeping on her sleeping on me I\'m in your face now
对她视而不见 对我不理不睬 但现在我就站在你面前
Hm no no no no no

What you know about hustling
As a young girl
Young girl
In the dungeons
What you know about making amends
With the devils in your face you must pretend
面对着恶魔 你必须佯装无事
Uh ah

CR0 I\'m from the ends but I\'m a actor
我出生于混乱的街区 但我是个好演员
Smile in your face all of the pricks all of the wankers
I had to chill smoke it away manage my anger
我必须冷静下来 放下一切顾虑 控制我的脾气
Ooh what you know about systems
About drugged drinks ******* nearly dying from addictions
喝下掺着麻醉药的饮料 差点因为沉迷药物而失去性命
You start to wonder why I\'m Christian
Without the Lord I\'d take my life for all the times I\'ve been a victim
没上帝的眷顾 我会了结自己 因为我一直都是受害者
Oh no weapon formed against me shall ever prosper
我所向披靡 没有什么能伤害到我
Baby I bounce baby I bounce baby I bounce back
亲爱的 我找回自信 重振旗鼓
Baby I bounce back
亲爱的 我重振旗鼓
Bounce bounce bounce back
Baby I bounce baby I bounce baby I bounce back
亲爱的 我找回自信 重振旗鼓
Hm no weapon formed against me shall ever prosper
我所向披靡 没有什么能伤害到我
Baby I bounce baby I bounce baby I bounce back
亲爱的 我找回自信 重振旗鼓
Baby I bounce back
亲爱的 我重振旗鼓
Bounce bounce bounce back
Baby I bounce baby I bounce baby I bounce back
亲爱的 我找回自信 重振旗鼓
No weapon formed against me shall ever
我所向披靡 没有什么能伤害到我
All the white men CEOs **** your privilege
所有手握重权的白人总裁 对你的特权不屑一顾
Get your pink chubby hands of my mouth **** you think this is
把你粉色的胖手抚摸着我的嘴巴 你究竟以为这是什么
I told my lawyer stand by
There is no wrath like a woman scorned
Uh now I bet you wish
Baby I bounce baby I bounce baby I bounce back
亲爱的 我找回自信 重振旗鼓
Devil\'s a liar I am the guy call me the Conrad
恶魔就是谎话连篇的骗子 我就是那个人 把我叫做Conrad
I been too nice triple the price pay me the whole bag
我一直都心地善良 起码要让价格翻三倍 把所有钱收入囊中
These ************* cheatin\' on me am I a wag
这些家伙故意欺骗我 难道我只能任人摆布吗
Never again
Top of the day top of the day top of the day to you
This LP\'s full of the **** I\'m gonna say to you ooh
See how I flow when I\'m in pain I\'m gonna pray for you
看我如何用歌声讲述我承受的痛苦 我会为你祈祷
Then I\'ma aim for you and it\'s a shame for you shame for you
我将你当成攻击的目标 而你最终会颜面扫地
Oh yeah

What you know about violence
I\'m on smoke now
Babe I think it\'s time to cut the violins
宝贝 我觉得现在是割断小提琴琴弦的时候了
Can\'t see you I\'m looking at the inside of my eyelids
我根本就看不到你 如今我眼中只有我自己
I\'ll never stop fighting all in God\'s timing
我永远不会停止战斗 一切自有上帝安排
And I\'m about to have these grown men crying
You wasn\'t trying you was sitting on diamonds
你不思进取 你只在乎名利财富

You gon\' have to see me now I\'m shining hyped up blinding
现在你必须好好看看我 我熠熠生辉 炙手可热 无与伦比
Very ******* frightening all these lies now I see it so clear
令人心惊胆战 如今我将这些谎言看得一清二楚
See for girls like me from the bottom of the tier
Believe that it\'s always been hard out here
Baby I bounce baby I bounce baby I bounce back
亲爱的 我找回自信 重振旗鼓
Baby I bounce back
亲爱的 我重振旗鼓
Bounce bounce bounce back
Baby I bounce baby I bounce baby I bounce back
亲爱的 我找回自信 重振旗鼓

No weapon formed against me shall ever prosper
我所向披靡 没有什么能伤害到我
Baby I bounce baby I bounce baby I bounce back
亲爱的 我找回自信 重振旗鼓
Baby I bounce back
亲爱的 我重振旗鼓
Bounce bounce bounce back
Baby I bounce baby I bounce baby I bounce back
亲爱的 我找回自信 重振旗鼓
No weapon formed against me shall ever prosper
我所向披靡 没有什么能伤害到我

爱好歌音乐网提供Raye-Hard Out Here.(Explicit)的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Hard Out Here.(Explicit)的QQ空间背景音乐外链。
