[00:00:00] You\'re On Your Own, Kid - Taylor Swift
[00:00:00] Summer went away still the yearning stays
[00:04:00] 夏日悄然消逝 唯有渴望仍驻
[00:04:00] I play it cool with the best of them
[00:08:00] 于那大好韶光 我装作毫不在意
[00:08:00] I wait patiently he\'s gonna notice me
[00:12:00] 我安然等待着 他终会注意到我
[00:12:00] It\'s okay we\'re the best of friends
[00:18:00] 不必紧张 我们是朋友中最好的一对
[00:18:00] Anyway
[00:20:00] 话说
[00:20:00] I hear it in your voice you\'re smokin\' with your boys
[00:24:00] 我从你说话声中听出 你与你的兄弟们正吞云吐雾
[00:24:00] I touch my phone as if it\'s your face
[00:28:00] 我轻抚着手机 好似那即为你的脸庞
[00:28:00] I didn\'t choose this town I dream of getting out
[00:32:00] 并非我选择了那个市镇 我仍梦想着于此逃离
[00:32:00] There\'s just one who could make me stay
[00:37:00] 只有一个人 能够使我驻留于此
[00:37:00] All my days
[00:40:00] 我大可整日驻留
[00:40:00] From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes
[00:44:00] 洒水器喷洒而出 壁炉中化成灰烬
[00:44:00] I waited ages to see you there
[00:48:00] 我等待数年 只为能够于此见到你
[00:48:00] I searched the party of better bodies
[00:52:00] 我在派对中 不断寻觅着更好的人
[00:52:00] Just to learn that you never cared
[00:57:00] 只为能使我明白 你对我未曾在意
[00:57:00] You\'re on your own kid
[00:59:00] 孩子 你正孤身独行
[00:59:00] You always have been
[01:04:00] 你总将独自承受一切
[01:04:00] I see the great escape so long daisy mae
[01:08:00] 我见到那绝妙的逃离 黛西马埃的路途艰险
[01:08:00] I picked the petals he loves me not
[01:12:00] 我从花托上抽离花瓣 想知道他是否爱着我
[01:12:00] Something different bloomed writing in my room
[01:16:00] 独特的某株花已然盛开 正于我房间中散发芳香
[01:16:00] I play my songs in the parking lot
[01:21:00] 我在停车场 弹奏着我的音乐
[01:21:00] I run away
[01:24:00] 我远远逃离
[01:24:00] From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes
[01:28:00] 洒水器喷洒而出 壁炉中化成灰烬
[01:28:00] I called a taxi to take me there
[01:32:00] 我坐上出租车去往那里
[01:32:00] I searched the party of better bodies
[01:36:00] 我在派对中 不断寻觅着更好的人
[01:36:00] Just to learn that my dreams aren\'t rare
[01:41:00] 只为能使我明白 梦境中的事物 并非弥足珍贵
[01:41:00] You\'re on your own kid
[01:43:00] 孩子 你正孤身独行
[01:43:00] You always have been
[02:04:00] 这是常有的事
[02:04:00] From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes
[02:08:00] 洒水器喷洒而出 壁炉中化成灰烬
[02:08:00] I gave my blood sweat and tears for this
[02:12:00] 我为此已奉献出我的血液 汗水 甚至泪水
[02:12:00] I hosted parties and starved my body
[02:16:00] 我办了许多场派对 饿着我的身体
[02:16:00] Like I\'d be saved by a perfect kiss
[02:20:00] 就如同 我将被一个完美的吻拯救
[02:20:00] The jokes weren\'t funny I took the money
[02:24:00] 那些笑话并不好笑 我也将钱拿走
[02:24:00] My friends from home don\'t know what to say
[02:28:00] 我那些在家中的好友 不知该如何开口
[02:28:00] I looked around in a blood-soaked gown
[02:32:00] 我衣着由血色浸染的长袍 环顾四周
[02:32:00] And I saw something they can\'t take away
[02:36:00] 我也看见了他们无法拿走的一切
[02:36:00] \'Cause there were pages turned
[02:38:00] 毕竟局面已然翻转
[02:38:00] With the bridges burned
[02:40:00] 退路已被燃烧殆尽
[02:40:00] Everything you lose is a step you take
[02:44:00] 你失去一切 都是因为你所采取的行动
[02:44:00] So make the friendship bracelets
[02:46:00] 所以我们来编织友谊手镯吧
[02:46:00] Take the moment and taste it
[02:48:00] 花些时间 尽情品尝这一切吧
[02:48:00] You got no reason to be afraid
[02:53:00] 你无需恐慌
[02:53:00] You\'re on your own kid
[02:57:00] 孩子 你正孤身独行
[02:57:00] Yeah you can face this
[03:01:00] 你得直面现实
[03:01:00] You\'re on your own kid
[03:03:00] 孩子 你正孤身独行
[03:03:00] You always have been
[03:04:00] 你总将独自承受一切

You’re On Your Own, Kid - Taylor Swift


Taylor Swift-You’re On Your Own, Kid的QQ空间背景音乐外链:

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You’re On Your Own, Kid的文本歌词:

You\'re On Your Own, Kid - Taylor Swift
Summer went away still the yearning stays
夏日悄然消逝 唯有渴望仍驻
I play it cool with the best of them
于那大好韶光 我装作毫不在意
I wait patiently he\'s gonna notice me
我安然等待着 他终会注意到我
It\'s okay we\'re the best of friends
不必紧张 我们是朋友中最好的一对
I hear it in your voice you\'re smokin\' with your boys
我从你说话声中听出 你与你的兄弟们正吞云吐雾
I touch my phone as if it\'s your face
我轻抚着手机 好似那即为你的脸庞
I didn\'t choose this town I dream of getting out
并非我选择了那个市镇 我仍梦想着于此逃离
There\'s just one who could make me stay
只有一个人 能够使我驻留于此
All my days
From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes
洒水器喷洒而出 壁炉中化成灰烬
I waited ages to see you there
我等待数年 只为能够于此见到你
I searched the party of better bodies
我在派对中 不断寻觅着更好的人
Just to learn that you never cared
只为能使我明白 你对我未曾在意
You\'re on your own kid
孩子 你正孤身独行
You always have been
I see the great escape so long daisy mae
我见到那绝妙的逃离 黛西马埃的路途艰险
I picked the petals he loves me not
我从花托上抽离花瓣 想知道他是否爱着我
Something different bloomed writing in my room
独特的某株花已然盛开 正于我房间中散发芳香
I play my songs in the parking lot
我在停车场 弹奏着我的音乐
I run away
From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes
洒水器喷洒而出 壁炉中化成灰烬
I called a taxi to take me there
I searched the party of better bodies
我在派对中 不断寻觅着更好的人
Just to learn that my dreams aren\'t rare
只为能使我明白 梦境中的事物 并非弥足珍贵
You\'re on your own kid
孩子 你正孤身独行
You always have been
From sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes
洒水器喷洒而出 壁炉中化成灰烬
I gave my blood sweat and tears for this
我为此已奉献出我的血液 汗水 甚至泪水
I hosted parties and starved my body
我办了许多场派对 饿着我的身体
Like I\'d be saved by a perfect kiss
就如同 我将被一个完美的吻拯救
The jokes weren\'t funny I took the money
那些笑话并不好笑 我也将钱拿走
My friends from home don\'t know what to say
我那些在家中的好友 不知该如何开口
I looked around in a blood-soaked gown
我衣着由血色浸染的长袍 环顾四周
And I saw something they can\'t take away
\'Cause there were pages turned
With the bridges burned
Everything you lose is a step you take
你失去一切 都是因为你所采取的行动
So make the friendship bracelets
Take the moment and taste it
花些时间 尽情品尝这一切吧
You got no reason to be afraid
You\'re on your own kid
孩子 你正孤身独行
Yeah you can face this
You\'re on your own kid
孩子 你正孤身独行
You always have been

爱好歌音乐网提供Taylor Swift-You’re On Your Own, Kid的MP3音乐在线试听下载,You’re On Your Own, Kid的QQ空间背景音乐外链。