[00:00:00] Born to Do -Steven Cooper 
[00:02:00] Lyrics by:Steven Cooper 
[00:04:00] Composed by:Steven Cooper 
[00:06:00] I was born to do 
[00:06:00] 我就是为此而生
[00:06:00] I was born to do 
[00:07:00] 我就是为此而生
[00:07:00] I was born to do 
[00:08:00] 我就是为此而生
[00:08:00] I was born to do 
[00:20:00] 我就是为此而生
[00:20:00] I was sitting right here 
[00:21:00] 我坐在这里
[00:21:00] Locked in this room off through the night 
[00:22:00] 整夜反锁在房间里
[00:22:00] Trying to write 
[00:23:00] 尝试着用这麦克风
[00:23:00] Every second of my life in this mic 
[00:25:00] 记录下我人生的每分每秒
[00:25:00] It\'s been a fight just to get them to listen and pay attention 
[00:28:00] 生活就是一场斗争 让别人听见你的声音
[00:28:00] Watching till my knuckles are bleeding 
[00:30:00] 哪怕指关节间血迹斑斑 
[00:30:00] They made a dent not to mention 
[00:31:00] 也要抗争下去
[00:31:00] Ain\'t got a dollar to my name 
[00:33:00] 我不过是个无名小辈
[00:33:00] Just living getting the game straight caught up in the fame 
[00:36:00] 无休止地出演 在名利中苦苦挣扎
[00:36:00] Sleeping in my car hoping to sell a disk 
[00:38:00] 在车里过夜 希望能卖出一张唱片
[00:38:00] Cause you\'re wanting this so bad you\'re tasting it on your lips 
[00:41:00] 你如此渴望成功 一尝它的滋味
[00:41:00] Get a pen and paint a picture 
[00:42:00] 伸出双手 规划蓝图
[00:42:00] Worth a pen and pull the ladder 
[00:43:00] 付出努力 终有回报
[00:43:00] Where there\'s pen and patter 
[00:44:00] 当你付出努力的时候
[00:44:00] Purple broken jabs oh well it doesn\'t matter 
[00:46:00] 别人都在落井下石 这都不算什么
[00:46:00] Cause this earth won\'t all be forever 
[00:48:00] 世事变幻莫测
[00:48:00] I\'m keeping my head high and hoping for the better when 
[00:51:00] 我从不停止憧憬未来,坚信明天会更好
[00:51:00] Everything\'s down and now under the weather and 
[00:54:00] 即使事与愿违 造化弄人
[00:54:00] Every first round you out 
[00:55:00] 就算每一次早早被淘汰
[00:55:00] Stuck in the strata yeah 
[00:56:00] 在失败边缘挣扎
[00:56:00] Claim to have friends but they\'re never around 
[00:59:00] 以为自己有朋友 却总是孤立无助
[00:59:00] So you keep moving on one man in a crowd 
[01:01:00] 请你坚持前行 你就是你自己的后援
[01:01:00] This is my day this is my night 
[01:04:00] 这就是我的日与夜
[01:04:00] This is my pain this is my life 
[01:06:00] 我痛过 所以我活过
[01:06:00] This is what I was born to do I was born to do 
[01:11:00] 我就是为此而生 我就是为此而生
[01:11:00] Every new day every new night 
[01:14:00] 每一个未知的晨与夕
[01:14:00] Every new stage every new fight 
[01:17:00] 每一个全新的舞台和挑战
[01:17:00] This is what I was born to do I was born to do 
[01:23:00] 我就是为此而生 我就是为此而生
[01:23:00] This is what I\'m made for 
[01:24:00] 这就是我活着的目的
[01:24:00] Every single moment that I\'m living I can feel it on the stage for 
[01:27:00] 每一个活着的时刻 我都能在舞台上感受到它的血与肉
[01:27:00] You don\'t know the half of 
[01:29:00] 你所了解到的我付出的努力
[01:29:00] Half of what I\'ve given to make it up to this level 
[01:31:00] 不过是冰山一角
[01:31:00] Every day at home spitting every day alone wishing 
[01:34:00] 为了达到今天这个高度 我每天都在家中苦练
[01:34:00] While every role shifting 
[01:35:00] 世事瞬息万变 我时刻都在独自祈祷
[01:35:00] And every cold win 
[01:36:00] 寒风愈加凛冽
[01:36:00] It\'s getting heavy road slipping 
[01:38:00] 前路已被冰封
[01:38:00] Every day maybe my last chance to make it 
[01:40:00] 每一天都可能是你走向成功的最后一次机会
[01:40:00] Every day I\'m seeing less cash on the bank slip 
[01:43:00] 银行里的存款一天天减少
[01:43:00] Grasp and get anxious rap like a tank ship 
[01:45:00] 大口喘气 焦虑不安 只能一如既往地说唱出来
[01:45:00] Give \'em something that they\'ve never had from this basement 
[01:48:00] 我要在地下室 做出一些他们闻所未闻的东西
[01:48:00] Show \'em watcha made of just tell \'em straight up 
[01:51:00] 让他们知道你为何而生 当面告诉他们
[01:51:00] You can go and take on the world 
[01:52:00] 大胆前进去征服世界
[01:52:00] What you afraid of 
[01:54:00] 你已无所畏惧
[01:54:00] Yes it\'s right around the bend 
[01:55:00] 没错 一切都变得疯狂
[01:55:00] It\'s a first round look now let the rounds begin 
[01:58:00] 这只是战斗的开始 尽管放马过来
[01:58:00] No need to count to 10 
[01:59:00] 没必要数到十
[01:59:00] We can count the win 
[02:01:00] 我们冲着赢者而来
[02:01:00] And you can count me to knock out every sound I\'m in 
[02:03:00] 等着看我在抗击中一往无前
[02:03:00] This is my day this is my night 
[02:06:00] 这就是我的日与夜
[02:06:00] This is my pain this is my life 
[02:08:00] 我痛过 所以我活过
[02:08:00] This is what I was born to do I was born to do 
[02:13:00] 我就是为此而生 我就是为此而生
[02:13:00] Every new day every new night 
[02:16:00] 每一个未知的晨与夕
[02:16:00] Every new stage every new fight 
[02:18:00] 每一个全新的舞台和挑战
[02:18:00] This is what I was born to do I was born to do 
[02:24:00] 我就是为此而生 我就是为此而生
[02:24:00] Fought to my knees every night and I pray 
[02:26:00] 每晚我都跪地祈祷
[02:26:00] Asking Lord let \'em hear like I\'ve something to say 
[02:29:00] 恳求上帝让他们听见我的心声
[02:29:00] There\'s a fear right there and it\'s coming new way 
[02:31:00] 畏惧就在那里 等着将你生吞活剥
[02:31:00] Don\'t let it stop you from living for what you were made 
[02:34:00] 不要让它阻止你追寻你的目标
[02:34:00] It\'s not a dream it\'s a destiny blessed to see 
[02:37:00] 这不是幻梦而是命运
[02:37:00] When the whole world listens to this mess in me 
[02:39:00] 当这个世界听到了我这段胡扯
[02:39:00] There\'s a message inside what you get from me 
[02:42:00] 你能从中聆听到我的信息
[02:42:00] A little life little love that\'s a recipe 
[02:44:00] 些许生活点滴加上些许爱 这就是活着的真谛
[02:44:00] So when the world\'s crushing down and you feel the weight on your shoulders 
[02:47:00] 若世界分崩离析 你的肩膀负担重重
[02:47:00] Try to pick it up but you\'re steady stacking up boulders 
[02:50:00] 哪怕巨石层层累叠 坚定的你也要支撑下去
[02:50:00] Every day\'s a gift never miss it getting older 
[02:53:00] 每一天的成长都是上天的馈赠
[02:53:00] Blessing and a struggle know that you\'re just on the road to a life 
[02:55:00] 在挣扎奋斗中明白到 你正在上演 
[02:55:00] You were born to live 
[02:57:00] 一场你注定要活出的生命
[02:57:00] So I wake up every day 
[02:58:00] 每一天我醒来
[02:58:00] And just give it what I\'m born to give 
[03:00:00] 完成我自身的使命
[03:00:00] Everything in me and nothing less 
[03:03:00] 我的信念未曾失去丝毫
[03:03:00] While this heart\'s still beating up inside my chest 
[03:06:00] 在我的胸膛里 一颗炽热的心依旧搏动不息
[03:06:00] This is my day this is my night 
[03:09:00] 这就是我的日与夜
[03:09:00] This is my pain this is my life 
[03:11:00] 我痛过 所以我活过
[03:11:00] This is what I was born to do I was born to do 
[03:17:00] 我就是为此而生 我就是为此而生
[03:17:00] Every new day every new night 
[03:19:00] 每一个未知的晨与夕
[03:19:00] Every new stage every new fight 
[03:22:00] 每一个全新的舞台和挑战
[03:22:00] This is what I was born to do I was born to do 
[03:27:00] 我就是为此而生 我就是为此而生
[03:27:00] I was born to do I was born to do 
[03:30:00] 我就是为此而生 我就是为此而生
[03:30:00] I was born to do I was born to do 
[03:33:00] 我就是为此而生 我就是为此而生
[03:33:00] I was born to do I was born to do 
[03:38:00] 我就是为此而生 我就是为此而生
[03:38:00] I was born to do I was born to do 
[03:41:00] 我就是为此而生 我就是为此而生

Born to Do - Steven Cooper


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Born to Do的文本歌词:

Born to Do -Steven Cooper

Lyrics by:Steven Cooper

Composed by:Steven Cooper

I was born to do
I was born to do
I was born to do
I was born to do
I was sitting right here
Locked in this room off through the night
Trying to write
Every second of my life in this mic
It\'s been a fight just to get them to listen and pay attention
生活就是一场斗争 让别人听见你的声音
Watching till my knuckles are bleeding
They made a dent not to mention
Ain\'t got a dollar to my name
Just living getting the game straight caught up in the fame
无休止地出演 在名利中苦苦挣扎
Sleeping in my car hoping to sell a disk
在车里过夜 希望能卖出一张唱片
Cause you\'re wanting this so bad you\'re tasting it on your lips
你如此渴望成功 一尝它的滋味
Get a pen and paint a picture
伸出双手 规划蓝图
Worth a pen and pull the ladder
付出努力 终有回报
Where there\'s pen and patter
Purple broken jabs oh well it doesn\'t matter
别人都在落井下石 这都不算什么
Cause this earth won\'t all be forever
I\'m keeping my head high and hoping for the better when
Everything\'s down and now under the weather and
即使事与愿违 造化弄人
Every first round you out
Stuck in the strata yeah
Claim to have friends but they\'re never around
以为自己有朋友 却总是孤立无助
So you keep moving on one man in a crowd
请你坚持前行 你就是你自己的后援
This is my day this is my night
This is my pain this is my life
我痛过 所以我活过
This is what I was born to do I was born to do
我就是为此而生 我就是为此而生
Every new day every new night
Every new stage every new fight
This is what I was born to do I was born to do
我就是为此而生 我就是为此而生
This is what I\'m made for
Every single moment that I\'m living I can feel it on the stage for
每一个活着的时刻 我都能在舞台上感受到它的血与肉
You don\'t know the half of
Half of what I\'ve given to make it up to this level
Every day at home spitting every day alone wishing
为了达到今天这个高度 我每天都在家中苦练
While every role shifting
世事瞬息万变 我时刻都在独自祈祷
And every cold win
It\'s getting heavy road slipping
Every day maybe my last chance to make it
Every day I\'m seeing less cash on the bank slip
Grasp and get anxious rap like a tank ship
大口喘气 焦虑不安 只能一如既往地说唱出来
Give \'em something that they\'ve never had from this basement
我要在地下室 做出一些他们闻所未闻的东西
Show \'em watcha made of just tell \'em straight up
让他们知道你为何而生 当面告诉他们
You can go and take on the world
What you afraid of
Yes it\'s right around the bend
没错 一切都变得疯狂
It\'s a first round look now let the rounds begin
这只是战斗的开始 尽管放马过来
No need to count to 10
We can count the win
And you can count me to knock out every sound I\'m in
This is my day this is my night
This is my pain this is my life
我痛过 所以我活过
This is what I was born to do I was born to do
我就是为此而生 我就是为此而生
Every new day every new night
Every new stage every new fight
This is what I was born to do I was born to do
我就是为此而生 我就是为此而生
Fought to my knees every night and I pray
Asking Lord let \'em hear like I\'ve something to say
There\'s a fear right there and it\'s coming new way
畏惧就在那里 等着将你生吞活剥
Don\'t let it stop you from living for what you were made
It\'s not a dream it\'s a destiny blessed to see
When the whole world listens to this mess in me
There\'s a message inside what you get from me
A little life little love that\'s a recipe
些许生活点滴加上些许爱 这就是活着的真谛
So when the world\'s crushing down and you feel the weight on your shoulders
若世界分崩离析 你的肩膀负担重重
Try to pick it up but you\'re steady stacking up boulders
哪怕巨石层层累叠 坚定的你也要支撑下去
Every day\'s a gift never miss it getting older
Blessing and a struggle know that you\'re just on the road to a life
在挣扎奋斗中明白到 你正在上演
You were born to live
So I wake up every day
And just give it what I\'m born to give
Everything in me and nothing less
While this heart\'s still beating up inside my chest
在我的胸膛里 一颗炽热的心依旧搏动不息
This is my day this is my night
This is my pain this is my life
我痛过 所以我活过
This is what I was born to do I was born to do
我就是为此而生 我就是为此而生
Every new day every new night
Every new stage every new fight
This is what I was born to do I was born to do
我就是为此而生 我就是为此而生
I was born to do I was born to do
我就是为此而生 我就是为此而生
I was born to do I was born to do
我就是为此而生 我就是为此而生
I was born to do I was born to do
我就是为此而生 我就是为此而生
I was born to do I was born to do
我就是为此而生 我就是为此而生

爱好歌音乐网提供Steven Cooper-Born to Do的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Born to Do的QQ空间背景音乐外链。
