[00:00:00] Losing Grip - Avril Lavigne
[00:00:00] Lyrics by:Avril Lavigne/Clif Magness
[00:01:00] Composed by:Avril Lavigne/Clif Magness
[00:13:00] Are you aware of what you make me feel baby
[00:19:00] 你知道你给我什么感觉吗
[00:19:00] Right now I feel invisible to you like I\'m not real
[00:25:00] 好像我是个隐形人 好像我并不真实
[00:25:00] Didn\'t you feel me lock my arms around you
[00:29:00] 难道你没发现 我将你锁在怀里了吗
[00:29:00] Why\'d you turn away
[00:32:00] 为何你要转身离开
[00:32:00] Here\'s what I have to say
[00:36:00] 现在我必须要说
[00:36:00] I was left to cry there
[00:38:00] 我被丢到一边哭泣
[00:38:00] Waitin\' outside there
[00:39:00] 在外面等着你
[00:39:00] Grinning with a lost stare
[00:41:00] 双目呆滞 却在傻笑
[00:41:00] That\'s when I decided
[00:43:00] 那个时候我就决定
[00:43:00] Why should I care
[00:49:00] 为何我要在乎
[00:49:00] \'Cause you weren\'t there when I was scared
[00:52:00] 当我害怕的时候 你却不在我的身边
[00:52:00] I was so alone
[00:55:00] 我是如此孤独
[00:55:00] You you need to listen
[01:01:00] 你好好听着
[01:01:00] I\'m startin\' to trip I\'m losing my grip
[01:04:00] 我开始放纵了 我快要失控了
[01:04:00] And I\'m in this thing alone
[01:14:00] 我依然独自面对
[01:14:00] Am I just some chick you placed
[01:16:00] 我只是你身边的一个过客吗
[01:16:00] Beside you to take somebody\'s place
[01:19:00] 占了别人的位置
[01:19:00] When you turn around can you recognize my face
[01:25:00] 当你转身的时候 你能认出我的脸吗
[01:25:00] You used to love me you used to hug me
[01:30:00] 你曾经爱我 你曾经将我拥入怀中
[01:30:00] But that wasn\'t the case
[01:32:00] 但那都不是事儿
[01:32:00] Everything wasn\'t okay
[01:36:00] 一切都很糟糕
[01:36:00] I was left to cry there
[01:38:00] 我被丢在一旁哭泣
[01:38:00] Waitin\' outside there
[01:40:00] 在外面等待着
[01:40:00] Grinning with a lost stare
[01:41:00] 双目呆滞 却在傻笑
[01:41:00] That\'s when I decided
[01:44:00] 那个时候我就决定
[01:44:00] Why should I care
[01:49:00] 为何我要在乎
[01:49:00] \'Cause you weren\'t there when I was scared
[01:53:00] 当我害怕的时候 你却不在我的身边
[01:53:00] I was so alone
[01:56:00] 我是如此孤独
[01:56:00] You you need to listen
[02:01:00] 你好好听着
[02:01:00] I\'m startin\' to trip I\'m losing my grip
[02:04:00] 我开始放纵了 我快要失控了
[02:04:00] And I\'m in this thing alone
[02:08:00] 我依然独自面对
[02:08:00] Cryin\' out loud I\'m cryin\' out loud
[02:14:00] 放声痛哭 我要放声痛哭
[02:14:00] Cryin\' out loud I\'m cryin\' out loud
[02:21:00] 放声痛哭 我要放声痛哭
[02:21:00] Open your eyes
[02:27:00] 睁开你的眼睛
[02:27:00] Open up wide
[02:32:00] 大大睁开
[02:32:00] Why should I care
[02:38:00] 为何我要在乎
[02:38:00] \'Cause you weren\'t there when I was scared
[02:41:00] 因为当我感到害怕的时候  却不在我身边
[02:41:00] I was so alone
[02:44:00] 我是如此孤单
[02:44:00] Why should I care
[02:50:00] 为何我要在乎
[02:50:00] \'Cause you weren\'t there when I was scared
[02:53:00] 因为当我感到害怕的时候  却不在我身边
[02:53:00] I was so alone
[02:56:00] 我是如此孤单
[02:56:00] Why should I care
[03:02:00] 为何我要在乎
[03:02:00] If you don\'t care then I don\'t care
[03:05:00] 如果你并不在乎 那么我也不在乎
[03:05:00] We\'re not goin\' anywhere
[03:08:00] 我们哪里也不去
[03:08:00] Why should I care
[03:14:00] 为何我要在乎
[03:14:00] \'Cause you weren\'t there when I was scared
[03:17:00] 因为当我感到害怕的时候  却不在我身边
[03:17:00] I was so alone
[03:20:00] 我是如此孤单
[03:20:00] Why should I care
[03:26:00] 为何我要在乎
[03:26:00] If you don\'t care then I don\'t care
[03:29:00] 如果你并不在乎 那么我也不在乎
[03:29:00] We\'re not goin\' anywhere
[03:29:00] 我们哪里也不去

Losing Grip - Avril Lavigne


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Losing Grip的文本歌词:

Losing Grip - Avril Lavigne
Lyrics by:Avril Lavigne/Clif Magness
Composed by:Avril Lavigne/Clif Magness
Are you aware of what you make me feel baby
Right now I feel invisible to you like I\'m not real
好像我是个隐形人 好像我并不真实
Didn\'t you feel me lock my arms around you
难道你没发现 我将你锁在怀里了吗
Why\'d you turn away
Here\'s what I have to say
I was left to cry there
Waitin\' outside there
Grinning with a lost stare
双目呆滞 却在傻笑
That\'s when I decided
Why should I care
\'Cause you weren\'t there when I was scared
当我害怕的时候 你却不在我的身边
I was so alone
You you need to listen
I\'m startin\' to trip I\'m losing my grip
我开始放纵了 我快要失控了
And I\'m in this thing alone
Am I just some chick you placed
Beside you to take somebody\'s place
When you turn around can you recognize my face
当你转身的时候 你能认出我的脸吗
You used to love me you used to hug me
你曾经爱我 你曾经将我拥入怀中
But that wasn\'t the case
Everything wasn\'t okay
I was left to cry there
Waitin\' outside there
Grinning with a lost stare
双目呆滞 却在傻笑
That\'s when I decided
Why should I care
\'Cause you weren\'t there when I was scared
当我害怕的时候 你却不在我的身边
I was so alone
You you need to listen
I\'m startin\' to trip I\'m losing my grip
我开始放纵了 我快要失控了
And I\'m in this thing alone
Cryin\' out loud I\'m cryin\' out loud
放声痛哭 我要放声痛哭
Cryin\' out loud I\'m cryin\' out loud
放声痛哭 我要放声痛哭
Open your eyes
Open up wide
Why should I care
\'Cause you weren\'t there when I was scared
因为当我感到害怕的时候 却不在我身边
I was so alone
Why should I care
\'Cause you weren\'t there when I was scared
因为当我感到害怕的时候 却不在我身边
I was so alone
Why should I care
If you don\'t care then I don\'t care
如果你并不在乎 那么我也不在乎
We\'re not goin\' anywhere
Why should I care
\'Cause you weren\'t there when I was scared
因为当我感到害怕的时候 却不在我身边
I was so alone
Why should I care
If you don\'t care then I don\'t care
如果你并不在乎 那么我也不在乎
We\'re not goin\' anywhere

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