[00:00:00] LET GO - Central Cee
[00:00:00] QQ音乐享有本翻译作品的著作权
[00:00:00] Composed by:Central Cee
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] Well you only need the light when it\'s burning low
[00:04:00] 只有在朦胧暗淡时才会念及灯火光亮
[00:04:00] Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
[00:07:00] 只有在冰天雪地时才会怀念阳光温暖
[00:07:00] Nastylgia
[00:07:00] //
[00:07:00] Only know you love her when you let her go
[00:11:00] 只有在已然放手后才始知那是真爱
[00:11:00] Mm-mhm alright
[00:13:00] 好吧
[00:13:00] Only know you\'ve been high when you\'re feeling low
[00:17:00] 只有在身处低谷时才遥想昔日峥嵘
[00:17:00] Only hate the roads when you\'re missing home
[00:20:00] 只有在乡愁涌动时才痛恨旅途遥远
[00:20:00] Only know you love her when you let her go
[00:23:00] 只有在已然放手后才始知那是真爱
[00:23:00] You said that p***y\'s mine so why\'d you let it go
[00:26:00] 你说你非我莫属 那你为什么会放手
[00:26:00] Haha you\'re such a ho
[00:28:00] 你真是冷酷无情
[00:28:00] I loved you until you try to get in my head
[00:30:00] 我深爱着你 直到你试图闯进我的脑海里
[00:30:00] And that\'s why I lost respect
[00:32:00] 这就是我不再尊重你的原因
[00:32:00] You\'re doin\' the most to get my attention
[00:33:00] 你使尽浑身解数 只为吸引我的注意
[00:33:00] Baby I\'m not impressed uh
[00:35:00] 亲爱的 这并未给我留下深刻的印象
[00:35:00] I changed my bedsheets but I still smell your flesh
[00:38:00] 我已经换掉床单 但我依然能闻到你的香气
[00:38:00] I don\'t know how we got in this mess
[00:40:00] 我不知道我们怎么会走到这般田地
[00:40:00] I rarely get this in depth
[00:41:00] 我从未深入考虑过这个问题
[00:41:00] This girl made me question love
[00:43:00] 这个女孩让我开始质疑爱情
[00:43:00] This girl made me feel like less of a man
[00:44:00] 这个女孩让我觉得自己缺少男子气概
[00:44:00] \'Cause I\'m feelin\' depressed and stuff
[00:46:00] 因为我感觉失望沮丧 心情沉重
[00:46:00] Can\'t believe I was willing to drop everyone and invest in us
[00:49:00] 简直不敢相信我愿意抛下所有人 为我们的感情孤注一掷
[00:49:00] The last time that we ****** was ******
[00:51:00] 我们上一次缠绵的时候感觉不太美好
[00:51:00] The way you got up got dressed and cut
[00:53:00] 你默默地起床 穿好衣服 然后一走了之
[00:53:00] Look I thought that we could have been
[00:55:00] 听着 我曾设想过我们的未来
[00:55:00] Maybe I was too optimistic
[00:56:00] 也许我太过乐观了
[00:56:00] Tell me what you need I\'ll provide everythin\'
[00:58:00] 告诉我你需要的一切 我会满足你的需求
[00:58:00] Baby you don\'t know what you\'re missin\'
[00:59:00] 亲爱的 你并不知道你错过了什么
[00:59:00] Our chemistry ****** like quantum physics physics
[01:02:00] 我们之间的化学反应就像是量子物理
[01:02:00] Feelin\' your energy feelin\' your spirit
[01:04:00] 感觉到你的能量 感觉到你的灵魂
[01:04:00] If this is the end I need one more visit
[01:06:00] 如果这就是结局 我需要重新开始
[01:06:00] They\'re showin\' me love but I still feel empty
[01:07:00] 她们向我示爱 但我依然感觉空虚不已
[01:07:00] I need somethin\' a lot more fulfillin\' uh
[01:09:00] 我需要更加充实的心灵寄托
[01:09:00] Move out of London town then move to a rural village
[01:12:00] 从伦敦城里搬出去 然后搬去乡下
[01:12:00] You made me delete that pic off my phone
[01:14:00] 你让我把手机里的照片删的一干二净
[01:14:00] But I close my eyes still see that image
[01:16:00] 但我闭上眼睛以后 依然能看到那些画面
[01:16:00] Won\'t chase it my heart ain\'t in it it\'s finished
[01:18:00] 如果我已经心灰意冷 那就不会追逐爱情 一切都画上句点
[01:18:00] Too far gone can\'t fix it missed it damage is done
[01:19:00] 我们已覆水难收 无法弥补过错 失去机会 已经造成不可磨灭的伤害
[01:19:00] Well you only need the light when it\'s burning low
[01:23:00] 只有在朦胧暗淡时才会念及灯火光亮
[01:23:00] Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
[01:26:00] 只有在冰天雪地时才会怀念阳光温暖
[01:26:00] Only know you love her when you let her go
[01:30:00] 只有在已然放手后才始知那是真爱
[01:30:00] Mm-mhm alright
[01:32:00] 好吧
[01:32:00] Only know you\'ve been high when you\'re feeling low
[01:36:00] 只有在身处低谷时才遥想昔日峥嵘
[01:36:00] Only hate the roads when you\'re missing home
[01:39:00] 只有在乡愁涌动时才痛恨旅途遥远
[01:39:00] Only know you love her when you let her go
[01:42:00] 只有在已然放手后才始知那是真爱
[01:42:00] You said that p***y\'s mine so why\'d you let it go
[01:45:00] 你说你非我莫属 那你为什么会放手
[01:45:00] Haha you\'re such a ho
[01:47:00] 你真是冷酷无情
[01:47:00] I called four times on a private caller
[01:48:00] 我连续四次打去匿名电话
[01:48:00] I feel like a creep uh
[01:50:00] 我觉得自己就是个怪咖
[01:50:00] I know there\'s plenty of fish in the sea
[01:52:00] 我明白天涯何处无芳草的道理
[01:52:00] But I ****** those girls got you in my mind
[01:53:00] 但我跟这些女孩纵享欢乐时 我心里想的人却是你
[01:53:00] When you ****** those guys did you wish they were me
[01:55:00] 当你跟那些男人在一起时 你是否希望他们就是我
[01:55:00] Turn them around and I put them in doggy
[01:57:00] 让她们转过来 我跟她们玩点新花样
[01:57:00] I don\'t even **** them in missionary
[01:58:00] 我不会跟她们重温旧梦
[01:58:00] There\'s no intimacy and additionally
[02:00:00] 根本没有什么亲密关系可言
[02:00:00] It\'s obligatory when I ****** that opp thot
[02:02:00] 当我跟敌人的妹子眉来眼去时 我已经习以为常
[02:02:00] I don\'t even take my socks off
[02:03:00] 我甚至不会脱掉我的袜子
[02:03:00] And I don\'t even know why I did it as soon as I\'m finished
[02:06:00] 我甚至不知道我为什么要这样做 在我心满意足以后
[02:06:00] I\'m gettin\' \'em dropped off
[02:07:00] 我就会把她们赶走
[02:07:00] And what makes it worse
[02:08:00] 更糟糕的是
[02:08:00] I know that she\'s tellin\' her friends that I chopped her
[02:10:00] 我知道她会告诉她的朋友我辜负了她
[02:10:00] I don\'t know what you\'re doin\' when we\'re not together
[02:11:00] 当我们天各一方时 我不知道你在做什么
[02:11:00] It\'s drivin\' me mad \'cause I can\'t even stop ya
[02:13:00] 这一切让我失去理智 因为我无法阻止你
[02:13:00] Typed in your bank details and sent you a bag
[02:15:00] 输入你的银行信息 送给你一只包包
[02:15:00] I\'m rich like ***** unblock me
[02:16:00] 我腰缠万贯 我说道 亲爱的 不要再屏蔽我
[02:16:00] Make it quick can you do that promptly
[02:18:00] 加快速度 你能否立刻付诸行动
[02:18:00] If you won\'t give me your love for free
[02:20:00] 如果你无法不求回报地付出你的爱
[02:20:00] I\'ll buy it just tell me how much it will cost me
[02:21:00] 我会掏钱买 只要告诉我需要付出多少代价就好
[02:21:00] Your new man ain\'t got nothin\' on me
[02:23:00] 你的新欢无法与我相提并论
[02:23:00] **** your annual wage
[02:24:00] 根本不会把你的年薪放在眼里
[02:24:00] I can make that monthly huh alright
[02:25:00] 我一个月赚到的钞票就数不胜数
[02:25:00] Well you only need the light when it\'s burning low
[02:28:00] 只有在朦胧暗淡时才会念及灯火光亮
[02:28:00] Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
[02:32:00] 只有在冰天雪地时才会怀念阳光温暖
[02:32:00] Only know you love her when you let her go
[02:35:00] 只有在已然放手后才始知那是真爱
[02:35:00] Mm-mhm alright
[02:38:00] 好吧
[02:38:00] Only know you\'ve been high when you\'re feeling low
[02:41:00] 只有在身处低谷时才遥想昔日峥嵘
[02:41:00] Only hate the roads when you\'re missing home
[02:45:00] 只有在乡愁涌动时才痛恨旅途遥远
[02:45:00] Only know you love her when you let her go
[02:48:00] 只有在已然放手后才始知那是真爱
[02:48:00] You said that p***y\'s mine so why\'d you let it go
[02:51:00] 你说你非我莫属 那你为什么会放手
[02:51:00] Haha you\'re such a ho
[02:56:00] 你真是冷酷无情

LET GO - Central Cee


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LET GO的文本歌词:

LET GO - Central Cee
Composed by:Central Cee
Well you only need the light when it\'s burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Mm-mhm alright
Only know you\'ve been high when you\'re feeling low
Only hate the roads when you\'re missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go
You said that p***y\'s mine so why\'d you let it go
你说你非我莫属 那你为什么会放手
Haha you\'re such a ho
I loved you until you try to get in my head
我深爱着你 直到你试图闯进我的脑海里
And that\'s why I lost respect
You\'re doin\' the most to get my attention
你使尽浑身解数 只为吸引我的注意
Baby I\'m not impressed uh
亲爱的 这并未给我留下深刻的印象
I changed my bedsheets but I still smell your flesh
我已经换掉床单 但我依然能闻到你的香气
I don\'t know how we got in this mess
I rarely get this in depth
This girl made me question love
This girl made me feel like less of a man
\'Cause I\'m feelin\' depressed and stuff
因为我感觉失望沮丧 心情沉重
Can\'t believe I was willing to drop everyone and invest in us
简直不敢相信我愿意抛下所有人 为我们的感情孤注一掷
The last time that we ****** was ******
The way you got up got dressed and cut
你默默地起床 穿好衣服 然后一走了之
Look I thought that we could have been
听着 我曾设想过我们的未来
Maybe I was too optimistic
Tell me what you need I\'ll provide everythin\'
告诉我你需要的一切 我会满足你的需求
Baby you don\'t know what you\'re missin\'
亲爱的 你并不知道你错过了什么
Our chemistry ****** like quantum physics physics
Feelin\' your energy feelin\' your spirit
感觉到你的能量 感觉到你的灵魂
If this is the end I need one more visit
如果这就是结局 我需要重新开始
They\'re showin\' me love but I still feel empty
她们向我示爱 但我依然感觉空虚不已
I need somethin\' a lot more fulfillin\' uh
Move out of London town then move to a rural village
从伦敦城里搬出去 然后搬去乡下
You made me delete that pic off my phone
But I close my eyes still see that image
但我闭上眼睛以后 依然能看到那些画面
Won\'t chase it my heart ain\'t in it it\'s finished
如果我已经心灰意冷 那就不会追逐爱情 一切都画上句点
Too far gone can\'t fix it missed it damage is done
我们已覆水难收 无法弥补过错 失去机会 已经造成不可磨灭的伤害
Well you only need the light when it\'s burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Mm-mhm alright
Only know you\'ve been high when you\'re feeling low
Only hate the roads when you\'re missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go
You said that p***y\'s mine so why\'d you let it go
你说你非我莫属 那你为什么会放手
Haha you\'re such a ho
I called four times on a private caller
I feel like a creep uh
I know there\'s plenty of fish in the sea
But I ****** those girls got you in my mind
但我跟这些女孩纵享欢乐时 我心里想的人却是你
When you ****** those guys did you wish they were me
当你跟那些男人在一起时 你是否希望他们就是我
Turn them around and I put them in doggy
让她们转过来 我跟她们玩点新花样
I don\'t even **** them in missionary
There\'s no intimacy and additionally
It\'s obligatory when I ****** that opp thot
当我跟敌人的妹子眉来眼去时 我已经习以为常
I don\'t even take my socks off
And I don\'t even know why I did it as soon as I\'m finished
我甚至不知道我为什么要这样做 在我心满意足以后
I\'m gettin\' \'em dropped off
And what makes it worse
I know that she\'s tellin\' her friends that I chopped her
I don\'t know what you\'re doin\' when we\'re not together
当我们天各一方时 我不知道你在做什么
It\'s drivin\' me mad \'cause I can\'t even stop ya
这一切让我失去理智 因为我无法阻止你
Typed in your bank details and sent you a bag
输入你的银行信息 送给你一只包包
I\'m rich like ***** unblock me
我腰缠万贯 我说道 亲爱的 不要再屏蔽我
Make it quick can you do that promptly
加快速度 你能否立刻付诸行动
If you won\'t give me your love for free
I\'ll buy it just tell me how much it will cost me
我会掏钱买 只要告诉我需要付出多少代价就好
Your new man ain\'t got nothin\' on me
**** your annual wage
I can make that monthly huh alright
Well you only need the light when it\'s burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Mm-mhm alright
Only know you\'ve been high when you\'re feeling low
Only hate the roads when you\'re missing home
Only know you love her when you let her go
You said that p***y\'s mine so why\'d you let it go
你说你非我莫属 那你为什么会放手
Haha you\'re such a ho

爱好歌音乐网提供Central Cee-LET GO的MP3音乐在线试听下载,LET GO的QQ空间背景音乐外链。
