[00:00:00] 鐑埍 (Time To Shine) (QQ闊充箰脳NBA75鍛ㄥ勾瀹樻柟涓婚鏇�) - 寮犺壓鍏�/灏煎厠路鏉�
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] 璇� Lyrics锛歄liver Jiang/Wiz_H寮犲瓙璞�/AA/鍢夸汉鏉庨��
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] 鏇� Composer锛歄liver Jiang/Wiz_H寮犲瓙璞�/AA/鍢夸汉鏉庨��/Mai 锛侼o Label Crew锛�/Kameron Glasper
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] 鍒朵綔浜� Producer锛歁ai 锛侼o Label Crew锛�
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] 鍗忓姏鍒朵綔浜� Assistant Producer锛氶殕鍘嗗锛侼o Label Crew锛�
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] 缂栨洸 Arranger锛歁ai 锛侼o Label Crew锛�
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] 鍚変粬 Guitarist锛氭潕鑰�鍏�
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] 闊充箰鍒涙剰璁捐 Music Creative Director锛歁ai 锛侼o Label Crew锛�
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] 閰嶅敱鍒朵綔浜� Vocal Producer锛歁ai 锛侼o Label Crew锛�
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] 鍗忓姏閰嶅敱 Vocal Assistant锛氱櫧闈欐櫒
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] 娣烽煶甯� Mixing Engineer锛氶殕鍘嗗锛侼o Label Crew锛�/Tyler Scott@Clean Cut Collective, Los Angeles, CA
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] 鍚庣疆娣烽煶甯� Post Mixing Engineer锛歁ai 锛侼o Label Crew锛�
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] 姣嶅甫甯� Mastering Engineer锛氬紶姝ヨ嫢/鍒橀煣@Ready Steady Sound!
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] 浜哄0缂栬緫 Vocal Editor锛氬垬闊Ready Steady Sound!
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] 寮犺壓鍏碙ay Zhang 浜哄0褰曢煶鐩戝埗 Vocal Supervisor锛歁ai 锛侼o Label Crew锛�/瀹樼
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] 褰曢煶甯� Recording Engineer锛氶檲鍐犵敺@Ready Steady Sound!
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] 褰曢煶瀹� Recording Studio锛歊SS Studios锛孊eiJing
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] 灏煎厠路鏉∟ick Young 浜哄0褰曢煶鐩戝埗 Vocal Supervisor锛歀ennox瀛愭槀@BlackWoodstudio,  Los Angeles, CA
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] 褰曢煶甯� Recording Engineer锛欽aime Velez @BlackWoodstudio, Los Angeles, CA
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] 褰曢煶瀹� Recording Studio锛欱lackWoodstudio,Los Angeles, CA
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] 鎬荤洃鍒讹細鏉庡缓鐐�
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] 鎬荤瓥鍒掞細寮犺悓/椹�濋煬
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] 闊充箰鐩戝埗锛氫竵鏂逛寒/寮犳檽瀹�/鍚翠负
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] 鍑哄搧锛歂BA涓浗 QQ闊充箰璇村敱鑰呰仈鐩熉峰揩涔愯鍞辨壄铔�
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] Pull up on the block
[00:09:00] 鎴戜滑鏉ヤ簡
[00:09:00] 寮犺壓鍏碙ay Zhang锛�
[00:12:00] //
[00:12:00] 涓涙灄鐨勬父鎴忚儐灏忚�呴兘涓嶆暍鐪嬭繃鏉�
[00:15:00] This is a jungle game that timid people dare not to see
[00:15:00] 鎺�璧稬insanity璁╁鎵嬪搧灏濈潃澶辫触
[00:19:00] Linsanity creates a whirlwind to push his adversaries into a failure
[00:19:00] 鑱氬厜鐏棯鍙堥棯 涓嶆柇杩介棶璁拌浇
[00:21:00] The spotlights are on to highlight the game results
[00:21:00] 35绉掔粷鏉�姣旇禌璁╀粬浠兘鍒敡鍞ф姝�
[00:24:00] The last-gasp goal during the last 35 seconds stops all whispers
[00:24:00] Look 鎵嬭捣鍒�钀� 瀵规墜姣旇緝寮�
[00:28:00] Look at my blade and the opponents are comparatively weak
[00:28:00] 鑲嗘剰绐佺牬 dancing on the floor
[00:31:00] Blatant breakthroughs like dancing on the floor
[00:31:00] 鎴戠殑姣忎竴鎷涙病鏈変汉鑳藉鍒�
[00:33:00] There's nobody who can copy my single move
[00:33:00] 鎯抽潬杩戠偣瑙傚療鎴�
[00:35:00] If you want to get closer to watch my show make sure you've paid for your seat
[00:35:00] 璁板緱鍏堟彁鍓嶄拱涓骇鍎�
[00:37:00] Any wall before me I break it down
[00:37:00] 鎸℃垜璺殑澧欑粺缁熻鎴慴reak it down
[00:40:00] Three pointers are just like those made by Ray Allen
[00:40:00] 涓夊垎闆ㄥ儚Ray Allen 杩借韩澶у附鍙樿韩LeBron
[00:43:00] And block shots are just like those made by LeBron James
[00:43:00] Dr. J off the ground淇濇寔鎵嬫劅婊氱儷
[00:46:00] Like Dr. J off the ground my ball sense is terrific
[00:46:00] 浠庣綒鐞冪嚎璧烽闅旀墸璁╁鎵嬪緢娌抚
[00:49:00] A slam dunk starting from the free-throw line makes the adversaries frustrated
[00:49:00] OK 涓�鐞僈O
[00:51:00] OK one signle shooting means a knockout
[00:51:00] 淇″康浼氬甫鎴戦璧�
[00:52:00] Belief makes me flying
[00:52:00] 鎴戞兂瑕佺殑閮戒細鏈�
[00:54:00] All I wanted will become true
[00:54:00] MVP鍐欏湪鎴戣儗鍚�
[00:55:00] MVP is on my back
[00:55:00] OK 涓�鐞僈O
[00:57:00] OK one signle shooting means a knockout
[00:57:00] 鐢ㄨ韩浣撻《寮�瀵规墜
[00:58:00] A post-up play before adversaries
[00:58:00] 鐞冨拰姊︽兂鑴辨墜鍏ョ綉
[01:00:00] The ball goes into the basket with my dreams
[01:00:00] 鐪熺敺浜轰粠涓嶅洖澶�
[01:01:00] A true man never turns back
[01:01:00] 寮犺壓鍏碙ay Zhang /灏煎厠路鏉∟ick Young锛�
[01:01:00] //
[01:01:00] That's my time to shine
[01:02:00] 鐜板湪杞埌鎴戝彂鍏変簡
[01:02:00] No stop
[01:03:00] 姘镐笉鍋滄瓏
[01:03:00] To be a superstar
[01:04:00] 鍗冲皢鎴愪负宸ㄦ槦
[01:04:00] 鎶撲綇姣忎釜鏈轰細 Boy
[01:06:00] Seize each opportunity boy
[01:06:00] 蹇呴』on the top
[01:07:00] You must be on the top
[01:07:00] That's my time to shine
[01:08:00] 鐜板湪杞埌鎴戝彂鍏変簡
[01:08:00] No stop
[01:09:00] 鍗冲皢鎴愪负宸ㄦ槦
[01:09:00] To be a superstar
[01:10:00] 鍚戜紶濂囪繘鍙�
[01:10:00] 鎶撲綇姣忎釜鏈轰細 Boy
[01:12:00] Seize each opportunity boy
[01:12:00] 蹇呴』on the top
[01:13:00] You must be on the top
[01:13:00] 寮犺壓鍏碙ay Zhang /灏煎厠路鏉∟ick Young锛�
[01:14:00] //
[01:14:00] That's my time to shine
[01:15:00] 鐜板湪杞埌鎴戝彂鍏変簡
[01:15:00] I don't care they wanna see me falling down
[01:16:00] 浠栦滑鎯宠鎴戝�掍笅鑰屾垜姣笉鍦ㄦ剰
[01:16:00] That's my time to shine
[01:18:00] 鐜板湪杞埌鎴戝彂鍏変簡
[01:18:00] I will be the last standing on the ground
[01:19:00] 鎴戜細鎴愪负鍧氬畧鍒版渶鍚庝竴鍒荤殑浜�
[01:19:00] That's my time to shine
[01:21:00] 鐜板湪杞埌鎴戝彂鍏変簡
[01:21:00] Tell me if you're ready for another round
[01:23:00] 鍛婅瘔鎴戜綘宸茬粡鍑嗗濂戒笅涓�杞珵浜変簡
[01:23:00] That's my time (shine)
[01:24:00] 璇ユ垜鍙戝厜浜�
[01:24:00] That's my time (shine)
[01:25:00] 璇ユ垜鍙戝厜浜�
[01:25:00] That's my time to shine
[01:27:00] 璇ユ垜鍙戝厜浜�
[01:27:00] Pull up on the block
[01:28:00] 鎴戜滑鏉ヤ簡
[01:28:00] 灏煎厠路鏉∟ick Young锛�
[01:33:00] //
[01:33:00] Game startin' and you up and on the front line
[01:36:00] 姣旇禌寮�濮� 蹇啿鍚戝墠绾�
[01:36:00] Put'em on skates make it rain keep on droppin' dimes
[01:39:00] 鎶婂鎵嬫檭寰楁檿澶磋浆鍚� 杩炵画杩涚悆鎵嬫劅婊氱儷
[01:39:00] Hit'em with the finger roll make that wrist go flick
[01:41:00] 涓�璁版寚灏栨寫绡� 鎵嬭厱杞昏交涓�鎷�
[01:41:00] I consist with the alley-oop boy that's assist
[01:45:00] 鎴戠敤绌轰腑鎺ュ姏鏉ュ憡璇変綘浠�涔堟墠鍙姪鏀�
[01:45:00] I ain't tryna be I wanna be I know I'll be
[01:47:00] 鎴戞涓嶈垂鍔涘氨鑳藉仛濂芥垜鑷繁
[01:47:00] They pull up for the shooter and I hit'em with mockery
[01:51:00] 浠栦滑鍋滃湪寰楀垎鎵嬫梺 鎴戞姤浠ヤ竴绗�
[01:51:00] Runnin' games like it's flowin' in my artery
[01:54:00] 瀵硅禌鍦虹殑缁熸不娴佹穼鍦ㄦ垜琛�娑蹭箣涓�
[01:54:00] Shammgodin' all night crossin'em over like them nikies
[01:57:00] 涓嶆柇鑺卞紡杩囦汉 鍍忎粬浠殑鑰愬厠闉嬩竴鏍烽鑸�
[01:57:00] Pass me the rock we got Lay for the shot
[02:00:00] 鍏抽敭鏃跺埢鍒版潵 鎶婄悆浜ょ粰鑹哄叴
[02:00:00] Everybody on the feet hot game turn it up
[02:03:00] 姣忎釜浜洪兘鍦ㄧ瓑鐫�濂芥垙寮�鍦�
[02:03:00] Three seconds end game right down to the last play
[02:06:00] 姣旇禌鑳滆礋鏉ュ埌鏈�鍚庝笁绉掗挓鐨勮繘鏀�
[02:06:00] Who's up for the killin' throw that ball up to air way
[02:09:00] 濡傛灉浣犳兂瑕佷竴鐞冭嚧鑳滈偅灏辨灉鏂嚭鎵嬪惂
[02:09:00] Pull up on the block
[02:13:00] 鎴戜滑鏉ヤ簡
[02:13:00] 寮犺壓鍏碙ay Zhang /灏煎厠路鏉∟ick Young锛�
[02:20:00] //
[02:20:00] That's my time to shine
[02:22:00] 鐜板湪杞埌鎴戝彂鍏変簡
[02:22:00] No stop
[02:23:00] 姘镐笉鍋滄瓏
[02:23:00] To be a superstar
[02:24:00] 鍗冲皢鎴愪负宸ㄦ槦
[02:24:00] 鎶撲綇姣忎釜鏈轰細 Boy
[02:26:00] Catch every opportunity boy
[02:26:00] 蹇呴』on the top
[02:27:00] Must be on the top
[02:27:00] That's my time to shine
[02:28:00] 鐜板湪杞埌鎴戝彂鍏変簡
[02:28:00] No stop
[02:29:00] 鍗冲皢鎴愪负宸ㄦ槦
[02:29:00] To be a superstar
[02:30:00] 鍚戜紶濂囪繘鍙�
[02:30:00] 鎶撲綇姣忎釜鏈轰細 Boy
[02:32:00] Catch every opportunity boy
[02:32:00] 蹇呴』on the top
[02:33:00] Must be on the top
[02:33:00] 寮犺壓鍏碙ay Zhang /灏煎厠路鏉∟ick Young锛�
[02:33:00] //
[02:33:00] That's my time to shine
[02:34:00] 鐜板湪杞埌鎴戝彂鍏変簡
[02:34:00] I don't care they wanna see me falling down
[02:36:00] 浠栦滑鎯宠鎴戝�掍笅鑰屾垜姣笉鍦ㄦ剰
[02:36:00] That's my time to shine
[02:37:00] 鐜板湪杞埌鎴戝彂鍏変簡
[02:37:00] I will be the last standing on the ground
[02:39:00] 鎴戜細鎴愪负鍧氬畧鍒版渶鍚庝竴鍒荤殑浜�
[02:39:00] That's my time to shine
[02:41:00] 鐜板湪杞埌鎴戝彂鍏変簡
[02:41:00] Tell me if you're ready for another round
[02:42:00] 鍛婅瘔鎴戜綘宸茬粡鍑嗗濂戒笅涓�杞珵浜変簡
[02:42:00] That's my time (shine)
[02:44:00] 璇ユ垜鍙戝厜浜�
[02:44:00] That's my time (shine)
[02:45:00] 璇ユ垜鍙戝厜浜�
[02:45:00] That's my time to shine
[02:50:00] 璇ユ垜鍙戝厜浜�

热爱 (Time To Shine) - 张艺兴


张艺兴-热爱 (Time To Shine)的QQ空间背景音乐外链:

歌曲张艺兴-热爱 (Time To Shine)的MP3下载地址来源于网络分享,复制链接或者右键链接另存为即可下载MP3音乐,同时网站提供张艺兴-热爱 (Time To Shine)的QQ空间背景音乐歌曲链接,把这首歌曲的MP3链接地址推荐给你的朋友,可以让他们免费获得本歌曲音乐外链。

热爱 (Time To Shine)的文本歌词:

鐑埍 (Time To Shine) (QQ闊充箰脳NBA75鍛ㄥ勾瀹樻柟涓婚鏇�) - 寮犺壓鍏�/灏煎厠路鏉�
璇� Lyrics锛歄liver Jiang/Wiz_H寮犲瓙璞�/AA/鍢夸汉鏉庨��
鏇� Composer锛歄liver Jiang/Wiz_H寮犲瓙璞�/AA/鍢夸汉鏉庨��/Mai 锛侼o Label Crew锛�/Kameron Glasper
鍒朵綔浜� Producer锛歁ai 锛侼o Label Crew锛�
鍗忓姏鍒朵綔浜� Assistant Producer锛氶殕鍘嗗锛侼o Label Crew锛�
缂栨洸 Arranger锛歁ai 锛侼o Label Crew锛�
鍚変粬 Guitarist锛氭潕鑰�鍏�
闊充箰鍒涙剰璁捐 Music Creative Director锛歁ai 锛侼o Label Crew锛�
閰嶅敱鍒朵綔浜� Vocal Producer锛歁ai 锛侼o Label Crew锛�
鍗忓姏閰嶅敱 Vocal Assistant锛氱櫧闈欐櫒
娣烽煶甯� Mixing Engineer锛氶殕鍘嗗锛侼o Label Crew锛�/Tyler Scott@Clean Cut Collective, Los Angeles, CA
鍚庣疆娣烽煶甯� Post Mixing Engineer锛歁ai 锛侼o Label Crew锛�
姣嶅甫甯� Mastering Engineer锛氬紶姝ヨ嫢/鍒橀煣@Ready Steady Sound!
浜哄0缂栬緫 Vocal Editor锛氬垬闊Ready Steady Sound!
寮犺壓鍏碙ay Zhang 浜哄0褰曢煶鐩戝埗 Vocal Supervisor锛歁ai 锛侼o Label Crew锛�/瀹樼
褰曢煶甯� Recording Engineer锛氶檲鍐犵敺@Ready Steady Sound!
褰曢煶瀹� Recording Studio锛歊SS Studios锛孊eiJing
灏煎厠路鏉∟ick Young 浜哄0褰曢煶鐩戝埗 Vocal Supervisor锛歀ennox瀛愭槀@BlackWoodstudio, Los Angeles, CA
褰曢煶甯� Recording Engineer锛欽aime Velez @BlackWoodstudio, Los Angeles, CA
褰曢煶瀹� Recording Studio锛欱lackWoodstudio,Los Angeles, CA
鍑哄搧锛歂BA涓浗 QQ闊充箰璇村敱鑰呰仈鐩熉峰揩涔愯鍞辨壄铔�
Pull up on the block
寮犺壓鍏碙ay Zhang锛�
This is a jungle game that timid people dare not to see
Linsanity creates a whirlwind to push his adversaries into a failure
鑱氬厜鐏棯鍙堥棯 涓嶆柇杩介棶璁拌浇
The spotlights are on to highlight the game results
The last-gasp goal during the last 35 seconds stops all whispers
Look 鎵嬭捣鍒�钀� 瀵规墜姣旇緝寮�
Look at my blade and the opponents are comparatively weak
鑲嗘剰绐佺牬 dancing on the floor
Blatant breakthroughs like dancing on the floor
There's nobody who can copy my single move
If you want to get closer to watch my show make sure you've paid for your seat
Any wall before me I break it down
鎸℃垜璺殑澧欑粺缁熻鎴慴reak it down
Three pointers are just like those made by Ray Allen
涓夊垎闆ㄥ儚Ray Allen 杩借韩澶у附鍙樿韩LeBron
And block shots are just like those made by LeBron James
Dr. J off the ground淇濇寔鎵嬫劅婊氱儷
Like Dr. J off the ground my ball sense is terrific
A slam dunk starting from the free-throw line makes the adversaries frustrated
OK 涓�鐞僈O
OK one signle shooting means a knockout
Belief makes me flying
All I wanted will become true
MVP is on my back
OK 涓�鐞僈O
OK one signle shooting means a knockout
A post-up play before adversaries
The ball goes into the basket with my dreams
A true man never turns back
寮犺壓鍏碙ay Zhang /灏煎厠路鏉∟ick Young锛�
That's my time to shine
No stop
To be a superstar
鎶撲綇姣忎釜鏈轰細 Boy
Seize each opportunity boy
蹇呴』on the top
You must be on the top
That's my time to shine
No stop
To be a superstar
鎶撲綇姣忎釜鏈轰細 Boy
Seize each opportunity boy
蹇呴』on the top
You must be on the top
寮犺壓鍏碙ay Zhang /灏煎厠路鏉∟ick Young锛�
That's my time to shine
I don't care they wanna see me falling down
That's my time to shine
I will be the last standing on the ground
That's my time to shine
Tell me if you're ready for another round
That's my time (shine)
That's my time (shine)
That's my time to shine
Pull up on the block
灏煎厠路鏉∟ick Young锛�
Game startin' and you up and on the front line
姣旇禌寮�濮� 蹇啿鍚戝墠绾�
Put'em on skates make it rain keep on droppin' dimes
鎶婂鎵嬫檭寰楁檿澶磋浆鍚� 杩炵画杩涚悆鎵嬫劅婊氱儷
Hit'em with the finger roll make that wrist go flick
涓�璁版寚灏栨寫绡� 鎵嬭厱杞昏交涓�鎷�
I consist with the alley-oop boy that's assist
I ain't tryna be I wanna be I know I'll be
They pull up for the shooter and I hit'em with mockery
浠栦滑鍋滃湪寰楀垎鎵嬫梺 鎴戞姤浠ヤ竴绗�
Runnin' games like it's flowin' in my artery
Shammgodin' all night crossin'em over like them nikies
涓嶆柇鑺卞紡杩囦汉 鍍忎粬浠殑鑰愬厠闉嬩竴鏍烽鑸�
Pass me the rock we got Lay for the shot
鍏抽敭鏃跺埢鍒版潵 鎶婄悆浜ょ粰鑹哄叴
Everybody on the feet hot game turn it up
Three seconds end game right down to the last play
Who's up for the killin' throw that ball up to air way
Pull up on the block
寮犺壓鍏碙ay Zhang /灏煎厠路鏉∟ick Young锛�
That's my time to shine
No stop
To be a superstar
鎶撲綇姣忎釜鏈轰細 Boy
Catch every opportunity boy
蹇呴』on the top
Must be on the top
That's my time to shine
No stop
To be a superstar
鎶撲綇姣忎釜鏈轰細 Boy
Catch every opportunity boy
蹇呴』on the top
Must be on the top
寮犺壓鍏碙ay Zhang /灏煎厠路鏉∟ick Young锛�
That's my time to shine
I don't care they wanna see me falling down
That's my time to shine
I will be the last standing on the ground
That's my time to shine
Tell me if you're ready for another round
That's my time (shine)
That's my time (shine)
That's my time to shine

爱好歌音乐网提供张艺兴-热爱 (Time To Shine)的MP3音乐在线试听下载,热爱 (Time To Shine)的QQ空间背景音乐外链。