[00:00:00] I Love U - The Chainsmokers (鐑熼缁勫悎)
[00:00:00] 鑵捐闊充箰浜湁鏈炕璇戜綔鍝佺殑钁椾綔鏉�
[00:00:00] Lyrics by锛欰lex Pall/Andrew Taggart/Faheem Najm/Aliaune Thiam
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] Composed by锛欰lex Pall/Andrew Taggart/Faheem Najm/Aliaune Thiam
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] Ike ike dan cho ganbare ganbare dan cho
[00:05:00] 鍑哄彂鍚� 鍑哄彂鍚� 闀垮畼
[00:05:00] In the range outside and I'm thinking about loose ends
[00:09:00] 鍔犳补 鍔犳补 闀垮畼
[00:09:00] Even though we cut ties I don't wanna be just friends
[00:14:00] 鍦ㄨ矾铏庤溅澶� 鎴戝績閲屾兂鐫�鏈煡鐨勭粨灞�
[00:14:00] From the day I got your number like paris in the summer it ends
[00:19:00] 鍗充娇鎴戜滑鏂╂柇鎯呬笣 浣嗘垜涓嶆効涓庝綘缁存寔鏈嬪弸鐨勫叧绯�
[00:19:00] Every day that goes by I wish I was in your bed
[00:23:00] 浠庢垜鎷垮埌浣犵數璇濆彿鐮侀偅澶╄捣 灏卞儚鐩涘鏃惰妭鐨勫反榛庝竴鏍� 涓�鍒囨垱鐒惰�屾
[00:23:00] Ooh ooh ooh
[00:24:00] 鎮勭劧閫濆幓鐨勬瘡涓�澶� 鎴戦兘甯屾湜鎴戣汉鍦ㄤ綘鐨勫簥涓�
[00:24:00] I love you
[00:26:00] //
[00:26:00] Oh god
[00:27:00] 鎴戞繁鐖辩潃浣� 鎴戠殑澶╁晩
[00:27:00] Ooh ooh ooh
[00:28:00] //
[00:28:00] Tryin' to find a reason why we can't work this out
[00:32:00] 绔敖鍏ㄥ姏 娓存湜鎵惧埌鎴戜滑鏃犳硶闀跨浉鍘畧鐨勫師鍥�
[00:32:00] Ooh ooh ooh
[00:33:00] //
[00:33:00] I love you
[00:35:00] 鎴戞繁鐖辩潃浣� 鎴戠殑澶╁晩
[00:35:00] Oh my god
[00:36:00] //
[00:36:00] Ooh ooh ooh
[00:38:00] 闅句互鎵惧埌鎴戜滑鏃犳硶闀跨浉鍘畧鐨勫師鍥�
[00:38:00] It's hard to find a reason why we can't work this out
[00:41:00] 鎴戞繁鐖辩潃浣� 鎴戠殑澶╁晩
[00:41:00] Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
[00:46:00] 浣犱互鍓嶄綇鍦ㄨタ杈� 鎴戞浘娌跨潃10鍙峰窞闄呭叕璺墠琛� 鍙负涓庝綘鐩歌
[00:46:00] Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
[00:50:00] 鍔ㄤ汉鐨勬瓕澹板湪鑰崇晹鍝嶈捣 璁╂垜鎬濈储鐫�浣犻�夋嫨鐨勫璞�
[00:50:00] Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
[00:56:00] 棣栧厛 鎴戜粠鏈啀涓夎�冭檻 浣嗘垜鎯崇煡閬撲綘濡備綍鐪嬪緟浠栦滑
[00:56:00] I love you
[00:58:00] 姣忎竴澶╂垜閮藉浣犻瓊鐗垫ⅵ钀�
[00:58:00] Oh my god
[01:00:00] //
[01:00:00] You were on the west side I was driving down the I 10
[01:05:00] 鎴戞繁鐖辩潃浣� 鎴戠殑澶╁晩
[01:05:00] And the song came on got me thinking who you chose instead
[01:09:00] //
[01:09:00] Oh I never thought twice but I wonder what you see in them
[01:14:00] 绔敖鍏ㄥ姏 娓存湜鎵惧埌鎴戜滑鏃犳硶闀跨浉鍘畧鐨勫師鍥�
[01:14:00] Another day goes by that I can't get you out of my head
[01:18:00] //
[01:18:00] Ooh ooh ooh
[01:19:00] 鎴戞繁鐖辩潃浣� 鎴戠殑澶╁晩
[01:19:00] I love you
[01:21:00] //
[01:21:00] Oh god
[01:23:00] 闅句互鎵惧埌鎴戜滑鏃犳硶闀跨浉鍘畧鐨勫師鍥�
[01:23:00] Ooh ooh ooh
[01:24:00] //
[01:24:00] Tryin' to find a reason why we can't work this out
[01:27:00] 鎴戞繁鐖辩潃浣�
[01:27:00] Ooh ooh ooh
[01:29:00] 鍗充娇杩欎唤鎰熸儏鐢讳笂鍙ョ偣 浣嗘垜鐩镐俊浣犵煡閬撲竴鍒囧皻鏈粨鏉�
[01:29:00] I love you
[01:31:00] 鎴戠殑鐖卞皢浼氭秷閫� 闄ら潪浣犲喅瀹氳鎴戜竴闈�
[01:31:00] Oh my god
[01:32:00] 褰撲綘瀹氬眳鐨勫煄甯傚彉寰楁剤鍙戝瘨鍐锋椂 浣犳槸鍚︿細鎯宠捣鎴戠殑澹伴煶
[01:32:00] Ooh ooh ooh
[01:33:00] 鍑哄彂鍚� 鍑哄彂鍚� 闀垮畼
[01:33:00] It's hard to find a reason why we can't work this out
[01:37:00] 鍔犳补 鍔犳补 闀垮畼
[01:37:00] Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
[01:41:00] //
[01:41:00] Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
[01:46:00] 鎴戞繁鐖辩潃浣� 鎴戠殑澶╁晩
[01:46:00] Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
[01:54:00] //
[01:54:00] When it hits I'm convinced that you know it's not over
[01:59:00] 绔敖鍏ㄥ姏 娓存湜鎵惧埌鎴戜滑鏃犳硶闀跨浉鍘畧鐨勫師鍥�
[01:59:00] All my love's counterfeit unless you're comin over
[02:03:00] //
[02:03:00] Do you think of my voice when your city gets colder
[02:09:00] 鎴戞繁鐖辩潃浣� 鎴戠殑澶╁晩
[02:09:00] Ike ike dan cho ganbare ganbare dan cho
[02:13:00] //
[02:13:00] Ooh ooh ooh
[02:15:00] 鎶辨瓑 鎴戞繁鐖辩潃浣�
[02:15:00] I love you
[02:17:00] 浠や汉鐥涜嫤涓嶅牚
[02:17:00] Oh god
[02:18:00] 鎴戞繁鐖辩潃浣�
[02:18:00] Ooh ooh ooh
[02:19:00] 浠や汉鐥涜嫤涓嶅牚
[02:19:00] Tryin' to find a reason why we can't work this out
[02:24:00] 闅句互鎵惧埌鎴戜滑鏃犳硶闀跨浉鍘畧鐨勫師鍥�

I Love U - The Chainsmokers


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I Love U的文本歌词:

I Love U - The Chainsmokers (鐑熼缁勫悎)
Lyrics by锛欰lex Pall/Andrew Taggart/Faheem Najm/Aliaune Thiam
Composed by锛欰lex Pall/Andrew Taggart/Faheem Najm/Aliaune Thiam
Ike ike dan cho ganbare ganbare dan cho
鍑哄彂鍚� 鍑哄彂鍚� 闀垮畼
In the range outside and I'm thinking about loose ends
鍔犳补 鍔犳补 闀垮畼
Even though we cut ties I don't wanna be just friends
鍦ㄨ矾铏庤溅澶� 鎴戝績閲屾兂鐫�鏈煡鐨勭粨灞�
From the day I got your number like paris in the summer it ends
鍗充娇鎴戜滑鏂╂柇鎯呬笣 浣嗘垜涓嶆効涓庝綘缁存寔鏈嬪弸鐨勫叧绯�
Every day that goes by I wish I was in your bed
浠庢垜鎷垮埌浣犵數璇濆彿鐮侀偅澶╄捣 灏卞儚鐩涘鏃惰妭鐨勫反榛庝竴鏍� 涓�鍒囨垱鐒惰�屾
Ooh ooh ooh
鎮勭劧閫濆幓鐨勬瘡涓�澶� 鎴戦兘甯屾湜鎴戣汉鍦ㄤ綘鐨勫簥涓�
I love you
Oh god
鎴戞繁鐖辩潃浣� 鎴戠殑澶╁晩
Ooh ooh ooh
Tryin' to find a reason why we can't work this out
绔敖鍏ㄥ姏 娓存湜鎵惧埌鎴戜滑鏃犳硶闀跨浉鍘畧鐨勫師鍥�
Ooh ooh ooh
I love you
鎴戞繁鐖辩潃浣� 鎴戠殑澶╁晩
Oh my god
Ooh ooh ooh
It's hard to find a reason why we can't work this out
鎴戞繁鐖辩潃浣� 鎴戠殑澶╁晩
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
浣犱互鍓嶄綇鍦ㄨタ杈� 鎴戞浘娌跨潃10鍙峰窞闄呭叕璺墠琛� 鍙负涓庝綘鐩歌
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
鍔ㄤ汉鐨勬瓕澹板湪鑰崇晹鍝嶈捣 璁╂垜鎬濈储鐫�浣犻�夋嫨鐨勫璞�
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
棣栧厛 鎴戜粠鏈啀涓夎�冭檻 浣嗘垜鎯崇煡閬撲綘濡備綍鐪嬪緟浠栦滑
I love you
Oh my god
You were on the west side I was driving down the I 10
鎴戞繁鐖辩潃浣� 鎴戠殑澶╁晩
And the song came on got me thinking who you chose instead
Oh I never thought twice but I wonder what you see in them
绔敖鍏ㄥ姏 娓存湜鎵惧埌鎴戜滑鏃犳硶闀跨浉鍘畧鐨勫師鍥�
Another day goes by that I can't get you out of my head
Ooh ooh ooh
鎴戞繁鐖辩潃浣� 鎴戠殑澶╁晩
I love you
Oh god
Ooh ooh ooh
Tryin' to find a reason why we can't work this out
Ooh ooh ooh
鍗充娇杩欎唤鎰熸儏鐢讳笂鍙ョ偣 浣嗘垜鐩镐俊浣犵煡閬撲竴鍒囧皻鏈粨鏉�
I love you
鎴戠殑鐖卞皢浼氭秷閫� 闄ら潪浣犲喅瀹氳鎴戜竴闈�
Oh my god
褰撲綘瀹氬眳鐨勫煄甯傚彉寰楁剤鍙戝瘨鍐锋椂 浣犳槸鍚︿細鎯宠捣鎴戠殑澹伴煶
Ooh ooh ooh
鍑哄彂鍚� 鍑哄彂鍚� 闀垮畼
It's hard to find a reason why we can't work this out
鍔犳补 鍔犳补 闀垮畼
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
鎴戞繁鐖辩潃浣� 鎴戠殑澶╁晩
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
When it hits I'm convinced that you know it's not over
绔敖鍏ㄥ姏 娓存湜鎵惧埌鎴戜滑鏃犳硶闀跨浉鍘畧鐨勫師鍥�
All my love's counterfeit unless you're comin over
Do you think of my voice when your city gets colder
鎴戞繁鐖辩潃浣� 鎴戠殑澶╁晩
Ike ike dan cho ganbare ganbare dan cho
Ooh ooh ooh
鎶辨瓑 鎴戞繁鐖辩潃浣�
I love you
Oh god
Ooh ooh ooh
Tryin' to find a reason why we can't work this out

爱好歌音乐网提供The Chainsmokers-I Love U的MP3音乐在线试听下载,I Love U的QQ空间背景音乐外链。
