[00:00:00] The Calling - 白鲨JAWS
[00:01:00] I hear the calling(我听到召唤)
[00:03:00] Saving everything I am(拯救我的一切)
[00:07:00] Just believe in the legends(只要相信传说)
[00:12:00] Find my glory (glory)(找寻我的荣耀)
[00:14:00] Phantoms breaking(魅影退散)
[00:16:00] the lightning —(这道闪电)
[00:19:00] — Is where our battle will begin(是我们战斗打响的地方)
[00:22:00] Where the tide will turn against it all(怒潮会在此对抗一切)
[00:40:00] To breathe(呼吸)
[00:42:00] But what's the point of breathing(但呼吸有什么意义)
[00:45:00] When I've stopped dreaming(当我不再想望)
[00:47:00] To leap(飞跃)
[00:48:00] From the ash clouds of my fantasy(从幻想燃尽的尘云中)
[00:52:00] Oh now I've clenched my fists(现在我已握紧双拳)
[00:56:00] Untied my wrists(放开手腕)
[00:59:00] So let's go (来吧)
[01:01:00] beyond the world where we know(超越我们所知晓的世界)
[01:06:00] Hearts will break(心会破碎)
[01:09:00] But hear it when I say(但听我说)
[01:15:00] I hear the calling(我听到召唤)
[01:18:00] Saving everything I am(拯救我的一切)
[01:22:00] Just believe in the legends(只要相信传说)
[01:26:00] Find my glory (glory)(找寻我的荣耀)
[01:28:00] Phantoms breaking(魅影退散)
[01:30:00] the lightning —(这道闪电)
[01:33:00] — Is where our battle will begin(是我们战斗打响的地方
[01:36:00] Where the tide will turn against it all(怒潮会在此对抗一切)
[01:40:00] I'm with you 'till the end(我会陪着你到最后)
[01:54:00] This disarray(这乱局)
[01:56:00]  Held its breath when you said(屏住呼吸当你说)
[01:59:00] "From now on I'll be brave"(从现在开始我会勇敢)
[02:01:00] They don't even understand what's comin'(他们完全不明白什么即将来袭)
[02:04:00] Get ready for the JAWS up in the air(准备好迎接空中的白鲨吧)
[02:08:00] Wake them from the deepest slumber(把他们从最深的沉睡中唤醒)
[02:10:00] This time(这次)
[02:11:00] Get ready for the JAWS(准备好白鲨来临)
[02:14:00] I hear the calling(我听到召唤)
[02:17:00] Saving everything I am(拯救我的一切)
[02:21:00] Just believe in the legends(只要相信传奇)
[02:26:00] Find my glory (glory)(找寻我的荣耀)
[02:28:00] Phantoms breaking(魅影退散)
[02:30:00] the lightning —(这道闪电)
[02:32:00] — Is where our battle will begin(是我们战斗打响的地方)
[02:36:00] Where the tide will turn against it all(怒潮会在此对抗一切)
[02:40:00] I'm with you'till the end(我会陪着你直到最后)
[02:55:00] I hear the callin
[02:57:00] Saving everything I am(拯救我的一切)
[03:01:00] Just believe in the legends(只要相信传说)
[03:06:00] Find my glory (glory)(找寻我的荣耀)
[03:08:00] Phantoms breaking(魅影退散)
[03:10:00] the lightning —(这道闪电)
[03:13:00] — Is where our battle will begin(是我们战斗打响的地方)
[03:16:00] Where the tide will turn against it all(怒潮会在此对抗一切)
[03:20:00] I'm with you'till the end(我会陪着你直到最后)

The Calling - 白鲨JAWS


白鲨JAWS-The Calling的QQ空间背景音乐外链:

歌曲白鲨JAWS-The Calling的MP3下载地址来源于网络分享,复制链接或者右键链接另存为即可下载MP3音乐,同时网站提供白鲨JAWS-The Calling的QQ空间背景音乐歌曲链接,把这首歌曲的MP3链接地址推荐给你的朋友,可以让他们免费获得本歌曲音乐外链。

The Calling的文本歌词:

The Calling - 白鲨JAWS
I hear the calling(我听到召唤)
Saving everything I am(拯救我的一切)
Just believe in the legends(只要相信传说)
Find my glory (glory)(找寻我的荣耀)
Phantoms breaking(魅影退散)
the lightning —(这道闪电)
— Is where our battle will begin(是我们战斗打响的地方)
Where the tide will turn against it all(怒潮会在此对抗一切)
To breathe(呼吸)
But what's the point of breathing(但呼吸有什么意义)
When I've stopped dreaming(当我不再想望)
To leap(飞跃)
From the ash clouds of my fantasy(从幻想燃尽的尘云中)
Oh now I've clenched my fists(现在我已握紧双拳)
Untied my wrists(放开手腕)
So let's go (来吧)
beyond the world where we know(超越我们所知晓的世界)
Hearts will break(心会破碎)
But hear it when I say(但听我说)
I hear the calling(我听到召唤)
Saving everything I am(拯救我的一切)
Just believe in the legends(只要相信传说)
Find my glory (glory)(找寻我的荣耀)
Phantoms breaking(魅影退散)
the lightning —(这道闪电)
— Is where our battle will begin(是我们战斗打响的地方
Where the tide will turn against it all(怒潮会在此对抗一切)
I'm with you 'till the end(我会陪着你到最后)
This disarray(这乱局)
Held its breath when you said(屏住呼吸当你说)
"From now on I'll be brave"(从现在开始我会勇敢)
They don't even understand what's comin'(他们完全不明白什么即将来袭)
Get ready for the JAWS up in the air(准备好迎接空中的白鲨吧)
Wake them from the deepest slumber(把他们从最深的沉睡中唤醒)
This time(这次)
Get ready for the JAWS(准备好白鲨来临)
I hear the calling(我听到召唤)
Saving everything I am(拯救我的一切)
Just believe in the legends(只要相信传奇)
Find my glory (glory)(找寻我的荣耀)
Phantoms breaking(魅影退散)
the lightning —(这道闪电)
— Is where our battle will begin(是我们战斗打响的地方)
Where the tide will turn against it all(怒潮会在此对抗一切)
I'm with you'till the end(我会陪着你直到最后)
I hear the callin
Saving everything I am(拯救我的一切)
Just believe in the legends(只要相信传说)
Find my glory (glory)(找寻我的荣耀)
Phantoms breaking(魅影退散)
the lightning —(这道闪电)
— Is where our battle will begin(是我们战斗打响的地方)
Where the tide will turn against it all(怒潮会在此对抗一切)
I'm with you'till the end(我会陪着你直到最后)

爱好歌音乐网提供白鲨JAWS-The Calling的MP3音乐在线试听下载,The Calling的QQ空间背景音乐外链。