[00:33:00] I
[00:35:00] I always thought that I knew
[00:39:00] I"d always have the right to
[00:42:00] Be living in the kingdom of the good and true
[00:48:00] And so on
[00:50:00] But now I think I was wrong
[00:54:00] And you were laughing along
[00:57:00] And now I look a fool for thinking you were on  my side
[01:05:00] Is it any wonder that I"m tired 
[01:08:00] Is it any wonder that I feel uptight 
[01:12:00] Is it any wonder I don"t know what"s right 
[01:17:00] Sometimes
[01:20:00] It"s hard to know where I stand
[01:23:00] It"s hard to know where I am
[01:27:00] Or maybe it"s a puzzle I don"t understand
[01:33:00] Sometimes
[01:35:00] I get the feeling that I"m
[01:38:00] Stranded in the wrong time
[01:42:00] Where love is just a lyric in children"s rhyme  a soundbite
[01:49:00] Is it any wonder that I"m tired 
[01:53:00] Is it any wonder that I feel uptight 
[01:57:00] Is it any wonder I don"t know what"s right
[02:01:00] Oh these days 
[02:04:00] After all the misery you made
[02:08:00] Is it any wonder that I feel afraid 
[02:12:00] Is it any wonder that I feel betrayed 
[03:01:00] Oh but you try
[03:04:00] Is it any wonder that I"m tired 
[03:07:00] Is it any wonder that I feel uptight 
[03:11:00] Is it any wonder I don"t know what"s right 
[03:16:00] Oh these days
[03:18:00] After all the misery you made
[03:22:00] Is it any wonder that I feel afraid 
[03:26:00] Is it any wonder that I feel betrayed

Is It Any Wonder? - Keane


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歌曲Keane-Is It Any Wonder?的MP3下载地址来源于网络分享,复制链接或者右键链接另存为即可下载MP3音乐,同时网站提供Keane-Is It Any Wonder?的QQ空间背景音乐歌曲链接,把这首歌曲的MP3链接地址推荐给你的朋友,可以让他们免费获得本歌曲音乐外链。

Is It Any Wonder?的文本歌词:

I always thought that I knew
I"d always have the right to
Be living in the kingdom of the good and true
And so on
But now I think I was wrong
And you were laughing along
And now I look a fool for thinking you were on my side
Is it any wonder that I"m tired
Is it any wonder that I feel uptight
Is it any wonder I don"t know what"s right
It"s hard to know where I stand
It"s hard to know where I am
Or maybe it"s a puzzle I don"t understand
I get the feeling that I"m
Stranded in the wrong time
Where love is just a lyric in children"s rhyme a soundbite
Is it any wonder that I"m tired
Is it any wonder that I feel uptight
Is it any wonder I don"t know what"s right
Oh these days
After all the misery you made
Is it any wonder that I feel afraid
Is it any wonder that I feel betrayed
Oh but you try
Is it any wonder that I"m tired
Is it any wonder that I feel uptight
Is it any wonder I don"t know what"s right
Oh these days
After all the misery you made
Is it any wonder that I feel afraid
Is it any wonder that I feel betrayed

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