[00:00:00]  作曲 : Tinashe/Goldie
[00:00:00] 独坐这里 瓶中溢满思绪
[00:00:00] (Bango turn it up)
[00:03:00] 每次我独自啜饮 脑海中总是你
[00:03:00] Bango by the way
[00:10:00] 你近况如何?
[00:10:00] Sitting here with my thoughts in a bottle
[00:14:00] 等等 我在做什么啊
[00:14:00] Every time I take a sip, I'm reminded of you
[00:19:00] 当你不在身旁 一切都变了模样
[00:19:00] Like how you been
[00:20:00] 从未预料你我落入如此境地
[00:20:00] Wait a minute, what am I doing?
[00:23:00] 我脆弱无比 不堪一击 亲爱的
[00:23:00] It feels different you're not around
[00:28:00] 我拼尽全力之时 你却轻言放弃
[00:28:00] Never thought that this would be us
[00:32:00] 如今你也脆弱无比 不堪一击
[00:32:00] I feel weak, I feel weak, baby
[00:38:00] 而我只是
[00:38:00] I was fighting but you gave up
[00:41:00] 想继续爱你 虽然我知道明不该
[00:41:00] Now you feel weak, you feel weak
[00:46:00] 想再吻着你 可最好还是放下吧
[00:46:00] And I
[00:47:00] 最好还是释怀吧
[00:47:00] Wanna love you but I know better, better
[00:52:00] 想再吻着你 可最好还是放下吧
[00:52:00] Wanna kiss you but I know better
[00:55:00] 只得把心中秘事尽情倾吐
[00:55:00] I know better baby
[00:57:00] 沉浸在情绪中复又释怀 在这个夜晚
[00:57:00] Wanna kiss you but I know better
[01:00:00] 孰是孰非?
[01:00:00] Got me telling all my secrets
[01:03:00] 无所谓了 时间会抚平一切
[01:03:00] Got me in and out my feeling's tonight
[01:07:00] 今后我将这样宽慰自己
[01:07:00] Who was wrong, who was right
[01:09:00] 狠心挂断你的来电
[01:09:00] Doesn't matter, it will fade over time
[01:14:00] 我在遥远的地方 与你不同
[01:14:00] It was what I'll tell myself
[01:17:00] 那些被泪水席卷的夜晚 细数你我的过往
[01:17:00] Hit decline on my line when you call now
[01:20:00] 那些夜晚 你又在哪里 在哪里呢
[01:20:00] I'm distant, t's different with you, whoah
[01:26:00] 不想再陷入那种痛苦中了
[01:26:00] All those nights cried over us
[01:29:00] 我依旧恐惧万分 生怕重蹈覆辙
[01:29:00] Where were you then, where were you then, baby
[01:35:00] 而我只是
[01:35:00] I don't wanna feel that again
[01:39:00] 想继续爱你 虽然我知道明不该
[01:39:00] I'm still afraid, I'm still afraid
[01:44:00] 想再吻着你 可最好还是放下吧
[01:44:00] And I
[01:45:00] 最好还是释怀吧
[01:45:00] Wanna love you but I know better, better
[01:49:00] 想再吻着你 可最好还是放下吧
[01:49:00] Wanna kiss you but I know better
[01:53:00] 只得把心中秘事尽情倾吐
[01:53:00] I know better baby
[01:55:00] 沉浸在情绪中复又释怀 在这个夜晚
[01:55:00] Wanna kiss you but I know better
[01:58:00] 想继续爱你 虽然我知道明不该
[01:58:00] Got me telling all my secrets
[02:00:00] 想再吻着你 可最好还是放下吧
[02:00:00] Got me in and out my feeling's tonight
[02:04:00] 最好还是释怀吧
[02:04:00] Wanna love you but I know better, better
[02:09:00] 想再吻着你 可最好还是放下吧
[02:09:00] Wanna kiss you but I know better
[02:12:00] 只得把心中秘事尽情倾吐
[02:12:00] I know better baby
[02:14:00] 沉浸在情绪中复又释怀 在这个夜晚
[02:14:00] Wanna kiss you but I know better
[02:17:00] 只得把心中秘事尽情倾吐
[02:17:00] Got me telling all my secrets
[02:20:00] 沉浸在情绪中复又释怀 在这个夜晚
[02:20:00] Got me in and out my feeling's tonight
[02:24:00] 只得把心中秘事尽情倾吐
[02:24:00] Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh baby
[02:29:00] 沉浸在情绪中复又释怀 在这个夜晚
[02:29:00] Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh baby
[02:34:00] 在不知名的某处 地平线之上
[02:34:00] Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh baby
[02:36:00] 太阳升起 而你床畔已不再有我
[02:36:00] Got me telling all my secrets
[02:39:00] 我愿暂且收起自己的傲慢
[02:39:00] Got me in and out my feelings tonight
[02:46:00] 若你亲口承诺 “我值得你等待”
[02:46:00] Telling all my secrets
[02:49:00] 期盼你不时回忆一下我们的曾经
[02:49:00] In and out my feelings tonight
[03:06:00] 有些时候 我依旧形单影只
[03:06:00] Somewhere over the horizon
[03:09:00] 新的一天 新的心碎
[03:09:00] Sun is rising on you with no me
[03:14:00] 当我陷入爱情 我总以为能够长久
[03:14:00] I would put my pride aside
[03:16:00] 生活得如同行尸走肉 魂不守舍
[03:16:00] If you could promise to be worth-waited
[03:21:00] 我只想回到曾经的自己
[03:21:00] Hoping that you think about us
[03:23:00] 记忆 慢些消逝吧
[03:23:00] Sometimes I'm still leaning on the lonely
[03:28:00] 我在脑海里回想你说过的每字每句
[03:28:00] Another broken heart, another day
[03:34:00] 如果这就是我们故事的终曲
[03:34:00] When I fall in love, I guess I'm always gonna stay
[03:42:00] 为何当你拥我入怀 还是恍若置身天堂
[03:42:00] Living like a ghost, all haunted
[03:45:00] 新的一天 新的心碎
[03:45:00] All I want is to feel like the old me
[03:49:00] 当我深陷情愫 我总以为可以找到出路
[03:49:00] Fade away a little slower
[03:52:00] 当听到你名字 还是仿佛会脆弱地碎成千万片
[03:52:00] I go over every word you told me
[03:56:00] 残存一点期许 愿你也能有片刻体会我的心痛
[03:56:00] If it was all last then why did I feel
[04:00:00] 不忍想象 下一次分手又将是何种境况
[04:00:00] I'm in heaven when you hold me
[04:03:00] 找到新欢对我不是什么难事 你知道的
[04:03:00] Another broken heart, another day
[04:09:00] 告诉我
[04:09:00] When I fall in love, I guess I always find a way
[04:17:00] 你看到了吗
[04:17:00] Still feels like I could fall in pieces when I hear your name
[04:23:00] 我已有稍许好转
[04:23:00] Hoping just a little that you feel the same, anyway
[04:32:00] 当我不再到处打听你 当泪水终于干涸
[04:32:00] Hard to see what's another break up to a girl like me
[04:37:00] 你注意到了吗
[04:37:00] I could find another lover easily and you know it
[04:44:00] 你有在关注我吗
[04:44:00] Tell me
[04:46:00] 你看到了吗
[04:46:00] Did you notice?
[04:47:00] 我现在过得还不赖
[04:47:00] I've been doing just fine
[04:50:00] 甚至也不再每天想起你了
[04:50:00] As I could never hear and tears all dried
[04:53:00] 你有在关注我吗
[04:53:00] Did you notice?
[04:54:00] 当听到你名字 还是仿佛会脆弱地碎成千万片
[04:54:00] Did you notice me?
[05:00:00] 残存一点期许 愿你也能有片刻体会我的心痛
[05:00:00] Did you notice?
[05:01:00] 不忍想象 下一次分手又将是何种境况
[05:01:00] I've been doing okay
[05:03:00] 找到新欢对我不是什么难事 你知道的
[05:03:00] Don't even think about you every single day
[05:07:00] 告诉我
[05:07:00] Did you notice me?
[05:29:00] 你看到了吗
[05:29:00] Still feels like I could fall in pieces when I hear your name
[05:34:00] 我已有稍许好转
[05:34:00] Hoping just a little that you feel the same, anyway
[05:43:00] 当我不再到处打听你 当泪水终于干涸
[05:43:00] Hard to see what's another break up to a girl like me
[05:48:00] 你注意到了吗
[05:48:00] I could find another lover easily and you know it
[05:55:00] 你有在关注我吗
[05:55:00] Tell me
[05:57:00] 你注意到了吗
[05:57:00] Did you notice?
[05:58:00] 我现在过得还不赖
[05:58:00] I've been doing just fine
[06:01:00] 甚至也不再每时每刻想起你了
[06:01:00] As I could never hear and tears all dried
[06:06:00] 你注意到了吗

Know Better - Tinashe


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Know Better的文本歌词:

作曲 : Tinashe/Goldie
独坐这里 瓶中溢满思绪
(Bango turn it up)
每次我独自啜饮 脑海中总是你
Bango by the way
Sitting here with my thoughts in a bottle
等等 我在做什么啊
Every time I take a sip, I'm reminded of you
当你不在身旁 一切都变了模样
Like how you been
Wait a minute, what am I doing?
我脆弱无比 不堪一击 亲爱的
It feels different you're not around
我拼尽全力之时 你却轻言放弃
Never thought that this would be us
如今你也脆弱无比 不堪一击
I feel weak, I feel weak, baby
I was fighting but you gave up
想继续爱你 虽然我知道明不该
Now you feel weak, you feel weak
想再吻着你 可最好还是放下吧
And I
Wanna love you but I know better, better
想再吻着你 可最好还是放下吧
Wanna kiss you but I know better
I know better baby
沉浸在情绪中复又释怀 在这个夜晚
Wanna kiss you but I know better
Got me telling all my secrets
无所谓了 时间会抚平一切
Got me in and out my feeling's tonight
Who was wrong, who was right
Doesn't matter, it will fade over time
我在遥远的地方 与你不同
It was what I'll tell myself
那些被泪水席卷的夜晚 细数你我的过往
Hit decline on my line when you call now
那些夜晚 你又在哪里 在哪里呢
I'm distant, t's different with you, whoah
All those nights cried over us
我依旧恐惧万分 生怕重蹈覆辙
Where were you then, where were you then, baby
I don't wanna feel that again
想继续爱你 虽然我知道明不该
I'm still afraid, I'm still afraid
想再吻着你 可最好还是放下吧
And I
Wanna love you but I know better, better
想再吻着你 可最好还是放下吧
Wanna kiss you but I know better
I know better baby
沉浸在情绪中复又释怀 在这个夜晚
Wanna kiss you but I know better
想继续爱你 虽然我知道明不该
Got me telling all my secrets
想再吻着你 可最好还是放下吧
Got me in and out my feeling's tonight
Wanna love you but I know better, better
想再吻着你 可最好还是放下吧
Wanna kiss you but I know better
I know better baby
沉浸在情绪中复又释怀 在这个夜晚
Wanna kiss you but I know better
Got me telling all my secrets
沉浸在情绪中复又释怀 在这个夜晚
Got me in and out my feeling's tonight
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh baby
沉浸在情绪中复又释怀 在这个夜晚
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh baby
在不知名的某处 地平线之上
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh baby
太阳升起 而你床畔已不再有我
Got me telling all my secrets
Got me in and out my feelings tonight
若你亲口承诺 “我值得你等待”
Telling all my secrets
In and out my feelings tonight
有些时候 我依旧形单影只
Somewhere over the horizon
新的一天 新的心碎
Sun is rising on you with no me
当我陷入爱情 我总以为能够长久
I would put my pride aside
生活得如同行尸走肉 魂不守舍
If you could promise to be worth-waited
Hoping that you think about us
记忆 慢些消逝吧
Sometimes I'm still leaning on the lonely
Another broken heart, another day
When I fall in love, I guess I'm always gonna stay
为何当你拥我入怀 还是恍若置身天堂
Living like a ghost, all haunted
新的一天 新的心碎
All I want is to feel like the old me
当我深陷情愫 我总以为可以找到出路
Fade away a little slower
当听到你名字 还是仿佛会脆弱地碎成千万片
I go over every word you told me
残存一点期许 愿你也能有片刻体会我的心痛
If it was all last then why did I feel
不忍想象 下一次分手又将是何种境况
I'm in heaven when you hold me
找到新欢对我不是什么难事 你知道的
Another broken heart, another day
When I fall in love, I guess I always find a way
Still feels like I could fall in pieces when I hear your name
Hoping just a little that you feel the same, anyway
当我不再到处打听你 当泪水终于干涸
Hard to see what's another break up to a girl like me
I could find another lover easily and you know it
Tell me
Did you notice?
I've been doing just fine
As I could never hear and tears all dried
Did you notice?
当听到你名字 还是仿佛会脆弱地碎成千万片
Did you notice me?
残存一点期许 愿你也能有片刻体会我的心痛
Did you notice?
不忍想象 下一次分手又将是何种境况
I've been doing okay
找到新欢对我不是什么难事 你知道的
Don't even think about you every single day
Did you notice me?
Still feels like I could fall in pieces when I hear your name
Hoping just a little that you feel the same, anyway
当我不再到处打听你 当泪水终于干涸
Hard to see what's another break up to a girl like me
I could find another lover easily and you know it
Tell me
Did you notice?
I've been doing just fine
As I could never hear and tears all dried

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