[00:00:00]  作曲 : Tom MacDonald
[00:01:00] 说实话 你们一直在扼杀我的自信心
[00:01:00]  作词 : Tom MacDonald
[00:12:00] 很难想象我承受着多大的负面评论和流言蜚语
[00:12:00] Honestly, y'all have been killin' my confidence
[00:15:00] 很难想象我承受着多大的压力
[00:15:00] All of the negative comments and gossip
[00:16:00] 我很抱歉 我很抱歉 我为这一切感到抱歉
[00:16:00] It's hard to imagine the stress that I'm under
[00:18:00] 我很抱歉说了实话和真相
[00:18:00] I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for all of this
[00:20:00] 我很抱歉我diss了那个兄弟
[00:20:00] I'm sorry for spittin' the truth
[00:21:00] 为我没有抓住批评的重点感到抱歉
[00:21:00] I'm sorry for dissin' that dude
[00:23:00] 我被金银财宝蒙蔽了双眼
[00:23:00] Sorry for missin' the point of the criticism
[00:25:00] 我向你们所有人道歉
[00:25:00] I was blinded by diamonds and loot
[00:26:00] 你们都是对的 我已经疯了
[00:26:00] I apologize to all you guys
[00:28:00] 是我过界了 我做得太多了
[00:28:00] Y'all were right, I was out my mind
[00:30:00] 恨我的人说我烂透了 他们都是对的
[00:30:00] I went too far, I did too much
[00:32:00] 我尽了最大的努力 但这对我也无济于事
[00:32:00] The haters were right when they said I suck
[00:33:00] 我付出了我的勇气  但我依旧还迷失在荣誉中
[00:33:00] I did my best it did nothin' for me
[00:35:00] 我就站在这儿 而你坐在我的身后
[00:35:00] I gave my guts and got lost in glory
[00:37:00] 除了说“对不起”  我也别无他法
[00:37:00] I'm standin' here while you sit before me
[00:39:00] 对不起 你的言辞根本对我造成不了困扰
[00:39:00] There's nothin' left but to say "I'm sorry"
[00:56:00] 我不欠任何人的道歉
[00:56:00] Sorry, that doesn't bother me
[00:57:00] 就算从生物学的角度来讲 我也不后悔
[00:57:00] I don't owe anybody an apology
[00:59:00] 重新上弹 并拍摄恒星 你们看起来都很懂天文学
[00:59:00] I don't have no regrets in my biology
[01:01:00] 根本没有人像我这么火热 毫无特色的效仿我
[01:01:00] Reload and shoot for the stars, y'all look like astronomy
[01:03:00] 模仿者们 你们都是如此让人震惊的有意思
[01:03:00] No one as hot as me, copy me commonly
[01:04:00] 即使把我歌曲的重量全部压在我身上
[01:04:00] Wannabes, y'all are so shockingly comedy
[01:06:00] 我也不会粉碎的 我又不是陶器做的
[01:06:00] Carry the weight of my songs all on top of me
[01:08:00] 把你的尸体埋葬在几英亩的土地上
[01:08:00] I will not break I'm not made out of pottery
[01:09:00] 以神圣的几何学的角度陈列它
[01:09:00] Bury your bodies on acres of property
[01:11:00] 用谦逊去打败你
[01:11:00] Place them at angles like sacred geometry
[01:13:00] 我发布的每首歌都是用良心出品的 我能保证
[01:13:00] Down with modesty
[01:14:00] 真诚地追随我吧
[01:14:00] Everything I drop is quality
[01:15:00] 我网页的点击数不会就此止步
[01:15:00] Promise, like honestly, follow me
[01:17:00] 和我一起摇滚吧
[01:17:00] I ain't gonna stop with the hits
[01:18:00] 像是吃豆人那样被解锁
[01:18:00] Come rock with the kid
[01:19:00] 我才是写歌之神 没有警察来专门去管抄袭
[01:19:00] Unlock like Pac woulda been
[01:20:00] 赚的盆满钵盈 因为我的歌写的简直太棒了
[01:20:00] I'm a god with the pen, no cops at the crib
[01:22:00] 人们都厌恶那种被低估却薪酬过高的工作
[01:22:00] Got guap 'cause I'm awesome at this
[01:23:00] 复杂的计算 让人去强暴演算纸
[01:23:00] Underrated, overpaid, they hate it
[01:25:00] 像刀片一样的锋利 就像是Freddy VS Jason
[01:25:00] Complicated calculations made to rape the paper
[01:27:00] 天使在我心中 而撒旦在地下室
[01:27:00] Razor-sharp like blades and Freddy versus Jason
[01:29:00] 流言蜚语? 是我的手和脸让我如此的出名
[01:29:00] Angels in my heart and Satan in the basement
[01:30:00] 再加上出色的想象力 是多么致命的组合
[01:30:00] Raisin' hands and faces what has made me famous
[01:32:00] 每日的标签 前两天我去度假了
[01:32:00] Great imagination, fatal combination
[01:33:00] 翻译过来基本就是 “雨我无瓜!”
[01:33:00] Labels holler daily, I've been on vacation
[01:35:00] 对不起 我有我自己的观点
[01:35:00] Basic translation is: "I don't give a ****!"
[01:37:00] 就像手枪一样 你也不会想让枪口对准你吧
[01:37:00] Sorry I got a point of view
[01:40:00] 伙计 你们也太烦人了
[01:40:00] It's like a pistol, you don't want the point at you
[01:42:00] 你们就像在毒气室里奔跑的老鼠
[01:42:00] Y'all are annoyin', dude
[01:43:00] 你们都躲不开那臭气
[01:43:00] Y'all are like rats racin' in a gas-chamber
[01:44:00] 你们都关在紧闭的笼子里
[01:44:00] Y'all can't avoid the fumes
[01:46:00] 我疯狂的思绪就像Ray Charles
[01:46:00] Y'all in a cage locked
[01:47:00] 挥动链锯会让你的大脑被砍断
[01:47:00] My deranged thoughts are like Ray Charles
[01:49:00] 分成8个部分 再把你的脸取下来
[01:49:00] Waving chainsaws cause yo' brain chopped
[01:50:00] 在我闲暇的时候去墓地
[01:50:00] Into 8 parts, take yo' face off
[01:52:00] 我只是瞄准 然后开枪
[01:52:00] Hit the graveyard on my days off
[01:54:00] 直到你双腿僵硬 血管爆裂
[01:54:00] I just cock, aim, and I spray shots
[01:56:00] 再休息一天 你们就都会被解雇
[01:56:00] 'Til yo' legs lock and your veins pop
[01:57:00] 我的女友录下的每一个视频
[01:57:00] In a day's break y'all get laid off
[01:59:00] 是用我的心来写的每一首歌
[01:59:00] My girl shot every single ****in' video
[02:01:00] 你们都不是我的孩子 我的孩子会变成靛蓝色
[02:01:00] My heart wrote every single ****in' song
[02:02:00] 很明显 我就是上帝啊
[02:02:00] Y'all aren't my children my kids would be indigo
[02:04:00] 和我一起摇滚 万分骄傲的
[02:04:00] Obviously I'm a ****in' god
[02:06:00] 瞄准妖怪 猎枪和咖啡
[02:06:00] Rock with me, awfully cocky
[02:07:00] 猎杀了很多人 但我还是提供棺材
[02:07:00] Cock at the goblin, shotgun and coffee
[02:09:00] 专门送给那些草率的去谈论我的人
[02:09:00] Slaughtering lots and I'm offering coffins
[02:11:00] 来和孩子一起摇滚吧
[02:11:00] To anyone caught talkin' sloppy about me, yeah
[02:13:00] 年轻的我腰缠万贯
[02:13:00] Come rock with the kid
[02:14:00] 有了钱我就去‘打点滴‘
[02:14:00] Young, poppin' and rich
[02:15:00] 我穿着盔甲露面 创造着辉煌
[02:15:00] Got dollars, I'm coppin' the drip
[02:16:00] 像轰炸因果报应错过的人疯狂扫射
[02:16:00] I'm downing the armour and authoring honour
[02:18:00] 你们都不能明白经常要依赖药物的感觉
[02:18:00] While bombing the targets that karma has missed, hey
[02:20:00] 我很沮丧 我也毁了很多个跟我成为朋友的人
[02:20:00] Y'all don't comprehend I'm often on the mend
[02:23:00] 我一直很焦虑 我的脑子里一直都在上演着精神崩溃
[02:23:00] I'm depressed a lot, I've wrecked a lot of people who were friends
[02:26:00] 我为很多事情感到后悔 但直到我复仇之前我不会就此止步
[02:26:00] I've been anxious, I've had breakdowns that were all inside my head
[02:30:00] 敲敲门 是谁在那儿?
[02:30:00] I regret a lot of things now I won't stop 'til I'm avenged
[02:33:00] 你们在外边闲逛 让死亡进门来
[02:33:00] Knock knock, who's there?
[02:35:00] 我是John Lennon 我是Michael Jackson
[02:35:00] Y'all ****ed around and let death in
[02:37:00] 我是Cobain 我是Zeppelin
[02:37:00] I'm John Lennon, I'm Michael Jackson
[02:39:00] 你最好的朋友得到了死亡的结局
[02:39:00] I'm Cobain, I'm Zeppelin
[02:40:00] 就连你最好的赌注也是牵强附会的
[02:40:00] Your best friends are dead ends
[02:42:00] 你是败者 我捧着金色的奖杯
[02:42:00] Your best bets are far-fetched
[02:47:00] 你的死亡威胁也成为了鬼故事

I‘m Sorry - Tom MacDonald


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I‘m Sorry的文本歌词:

作曲 : Tom MacDonald
说实话 你们一直在扼杀我的自信心
作词 : Tom MacDonald
Honestly, y'all have been killin' my confidence
All of the negative comments and gossip
我很抱歉 我很抱歉 我为这一切感到抱歉
It's hard to imagine the stress that I'm under
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for all of this
I'm sorry for spittin' the truth
I'm sorry for dissin' that dude
Sorry for missin' the point of the criticism
I was blinded by diamonds and loot
你们都是对的 我已经疯了
I apologize to all you guys
是我过界了 我做得太多了
Y'all were right, I was out my mind
恨我的人说我烂透了 他们都是对的
I went too far, I did too much
我尽了最大的努力 但这对我也无济于事
The haters were right when they said I suck
我付出了我的勇气 但我依旧还迷失在荣誉中
I did my best it did nothin' for me
我就站在这儿 而你坐在我的身后
I gave my guts and got lost in glory
除了说“对不起” 我也别无他法
I'm standin' here while you sit before me
对不起 你的言辞根本对我造成不了困扰
There's nothin' left but to say "I'm sorry"
Sorry, that doesn't bother me
就算从生物学的角度来讲 我也不后悔
I don't owe anybody an apology
重新上弹 并拍摄恒星 你们看起来都很懂天文学
I don't have no regrets in my biology
根本没有人像我这么火热 毫无特色的效仿我
Reload and shoot for the stars, y'all look like astronomy
模仿者们 你们都是如此让人震惊的有意思
No one as hot as me, copy me commonly
Wannabes, y'all are so shockingly comedy
我也不会粉碎的 我又不是陶器做的
Carry the weight of my songs all on top of me
I will not break I'm not made out of pottery
Bury your bodies on acres of property
Place them at angles like sacred geometry
我发布的每首歌都是用良心出品的 我能保证
Down with modesty
Everything I drop is quality
Promise, like honestly, follow me
I ain't gonna stop with the hits
Come rock with the kid
我才是写歌之神 没有警察来专门去管抄袭
Unlock like Pac woulda been
赚的盆满钵盈 因为我的歌写的简直太棒了
I'm a god with the pen, no cops at the crib
Got guap 'cause I'm awesome at this
复杂的计算 让人去强暴演算纸
Underrated, overpaid, they hate it
像刀片一样的锋利 就像是Freddy VS Jason
Complicated calculations made to rape the paper
天使在我心中 而撒旦在地下室
Razor-sharp like blades and Freddy versus Jason
流言蜚语? 是我的手和脸让我如此的出名
Angels in my heart and Satan in the basement
再加上出色的想象力 是多么致命的组合
Raisin' hands and faces what has made me famous
每日的标签 前两天我去度假了
Great imagination, fatal combination
翻译过来基本就是 “雨我无瓜!”
Labels holler daily, I've been on vacation
对不起 我有我自己的观点
Basic translation is: "I don't give a ****!"
就像手枪一样 你也不会想让枪口对准你吧
Sorry I got a point of view
伙计 你们也太烦人了
It's like a pistol, you don't want the point at you
Y'all are annoyin', dude
Y'all are like rats racin' in a gas-chamber
Y'all can't avoid the fumes
我疯狂的思绪就像Ray Charles
Y'all in a cage locked
My deranged thoughts are like Ray Charles
分成8个部分 再把你的脸取下来
Waving chainsaws cause yo' brain chopped
Into 8 parts, take yo' face off
我只是瞄准 然后开枪
Hit the graveyard on my days off
直到你双腿僵硬 血管爆裂
I just cock, aim, and I spray shots
再休息一天 你们就都会被解雇
'Til yo' legs lock and your veins pop
In a day's break y'all get laid off
My girl shot every single ****in' video
你们都不是我的孩子 我的孩子会变成靛蓝色
My heart wrote every single ****in' song
很明显 我就是上帝啊
Y'all aren't my children my kids would be indigo
和我一起摇滚 万分骄傲的
Obviously I'm a ****in' god
瞄准妖怪 猎枪和咖啡
Rock with me, awfully cocky
猎杀了很多人 但我还是提供棺材
Cock at the goblin, shotgun and coffee
Slaughtering lots and I'm offering coffins
To anyone caught talkin' sloppy about me, yeah
Come rock with the kid
Young, poppin' and rich
我穿着盔甲露面 创造着辉煌
Got dollars, I'm coppin' the drip
I'm downing the armour and authoring honour
While bombing the targets that karma has missed, hey
我很沮丧 我也毁了很多个跟我成为朋友的人
Y'all don't comprehend I'm often on the mend
我一直很焦虑 我的脑子里一直都在上演着精神崩溃
I'm depressed a lot, I've wrecked a lot of people who were friends
我为很多事情感到后悔 但直到我复仇之前我不会就此止步
I've been anxious, I've had breakdowns that were all inside my head
敲敲门 是谁在那儿?
I regret a lot of things now I won't stop 'til I'm avenged
你们在外边闲逛 让死亡进门来
Knock knock, who's there?
我是John Lennon 我是Michael Jackson
Y'all ****ed around and let death in
我是Cobain 我是Zeppelin
I'm John Lennon, I'm Michael Jackson
I'm Cobain, I'm Zeppelin
Your best friends are dead ends
你是败者 我捧着金色的奖杯
Your best bets are far-fetched

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