[00:00:00] No Love (没有爱情) - Eminem (埃米纳姆)/Lil Wayne (李尔·韦恩)
[00:00:00] //
[00:00:00] Written by:Junior Torello/Dee Dee Halligan/Smith/Lil Wayne/Eminem
[00:01:00] //
[00:01:00] Love love
[00:15:00] 爱
[00:15:00] Love love love
[00:22:00] 爱
[00:22:00] Don't hurt me
[00:24:00] 不要伤害我
[00:24:00] Don't hurt me no more no more
[00:29:00] 不要再伤害我
[00:29:00] Love
[00:30:00] 爱
[00:30:00] Throw dirt on me and grow a wildflower
[00:34:00] 用肮脏浇灌我 长出一朵野花
[00:34:00] But it's f**k the world get a child out her
[00:38:00] 去他的这个世界 但我是它的孩子
[00:38:00] Yeah my life a b**ch but you know nothing 'bout her
[00:41:00] 我的人生稀烂如泥 但你对它一无所知
[00:41:00] Been to hell and back I can show you vouchers
[00:45:00] 去过地狱 又安然回来 我能给你看看证据
[00:45:00] I'm rollin' sweets I'm smokin' sour
[00:49:00] 我玩着姑娘 抽着**
[00:49:00] Married to the game but she broke her vows
[00:52:00] 在爱情游戏中结婚了 但她却违背了誓言
[00:52:00] That's why my bars are full of broken bottles
[00:56:00] 这就是为什么我的歌词总带着刺儿
[00:56:00] And my nightstands are full of open bibles
[01:00:00] 我的一夜情里全是敞开书页的圣经
[01:00:00] I think about more than I forget
[01:03:00] 我思索的东西多过我遗忘的
[01:03:00] But I don't go 'round fire expecting not to sweat
[01:07:00] 但我不在火边行走 希望不出汗
[01:07:00] And these niggas know I lay 'em down make your bed
[01:11:00] 这些小子知道我放倒他们 让他们跪地求饶
[01:11:00] B**ches try to kick me while I'm down I'll break your leg
[01:14:00] 当我不顺的时候 姑娘们试着玩弄我 我将让你爬不起床
[01:14:00] Money outweighin' problems on the triple beam
[01:18:00] 金钱总比问题更多一些
[01:18:00] I'm stickin' to the script you niggas skippin' scenes
[01:23:00] 我认真写我的歌词 你们这些小子却没认真听
[01:23:00] Be good or be good at it
[01:25:00] 当个好人 或者当个有能力的人
[01:25:00] F**kin' right I've got my gun semi-Cartermatic
[01:29:00] 我已经把枪握在手里
[01:29:00] Yeah put a dick in their mouth
[01:31:00] 放个“玩物”在他们嘴里 
[01:31:00] So I guess it's f**k what they say
[01:32:00] 我猜这代表“他们都在**”
[01:32:00] I'm high as a b**ch up up and away
[01:34:00] 我兴奋得像个** 又高又远
[01:34:00] Man I come down in a couple of days
[01:36:00] 兄弟 但我也有几天不顺的日子
[01:36:00] OK you want me up in the cage
[01:38:00] 你想把我锁进牢笼 
[01:38:00] Then I'll come out in beast mode
[01:40:00] 但我会以野兽模式挣脱
[01:40:00] I got this world stuck in the safe combination is the G code
[01:43:00] 我发现这个世界充斥着安全和危险的匪帮
[01:43:00] It's weezy motherf**ker
[01:45:00] 这是一个充满血性的匪帮 
[01:45:00] Blood gang and I'm in bleed mode
[01:47:00] 我正处于血液流动模式
[01:47:00] All about my dough but I don't even check the peephole
[01:51:00] 这全是为了金钱 别的都不在乎
[01:51:00] So you can keep knockin' but won't knock me down
[01:55:00] 所以你可以继续挑事 但不可能让我倒下
[01:55:00] No love lost no love found
[01:59:00] 没有失去过爱 也没有找到过爱
[01:59:00] It's a little too late to say that you're sorry now
[02:02:00] 现在说对不起 真是有点太晚了
[02:02:00] You kicked me when I was down
[02:04:00] 你曾经落井下石
[02:04:00] But what you say just don't hurt me
[02:07:00] 但你所说过的 别伤害我
[02:07:00] That's right don't hurt me
[02:08:00] 就是这样 别伤害我
[02:08:00] And I don't need you no more
[02:10:00] 我不再需要你
[02:10:00] Don't want to see you no more
[02:12:00] 再也不想看见你
[02:12:00] B**ch you get no love
[02:13:00] 女人 你得不到爱
[02:13:00] You showed me nothin' but hate you ran me into the ground
[02:17:00] 你向我展露的只有怨恨 你让我倒下
[02:17:00] But what comes around goes around
[02:19:00] 但这是因果报应
[02:19:00] I don't need you don't hurt me
[02:21:00] 我不需要你  别伤害我
[02:21:00] That's right don't hurt me
[02:23:00] 你别再伤害我了
[02:23:00] And I don't need you no more
[02:25:00] 我不再需要你
[02:25:00] Don't want to see you no more
[02:27:00] 不想再看见你
[02:27:00] B**ch you get no love no love no love no love
[02:34:00] 女人 你得不到爱
[02:34:00] B**ch you get no love no love no love
[02:40:00] 女人 你得不到爱
[02:40:00] And I don't need you no more get 'em
[02:42:00] 我不再需要你
[02:42:00] I'm alive again more alive than I have been
[02:45:00] 得到它们 我又复活了
[02:45:00] In my whole entire life I can
[02:47:00] 状态之好是整个人生前所未有的
[02:47:00] See these people's ears perk up as I begin to spaz with the pen
[02:51:00] 我开始的时候 我能看见这些人又竖起了耳朵
[02:51:00] I'm a little bit sicker than most
[02:53:00] 拿起这支笔 我是最牛的
[02:53:00] Sh*t's finna get thick again
[02:54:00] 我的歌又要开始火起来了
[02:54:00] They say the competition is stiff
[02:56:00] 他们说竞争是艰难的
[02:56:00] But I get a hard dick from this sh*t and I stick it in
[02:58:00] 但是我有一个硬玩意去耍这个游戏 现在又启动了
[02:58:00] I ain't never givin' in again
[02:59:00] 我永远都不屈服
[02:59:00] Caution to the wind complete freedom
[03:01:00] 冒险获得完全的自由
[03:01:00] Look at these rappers how I treat 'em
[03:03:00] 看看这些说唱歌手 看看我怎么对待他们的
[03:03:00] So why the f**k would I join them when I beat 'em
[03:05:00] 当我打败他们 为什么我还要加入他们
[03:05:00] They call me a freak
[03:06:00] 他们叫我怪物 因为
[03:06:00] 'Cause I like to spit on these pussies 'fore I eat 'em
[03:09:00] 我喜欢先往私处上吐口水 再舔舐
[03:09:00] Man get these whack cocksuckers off stage
[03:11:00] 兄弟 把这些傻子从舞台上都清下去吧
[03:11:00] Where the f**k is Kanye when you need him
[03:13:00] 当你需要KANYE WEST的时候 他在哪呢?
[03:13:00] Snatch the mic from 'em
[03:14:00] 从他那把麦克风枪过来 
[03:14:00] B**ch I'ma let you finish in a minute yeah that rap was tight
[03:16:00] 女人你最好赶快完事 说唱太牛了
[03:16:00] But I'm 'bout spit the greatest verse of all time
[03:18:00] 但我的说唱是其中最牛的
[03:18:00] So you might want to go back to the lab tonight and um
[03:20:00] 所以你可能想要今晚就回到录音棚
[03:20:00] Scribble out them rhymes you were going to spit
[03:22:00] 翻出那些你想要唱出来的压韵
[03:22:00] And start over from scratch and write new ones
[03:24:00] 然后把他们都撕了 再写些新的
[03:24:00] But I'm afraid that it ain't gonna make no difference
[03:25:00] 但我不害怕 因为结果还是相同的
[03:25:00] When I rip this stage and tear it in half tonight
[03:27:00] 当我在今晚把这个舞台撕成两半的时候
[03:27:00] It's an adrenaline rush to feel the bass thump
[03:29:00] 当贝斯击奏着 我的肾上腺素冲击着大脑
[03:29:00] From the place all the way to the parking lot fellow
[03:31:00] 把车开进停车场
[03:31:00] Set fire to the mic and ignite the crowd
[03:33:00] 向麦克风注入烈焰 激起所有观众热情
[03:33:00] You can see the sparks from hot metal
[03:34:00] 你能看见金属的在发光
[03:34:00] Cold-hearted from the day I bogarted the game
[03:37:00] 但从我进入这个游戏 我的心一直是冷的
[03:37:00] My soul started to rot fellow
[03:38:00] 所以我开始让观众都躁起来
[03:38:00] When I'm not even in my harshest
[03:39:00] 当我不在我的状态
[03:39:00] You can still get roasted 'cause marsh is not mellow
[03:42:00] 你仍然可以躁着 因为沼泽地并不润泽
[03:42:00] 'Til I'm topplin' from the top I'm not going to stop
[03:44:00] 直到我在到达巅峰时跌倒 但我不打算停下
[03:44:00] I'm standin' on my Monopoly board
[03:46:00] 我站在垄断行业的前沿
[03:46:00] That means I'm on top of my game
[03:47:00] 这意味着我站在说唱游戏的顶峰 而且我不会停下
[03:47:00] And it don't stop 'til my hip don't hop anymore
[03:50:00] 直到我的说唱再也不激动人心
[03:50:00] When you're so good that you can't say it
[03:52:00] 你很牛 但你却没有机会说出来
[03:52:00] Cause it ain't even cool for you to sound cocky anymore
[03:54:00] 因为大家听你自吹 也不会觉得你酷
[03:54:00] People just get sick 'cause you spit
[03:55:00] 人们都会厌倦 因为你又开口说唱了
[03:55:00] These fools can't drool or dribble a drop anymore
[03:57:00] 这些人甚至都不会称赞半句
[03:57:00] And you can never break my stride
[03:58:00] 你也永远没有机会能跨越我
[03:58:00] You'll never slow the momentum at any moment
[04:00:00] 你永远不可能减少我的动力 因为我正要开始爆发呢
[04:00:00] I'm 'bout to blow you'll never take my pride
[04:02:00] 你永远不可能拿走我的自信
[04:02:00] Killin' the flow slow venom
[04:04:00] 让我一败涂地 减慢我前进的速度
[04:04:00] And the opponent is getting no mercy mark my words
[04:06:00] 我会毫无怜悯的写我的歌词
[04:06:00] Ain't lettin' up relentless I smell blood
[04:07:00] 不会手软 我很无情
[04:07:00] I don't give a f**k keep giving 'em hell
[04:09:00] 我闻到血腥味 我一点儿也不在乎 接着让他们自叹不如
[04:09:00] Where was you when I fell and needed help up
[04:11:00] 当我倒下 需要帮助的时候 你在哪呢?
[04:11:00] You get no love
[04:12:00] 你得不到爱
[04:12:00] It's a little too late to say that you're sorry now
[04:16:00] 说抱歉已有的太晚
[04:16:00] You kicked me when I was down
[04:17:00] 你落井下石
[04:17:00] But what you say just don't hurt me
[04:20:00] 你所说过的 别伤害我
[04:20:00] That's right don't hurt me
[04:22:00] 就是这样 别伤害我
[04:22:00] And I don't need you no more
[04:23:00] 我不再需要你
[04:23:00] Don't want to see you no more
[04:25:00] 再也不想看见你
[04:25:00] B**ch you get no love
[04:27:00] 女人 你得不到爱
[04:27:00] You showed me nothing but hate you ran me into the ground
[04:30:00] 你向我展露的只有怨恨 你让我倒下
[04:30:00] But what comes around goes around
[04:32:00] 但这是因果报应
[04:32:00] I don't need you don't hurt me
[04:35:00] 我不需要你  别伤害我
[04:35:00] That's right don't hurt me
[04:36:00] 就是这样 别伤害我
[04:36:00] And I don't need you no more
[04:38:00] 我不再需要你
[04:38:00] Don't want to see you no more
[04:40:00] 再也不想看见你
[04:40:00] B**ch you get no love no love no love no love
[04:48:00] 女人 你得不到爱
[04:48:00] B**ch you get no love no love no love
[04:53:00] 女人 你得不到爱
[04:53:00] And I don't need you no more
[04:55:00] 我不再需要你
[04:55:00] Ha b**ch you get no love
[05:00:00] 女人 你得不到爱

No Love - Lil Wayne&Eminem


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No Love的文本歌词:

No Love (没有爱情) - Eminem (埃米纳姆)/Lil Wayne (李尔·韦恩)
Written by:Junior Torello/Dee Dee Halligan/Smith/Lil Wayne/Eminem
Love love

Love love love

Don't hurt me
Don't hurt me no more no more

Throw dirt on me and grow a wildflower
用肮脏浇灌我 长出一朵野花
But it's f**k the world get a child out her
去他的这个世界 但我是它的孩子
Yeah my life a b**ch but you know nothing 'bout her
我的人生稀烂如泥 但你对它一无所知
Been to hell and back I can show you vouchers
去过地狱 又安然回来 我能给你看看证据
I'm rollin' sweets I'm smokin' sour
我玩着姑娘 抽着**
Married to the game but she broke her vows
在爱情游戏中结婚了 但她却违背了誓言
That's why my bars are full of broken bottles
And my nightstands are full of open bibles
I think about more than I forget
But I don't go 'round fire expecting not to sweat
但我不在火边行走 希望不出汗
And these niggas know I lay 'em down make your bed
这些小子知道我放倒他们 让他们跪地求饶
B**ches try to kick me while I'm down I'll break your leg
当我不顺的时候 姑娘们试着玩弄我 我将让你爬不起床
Money outweighin' problems on the triple beam
I'm stickin' to the script you niggas skippin' scenes
我认真写我的歌词 你们这些小子却没认真听
Be good or be good at it
当个好人 或者当个有能力的人
F**kin' right I've got my gun semi-Cartermatic
Yeah put a dick in their mouth
So I guess it's f**k what they say
I'm high as a b**ch up up and away
我兴奋得像个** 又高又远
Man I come down in a couple of days
兄弟 但我也有几天不顺的日子
OK you want me up in the cage
Then I'll come out in beast mode
I got this world stuck in the safe combination is the G code
It's weezy motherf**ker
Blood gang and I'm in bleed mode
All about my dough but I don't even check the peephole
这全是为了金钱 别的都不在乎
So you can keep knockin' but won't knock me down
所以你可以继续挑事 但不可能让我倒下
No love lost no love found
没有失去过爱 也没有找到过爱
It's a little too late to say that you're sorry now
现在说对不起 真是有点太晚了
You kicked me when I was down
But what you say just don't hurt me
但你所说过的 别伤害我
That's right don't hurt me
就是这样 别伤害我
And I don't need you no more
Don't want to see you no more
B**ch you get no love
女人 你得不到爱
You showed me nothin' but hate you ran me into the ground
你向我展露的只有怨恨 你让我倒下
But what comes around goes around
I don't need you don't hurt me
我不需要你  别伤害我
That's right don't hurt me
And I don't need you no more
Don't want to see you no more
B**ch you get no love no love no love no love
女人 你得不到爱
B**ch you get no love no love no love
女人 你得不到爱
And I don't need you no more get 'em
I'm alive again more alive than I have been
得到它们 我又复活了
In my whole entire life I can
See these people's ears perk up as I begin to spaz with the pen
我开始的时候 我能看见这些人又竖起了耳朵
I'm a little bit sicker than most
拿起这支笔 我是最牛的
Sh*t's finna get thick again
They say the competition is stiff
But I get a hard dick from this sh*t and I stick it in
但是我有一个硬玩意去耍这个游戏 现在又启动了
I ain't never givin' in again
Caution to the wind complete freedom
Look at these rappers how I treat 'em
看看这些说唱歌手 看看我怎么对待他们的
So why the f**k would I join them when I beat 'em
当我打败他们 为什么我还要加入他们
They call me a freak
他们叫我怪物 因为
'Cause I like to spit on these pussies 'fore I eat 'em
我喜欢先往私处上吐口水 再舔舐
Man get these whack cocksuckers off stage
兄弟 把这些傻子从舞台上都清下去吧
Where the f**k is Kanye when you need him
当你需要KANYE WEST的时候 他在哪呢?
Snatch the mic from 'em
B**ch I'ma let you finish in a minute yeah that rap was tight
女人你最好赶快完事 说唱太牛了
But I'm 'bout spit the greatest verse of all time
So you might want to go back to the lab tonight and um
Scribble out them rhymes you were going to spit
And start over from scratch and write new ones
然后把他们都撕了 再写些新的
But I'm afraid that it ain't gonna make no difference
但我不害怕 因为结果还是相同的
When I rip this stage and tear it in half tonight
It's an adrenaline rush to feel the bass thump
当贝斯击奏着 我的肾上腺素冲击着大脑
From the place all the way to the parking lot fellow
Set fire to the mic and ignite the crowd
向麦克风注入烈焰 激起所有观众热情
You can see the sparks from hot metal
Cold-hearted from the day I bogarted the game
但从我进入这个游戏 我的心一直是冷的
My soul started to rot fellow
When I'm not even in my harshest
You can still get roasted 'cause marsh is not mellow
你仍然可以躁着 因为沼泽地并不润泽
'Til I'm topplin' from the top I'm not going to stop
直到我在到达巅峰时跌倒 但我不打算停下
I'm standin' on my Monopoly board
That means I'm on top of my game
这意味着我站在说唱游戏的顶峰 而且我不会停下
And it don't stop 'til my hip don't hop anymore
When you're so good that you can't say it
你很牛 但你却没有机会说出来
Cause it ain't even cool for you to sound cocky anymore
因为大家听你自吹 也不会觉得你酷
People just get sick 'cause you spit
人们都会厌倦 因为你又开口说唱了
These fools can't drool or dribble a drop anymore
And you can never break my stride
You'll never slow the momentum at any moment
你永远不可能减少我的动力 因为我正要开始爆发呢
I'm 'bout to blow you'll never take my pride
Killin' the flow slow venom
让我一败涂地 减慢我前进的速度
And the opponent is getting no mercy mark my words
Ain't lettin' up relentless I smell blood
不会手软 我很无情
I don't give a f**k keep giving 'em hell
我闻到血腥味 我一点儿也不在乎 接着让他们自叹不如
Where was you when I fell and needed help up
当我倒下 需要帮助的时候 你在哪呢?
You get no love
It's a little too late to say that you're sorry now
You kicked me when I was down
But what you say just don't hurt me
你所说过的 别伤害我
That's right don't hurt me
就是这样 别伤害我
And I don't need you no more
Don't want to see you no more
B**ch you get no love
女人 你得不到爱
You showed me nothing but hate you ran me into the ground
你向我展露的只有怨恨 你让我倒下
But what comes around goes around
I don't need you don't hurt me
我不需要你  别伤害我
That's right don't hurt me
就是这样 别伤害我
And I don't need you no more
Don't want to see you no more
B**ch you get no love no love no love no love
女人 你得不到爱
B**ch you get no love no love no love
女人 你得不到爱
And I don't need you no more
Ha b**ch you get no love
女人 你得不到爱

爱好歌音乐网提供Lil Wayne&Eminem-No Love的MP3音乐在线试听下载,No Love的QQ空间背景音乐外链。
