[00:00:00] Rasputin - Boney M.&Majestic
[00:23:00] There lived a certain man in Russia long ago
[00:26:00] 从前有个人住在俄国
[00:26:00] He was big and strong in his eyes a flaming glow
[00:29:00] 他高大又强壮 双眼炯炯有神
[00:29:00] Most people looked at him with terror and with fear
[00:33:00] 许多看着他的人 都会恐惧和害怕
[00:33:00] But to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear
[00:37:00] 但对莫斯科的美女 他又如此地和蔼可亲
[00:37:00] He could preach the bible like a preacher
[00:41:00] 他像牧师一样 传颂圣经
[00:41:00] Full of ecstacy and fire
[00:42:00] 充满喜悦和激情
[00:42:00] But he also was the kind of teacher
[00:49:00] 但他也是一名教师
[00:49:00] Women would desire
[01:07:00] 是女人们的梦中情人
[01:07:00] Ra ra rasputin
[01:09:00] 拉斯普京
[01:09:00] Lover of the Russian queen
[01:11:00] 爱着俄国皇后
[01:11:00] There was a cat that really was gone
[01:14:00] 但却走漏了风声
[01:14:00] Ra ra rasputin
[01:16:00] 拉斯普京
[01:16:00] Russia s greatest love machine
[01:18:00] 俄罗斯最厉害的爱欲机器
[01:18:00] It was a shame how he carried on
[01:45:00] 对他来说 这真是个耻辱
[01:45:00] There lived a certain man in Russia long ago
[01:48:00] 从前有个人住在俄国
[01:48:00] He was big and strong in his eyes a flaming glow
[01:52:00] 他高大又强壮 双眼炯炯有神
[01:52:00] Most people looked at him with terror and with fear
[01:55:00] 许多看着他的人 都会恐惧和害怕
[01:55:00] But to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear
[01:59:00] 但对莫斯科的美女 他又如此地和蔼可亲
[01:59:00] He could preach the bible like a preacher
[02:03:00] 他像牧师一样 传颂圣经
[02:03:00] Full of ecstacy and fire
[02:07:00] 充满喜悦和激情
[02:07:00] But he also was the kind of teacher
[02:11:00] 但他也是一名教师
[02:11:00] Women would desire
[02:30:00] 是女人们的梦中情人
[02:30:00] Ra ra rasputin
[02:31:00] 拉斯普京
[02:31:00] Lover of the Russian queen
[02:33:00] 爱着俄国皇后
[02:33:00] There was a cat that really was gone
[02:37:00] 但却走漏了风声
[02:37:00] Ra ra rasputin
[02:39:00] 拉斯普京
[02:39:00] Russia s greatest love machine
[02:41:00] 俄罗斯最厉害的爱欲机器
[02:41:00] It was a shame how he carried on
[02:44:00] 对他来说 这真是个耻辱

Rasputin - Majestic&Boney M.


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Rasputin - Boney M.&Majestic
There lived a certain man in Russia long ago
He was big and strong in his eyes a flaming glow
他高大又强壮 双眼炯炯有神
Most people looked at him with terror and with fear
许多看着他的人 都会恐惧和害怕
But to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear
但对莫斯科的美女 他又如此地和蔼可亲
He could preach the bible like a preacher
他像牧师一样 传颂圣经
Full of ecstacy and fire
But he also was the kind of teacher
Women would desire
Ra ra rasputin
Lover of the Russian queen
There was a cat that really was gone
Ra ra rasputin
Russia s greatest love machine
It was a shame how he carried on
对他来说 这真是个耻辱
There lived a certain man in Russia long ago
He was big and strong in his eyes a flaming glow
他高大又强壮 双眼炯炯有神
Most people looked at him with terror and with fear
许多看着他的人 都会恐惧和害怕
But to Moscow chicks he was such a lovely dear
但对莫斯科的美女 他又如此地和蔼可亲
He could preach the bible like a preacher
他像牧师一样 传颂圣经
Full of ecstacy and fire
But he also was the kind of teacher
Women would desire
Ra ra rasputin
Lover of the Russian queen
There was a cat that really was gone
Ra ra rasputin
Russia s greatest love machine
It was a shame how he carried on
对他来说 这真是个耻辱

爱好歌音乐网提供Majestic&Boney M.-Rasputin的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Rasputin的QQ空间背景音乐外链。
