[00:00:00] Evolve 淬炼 (Hip-Hop remix版) - Ki:Theory/新秀/王者荣耀
[00:03:00] 词 Lyricists:Mark Evans/Ki: Theory/新秀
[00:05:00] 曲 Composer:Mark Evans/Ki: Theory
[00:05:00] 编曲Arranger:Mark Evans/Ki: Theory/何亮@中凰音乐
[00:08:00] 制作人 Producer:何亮@中凰音乐
[00:08:00] 配唱制作人Singer Producer:何亮@中凰音乐
[00:09:00] 录音师Recording Engineer:郑兆麟@中凰音乐
[00:09:00] 录音棚Recording studio:中凰音乐
[00:10:00] 混音师Mixing Engineer:全相彦/何亮
[00:10:00] 母带后期工程师Mastering Engineer:全相彦@OKmastering Studio
[00:10:00] 混音/母带后期录音室 Mastering Studio:OKmastering Studio
[00:11:00] 出品:天美音频中心/腾讯互娱移动电竞业务部/天美L1工作室/腾讯音乐娱乐集团(大玩+)
[00:16:00] We're no stranger to the fall out
[00:20:00] It's what got us here
[00:23:00] Ever changing some chameleon
[00:26:00] Blood sweat and tears
[00:29:00] We'll never make it if we fall to everything that brings us down
[00:37:00] We're the come back kids now
[00:40:00] Blood sweat and tears
[00:43:00] Fight for what
[00:45:00] What we want
[00:47:00] Doesn't matter the cost
[00:50:00] Every day
[00:52:00] Put in work
[00:54:00] Blood sweat and tears
[00:57:00] Nothing comes over night
[01:00:00] Strength in numbers
[01:02:00] Dark to light
[01:04:00] We don't bow to fear
[01:08:00] Blood sweat and tears
[01:10:00] 历史的古往今来
[01:12:00] 古楼新生的土壤青苔
[01:13:00] 瞬息万变却别出心裁
[01:15:00] 天地为擂豪杰决出金牌
[01:17:00] Uh 流星在那地平划过
[01:19:00] 化作星火向这雨林砸落
[01:20:00] 势如破竹 逼近沙漠
[01:22:00] 自由的陌路 却七零八落
[01:24:00] Wait 两极相对
[01:24:00] 各自为营 最终目的
[01:25:00] 也不过是 为了达到
[01:26:00] 更遥远的 彼岸
[01:27:00] 对 哪怕前方 刀山火海
[01:28:00] 我定 披荆斩棘
[01:29:00] 为了故土为了自由抵抗
[01:30:00] 站不起来说明还太弱
[01:32:00] 但这并不阻挡我们还在做
[01:33:00] 这笼中之鸟 若重回天际
[01:35:00] 由不得别人一笔来带过
[01:38:00] Fight for what
[01:40:00] What we want
[01:42:00] Doesn't matter the cost
[01:45:00] Every day
[01:47:00] Put in work
[01:49:00] Blood sweat and tears
[01:52:00] Nothing comes over night
[01:55:00] Strength in numbers
[01:57:00] Dark to light
[01:59:00] We don't bow to fear
[02:02:00] Blood sweat and tears
[02:05:00] Fight for what
[02:07:00] What we want
[02:09:00] Doesn't matter the cost
[02:13:00] Every day
[02:14:00] Put in work
[02:26:00] Blood sweat and tears
[02:29:00] Fight for what
[02:31:00] What we want
[02:33:00] Doesn't matter the cost
[02:36:00] Every day
[02:38:00] Put in work
[02:40:00] Blood sweat and tears
[02:43:00] Nothing comes over night
[02:47:00] Strength in numbers
[02:48:00] Dark to light
[02:50:00] We don't bow to fear
[02:54:00] Blood sweat and tears
[02:56:00] 这斗兽场中正在奏响的乐章
[02:58:00] 是生命的交响曲 wake up
[02:59:00] 沐浴着荣耀树立的旗帜
[03:01:00] 已随风飘扬起 yeah yeah
[03:03:00] 那些你看不见的背面
[03:04:00] 散落着一地梦的碎片
[03:06:00] 如今经历冰与火的淬炼
[03:08:00] 亦能够遮风挡雨 全军出击
[03:10:00] 出发之际天边已泛红光
[03:12:00] 同心并力福与难同当
[03:14:00] 百炼至问鼎天下日
[03:15:00] 轻舟已过那万重山
[03:17:00] 人的梦想绝不会谢幕
[03:19:00] 为了曙光我们通宵赶夜路
[03:20:00] 战士们话别时相同的背影
[03:22:00] 各自进发 去苍穹中问鼎

Evolve 淬炼(Hip-Hop remix版) - Ki:Theory&新秀&王者荣耀


Ki:Theory&新秀&王者荣耀-Evolve 淬炼(Hip-Hop remix版)的QQ空间背景音乐外链:

歌曲Ki:Theory&新秀&王者荣耀-Evolve 淬炼(Hip-Hop remix版)的MP3下载地址来源于网络分享,复制链接或者右键链接另存为即可下载MP3音乐,同时网站提供Ki:Theory&新秀&王者荣耀-Evolve 淬炼(Hip-Hop remix版)的QQ空间背景音乐歌曲链接,把这首歌曲的MP3链接地址推荐给你的朋友,可以让他们免费获得本歌曲音乐外链。

Evolve 淬炼(Hip-Hop remix版)的文本歌词:

Evolve 淬炼 (Hip-Hop remix版) - Ki:Theory/新秀/王者荣耀
词 Lyricists:Mark Evans/Ki: Theory/新秀
曲 Composer:Mark Evans/Ki: Theory
编曲Arranger:Mark Evans/Ki: Theory/何亮@中凰音乐
制作人 Producer:何亮@中凰音乐
配唱制作人Singer Producer:何亮@中凰音乐
录音师Recording Engineer:郑兆麟@中凰音乐
录音棚Recording studio:中凰音乐
混音师Mixing Engineer:全相彦/何亮
母带后期工程师Mastering Engineer:全相彦@OKmastering Studio
混音/母带后期录音室 Mastering Studio:OKmastering Studio
We're no stranger to the fall out
It's what got us here
Ever changing some chameleon
Blood sweat and tears
We'll never make it if we fall to everything that brings us down
We're the come back kids now
Blood sweat and tears
Fight for what
What we want
Doesn't matter the cost
Every day
Put in work
Blood sweat and tears
Nothing comes over night
Strength in numbers
Dark to light
We don't bow to fear
Blood sweat and tears
Uh 流星在那地平划过
势如破竹 逼近沙漠
自由的陌路 却七零八落
Wait 两极相对
各自为营 最终目的
也不过是 为了达到
更遥远的 彼岸
对 哪怕前方 刀山火海
我定 披荆斩棘
这笼中之鸟 若重回天际
Fight for what
What we want
Doesn't matter the cost
Every day
Put in work
Blood sweat and tears
Nothing comes over night
Strength in numbers
Dark to light
We don't bow to fear
Blood sweat and tears
Fight for what
What we want
Doesn't matter the cost
Every day
Put in work
Blood sweat and tears
Fight for what
What we want
Doesn't matter the cost
Every day
Put in work
Blood sweat and tears
Nothing comes over night
Strength in numbers
Dark to light
We don't bow to fear
Blood sweat and tears
是生命的交响曲 wake up
已随风飘扬起 yeah yeah
亦能够遮风挡雨 全军出击
各自进发 去苍穹中问鼎

爱好歌音乐网提供Ki:Theory&新秀&王者荣耀-Evolve 淬炼(Hip-Hop remix版)的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Evolve 淬炼(Hip-Hop remix版)的QQ空间背景音乐外链。
