[00:01:00] Naughty - Gwen Stefani
[00:02:00] Uh oh I see you hide behind 
[00:08:00] 我注意到你总是用眼镜遮挡住
[00:08:00] your glasses see you love the shade
[00:10:00] 你的眼神 你喜欢阴影
[00:10:00] Shady so long that mister shady is your name
[00:13:00] 你已经在阴影中待了许久 别人都喊你阴影先生
[00:13:00] Shipping it off contain it seal it rip up the receipt
[00:17:00] 将对你的好感抛开 封存 破碎
[00:17:00] But somehow it always finds its way right back to me
[00:21:00] 但不知何故它总是会在我的心中重新萌芽
[00:21:00] Thinking that nobody nobody knows
[00:23:00] 应该没有人知道
[00:23:00] But I got your number I got your codes
[00:25:00] 我得到了你的号码 也知道你的密码
[00:25:00] This ain"t the first time at the rodeo hello
[00:29:00] 这不算是个稀罕事
[00:29:00] You"re sliding you slide on a slippery slope
[00:30:00] 你在逐步堕落 在滑坡上摇摇欲坠
[00:30:00] Karma police I"m on patrol
[00:32:00] 我如命运警察般 伺机而动
[00:32:00] Got my gun loaded I"m ready to go I"m dope
[00:36:00] 我将枪装上弹药 做好了出发的准备 神采奕奕
[00:36:00] You see this finger wagging wagging at you
[00:38:00] 我对你摇摆着手指
[00:38:00] The naughty naughty things you do
[00:39:00] 你做的淘气的事
[00:39:00] You did it you did it and then you hid it hid it
[00:43:00] 我都知道 之后你就掩盖住了
[00:43:00] You see this finger wagging wagging at you
[00:45:00] 我对你摇摆着手指
[00:45:00] The naughty naughty things you do
[00:47:00] 你做的淘气的事
[00:47:00] You did it you did it and then you hid it admit it
[00:50:00] 我都知道 之后你就掩盖住了 你就承认吧
[00:50:00] You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
[00:54:00] 你是个淘气的男生
[00:54:00] You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
[00:57:00] 你是个淘气的男生
[00:57:00] You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
[01:01:00] 你是个淘气的男生
[01:01:00] You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
[01:05:00] 你是个淘气的男生
[01:05:00] I think there"s something 
[01:06:00] 我想可能有些事
[01:06:00] that you might perhaps forgot to say
[01:08:00] 你忘了说
[01:08:00] Locked in the closet but it never goes away
[01:12:00] 你埋在了心中 但是它们永远都不会消失
[01:12:00] No matter how hard you try 
[01:13:00] 不管你多努力 
[01:13:00] you"re never washing out the stain
[01:16:00] 过去的污点都无法冲刷干净
[01:16:00] Because you"re addicted so addicted to the shame
[01:19:00] 因为你迷上了负疚的感觉
[01:19:00] Thinking that nobody nobody knows
[01:22:00] 应该没人知道
[01:22:00] But I got your number I got your codes
[01:24:00] 我得到了你的号码 也知道你的密码
[01:24:00] This ain"t the first time at the rodeo hello
[01:27:00] 这不算是个稀罕事
[01:27:00] You"re sliding you slide on a slippery slope
[01:29:00] 你在逐步堕落 在滑坡上摇摇欲坠
[01:29:00] Karma police I"m on patrol
[01:31:00] 我如命运警察般 伺机而动
[01:31:00] Got my gun loaded I"m ready to go I"m dope
[01:34:00] 我将枪装上弹药 做好了出发的准备 神采奕奕
[01:34:00] You see this finger wagging wagging at you
[01:36:00] 我对你摇摆着手指
[01:36:00] The naughty naughty things you do
[01:38:00] 你做的淘气的事
[01:38:00] You did it you did it and then you hid it hid it
[01:41:00] 我都知道 之后你就掩盖住了
[01:41:00] You see this finger wagging wagging at you
[01:43:00] 我对你摇摆着手指
[01:43:00] The naughty naughty things you do
[01:45:00] 你做的淘气的事
[01:45:00] You did it you did it and then you hid it admit it
[01:48:00] 我都知道 之后你就掩盖住了 你就承认吧
[01:48:00] You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
[01:52:00] 你是个淘气的男生
[01:52:00] You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
[01:56:00] 你是个淘气的男生
[01:56:00] You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
[01:59:00] 你是个淘气的男生
[01:59:00] You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
[02:04:00] 你是个淘气的男生
[02:04:00] You try to sneak it hide it and seek it
[02:08:00] 你企图瞒天过海
[02:08:00] Put it in the past try to antique it
[02:11:00] 想将过去永远封存
[02:11:00] Dirty secrets you tried to clean it
[02:15:00] 洗刷掉肮脏的秘密
[02:15:00] Put one over fast but you can"t bleach it
[02:18:00] 想要改头换面 却没那么容易
[02:18:00] You see this finger wagging wagging at you
[02:20:00] 我对你摇摆着手指
[02:20:00] The naughty naughty things you do
[02:22:00] 你做的淘气的事
[02:22:00] You did it you did it and then you hid it hid it
[02:25:00] 我都知道 之后你就掩盖住了
[02:25:00] You see this finger wagging wagging at you
[02:28:00] 我对你摇摆着手指
[02:28:00] The naughty naughty things you do
[02:29:00] 你做的淘气的事
[02:29:00] You did it you did it and then you hid it admit it
[02:33:00] 我都知道 之后你就掩盖住了 你就承认吧
[02:33:00] You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
[02:36:00] 你是个淘气的男生
[02:36:00] You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
[02:40:00] 你是个淘气的男生
[02:40:00] You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
[02:43:00] 你是个淘气的男生
[02:43:00] You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
[02:47:00] 你是个淘气的男生
[02:47:00] You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
[02:51:00] 你是个淘气的男生
[02:51:00] You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
[02:55:00] 你是个淘气的男生
[02:55:00] You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
[02:58:00] 你是个淘气的男生
[02:58:00] You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
[03:02:00] 你是个淘气的男生
[03:02:00] You"ve been naughty
[03:05:00] 你是个淘气的男生

Naughty - Gwen Stefani


Gwen Stefani-Naughty的QQ空间背景音乐外链:

歌曲Gwen Stefani-Naughty的MP3下载地址来源于网络分享,复制链接或者右键链接另存为即可下载MP3音乐,同时网站提供Gwen Stefani-Naughty的QQ空间背景音乐歌曲链接,把这首歌曲的MP3链接地址推荐给你的朋友,可以让他们免费获得本歌曲音乐外链。


Naughty - Gwen Stefani
Uh oh I see you hide behind
your glasses see you love the shade
你的眼神 你喜欢阴影
Shady so long that mister shady is your name
你已经在阴影中待了许久 别人都喊你阴影先生
Shipping it off contain it seal it rip up the receipt
将对你的好感抛开 封存 破碎
But somehow it always finds its way right back to me
Thinking that nobody nobody knows
But I got your number I got your codes
我得到了你的号码 也知道你的密码
This ain"t the first time at the rodeo hello
You"re sliding you slide on a slippery slope
你在逐步堕落 在滑坡上摇摇欲坠
Karma police I"m on patrol
我如命运警察般 伺机而动
Got my gun loaded I"m ready to go I"m dope
我将枪装上弹药 做好了出发的准备 神采奕奕
You see this finger wagging wagging at you
The naughty naughty things you do
You did it you did it and then you hid it hid it
我都知道 之后你就掩盖住了
You see this finger wagging wagging at you
The naughty naughty things you do
You did it you did it and then you hid it admit it
我都知道 之后你就掩盖住了 你就承认吧
You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
I think there"s something
that you might perhaps forgot to say
Locked in the closet but it never goes away
你埋在了心中 但是它们永远都不会消失
No matter how hard you try
you"re never washing out the stain
Because you"re addicted so addicted to the shame
Thinking that nobody nobody knows
But I got your number I got your codes
我得到了你的号码 也知道你的密码
This ain"t the first time at the rodeo hello
You"re sliding you slide on a slippery slope
你在逐步堕落 在滑坡上摇摇欲坠
Karma police I"m on patrol
我如命运警察般 伺机而动
Got my gun loaded I"m ready to go I"m dope
我将枪装上弹药 做好了出发的准备 神采奕奕
You see this finger wagging wagging at you
The naughty naughty things you do
You did it you did it and then you hid it hid it
我都知道 之后你就掩盖住了
You see this finger wagging wagging at you
The naughty naughty things you do
You did it you did it and then you hid it admit it
我都知道 之后你就掩盖住了 你就承认吧
You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
You try to sneak it hide it and seek it
Put it in the past try to antique it
Dirty secrets you tried to clean it
Put one over fast but you can"t bleach it
想要改头换面 却没那么容易
You see this finger wagging wagging at you
The naughty naughty things you do
You did it you did it and then you hid it hid it
我都知道 之后你就掩盖住了
You see this finger wagging wagging at you
The naughty naughty things you do
You did it you did it and then you hid it admit it
我都知道 之后你就掩盖住了 你就承认吧
You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
You"ve been naughty uh huh uh
You"ve been naughty

爱好歌音乐网提供Gwen Stefani-Naughty的MP3音乐在线试听下载,Naughty的QQ空间背景音乐外链。
